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ARREST IN PEACE THE CASE : The dead body of a 3rd year CSE student was found in room no.

114 of ITM University ,Gurgaon.The deceased,named Sam, was found leaned against the wall, along with a suicide note. The weapon used for death was found in his right hand.Police has registered it as a case of suicide. STATEMENTS 1. SECURITY GUARD :

It never really looked like a normal day.I generally have my duty at the gate,and thats where I love working.People come and go,its quite nice interacting with them.Good way to pass your time. But my boss can create a nuisance for me sometimes,shifting my duty to awkward places.You tell me sir,what can a security guard possibly have to do with gardens and flowers.Yet,there I was,all morning,stamping the wet flower beds with my foot all day,just so that some sick gardener could

grow stupid plants.I went in at around 11 oclock,all tired by my morning effort,and the guy tells me to patrol the first floor.I tell you,the boss has hated me ever since my arrival into this college. I left for my duty immediately of course,so that the old boy does not get angry.While passing through the corridor,I saw a boy using his cellphone.He did not notice me,as I watched from the window of the closed door.So I call him out,and who else could it be but Sam.I have caught that little brat( may his soul be blessed) talking over the phone

more than once.We have had a few confrontations before,but none really serious.He always used to call me a thief.God knows how he came to know about my life before I came here,but it angered me to no end.He came out,I told him to hand over his mobile,but unlike previous occasions,this time he refused to give me his phone.He said it was a very serious matter,and he really needed the phone.So I asked him to hand me over his i-card,which he promptly did.I then told him to wait for me in the room,and I went to

security office,to go to boss,and ask him what to do with the boy.I did not find boss in his office,and after some contemplation,I myself wrote an application to the boy and went back to him.On my way,while passing over room 122,I saw boss in quite a heated conversation with a boy.I once thought of going to him and telling him about what I had done,but then thought otherwise.You would appreciate my decision if you knew the kind of anger my boss possesses .So,I went back to room 114,handed him over the letter I had

written,and started patrolling the floor once again.It was after some time,that I again took a stroll to that corridor,and saw a boy turn into the corridor just as I did.It was the same boy whom my boss had just recently been involved with in a chat.I was not amazed to see him,as boss had just passed me in the opposite corridor,about 5 minutes ago. He was in quite a hurry,moving to room 133,I gathered.A teacher had called him and that must have saved this boy,who had been suffering his wrath since

the past 1 hour,as I have been told. So, going back to where I was.I saw this boy in the corridor,and he saw me.He walked towards room 114,and so did I,from the opposite direction.He suddenly opened the door to the wretched room,and gave a shout.I was nearly at the door too,moved immediately,to see what he saw.I saw poor Sam lying dead in a pool of blood. I then tried to do,what I was supposed to do,holding the boy back,while trying to start the camera of my phone,to click pictures for the

police.The most sensible thing to do,they told me.But then I lost control of the boy, and he ran towards the body, must have been his dear friend. 2. TEACHER : Yes,I was the teacher for his last lecture. I teach them WC,and am in CSE department.Nothing much happened during my lecture.The kid looked happy,although I cannot say that he definitely was,since I did not talk to him even once during the entire lecture.I distributed their sessional exam sheets and

allowed them to come to me in case of any doubt.Some sheets were still left unchecked,I checked them.I distinctly remember that Sams sheet was one of them.He got really good marks. I gave him his answer sheet and rested for some time.There really was nothing to do,as I had left all my stuff,even my purse at the staff room.Cannot bring all your stuff,with so many sessional sheets in your hands.Theres nothing more to tell really,he looked quite well in my class,I

collected the sheets in the end,and left the classroom. 3. GIRLFRIEND : This has really come out as a shock.I cannot believe he killed himself.I left the classroom,with other children.Sam and me had not been on talking terms for quite some time now.I really loved him,and he loved me more than one could imagine.He was very possessive too.But,he had a lot of financial problems.and was going the wrong way,in his life,to be truthful.I tried to persuade

him to change,but he just could not,no matter how hard he tried. Some chap had threatened to kill him if Sam was unable to return his money that day.That is when I decided it was time to call it quits. I sent him a message and told him I wanted to break up.He said he could not live without me,and immediately sent me his picture saying sorry.Then he said he really would die if I left him.I tried to convince him that break up was the only option,but he just would not listen.It was then that I messaged him to say that I was coming to talk to him.I went

to room 114,we talked for about 5 minutes.Surprisingly enough,he said he would talk to me after some time.Never has he ignored me before.I left him in a state of anger.Then I received this message from him,and was left in tears.I nearly choked on reading what he wrote,but somehow kept my faith in him.I wanted to go back and talk to him,but I saw a guard looking in at his room,and I decided to talk to him later. I was just passing the staff room to go downstairs when our WC teacher,who had just come out from staff

room,moving into the corridor ,asked me what happened.I just could not say anything and ran downstairs,to my friend Namitha. 4. BOY (Rohit) : It is true that I had threatened Sam the other day.But trust me on one thing,I would never do something as horrible as this.If you think logically too,I am not an imbecile to threaten him openly,and then kill him too.I did not know him before I lended him the huge sum of 10k .It was on a friends recommendation.Anyways,there

I was,that wretched day,sitting in my classroom,early morning,wondering where to arrange 10k from.Actually,I gave Sam money,after borrowing it from someone else.It was only when that guy threatened to kill me if I was unable to return his money the next day,that I threatened Sam with the same.The next day arrives and he dies.My hard luck.He had messaged me in the morning that he would be returning my money.My happiness knew no bounds when I read his message.I saw his timetable to

find out when he was free,and went back to class.It was very unfortunate that the head of security caught me in my so called illegal act,just in the previous lecture,and stretched his conversation to the next lecture.How I wished he would just leave and let me go to Sam to get my money.I ran to room 114 as soon as he left,for they had a class there just the previous lecture.Cannot think of anything else,when money is involved,can weThough,I had little hopes of finding him there since his break had started quite

a while ago.The rest is as the security guard told you. 5. Head of Security Office : I have never liked that person( security guard).How can someone possibly appoint an ex conman to be a security guard in such a prestigious institution.Still,cant deny a recommendation from the dean himself.But I have never trusted this man,always in need of money.Never have I seen such a greedy man.I would not be surprised,if he killed the poor student.

6. FRIENDS ( DK and Sunny) : It is true that we were his closest friends.We were just like brothers.The incident has really shocked us.We always knew that he loved the girl enough to die for her,but we never expected it to happen.Also,he had looked so cheerful the entire day.He had said that his money problems would be a thing of the past,soon enough.But his most exceptional achievement had been his ability to leak a question paper in ITMU.We could hardly believe it when we saw the same

questions appear in the exam that he had told us.His genius was such that he somehow managed to talk to the teacher about the question paper,in front of the entire class.They had generated a ciphertext amongst themselves,and that,he said was the way to go when you wanted to do something private.It has never been a secret to anyone of us that the teacher had been in need of money.I remember how we chatted in the lecture before he died.He just refused to give his answer sheet to anyone.Only two of use knew why,and we

winked at him.May he get more papers leaked is what we prayed.He generally goes with us during the break,but that day he decided to stay back.Not surprising now though,since he planned to kill himself. If only I(dk) was there,I would have somehow made him see sense.But both of us sat quietly in a room on the ground floor,talking to friends.Altough,I (dk) did come upstairs once to take my pen back from the teacher.I had given it to her during the previous lecture.I found her ,sure enough,outside

the staff room.She nearly freaked out on seeing me,quite a nervous person,poor lady.The guard ,who was talking to her calmed her down,and I went back after taking my pen from her.Had I known that something was about to happen,I would have gone straight to him.

7. POLICE : The police has declared it to be a case of suicide.Police officials say that the boy killed himself,as his girlfriend broke up with him. Poor girl,cried her heart out when she

received his message saying that he would either kill himself if she did not come back to him,or would tell her secret to everyone,so that she kills herself. The gun found in his hand has been confirmed to be the weapon used.Police says that the boy shot himself right through his heart,and died instantly. Heart is equally sensitive as the brain.The boy perhaps knew that shooting at heart gives instant and least painful death,and so he shot himself there said the doctor.The boy also left a suicide

note,though it does not reveal much. There was such a large number of these guns sold illegaly at cheap rates during last year in a racket,that it would be stupid to even think that the gun was licensed. They do not make a noise too,silencers are smartly installed within them People tend to keep guns with them for various reasons,women for security,men for fun.What they do not realize is the threat they pose to themselves when they have a gun at hand. Said a senior officer.

The bullet was shot from not more than 2 inches away from the heart,and the impact killed the boy instantly.

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