Reviewer in MAPEH 5 1st Periodical

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Reviewer in MAPEH 5

(1st Periodical Exam)

Music- Musical notes and Common Time Signatures

In Part I, you will write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
Part II, you will draw the musical notes.

Read and review, I know that you can do it!

1. A half note is equivalent to 2 beats.
This is true. A half note receives 2 beats. T

2. Rhythm is important in music.

This is true. Rhythm is one of the important elements in music. T

3. The common time signatures are 2/4 and ¾ only.

This is false. The common time signatures are 2/4, ¾ and 4/4. F.

4. A whole note receives 1 beat.

This is false. A whole note receives 4 beats. F

5. Notes and rests are important in music. It is a musical language.

This is true. T

II. Try to answer this review activity. PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

6. Half Note-

7. Quarter Note-

8. Quarter Rest-

9. Eighth Note-

10. Whole Note-

Kinds of Notes and their Time Value
Notes are musical symbols that represent sound. In the table below, study the different
kinds of notes and their duration.

Name Symbol Time Value

Whole note 4 beats

Half note 2 beats

Quarter note 1 beat

Eighth note ½ beat

Sixteenth note ¼ beat

Kinds of Rests and their Time Value

Just like notes, there are also different kinds of rests each with a corresponding time
value. Whenever you see a rest symbol in a musical composition, it signals you to pause or take a
quick breath in music. Below are the kinds of rest and their corresponding time value.

Name Symbol Time Value

Whole rest 4 beats of silence

Half rest 2 beats of silence

Quarter rest 1 beat of silence

Eighth rest ½ beat of silence

Sixteenth rest ¼ beat of silence

The time value of a note can also change because of the use of dots. A dot, when placed
after a note or rest, increases the time value or duration of the note or rest by half of its original

 Notes are musical symbol for sound.
 Rests are musical symbols for silence.
 A dot, when placed beside a note or rest, increases the time value or duration of the
note or rest by half of their original value.
 It is important to observe the correct duration of each note and rest in music.

Arts- Techniques in Drawing

I. Choose
word bank the correctHATCHING
answer and write
it on the line.

1. This is done by drawing a series of thin lines in the same direction.


2. This is done by creating values with dots.


3. This is done by smoothly drawing dark values little by little and applying
pressure on the drawing medium.
4. This is done by drawing lines that crisscross each other.

5. These are tangible objects made by people in the past.


II. Write TRUE or FALSE.

Read and try to understand every item.
6. Lines are important when it comes to drawing. TRUE
7. Black and white are the only colors. FALSE
8. Sketching is a must to an artist. TRUE
9. In the past, arts are already discovered. Old houses, clothes and painting are
considered artifacts. TRUE
10. The Chinese people influenced the Filipinos to trade and sell products.

Physical Education- Physical Fitness and its Components

What is Physical Fitness?
Physical fitness involves the performance of the heart and
lungs, and the muscles of the body. And, since what we do with our
bodies also affects what we can do with our minds, fitness influences to
some degree qualities such as mental alertness and emotional stability.

To achieve a healthy body or to be fit, you must know and have

these components:


Balance and Coordination- Balance is the ability to stay upright

or stay in control of body movement while coordination is the
ability to move two or more body parts under control, smoothly
and efficiently.
Agility- is the ability to rapidly change body direction, accelerate,
or decelerate.

Speed and Reaction Time- It refers to the speed at which an

athlete responds to an external stimulus. Reaction time relates
directly to agility but is a smaller component of physical fitness.
Reaction time relates to performance because it is used frequently
in various sporting scenarios.

Muscular Endurance and Strength- Muscular strength is the

amount of force you can put out or the amount of weight you can
lift. Muscular endurance is how many times you can move that
weight without getting exhausted (very tired).

Body Composition- Body Composition is used to describe the

percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies. The body fat
percentage is of most interest because it can be very helpful in
assessing health.

Flexibility- is the ability to move muscles and joints through a full

normal range of motion (ROM). Flexibility helps performance,
posture, promotes efficient movement, prevents incorrect body
alignment, maintains appropriate muscle length and balance and
also decreases injury risk.

Power- is the ability to overcome resistance in the shortest period

of time leading to the ability to produce higher velocities against a
given load.

Here are some examples of Physical Fitness Tests (PFT) and its
correct match of components.
1. Standing long jump- Flexibility
2. Shoulder stretch- Flexibility
3. Shuttle run- Speed
4. V-seat- Flexibility
5. Curl-ups- Muscular Endurance and Strength
6. Swimming- Muscular Endurance, Strength and Speed
7. Push-ups- Muscular Endurance and Strength
8. Volleyball- Agility, Speed and Coordination
9. Dodgeball- Agility and Speed
10. Ruler test- Speed and Reaction time


Let’s Go!
Let’s go and discuss some of the mental, emotional and social concerns that also affect
children your age.

1. Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety, also called social phobia, is not shyness. It is a condition where
excessive self-consciousness goes beyond common shyness. People with social anxiety
are so terrified about what others will do or say about them.

2. Mood Swings
It is natural to experience different moods in one day because of different
experiences from morning until night. However, if mood changes already harms
relationships and seriously interferes with daily activities, one may need to be checked by
a professional.
This extreme shift of ups and downs makes it difficult for the person to enjoy a
good quality of life. As a result, they have unexpected changes in behavior and have
difficulty concentrating, sleeping, or eating.

3. Teasing
Teasing is a subtle type of bullying. It affects a person’s self-confidence because
she or he feels humiliated by the hurtful things that other people say or do,
especially in front of other people.
4. Bullying
Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behavior that is repeated or has the
tendency to be repeated over time.

5. Harassment
Psychological harassment or abuse harms children’s development into
healthy adults. Examples of this is when others call you names, yells, threatens,
and swears at you, and ignores or excludes you from meaningful events and
activities. Since it can be frightening. It destroys relationships with others
especially one’s self worth.

6. Physical Abuse
Part of it is hitting, beating, throwing, choking, burning, biting, pinching,
and shaking.

Prepared by:

Teacher Noelle

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