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AccurateNaNs = False
AdapterRumble0 = True
AdapterRumble1 = True
AdapterRumble2 = True
AdapterRumble3 = True
AudioLatency = 20
AudioStretch = True
AudioStretchMaxLatency = 80
AutoFrameSkip = 1
FrameSkip = 0x00000003
CPUCore = 4
CPUThread = True
CustomRTCValue = 0x386d4380
DPL2Decoder = False
EmulationSpeed = 1.0
EnableCheats = True
EnableCustomRTC = False
EnableSignatureChecks = True
FPRF = False
Fastmem = True
FrameRate = 0x00000005
GFXBackend = Vulkan
GPUDeterminismMode = False
JITFollowBranch = True
Overclock = 1.0
OverclockEnable = False
OverrideGCLang = True
RunCompareClient = False
RunCompareServer = False
SIDevice0 = 6
SIDevice1 = 0
SIDevice2 = 0
SIDevice3 = 0
SelectedLanguage = 0
SerialPort1 = 255
SimulateKonga0 = False
SimulateKonga1 = False
SimulateKonga2 = False
SimulateKonga3 = False
SkipIPL = True
SlotA = 8
SlotB = 255
SyncGPU = False
SyncGpuMaxDistance = 220000
SyncGpuMinDistance = -220000
SyncGpuOverclock = 2.5
SyncOnSkipIdle = False
TimerHack = True
TimingVariance = 40
WiiKeyboard = False
WiiSDCard = False
WiimoteContinuousScanning = False
WiimoteEnableSpeaker = False
FastDiscSpeed = False
# Add memory patches to be loaded once on boot here.
# Add memory patches to be applied every frame here.
Infinite HP(Basara 2 Heroes) [ZiT]
04247BBC 907E0500
Infinite BASARA Gauges(Basara 2 Heroes) [ZiT]
04247908 901F098C
# Add action replay cheats here.
Infinite HP(Basara 2 Heroes) [ZiT]
04247BBC 907E0500
Infinite BASARA Gauges(Basara 2 Heroes) [ZiT]
04247908 901F098C
PerfQueriesEnable = False
EFBToTextureEnable = True
EFBAccessEnable = False
EFBEmulateFormatChanges = False
EFBScaledCopy = False
ImmediateXFBEnable = False
XFBToTextureEnable = True
ForceFiltering = False
ArbitraryMipmapDetection = True
DisableCopyFilter = False
SafeTextureCacheColorSamples = 128
StereoConvergence = 732
Enabled = False
PermissionAsked = False
Enabled = False
Backend = OpenSLES
CaptureLog = False
DumpAudio = False
DumpAudioSilent = False
DumpUCode = False
EnableJIT = True
Volume = 100
DisableScreenSaver = True
Fullscreen = False
FullscreenDisplayRes = Auto
KeepWindowOnTop = False
RenderToMain = False
RenderWindowAutoSize = False
RenderWindowHeight = 480
RenderWindowWidth = 640
LoopReplay = True
ColumnBanner = True
ColumnDescription = False
ColumnFileName = False
ColumnID = False
ColumnNotes = True
ColumnPlatform = True
ColumnRegion = True
ColumnSize = True
ColumnTags = False
ColumnTitle = True
ListAustralia = True
ListDrives = False
ListElfDol = True
ListFrance = True
ListGC = True
ListGermany = True
ListItaly = True
ListJap = True
ListKorea = True
ListNetherlands = True
ListPal = True
ListRussia = True
ListSort = 3
ListSortSecondary = 0
ListSpain = True
ListTaiwan = True
ListUnknown = True
ListUsa = True
ListWad = True
ListWii = True
ListWorld = True
ISOPaths = 0
RecursiveISOPaths = False
ShowFrameCount = False
ShowLag = False
BackgroundInput = False
ConfirmStop = True
DebugModeEnabled = False
ExtendedFPSInfo = False
HideCursor = False
OnScreenDisplayMessages = True
PauseOnFocusLost = False
ShowActiveTitle = True
ThemeName = Clean
UseBuiltinTitleDatabase = True
UsePanicHandlers = False
DumpFrames = False
DumpFramesSilent = False
PauseMovie = False
ShowInputDisplay = False
ShowRTC = False
SSLDumpPeerCert = False
SSLDumpRead = False
SSLDumpRootCA = False
SSLDumpWrite = False
SSLVerifyCertificates = True
AspectRatio = 3
DisableFog = False
EnableGPUTextureDecoding = False
EnablePixelLighting = False
FastDepthCalc = False
SafeTextureCacheColorSamples = 128
ShaderCompilationMode = 0
ShowFPS = True
WaitForShadersBeforeStarting = False
SuggestedAspectRatio = 2
wideScreenHack = True
BackendMultithreading = True
InternalResolution = 100
Language = 1
PAL60 = True
ProgressiveScan = False
Screensaver = False
SensorBarPosition = 1
SensorBarSensitivity = 40920036
SpeakerVolume = 33
Widescreen = True
WiimoteMotor = True
JitBranchOff = False
JitFloatingPointOff = False
JitIntegerOff = False
JitLoadStoreFloatingOff = False
JitLoadStoreOff = False
JitLoadStorePairedOff = False
JitOff = False
JitPairedOff = False
JitSystemRegistersOff = False




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