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Di dalam satu Mesyuarat Pengurusan Sekolah Menengah Delima, pengetua dan guru-guru telah sebulat suara bersetuju meminta jasa baik Guru Penyelaras ICT untuk memberikan kursus pendedahan penggunaan email kepada guru-guru dan staf sempena bulan ICT. Andaikan anda adalah Guru Penyelaras ICT di sekolah tersebut dan bersetuju untuk mengadakan taklimat. Taklimat yang bakal anda laksanakan akan merangkumi aktiviti seperti berikut:


Cara Menghantar E-mail

3.1 3.2 One to one One to many

Welcome to Institut Aminuddin Baki one to one; Langkah 1

Masukkan nama pengguna dan kata laluan, sebagai contoh ; Username: norali Password : nombor kad pengenalan Klik pada butang Sign in

one to one; Langkah 2

klik pada kotak compose mail

one to one; Langkah 3

Tulis alamat email penerima Tulis Perkara / Tajuk Bahan yang hendak dihantar Tulis kata-kata aluan dan tindakan yang perlu dilakukan oleh Sipenerima

one to one; Langkah 3

Tulis alamat email penerima Tulis Perkara / Tajuk Bahan yang hendak dihantar Tulis kata-kata aluan dan tindakan yang perlu dilakukan oleh Sipenerima

one to one; Langkah 4

klik butang send

Kaedah hantar email one to many; Ulangi Langkah 1 hingga 3 one to one; kemudian klik butang Add Cc

Klik butang Add Cc

Add Cc
In e-mail, the abbreviation Cc ( carbon copy) indicates those who are to receive a copy of a message addressed primarily to another. The list of CCed recipients is visible to all other recipients of the message.

Add Bcc
In e-mail, the abbreviation Bcc( blind carbon copy) field is available for hidden notification; recipients listed in the BCC field receive a copy of the message, but are not shown on any other recipient's copy (including other BCC recipients). It is considered good practice to indicate to the other recipients that a new participant has been added to the list of receivers (e.g. by writing "I have CCed Rudolf Grabner").

Blind carbon copy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the context of correspondence, blind carbon copy (abbreviated Bcc:) refers to; the practice of sending a message to multiple recipients in such a way that conceals the fact that there may be additional addressees from the complete list of recipients. This concept originally applied to paper correspondence and now also applies to email. With email recipients of a message are specified using addresses in any of these three fields: To: Primary recipients Cc: Carbon copy to secondary recipientsother interested parties Bcc: Blind carbon copy to tertiary recipients who receive the message without anyone else (including the To, Cc, and Bcc recipients) seeing who the tertiary recipients are. It is common practice to use the Bcc: field when addressing a very long list of recipients, or a list of recipients that should not (necessarily) know each other, e.g. in mailing lists.

In common usage, the To field recipients are the primary audience of the message, CC field recipients are others whom the author wishes to publicly inform of the message, BCC field recipients are those surreptitiously being informed of the communication. Additionally, an LCC field (for "List Courtesy Copy') is available for e-mail distribution lists that, like BCC, hides the full recipient list but, unlike BCC, alerts recipients that other unnamed members of the list have been included in the distribution.[

Tulis alamat email penerima yang lainnya.

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