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STUDENT’S NO. : 209005537

This report is submitted to the Department of Geology and Petroleum Studies in partial
fulfillment for the requirements of the award of Bachelor of Science Degree in Petroleum
Geoscience and Production at Makerere University.

24th/ SEPT/ 2012

I Mulondo Denis, the undersigned, do declare to the best of my knowledge that the
information presented in this report is my own and has not been presented before for any
academic award at any level, in any institution.

Signature……………………………… Date……………………………………

Mulondo Denis

This report has been submitted for examination with my authority as the project coordinator:

Signature………………………………… Date……………………………………

Dr. Kevin Aanyu (Project coordinator)

I dedicate this piece of work to my mum Ms Nakiyini Janet.

First and foremost, let me take this opportunity to dearly thank the almighty God for the
protection, guidance and wisdom he has bathed me with enabling me climb this high in my

I’m also very grateful to the head of department of Geology and Petroleum Studies, Dr. John
Vienny Tiberindwa for his tireless effort to ensure that the field mapping exercise, amid
financial constraints, was carried out and completed successfully.

My deepest gratitude goes towards the entire staff of the department of Geology and
Petroleum Studies for the knowledge and support they have given me since I joined this
institution. I extend my sincere thanks to the field supervisors; Dr. Immaculate Ssemanda, Dr.
Kevin Aanyu, Dr. Betty Nagudi and Mr. Lauben Twinomujuni for sacrificing their golden
time in order to give us a hands-on field guide ensuring maximum acquisition of skills and
basics of geological mapping of the sediments; thank you so much.

Mr.Wachaya and Mr. Enoch who endeavored to provide housing and food for the entire span
of the mapping exercise are thanked in advance.

Special thanks go to fellow group mates; Umar, Hildah, Namuli and Shem for their
encouragement, advice and perseverance during the acquisition of data (i.e logging and
measurements) in the scorching sun; their being very active and determination pushed me

Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow course mates for the discussions shared with me;
bless you god.

The Semliki study area is located in Ntoroko district and lies within the Albertine graben
South and East of the Lake Albert basin on shores. It is part of the Western arm of the East
African Rift System and is bounded by the eastern escarpment to the east and south and by
River Semliki to the west. Most of the roads in the study area are motorable as most of them
are getting tarmacked on the wake of the petroleum discoveries in the area for example the
Turaco wells.

The Albertine graben forms the Northern-most extension of the Western arm of the East
African Rift System (EARS). The Graben stretches from the border between Uganda and
Sudan in the north to Lake Edward in the south, a total distance of over 500km with a
variable width of 45 km. The Graben is a Cenozoic rift basin formed and developed on the
Precambrian orogenic belts of the African Craton. Rifting was initiated during the late
Oligocene/Early Miocene.

The Graben has undergone several tectonic episodes of both extensional and compressional
regimes. Evidence of stress regimes oblique and perpendicular to the boundary faults is seen
through the geometry and orientation of the fault systems defining the basins in the Graben.
But on a general scale, graben is an extensional basin formed when magma in form of
convectional plumes from the mantle forced its way into the brittle crust thus fracturing it;
displacement occurred as the hanging wall moved down normally relative to foot wall along
the fractures; this formed a deep basin about 5km deep in which the sediments were
deposited. The transfer fault (trending N800E) formed when the two synthetic normal faults
which were simultaneously active sensed each other.

The main deposits are of fluvial and lacustrine (mainly shallow) environments of deposition
which are products of weathering from the basement rocks of the Rwenzori block.
Sedimentation produced the probable source rocks (clay), sands of fine to medium size,
conglomeratic sandstones and clay with gypsum deposited along bedding planes and along
vertical fractures.

The presence of the various oil seeps suggests the availability in place of migration pathways;
the seeping is probably occurring along the fractures.

There are two main objectives of this fieldwork, namely:

 To study the environments and processes of deposition of sediments in the area.

 Understand physical sedimentological and sequence stratigraphical formations.


DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... i
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Study Area ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Regional Geology ............................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.0 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Materials ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Method/ Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER THREE .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.0 RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Lithology and Stratigraphy ............................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................. 32
4.0 DISCUSSION/ INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS ............................................................ 32
4.1 Facies and Depositional Environments ........................................................................................... 32
4.2 Geological History of the area ........................................................................................................ 33
4.3 The Petroleum System .................................................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................................................. 38
5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 38
5.1 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 38
5.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 38
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 39
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................... 40

Table 2.1: Materials used during the fieldwork in Semliki area. ............................................................ 9
Table 5.1: Strike and dip measurements of the joints in the study area. ............................................... 43
Table 5.2: Strike and dip measurements of the beds in the study area. ................................................ 43
Table 5.3: Strike and dip measurements of trough cross bedding in the study area. ............................ 44
Table 5.4: Strike and dip measurements of planar cross bedding in the study area. ............................. 44
Table 5.5: Strike and dip measurements of angular and tangential cross bedding. .............................. 45

Figure 1.1: Location and accessibility of the study area. ........................................................................ 2
Figure 1.2: The Rwenzori Mountain block overlooking the low-lying Semliki basin near Sempaya hot
springs. .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 1.3: Part of the sandy Kisegi formation with gypsum along fractures. ....................................... 4
Figure 1.4: Intrusion of magma leading to fracturing. ............................................................................ 5
Figure 1.5: The evolution of the Albertine graben (From Tullow internship guide). ............................. 6
Figure 1.6: Fracture of the relay ramp by a new transfer fault (after Gawthorpe and Hurst, 1993). ...... 7
Figure 1.7a: Sketch of Semliki plain. ...................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1.7b: Sketch of Semliki plain. ..................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3.1: Part of the syn-rift lithology (intercalations of sands and clays). ....................................... 14
Figure 3.2: A fractured acidic gneiss (pre-rift lithology). ..................................................................... 15
Figure 3.3a: Conglomeratic contact between the basement and the sediments. ................................... 16
Figure 3.3b: Conglomeratic contact between the basement and the sediments. ................................... 16
Figure 3.4: Stratigraphic log at the base of Kisegi (conglomeratic contact). ........................................ 17
Figure 3.5: The base of Kisegi Formation. ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 3.6: Stratigraphic log of lower Kisegi formation. ...................................................................... 19
Figure 3.7: Kakara and Kasande formation. ......................................................................................... 20
Figure 3.8: Foliation in the altered mica-rich gneiss............................................................................. 22
Figure 3.9: Joints in an acidic gneiss along the Ntoroko-Fort road cut. ............................................... 22
Figure 3.10: Vertical joints in sandstone along which gypsum precipitated. ....................................... 23
Figure 3.11a: A fault in basement rock of the Rwenzori block. ........................................................... 23
Figure 3.11b: Kichwamba fault. ........................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3.13: Distinct beds in an outcrop (differing by grain size and colour). ..................................... 25
Fig. 3.14a: Cross-beddings in fine sands at a section near the conglomeratic contact. ........................ 26
Fig. 3.14b: Cross-beddings in fine sands at a section near the conglomeratic contact. ........................ 26
Figure 3.15: Planar laminations in fine sand......................................................................................... 27
Figure 3.16: Ripple marks (marked red) in a section of Kasande formation. ....................................... 27
Figure 3.17: A continuous, intensely oxidized unconformity. .............................................................. 28
Figure 3.18: Soft sediment deformation structures. .............................................................................. 29
Figure 3.19: Load casts between the clays in Kakara formation. ......................................................... 29
Figure 3.20: A mud diapir that intruded into and overlain by sands. .................................................... 30
Figure 3.21: A sealing fault in a stratigraphic section near Kibuku oil seep. ....................................... 31
Figure 3.22: A fractured consolidated sandstone. ................................................................................. 31
Figure 4.1: Kibuku oil seep on a section along R. Kibuku channel. ..................................................... 34
Figure 4.2: Repetitive thick clays in a section part of Oluka formation. .............................................. 35
Figure 4.3: Sediment juxtaposition. ...................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4.4: Gypsum along bedding plane in Kisegi formation. ............................................................ 36
Figure 5.1: Basic lithology key. ............................................................................................................ 40
Figure 5.2: Symbols for logging sedimentary structures. ..................................................................... 40
Figure 5.3: Map of East African Rift system and the Albertine Graben. .............................................. 41
Figure 5.4: The Grain Size Scale. ......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 5.5: Rose diagram for tangential cross beds. ............................................................................. 46
Figure 5.6: Rose diagram for tabular cross beds. .................................................................................. 46
Figure 5.7: Rose diagram for bedding planes. ...................................................................................... 47

Figure 5.8: Rose diagram for trough cross bedding. ............................................................................. 47
Figure 5.9: Rose diagram for the combination of all measurements. ................................................... 48


Appendix One: Important figures ......................................................................................................... 40

Appendix Two: Measurements of structures ........................................................................................ 43
Appendix Three: Rose diagrams for the structures in the study area ................................................... 46
Appendix Four: All stratigraphic logs obtained from the study area .................................................... 49


The excursion to the Albertine graben area (western Uganda) is a field study intended for
students in order to help professionalize them in their line of study. It is a requirement that
every student of BSc. Petroleum Geoscience and Production carries out field mapping and
then write a full report about the project before they can graduate. It is tailored for students
who have successfully completed Year-III of the above mentioned programme. Through this
project which is run during recess term, students obtain their work experience; it is important
as it enables them to apply directly the knowledge obtained theoretically in lecture rooms to
field problems thus acquiring more knowledge, skills and experience in the field of Petroleum
Geoscience and Geology as a whole; it is purely a practical (hands-on) course. The project
was held within the Albertine graben; the target area being Semliki. The project involved
gathering raw data from the field, analysing of the data and thereafter writing up a report of
the findings.

1.1 Study Area

1.1.1 Location and Accessibility
The study area (Semliki area) lies in the western arm of the East African Rift System. Semliki
basin is located in Ntoroko district and lies within EA 3 in the Albertine graben. It covers the
southern part of L. Albert and the landward area (onshore) to the south of the lake. This
includes the eastern part of the flood plain of R. Semliki and L. Albert, known as the Semliki
flats, as well as the adjacent Toro plain, a slightly more elevated escarpment area to the east
of the flood plain. It is bounded by the escarpment to the east and south, and by rivers Lamia
and Semliki to the west. This area covers approximately 1200km2 (Fig. 1.1).

Figure 1.1: Location and accessibility of the study area.

From Kampala the road that leads to Ntoroko district is the Kampala-Fort Portal highway
which passes through Mubende district. This highway is an all-weather road, with tarmac and
is well maintained. Most of the roads in the study area are motorable and some are under
construction. There are several other feeder gravel roads within the study area, some of which
become almost in accessible during the rainy season.

1.1.2 Physiography
The physiography of the area is defined by the graben-bounding fault found on the eastern
flank of the rift, which overlooks the flood plain of the Semliki River. Much of this plain has
a flat or very gently undulating topography with savannah vegetation. The Blue Mountains of
DRC, which form the opposite (western) side of the graben at this point, are more highly
elevated than the eastern side.

The Rwenzori Mountains are seen to plunge northwards beneath the Semliki flats, with steep,
fault-controlled escarpments on both east and west sides of the north-north-easterly spur. The
topography of the Semliki basin is distinct from the rest of western Uganda largely because
of its lower elevation of about 650m above mean sea level compared with about 1650m for
the adjoining rift shoulders. In the Semliki basin, a major fault separates the Toro plain from
the Semliki flats (Lyoidah, 2006).

Figure 1.2: The Rwenzori Mountain block overlooking the low-lying Semliki basin near
Sempaya hot springs.

1.2 Regional Geology

1.2.1 Early Works
Harris et al. (1956) noted that escarpments bordering the Albertine rift and the Rwenzori
range are composed of metamorphic rocks of the Basement Complex. He divided the
sedimentary rocks within the flats into Kisegi, Kaiso and Epi-Kaiso beds, and also noted that
the following sequence of events took place:
 Faulting was initiated during Late Oligocene – Early Miocene.
 There was slow subsidence and deposition of Kisegi beds during Miocene – Pliocene.
 Great tectonic movements during the Upper Pliocene – Pleistocene led to depression
and tilting of the rift block and Kisegi beds.

Harris et al. (1956) also noted that gravity magnetic work showed a thickness of up to 2700m
while the deepest hole drilled was only up to 1400m. This implied that the stratigraphy of the
lower series is unknown. It was then realised and it still is that seismic surveys and deeper
drilling were inevitable.

A series of gravity and magnetic surveys have been undertaken. Harris et al. (1956) noted
that the major variation in Bouguer values occurred in the immediate vicinity of the rift
escarpment. The values become rapidly more negative on crossing into the rift. This has been
confirmed by the works of the Petroleum Exploration and Production Department.
Preliminary interpretation of the gravity and magnetic surveys that have just been recently
acquired in the Semliki basin indicate depths of up to 4500m.

Pickford and Senut (1994) wrote that the Kisegi-Nyabusozi region in the Semliki basin shows
a sedimentary sequence ranging in age from 13Ma to recent. They also noted that about
13Ma, Kisegi depression was an arid, shallow basin traversed by ephemeral streams and in
which gypsum pans or playas were formed.

Highly consolidated sandstone Gypsum

Figure 1.3: Part of the sandy Kisegi formation with gypsum along fractures.

1.2.2 Overview information about the Albert rift

The Albertine graben is bounded by NE-SW rift escarpments both on the eastern and western
sides. The graben is an extensional basin. Rifting here began during the mid-Tertiary period.
This intra-continental rifting is believed to have been caused by upwelling of magma plumes
in form of convectional currents from the upper mantle. Owing to this, the brittle crust heated
up and stretched resulting into crustal thinning and fracturing (Fig. 1.4).

Figure 1.4: Intrusion of magma leading to fracturing.

During the very first stages of rifting (incipient rifting), a shallow depression was formed
(Fig. 1.5). But with continued extension, the depression grew deeper as the hanging wall
sagged in forming the graben while the bounding blocks formed the escarpment; this type of
faulting is normal where the hanging wall moves down relative to the foot wall.

Figure 1.5: The evolution of the Albertine graben (From Tullow internship guide).

Note that where the continental crust is thinner and less stable, the heat flow is high favouring
hydrocarbon generation in areas of high geothermal gradients due to overpressure (Elements
of Petroleum Geology).

However, the NE-SW normal fault escarpment is not straight all through; it is offset through
a transfer fault which trends N800E i.e. almost E-W.

During the formation of the transfer fault, the major NE-SW trending normal fault was
displaced, forming two synthetic faults. The region/ zone of warping between the two
synthetic faults is originally not faulted; it is known as a relay ramp. The relay ramp is
fractured if the now two synthetic faults are simultaneously active. Together with the sagging
in of the hanging wall, the region raptures forming a breached relay ramp, and hence the
formation of the transfer fault (Fig. 1.6).

Figure 1.6: Fracture of the relay ramp by a new transfer fault (after Gawthorpe and
Hurst, 1993).

1.2.3 Formation of the Semliki basin

We dealt in particular with Semliki area; it is a generally flat land bounded by NE-SW
striking normal fault scarp in the east. To the north is Lake Albert. There are intra-
sedimentary faults in this area shown by break in slope. It is along some of these faults that
some rivers flow for example Rivers Kibuku and Semliki with drainage offsets that are most
likely fault-controlled.

Semliki basin is separated by a narrow horst, the non-volcanic Rwenzori Mountain, which
trends parallel to the graben border faults (NNE-SSW). The northernmost basins in this sector
are oriented NNE-SSW. However, the direction becomes NS in the southern part. Coherence
analysis of gravity and topography shows that the lithosphere has been weakened beneath the
faulted rift valleys, with brittle deformation developing at a depth of 0-31km in a relatively
strong lithosphere. Certain observers suggest that the style of extensional deformation may
have changed over time, beginning with a regionally distributed brittle deformation, followed
by preferential growth and development of the major border faults and antithetic/synthetic
faults within the collapsed hanging wall blocks. Maximum extension has occurred in the
central and north segment of the Albertine Graben. Maximum sediment thickness was
estimated to 4,630m in the central segment of the Albertine Graben (Semliki basin), which

compares well with that of 5km estimated from a gravity profile across the Semliki valley.
Though extension has been the main mode of deformation, there is also evidence of
compression, believed to represent localised inversion due to oblique extension observed in
the folds.

Figure 1.7a: Sketch of Semliki plain.

Figure 1.7b: Sketch of Semliki plain.



2.1 Materials
A number of geological equipments were used during the mapping exercise in the field
(Table 2.1).

Table 2.1: Materials used during the fieldwork in Semliki area.

Field notebook To record all field observations.

Geological hammer For breaking hard rock samples in order to

expose a fresh surface and/ or removing
weathered sediments in order to view clearly
the sediment boundaries and structures.
GPS For locating ourselves on the map, getting
location coordinates and altitude.
Brunton compass For making geologic measurements/ bearings
which included dip, strike and plunge (for
fold axis) of the various structures.
Base maps For locating ourselves on the map.
Satellite images These show different features such as
airstrip, drainage patterns and settlement so
were used to plan our movements.
Field safety gear For personal protection in the field.
Rack sacks To carry personal effects and rock samples to
be used for further examination in the
laboratory; each sample was numbered.
Digital camera To take pictures (with scale) of the various
rock types, structures and features of interest
observed in the field for future reference in
report writing. Image speaks a thousand
Tape measure For accurate measurement of thickness of
rock strata/ sediment beds while constructing
stratigraphic logs.
Hand lens To magnify finer grained hand rock samples.

Other equipments included; binoculars, graph book, panga, hoe, cell tape, marker, batteries,
spade, pens, pencils, erasers, water bottles, lunch box and mobile phones.

2.2 Method/ Procedure

In order to fulfill the objectives of the field work, namely: to identify the processes and
environments of deposition of sediments, and to understand physical sedimentological and
sequence stratigraphical formations in the area, we had to study the sediments, the basement
lithology and the structures in the area. We basically used stratigraphic logging and facies
analysis methods especially when dealing with stratigraphic sections assigned; my group was
assigned to log a section which is part of the Kisegi formation. Suitable places to find
exposed lithologic units were cliffs and road cuts.

2.2.1 Work on Lithology

 Take the GPS reading, note the altitude and establish a station.
 The study area is covered by both metamorphic and sedimentary rocks therefore the
lithology of the area was described using different features.
 Sedimentary rocks were described using the characteristics of the lithologic units (for
instance sorting, colour, grain size, grain shape, grading, grain fabric, sediment
maturity, primary and secondary structures among others); also the extent of the units
were noted and note if possible the dip of the beds.
 The grain size was determined using the grain size scale that we carried us with.
 Grain shape was determined by observing the sphericity and roundness of the grains/
clasts at the outcrops.
 Grading was determined by observing the variation of grain sizes within the section
and there after conclude whether the sequence is a coarsening-up or fining-up
sequence or negative(without grading).
 Sorting was investigated using both the unaided eye to determine whether the
sediments were poorly, moderately or well sorted.
 After the exercise above, give a name of the sediment type basing on the
characteristics and structures they posses.

 In the basement, rock types being dealt with were mostly high grade metamorphic and
igneous rocks; these were identified basing on characteristics such as banding for
gneisses, foliation, color of the constituent minerals, metamorphic grade, mineral
composition, texture, structures observed and/ or intrusions present such as xenoliths.
 Measurements of the dip and strike of the structures which included fractures and
foliation were taken using the Brunton compass.
 At every station, we took pictures of the rock types and/ or structures regarding our
study objectives.

2.2.2 Work on Structure

 A number of structures were encountered in both the stratigraphic sections as well as

in the metamorphic rocks such as joints, micro-faults, sealing faults, cross bed
especially trough beds, soft sediment deformation, ripple marks, ‘clay balls’ rolled up
within sandstone beds, mud diapir, truncation, banding and foliation among others.
 Measurements of dips and strike (for joints, beds, faults), and magnitude of
displacement (for faults) were recorded using a Brunton compass and tape measure
respectively. The trend of the beds was measured to determine the general trend of the
strata and hence formation whereas that of cross beds was measured to determine the
palaeo-current direction.
 The dips were obtained by placing the Brunton compass on its side against the
outcrop, with the small line level up on the selected bedding or planar surface that is
relatively smooth. The bottom of the Brunton has a small lever which controls the
attitude of the line level and the attached scale. With the compass resting against a
horizontal surface, this level and scale gives a dip of zero. While placed on a slope,
the lever on the back is adjusted until the bubble in the line level is centered. The dip
angle is then read off the Vernier scale opposite the line level.
 The strikes were obtained by holding the Brunton compass in a horizontal orientation,
and rotating it until the bull’s eye level is centered. The strike is then read off in the
northern quadrant (NE or NW).
 The two processes above were done for the measurement of strike and dip of foliation
and bedding planes.
 The readings that were recorded in the field note books were later sorted out at the
end of the fieldwork and used to plot Rose diagrams giving a general orientation of
the structures.

2.2.3 Logging and Facies Analysis

 Logging and facies analysis were done on sedimentary rocks. During logging, the
lowest point of the section was identified and the eroded soils (sediments) removed
using a hammer and a hoe to expose the sediment boundaries and structures clearly.
 Measure the thickness of each lithologic unit such as bed thickness using a tape
 Construct the stratigraphic log of the section from bottom to top (on scale) in the
graph book.
 Describe the possible processes and environments of deposition responsible for the
sedimentation, certain minerals (e.g. gypsum) and structures.
 During facies analysis, unique distinctive features that would differentiate different
lithologies were observed and these helped in identifying the periods of transgression
and regression, the type of depositional environments, changes in the palaeo-current
directions among others. Facies analysis was used to determine other characteristics
such as grain size, colour, sorting, porosity and permeability.

2.2.4 Determination of Palaeo-Current Direction

The palaeo-current direction was determined using planar cross-bedding. The direction is
given by the direction of maximum dip, since the direction of inclination of a plane of cross-
bedding coincides with the general direction of the palaeo-current responsible for the
deposition of the sediment(s).



3.1 Lithology and Stratigraphy

3.1.1 Introduction

Stratigraphy is the study of rock layers (also known as strata), particularly their succession
and age relations/ correlation to other rock layers. The term strata refer to planar units of rock
that were originally spread as sheets over a surface of accumulation. According to Bates et al,
1980, Stratigraphy refers to the arrangement of strata, especially as to geographic position
and chronologic order sequence. Stratigraphy not only concerns with the original succession
and age relations of the rock strata but also with their distribution, form, lithologic
composition, fossil content, geophysical and geochemical properties and their interpretation
in terms of provenance, depositional environment and geologic history.

Stratigraphy provides clues about the basin’s past; it also allows to predict what types of
rocks lie below the ground and to understand geologic processes. From the study area, the
mode of layering could be revealed. The depositions changed depending on the environment
prevailing at the time, thereby having intercalations of conglomeratic sandstones, sandstones
(friable), silts and clay (Fig. 5).
Stratigraphy relies on three principles to unveil the geologic history, these are;
i) Principle of original horizontality.
ii) Principle of superposition.
iii) Principle of cross-cutting relations.
The principle of original horizontality states that the sediments that form sedimentary rocks
are usually deposited in approximately horizontal sheets. This principle is invaluable for
reconstructing the basin’s depositional history because it allows geologists to distinguish
between undisturbed and deformed rock layers.

The principle of superposition states that in an undeformed sequence of strata, younger strata
lie on top of older strata. This principle results from the simple observation that new sediment
settles on top of previous deposits. Consequently, strata are deposited sequentially, sheet after

The principle of cross-cutting relations states that if a layer of rock is cut, for example, by a
fault or an intruding rock, then the cut rock must be older than the event or intrusion that cut
it; thus the mud diapir that intrudes sandstone unit in the study area is younger.

3.1.2 Lithology

The lithology of the study area is divided into two; the syn-rift and the pre-rift lithology

 The syn-rift lithology (Fig. 3.1) is basically the sediments that were deposited in the
basin by the rivers which were carrying the weathered detrital material from the
basement rocks of rift flanks and the Rwenzori block; they are mainly young

Cenozoic-Holocene clastic sediments. The sediments in the area are mainly fluvial,
lacustrine, alluvial and deltaic. They include sandstones, siltstones, claystones,
gypsum, conglomerates (both pebbly and cobbly) and ironstones. Once deposited,
sediments were subjected to processes of diagenesis bringing about compaction,
cementation and recrystallisation.

Figure 3.1: Part of the syn-rift lithology (intercalations of sands and clays).

 The pre-rift lithology is typically of the Basement complex, also known as the
gneissic-granulitic complex that forms the oldest rocks in Uganda which date back to
the Archean age about 2.6 Ga (Spooner et al, 1970). The basement rocks in Semliki
area are well exposed on the Rwenzori block. They are composed predominantly
high-grade metamorphic and igneous rocks of Pre-Cambrian age for example the
gneisses (Fig. 3.2). These rocks in most of the area are highly fractured and
brecciated. They also show foliation, folding and quartz veins.

Figure 3.2: A fractured acidic gneiss (pre-rift lithology).
3.1.3 Stratigraphy

The sediments mapped were divided into formations based on characteristics such as texture,
geometry and the degree of consolidation. The stratigraphy of the study area was constructed
from its basal part (Kibuku section along the Kibuku river valley). This section is generally
grey-coloured, poorly sorted conglomerate (pebbly) with a distinct contact with the
underlying metamorphic rocks. Above the conglomerate is easily crumbled, yellow, well
sorted and medium to fine-grained sandstone. The section is mainly composed of
intercalations of conglomeratic sandstones, low angle cross-bedded sandstones and pale grey
claystones which are blocky. The formations include:

 Kibuku Formation

Sediments of this formation were mapped on day three. It is close to the conglomeratic
contact (Fig. 3.3) between basement and sedimentary rocks; strikes N520W and dips 600NE.
The basement rocks are medium grained composed of shiny mica-rich gneisses, quartz and
weathered iron minerals (yellow in colour). The basement is cross cut by quartz veins and
some of them are displaced; one of the displaced veins (with orientation of N460W/ 580SW)
exhibits a micro dextral fault with a displacement of 6cm, and is fractured by probably the
same tectonic event responsible for faulting (basing on the stress direction). This basement is
altered, and weathers faster than the veins that is why the veins stick out. It has got three sets
of joints and the foliation trends N430E. It is therefore a metamorphic rock.

Figure 3.3a: Conglomeratic contact between the basement and the sediments.

The sediments are mostly intercalations of unconsolidated pebbly, moderately sorted with
good porosity and permeability, fine-medium grained sandstones, and thin beds of clayey silt.
The sandstone is coarsening upwards with lenticular and cross beds, hence was probably
deposited in a dynamic alluvial fan environment by fast moving streams on marginal fault
Conglomeratic Sediments (poorly
contact consolidated sands)

Figure 3.3b: Conglomeratic contact between the basement and the sediments.

Figure 3.4: Stratigraphic log at the base of Kisegi (conglomeratic contact).

 Kisegi Formation

Sediments of this formation that are close to the basement (i.e. lies on top of the
conglomeratic contact with the basement), east of River Kibuku, a seasonal river, and close to
the Kibuku oil seepage on northern termination of Rwenzori Mountains were mapped by my
group (group three). The formation is dipping in the NW-SE direction, with the overlying
beds being younger.

A stratigraphic section studied on the formation (Fig. 3.6) shows 13.5m of white-yellowish
brown, moderate to well sorted, semi-friable, and medium to coarse grained sandstones with
individual beds in the range of 50-400cm in thickness or more which forms the main
composition. This sandstone is intercalated in the basal part with thin, grey clay laminations
(sometimes discontinuous), pebbly conglomerate, siltstone and is gypsiferous; the gypsum
crystallized along both bedding planes (hence syn-depositional) and vertical fractures, hence

The middle part of this formation is purely medium to coarse grained, easily-crumbled
sandstone with excellent porosity. In this part, the sandstone displays a fining upward
sequence as shown on the logged section below with beds grading from coarse sand through
medium sandstones passing into fine sands, and finally clay; this is characteristic of fluvial
environment of deposition. The top part is composed of highly consolidated, moderate to well
sorted sands while the clays are mostly grey and massive.

The fine sands display angular cross bedding with sets cross beds measuring about 1m think.
Other sedimentary structures in the formation include planar and trough cross bedding, slump
structures, dunes, onlap and sediment-deformation structures.

Figure 3.5: The base of Kisegi Formation.

Figure 3.6: Stratigraphic log of lower Kisegi formation.

 Kasande Formation

Sediments of this formation lie stratigraphically above the main Kisegi formation outcrop.
The two formations are separated by an angular unconformity (break in sediment deposition).
Its main composition is claystones which is highly weathered and fractured, and silty-clays
with occasional sandstone stringers. Gypsum that crystallized in the fractures and diatomite
lenses were encountered in this formation. The deposition of diatomites is an indication of
clastic sediment starvation and are formed in warm shallow (high-latitude) lacustrine
environments, whereas gypsum signifies semi-arid conditions resulting in high rates of
evaporation and therefore precipitation of the evaporite.

 Kakara Formation

Kakara formation overlies Kasande (Fig. 3.7). It has got almost similar lithofacies as Kisegi
but have opposite palaeo-current directions. The sediments of this formation are mainly
interbeds of poorly consolidated greyish-brown clays, yellowish-white, laminated silts (about
8-20cm thick of semi-consolidated, ferruginous silt) and yellowish-brown, well sorted, fine
grained sands with thin lenses of conglomeratic sandstones. The individual beds range
between 2 and 7m thick. The beds show an increasing amount of iron from base to top,
grading from yellowish-white through yellowish-brown to brownish, ferruginous sandstone.

Figure 3.7: Kakara and Kasande formation.

 Oluka Formation

This formation overlies Kakara formation. It is mostly interbeds of poorly consolidated, very
well sorted, yellowish-brown siltstones, sandstones and grey clays. The thick clays and thin
sand layers are repetitive. The silts are of good reservoir quality while the sandstones are
medium to coarse grained, poor to moderately sorted, with hardened ferruginous bands in
some places. Some of the clay beds are black, typical of brackish environment which is
normally conducive for oil source rock deposition. The gypsum precipitated laterally within
the sediments.

The formation represents lacustrine clays with short periods of lake level fall. The clays were
deposited during low energy episodes while the sands during high energy episodes. There
were hiatuses during these episodes that caused exposure and high evaporation leading to
cracking of the clay (blocky not massive) and precipitation of gypsum.

 Nyaburogo Formation

This formation underlies Katorogo formation. The sediments of this formation are mainly
thick sequences of greenish-grey clay intercalated with rusty brown, well bedded silt. The
rustiness is probably a result of oxidation of iron following sub-aerial exposure. The
sediments could have been deposited in a shallow marshy flood plain environment.

3.2 Structure
3.2.1 Structures in the pre-rift sequence/ the basement

The structures included folds, joints, foliation, faults and quartz veins.

a) Foliation

Foliation is a general term for any structure or texture that gives a rock a leaf like
structure. We observed linear fabric element in the basement rocks (weathered mica-
rich gneisses) of River Kibuku channel (Fig. 3.8); foliation is a product of
deformation. The mineral grains in these rocks are elongated and linear. The major set
of foliation trends in the N450E.

Figure 3.8: Foliation in the altered mica-rich gneiss.

b) Joints

These are the most obvious structures found in both the sediments and the basement
rocks. Some of the rocks are intensely fractured (Fig. 3.9) in almost all directions but
with two major joint sets oriented in the NE-SW and NW-SE directions. Those
trending in NW-SE were cross-cutting the NE-SW joint set implying that the former
are younger.


Figure 3.9: Joints in an acidic gneiss along the Ntoroko-Fort road cut.

Joints in sandstone
filled with gypsum

Figure 3.10: Vertical joints in sandstone along which gypsum precipitated.

c) Faults
These are fractures along which relative movement of the opposite sides occurred.
The major fault in the Albertine graben is a dip slip normal fault trending NE-SW
with the hanging wall that formed the base of the basin and the footwall which formed
the escarpment. However, the escarpment was not reached as it was far away from the
study area, but the direction was estimated. Other faults along the Ntoroko-Fort
highway were observed (Fig. 3.11).

Figure 3.11a: A fault in basement rock of the Rwenzori block.

The major fault in the study area is the Kichwamba fault (Fig. 3.11b). It is found in
the eastern side of Mt. Rwenzori and separates the Rwenzori micro-plate from the
Victoria micro-plate and Nubian plate. The fault is seen to die out towards the Semliki
flats. The Kichwamba fault appears to cut off the Rwenzori micro-plate hence the
possibility of its rotation. Other minor faults were also observed in the basement
especially in Kibuku river channel; they were seen with the displacement of quartz

Figure 3.11b: Kichwamba fault.

d) Veins
These were observed filling the fractures mainly the joints. Most veins were white and
made up of quartz with different mineralogy and color from the surrounding rock
(Fig. 3.12).
Quartz vein
with a

Figure 3.12: Quartz vein in an altered gneiss near the conglomeratic contact.
3.2.2 Structures in the sediments

The structures in the sediments were both primary and secondary;

 Primary structures are those that formed during the formation of the sedimentary
rocks and before lithification; they included: bedding, cross laminations, laminations,
ripple marks, unconformity and slump structures among others.
 Secondary structures are entirely subsequent in their formation; these included: faults
(sealing faults), mud diapir and joints. Primary Structures

a) Bedding

The beds were identified using lithologic characteristics such as texture and colour. Some of
the beds in certain locations were dipping suggesting later tectonic activities that affected the
sediments. The measurements of beds in the study area are tabulated in the Appendix.

Figure 3.13: Distinct beds in an outcrop (differing by grain size and colour).

b) Cross bedding (lamination)

Cross beds (Fig. 3.14) observed especially in fine sands in the study area were
oriented at a given angle to the principal surface of accumulation. Very often, the
cross-laminations/ beds were truncated along the upper surface.

Fig. 3.14a: Cross-beddings in fine sands at a section near the conglomeratic contact.

Fig. 3.14b: Cross-beddings in fine sands at a section near the conglomeratic contact.

c) Laminations
These are thinner than beds that is to say less than 1cm in thickness; they were
mostly found in fine sands. They were of different types such as planar (Fig. 3.15)
and lenticular.
Figure 3.15: Planar laminations in fine sand.

d) Ripple marks
Ripple marks (Fig. 3.16) are sedimentary structures (i.e. bed forms of the lower
flow regime) and indicate agitation by water (current or waves) or wind. The
ripple marks observed were current ripple marks. Current ripple marks also known
as asymmetrical ripple marks are asymmetrical in profile with a gentle up-current
slope and a steeper down-current slope. The down-current slope is the angle of
repose, which depends on the shape of the sediment. These commonly form in
fluvial and aeolian depositional environments.

Figure 3.16: Ripple marks (marked red) in a section of Kasande formation.

e) Unconformity
The logged section (part of Kisegi) had a very distinct Ironstone band (Fig. 3.17)
specifically referred to as a disconformity. Its surface represents a break in
stratigraphic sequence recording a period of non-deposition or sub-aerial exposure

(erosion) for a significant period thereby allowing for intense iron and manganese

Figure 3.17: A continuous, intensely oxidized unconformity.

f) Soft-sediment deformation structures

These develop either during deposition, shortly after or during the first stages of
sediment consolidation. This is because the sediments need to be "liquid-like" or
unconsolidated for the deformation to occur. These structures have also been put
into a category called water-escape structures (Lowe, 1975). The most common
environments for soft-sediment deformation structures (Fig. 3.18) to materialize
are deep water basins with turbidity currents, rivers, deltas and shallow-marine
areas with storm impacted conditions. This is because these environments have
high deposition rates allowing the sediments to pack loosely.

Figure 3.18: Soft sediment deformation structures.

g) Load casts
Load casts are penecontemporaneous deformation structures and form during soft
sediment deformation. These interfacial sole markings are very common and
represent an expression of a Rayleigh-Taylor instability developing in
gravitationally unstable profiles with a denser layer overlying a less dense layer.
Load casts form on the underside of the overlying denser layer (sands, coarse
sands, or gravels), which is superimposed on a less dense hydro-plastic layer
(muds, silts or finer sands). The casts take on the form of slight bulges, swellings,
deep or rounded sacks, knobby excrescences or highly irregular protuberances. In
profile, they appear as a row of flattened, lobe-shaped masses of similar size,
shape, and spacing bulging into the lower layer (Fig. 3.19).

Figure 3.19: Load casts between the clays in Kakara formation.

29 Secondary Structures

i. Mud diapir structure

Diapirs result from the upward intrusion of a more buoyant material into/ through
overlying strata. Diapirs are most commonly composed of evaporitic salt deposits
(salt domes) or gas charged muds (Fig. 3.20). Because the gas-charged muds are less
dense than overlying rock, the buoyant mass of mud balloons upward, intruding into
the overlying rocks through weak spots/ fractures. In most environments, mud diapirs
erode rapidly on reaching the surface, leaving craters.

Figure 3.20: A mud diapir that intruded into and overlain by sands.

ii. Sealing faults

Sealing fault refers to a fault plane along which smearing of sands or clay (shale)
occurred; what was observed in the study area was a clay smeared fault (Fig. 3.21).
These faults offer an important permeability reduction mechanism for faulting at
shallow burial depth. They act as flow barriers and effectively affect horizontal and
vertical flow paths.

Sealing fault

Figure 3.21: A sealing fault in a stratigraphic section near Kibuku oil seep.

iii. Joints in sediments

These are also obvious structures found in the sediments. Some of these joints are
impregnated with hydrocarbons (Kibuku oil seep) whereas others with gypsum (post-
depositional gypsum). Joints in sediments can act as potential primary migration

Figure 3.22: A fractured consolidated sandstone.



4.1 Facies and Depositional Environments

The identification of various sedimentation processes from their deposits, or sedimentary
facies, is crucial to the recognition and palaeo-geographic reconstruction of ancient
sedimentary environments. Sedimentary facies are visually distinguishable descriptive
varieties of sedimentary deposits, with different facies indicating different modes of sediment
deposition. For this purpose, sedimentology combines knowledge derived from studies of
modern environments and laboratory experiments, and uses this knowledge to understand the
origin of sedimentary rocks (ancient deposits). Stratigraphic analysis of facies successions
gives insight into the depositional processes, palaeo-environmental conditions and
development history of sedimentary basins, and allows prediction of the geometry, lateral
extent and spatial distribution of sedimentary rock bodies.

Deposition of the sediments in Semliki area has been affected by subsidence (compaction and
dewatering), tectonism and climatic changes. This area was a stable craton before rifting
occurred; crustal thinning led to the formation of a shallow depression which is the
accommodation zone for the deposition of the sediments. The depression grew deeper with
the continued down throw of the hanging wall.

It began with rivers and streams depositing fluvial and alluvial sediments. Their water filled
the depression forming the palaeo-lake Albert whose formation commenced the deposition of
lacustrine sediments starting with shallow to deep lacustrine facies. Throughout, there have
been changes in accommodation space during the formation of the depositional sequences.

Climatic changes, sedimentation, tectonism and subsidence led to changes in the lake level
and changes in sediment input as observed in the stratigraphic logs made in the area. The co-
existence of deeper and shallower water facies can be interpreted as follows:

During the time the lake level is undergoing a slow rise from the combined effects of
subsidence and climatic changes, sediment supply is sufficient to outpace the slow rise thus
driving a lake-ward building of the coast known as progradational stacking/ coarsening

Due to tectonism, the fall in lake level increased and it eventually exceeded the rate of
subsidence leading to a fall in the lake level thus creating a condition of forced regression
leading to erosion and incision by the rivers on what was formerly under the lake. It is this
sub-aerial that lead to formation of unconformities such as the ironstone band observed at the
top of Kisegi formation.

If the lake level rises such that it outpaces sedimentation, we will have a land-ward building
of the coast known as retrogradational stacking/ fining upwards of the facies. It is probably
this high-lake stand that facilitated the deposition of the sealing to the hydrocarbons which
are the shales/ clay whereas during the low-lake stand, coarse material (reservoir sands) was

deposited closer to where we had the source rocks. The lake has been narrowing over time
and shifting towards the center of the basin; this is known as regression due to the continued
tectonic activity coupled with the ever increasing sediment input.

Some primary structures observed in the sediments for instance graded bedding and cross
laminations were also used to interpret the depositional environment. The presence of graded
bedding reflects the settling out of suspended materials of various sizes from what had been
rapidly flowing. It is these turbidity current deposits that commonly display graded bedding
by moving sand, silt and mud into lacustrine environments whose velocity suddenly
decreases and drops sediment load in a natural size-sorted way. This implies a play between
fluvial and lacustrine depositional environments. Whereas cross laminations indicate that the
depositional environment contained a flowing fluid; these laminations are a common feature
on the bed of a river hence fluvial environment.

The shape of the grains, sorting and composition of sediments observed at Kibuku road cut
provide additional information on the history of the depositional environment. Roundness of
the grains, limited variation in grain size, and high quartz contents are generally attributed to
longer histories of weathering and sediment transport. For example well rounded and well
sorted sand that is mostly composed of quartz grains implies fluvial environments, far from
the source of the sediment.

4.2 Geological History of the area

Semliki area is generally a flat land bounded by NE-SW normal fault escarpment and the
Rwenzori block. More than one tectonic episode was subjected to the basement rocks in the
Albertine graben. The first was an extensional episode; this was responsible for the formation
of the main rift flanks striking NE-SW on both Uganda and Congo sides with the evolution of
the graben. Later, a compressional regime leading to folding of the rocks came into play.

Also fault reactivation is probably acting in the graben. This is due to the folded hills
observed in the area. Fault reactivation is caused by an intruding magmatic plume reversing
the movement of the hanging wall along the fault plane. The sediments will therefore be
folded in such a way that they sort of dome up.

4.3 The Petroleum System

4.3.1 Introduction

Part of the main objective of this training was to identify in Semliki area the components that
make up a complete petroleum system which include source rocks, reservoir rocks, cap rock/
seal, traps, migration pathways and timing. The petroleum system encompasses the essential
elements above and the processes which include generation, migration (primary and
secondary) and accumulation. It was these elements that were being looked for during the
mapping project in order to prove the existence of the system.

4.3.2 Surface indicators of the Petroleum system

These include the migration pathways like the fractures impregnated with hydrocarbons, the
intrasedimentary faults (inferred from River Kibuku), the sediments of great thicknesses, as
well the Kibuku oil seep (Fig. 4.1); the sands at this seep assumed a paraffinic smell.

Fine sands impregnate

with hydrocarbons

Figure 4.1: Kibuku oil seep on a section along R. Kibuku channel.

4.3.3 The Elements of the Petroleum System The Source Rocks

These are organically-rich rocks especially claystones and mudstones in which hydrocarbons
are generated provided they are subjected under the right conditions of pressure and
temperature. With the surface mapping carried out, potential source rocks were identified in
the Kasande and Oluka (Fig. 4.2) formations. These formations are characterised with

fractured organic-rich (dark), repetitive thick claystones/ mudstones of thicknesses greater
than 1 meter. The depositional environment is interpreted to be deep lacustrine environment.

Figure 4.2: Repetitive thick clays in a section part of Oluka formation. The Reservoir Rocks

A reservoir rock is a rock with properties such as good porosity and permeability that
facilitate its potential to accumulate oil and/ or gas that is commercially exploitable. Potential
reservoirs were observed mainly in stratigraphic sections of Kisegi and Kakara formations.
The sands were of significant thicknesses (in the range of 100-300cm) with good sorting,
high porosity and permeability and laterally extensive. The probable environment of
deposition of these sands was shallow lacustrine or fluvial with meandering alluvial. Trap

A trap is either structural or stratigraphic capable of hindering lateral migration of

hydrocarbons causing them to accumulate. In Semliki area, the structural traps include the
NE-SW main bounding normal fault (seen from a distance), Kicwamba fault which dies out
towards the Semliki flats in which River Semliki meanders, intrasedimentary faults which
were only inferred and the Rwenzori block fault. Among the stratigraphic traps observed
include the pinch out at a section which is part of Kisegi formation and an unconformity
(surface of non-deposition) composed of iron and manganese oxides that overlies Kisegi. In
sediments, the trapping will occur only if intrasedimentary fault(s) juxtapose porous and
permeable reservoirs against an impermeable rock e.g. shale (Fig. 4.3).

Figure 4.3: Sediment juxtaposition. Cap Rock/ Seal

Cap rocks stop upward hydrocarbon migration out of a reservoir rock so they must be
impermeable. In the study area, it was noted impermeable facies (such as claystones/
mudstones ± siltstones) which are younger, stratigraphically overlie the older, porous and
permeable facies (such as sandstones) therefore it places the clays in this area in an ideal
position as cap rocks. In this study area we also observed evaporites especially gypsum which
can also act as cap rocks if they are competent enough and laterally extensive (as they have
very low permeability). The gypsum can be an effective seal if it was deposited along the
bedding planes (Fig. 4.4), and not along vertical fractures.

Figure 4.4: Gypsum along bedding plane in Kisegi formation.

36 Migration Pathways

We have both primary (from source rock) and secondary migration pathways. With the
surface mapping done, we managed to observe both. Kasande formation is composed of
highly fractured claystones; these fractures can act as good primary migration pathways. The
secondary ones facilitate updip oil migration such as the joints and the faults within



5.1 Conclusions
 During the geo-surface mapping project carried out in the valley, it was concluded
that Semliki study area has got a complete petroleum system that is source rocks,
reservoir rocks, cap rocks, traps and migration pathways.
 The deposition of the sediments was mainly under control of tectonic activity and
climatic changes by affecting the level of the lake through transgression and
regression episodes thus depositing clays and reservoir sands respectively.
 The main environments of deposition are fluvial, alluvial and lacustrine (shallow) that
deposited mainly clastic sediments ranging from very fine claystones to
conglomeratic sandstones whose provenance is majorly weathering from the
Rwenzori block.

5.2 Recommendations
 The presence of oil seep at Kibuku makes this place a good exploration target. This
seepage offers the only certain indication that oil exists in the subsurface in the area of
study. Careful study of the area around this area (Kibuku) which should involve
purposeful and systematic search for a stratigraphic trap should be done.

 Zones around the Rwenzori intervening basement high and the basin edges should be
exploration targets. Seismic survey should be the next stage in the exploration
programme to define sandy channels and stringers predicted in the area.

 Sediments of great thickness and well exposed stratigraphic sections are mainly
present in the Semliki basin, so to comprehend Sedimentology and the petroleum
system, the students should have frequent study trips to this area in order to have a
better understanding of the subject.

 Wells should be drilled around the same zones to test for structural closure.

 This area contains no reserves or contingent resources, but may contain prospective
resources. It is a virgin exploration territory, where no seismic or other relevant data
exists, which could be used to define the prospects and leads, and is in close
proximity to several discoveries that form part of a prospective play; therefore I
strongly recommend further more detailed studies such as seismics and bore hole

Richard C. Selley, Elements of Petroleum Geology, Second Edition (Pages 363-370).

Erasmus Barifaijo (2002), GEOLOGY OF UGANDA, Hydrocarbon Potential of

Sedimentary basins in Uganda; unpublished work by Kabanda Fred, (2002), (Pages 108-

Maurice E. Tucker (1991), Sedimentary Petrology, Second Edition; an introduction to the

origin of sedimentary rocks, Blackwell Science Ltd (Pages 10-36, 200-208).

Petroleum Exploration and Productions Department report (2005); The Hydrocarbon

Potential of the Albertine Graben.

Abeinomugisha Dozith, Kasande R. (2009), Tectonics control on Hydrocarbon

Accumulation in the Intra-Continental Albertine graben of the East African Rift System

R. L. Gawthorpe & J. M. Hurst, Transfer zones in extensional basins (Unpublished).

Allen & Allen, Basin Analysis, Principles & Applications.


Appendix One: Important figures

Figure 5.1: Basic lithology key.

Figure 5.2: Symbols for logging sedimentary structures.

Figure 5.3: Map of East African Rift system and the Albertine Graben.

Figure 5.4: The Grain Size Scale.

Appendix Two: Measurements of structures

LOCATION: UTM (0188019N, 0082302E) LOCATION: UTM (0187839N, 0082196E)

N360E/600SW N210E/580SE
N150W/650SW N620E/220NW
N220W/440SW N650W/510NE
N230E/790SE N890W/890NE
N100W/860NE N500E/550NE
N870W/780NE N700W/450NE
N200E/740SW N450W/780NE

Table 5.1: Strike and dip measurements of the joints in the study area.

LOCATION: UTM (0192966N, 0101761E)

N490E/080SE N400E/230NW
N510E/030SE N480E/200NW
N380E/020NW N380E/150SE
N680E/020NW N380E/240SE
N430E/110NW N200E/150SE
N460E/110SE N450E/090NW
N460E/170NW N600E/050NW
N450E/030SE N550E/150SE
N250E/010SE N400E/100SE
N480E/260SE N270E/090SE
N640E/140NW N710E/100NW
N640E/150NW N420E/120SE
N620E/220NW N520E/060SE
N750E/160NW N500E/180SE
N460E/010SE N350E/040SE
N350E/050SE N400E/020SE

Table 5.2: Strike and dip measurements of the beds in the study area.


LOCATION: UTM (0192966N, 0101761E)

N540E/240NW N400E/090SE

N590E/210NW N390E/150SE

N630E/200NW N410E/100SE

N640E/230NW N440E/140SE

N660E/240NW N410E/080SE

N690E/210NW N410E/140SE

N570E/220NW N440E/150SE

N670E/250NW N340E/120SE

N460E/210NW N530E/080NW

N540E/150NW N580E/100NW

N520E/140NW N510E/120NW

Table 5.3: Strike and dip measurements of trough cross bedding in the study area.











Table 5.4: Strike and dip measurements of planar cross bedding in the study area.


















Table 5.5: Strike and dip measurements of angular and tangential cross bedding.

Appendix Three: Rose diagrams for the structures in the study area

Figure 5.5: Rose diagram for tangential cross beds.

Figure 5.6: Rose diagram for tabular cross beds.

Figure 5.7: Rose diagram for bedding planes.

Figure 5.8: Rose diagram for trough cross bedding.

Figure 5.9: Rose diagram for the combination of all measurements.

Appendix Four: All stratigraphic logs obtained from the study area


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