HOLANDA ALEX CFE103 Module4 ContextEngageActivities

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CFE 103


MODULE 4 – Context/Engage Activities
Saint Louis University
Baguio City
First Semester, AY 2020-2021, CLUSTER 2

NAME: HOLANDA, ALEX B. Date of Submission: 11/13/20


To engage yourself in our last (4th) module (Doing Mission Today), kindly answer the
following activities per unit:


UNIT 1: Nature of Today's Missionary Context

Changes in our situation lead to corresponding changes in our thinking and behavior
(although the reverse is also true). This is our natural human reaction to what happens
around us because adjustment is a key to survival. If things around us change but we
remain the same, we become irrelevant or obsolete and largely ineffective in dealing
with new problems that require new solutions, new mindset, and new ways of doing
For your activity, identify and describe an important event in your community or in the
society in general that has changed the way people behave or think or live. Describe
also the change brought about by the event. (15 points)

Identify the Event – Date, Time, Place, Name, Theme, or any initial details of the
event: (5 points)

 The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new

strain of coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the
outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. On 30 January 2020, the
Philippine Department of Health reported the first case of COVID-19 in the
country with a 38-year-old female Chinese national. On 7 March, the first local
transmission of COVID-19 was confirmed. WHO is working closely with the
Department of Health in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Describe the effect of the event in not more than 9 sentences: (10 points)
 COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has affected day to day life and is slowing down the
global economy. This pandemic has affected thou-sands of peoples, who are
either sick or are being killed due to the spread of this disease. The most
common symptoms of this viral infection are fever, cold, cough, bone pain
and breathing problems, and ultimately leading to pneumonia. This, being a
new viral dis-ease affecting humans for the first time, vaccines are not yet
avail-able. Thus, the emphasis is on taking extensive precautions such as
extensive hygiene protocol, social distancing, and wearing of masks, and so
on. Countries are banning gatherings of people to the spread and break the
exponential curve. Many countries are locking their population and enforcing
strict quarantine to control the spread of the havoc of this highly

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CFE 103
MODULE 4 – Context/Engage Activities
Saint Louis University
Baguio City
First Semester, AY 2020-2021, CLUSTER 2

communicable disease.COVID-19 has rapidly affected our day to day life,

businesses, disrupted the world trade and movements. Identification of the dis-
ease at an early stage is vital to control the spread of the virus because it very
rapidly spreads from person to person.

UNIT 2: Mission and Culture

Watch the attached video clip (Ethnocentrism Examples | Animated Review)
from Module 4 folder in the classwork section. Answer the following questions:
(15 points)
1. Can you relate with some elements of the video? Why? Why not?
(explain in 6 sentences) [7 points]
 Yes, at some point I can relate with some elements in the video clip,
especially on the advantages of ethnocentrism. For example, one of
the advantages of ethnocentrism is that it boosts our confidence and
pride on our own culture. At some point in my life, insecurities always
bring down my confidence but some people told me that I am
handsome, better, or smarter than other people so I don’t have to feel
ashamed of myself. I am aware that it shouldn’t be like that because it is
bad to feel happy when we think bad of other people, but it somehow
lessen my insecurities and negative feelings. Also, there are some point
that we are aware of some tradition and culture but when we see it on
our daily basis without celebrating anything about it, we think of it like
it’s weird or it’s not normal. For example, wearing traditional clothes for
daily basis and not normal thing that everyone used to, like civilian

2. Why is it that we often look at the culture of others as inferior to our

own? Explain your answer in 7 sentences. [8 points]
 Actually, in our race, Filipino, we don’t actually look at ourselves superior
from others because we idolize western countries. We are victims of
imperialism that is why we develop this mentality that western culture is
better. From skin color, food we eat, the language we speak, and other
products that claims to be superior if we have it. We actually have our
own identity to be proud of but we can’t see it and we wanted to be
like the ones we idolize. But if we narrow down in Philippines’s context,
we can also see how people degrade other cultures. For example, this
government are oppressing Lumad yet they are still part of this country,
and must have equal rights just like any other people in this country.

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CFE 103
MODULE 4 – Context/Engage Activities
Saint Louis University
Baguio City
First Semester, AY 2020-2021, CLUSTER 2

Other example is that, I am from region one and the culture is different
from Cordillera, as an educated student, I would rather understand
people and look for other way not to offend other and in that way we
can break the norms, the chain of ethnocentrism.

UNIT 3: Mission and Ecology

You are familiar with so much destruction of the environment everywhere in
the world, especially in poorer countries in Asia and in Africa. Describe here a
movie or a video about ecological destruction that made a lasting impression
on you because of its message. Afterwards, list ten titles of movies, videos, or
video clips about the environment that you like best. [30 points]

1. Title of the movie or a video about ecological destruction (please

indicate the URL if it is available) [3 points]:

The Day After Tomorrow

2. Describe your key takeaways from the movie/video [Use 3 bullet points,
and introduce each bullet with a key word or idea. Write down only one
point or idea for each bullet. [4 points for each bullet – total of 12
 A.
A dystopian movie that shows the extreme condition of weather on the
planet. These extreme are not just some high magnitude earthquake, a
very strong typhoon. It is much more than that because it shows really
exaggerated weather. This is due to climate change and global

 B.
I watched it during my elementary days and it really woke my sense up
and became curious about the condition of the environment. In the
same year, I also learned how critical the situation has been. There were
holes in ozone layer and I became really scared.
 C.
Years after, there had been so many conspiracies that the earth will
explode and about the end of the world. I was so scared that I will woke
up in the morning with wild fires everywhere, snow storm making
everything looks like inside of freezer. Because of that, I started making

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CFE 103
MODULE 4 – Context/Engage Activities
Saint Louis University
Baguio City
First Semester, AY 2020-2021, CLUSTER 2

small steps in saving environment as a small child. By simply not throwing

garbage everywhere.
3. Five titles of movies, videos, or video clips about the environment that
you like best. (Kindly indicate the URL or your source if it is available) [3
points each – total of 15 points]
No. 1 – An Inconvenient Truth

No. 2 – Avatar

No. 3 – The Road

No. 4 – 2012

No. 5 – Wall - E

Prepared by:
Dr. Rico C. Jacoba
Religion Department, STELA-SLU

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