Management of Systemic Right Ventricular Failure in Patients With Congenitally Corrected Transposition of The Great Arteries

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Management of Systemic Right Ventricular

Failure in Patients With Congenitally Corrected
Transposition of the Great Arteries

ABSTRACT: In recent decades, significant progress has been made in Aleksei A. Filippov, MD
the diagnosis and management of congenitally corrected transposition Pedro J. del Nido, MD
of the great arteries (ccTGA). Nevertheless, gradual dysfunction and Nikolay V. Vasilyev, MD
failure of the right ventricle (RV) in the systemic circulation remain the
main contributors to mortality and disability for patients with ccTGA,


especially after adolescence. Anatomic repair of ccTGA effectively
resolves the problem of failure of the systemic RV and has good early and
midterm results. However, this strategy is applicable primarily in infants
and children up to their teens and has associated risks and limitations,
and new challenges can arise in the late postoperative period. Patients
with ccTGA manifesting progressive systemic RV dysfunction beyond
adolescence represent the major challenge. Several palliative options
such as cardiac resynchronization therapy, tricuspid valve repair or
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replacement, pulmonary artery banding, and implantation of an assist

device into the systemic RV can be used to improve functional status and
to delay the progression of ventricular dysfunction in patients who are not
suitable for anatomic correction of ccTGA. For adult patients with severe
systemic RV failure, heart transplantation currently remains the only long-
term lifesaving procedure, although donor organ availability remains one
of the most limiting factors in this type of therapy. This review focuses on
current surgical and medical strategies and interventional options for the
prevention and management of systemic RV failure in adults and children
with ccTGA.

Correspondence to: Nikolay
V. Vasilyev, MD, Department of
Cardiac Surgery, Boston Children’s
Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
300 Longwood Avenue, Boston,
MA 02115. E-mail nikolay.
Key Words: congenitally
corrected transposition of the
great arteries ◼ heart diseases
◼ heart failure ◼ surgery

© 2016 American Heart

Association, Inc.

Circulation. 2016;134:1293–1302. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022106 October 25, 2016 1293

Filippov et al

ongenitally corrected transposition of the great ar- sis of the RV resulting from recurrent ischemia as a sig-
teries (ccTGA) is a rare but well-described congeni- nificant contributor to systemic RV failure, although the
tal cardiac malformation with an incidence of ≈1 sensitivity of the imaging technique used may not allow
in 33 000 live births (0.5% of all patients with congeni- detection of microscopic fibrosis.8 Nevertheless, relative
tal heart defects). Morphologically, ccTGA comprises a coronary insufficiency can play an important role in the
combination of atrioventricular and ventricular-arterial development of late RV dysfunction and asymptomatic
discordance (“double discordance”).1 In up to 80% of ischemia in older patients with ccTGA after the fourth
cases, ccTGA is accompanied by associated cardiac le- decade of life.
sions: ventricular septal defects (VSDs) in 60% to 80% of
cases, pulmonary stenosis in ≈50%, and abnormalities
of the conduction system in 15% to 50%.1 Conduction System
Patients with isolated ccTGA usually are asymptom- The conduction system in ccTGA is distinctly abnormal
atic early in life and can survive well into adulthood. because of the malalignment of the atrioventricular sep-
However, in this scenario, the right ventricle (RV) and tum. The conduction system takes a longer course to
the tricuspid valve (TV) support systemic circulation for the ventricles, which can be a reason for the occurrence
decades, which can lead to gradual dysfunction and fail- of ventricular arrhythmias and complete heart block, es-
ure of these structures. Therapeutic options for adult pecially with increasing age.6 Dilation of the atrial cham-
patients presenting with failing systemic RV are quite bers and abnormal shift of the atrioventricular septum
limited, and the number of these individuals will increase over time are also given to be reasons for emergence of
during the next decades,2,3 making the development of supraventricular arrhythmias and heart block in patients
an effective strategy for the management of these pa- with ccTGA.9,10
tients one of the more important unresolved problems.
TV in the Systemic Circulation
RV in the Systemic Circulation Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) has been found to be a
In ccTGA, the RV presents as a systemic pumping major contributor to the development of progressive
chamber; therefore, its structural and morphological RV dysfunction and failure in adult patients with ccTGA
relationships and the interventricular interactions be- with a systemic RV.4,11,12 In ccTGA, RV hypertrophy is
followed by dilation, and the ventricular shape becomes
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come abnormal. High systolic pressures inside the RV

lead to eccentric hypertrophy of its free wall, shift of more spherical. The tricuspid annulus dilates; papillary
the interventricular septum toward the left ventricle (LV), muscles move away from the inflow tract; and tethered
and dilation of the RV, resulting in increased ventricular cords do not allow the leaflets to occlude the orifice.
wall stress and dysfunction of the trabecular component, These mechanisms predispose to the steady increase
papillary muscles, and valvar apparatus of the RV.4 in TR over time.
Some patients with ccTGA have coexistent lesions of
the TV. The most common one is an Ebstein-like thicken-
Coronary Arteries ing and shortening of the cords and, in some patients,
The coronary arteries in ccTGA are inverted, arise from apical displacement of the septal and mural leaflets.1,11
anterior and posterior aortic sinuses, and follow their This group of patients is more likely to develop signifi-
respective ventricles. The systemic RV is supplied only cant TR and ventricular dysfunction early in life.2
by the left-sided (morphologically right) coronary artery,
which can lead to inadequate perfusion of the hypertro-
phied ventricular mass and deterioration of the RV func-
Associated Intracardiac Lesions
tion with increasing age. Despite the significant increase A VSD and obstruction of the pulmonary valve are most
in myocardial blood flow through the right coronary ar- commonly associated with ccTGA. The VSD is usually lo-
tery, hypertrophy of the RV is not supported by adequate cated beneath the pulmonary valve in the conoventricular
proliferative response of the capillary vasculature. Coro- region. Patients with large VSDs present with left-to-right
nary flow reserve is significantly decreased in patients shunt resulting in pulmonary overflow early in infancy.
with ccTGA even in the absence of ischemic symptoms, Obstruction of the pulmonary outflow tract occurs in
and global RV dysfunction is strongly correlated with at- ≈50% of cases. In ccTGA, the pulmonary artery (PA) is
tenuated maximal coronary blood flow.5,6 Radionuclide positioned deep inside the crux of the heart, between
scanning indicated myocardial perfusion defects corre- the mitral valve and TV, and this location predisposes
lated with regional thickening and abnormal motion of it to subvalvar obstruction. The pulmonary outflow tract
the ventricular wall in adult and pediatric patients with can be obstructed by accessory fibrous tissue from
ccTGA at the subclinical stage.7 It is interesting to note the septum and mitral valve or by the accessory tissue
that a more recent study did not find myocardial fibro- around the VSD.1

1294 October 25, 2016 Circulation. 2016;134:1293–1302. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022106

Management of Systemic RV Failure in ccTGA

Clinical Presentation and Assessment ological repair only. The management options for those
of Systemic RV Function who present with RV dysfunction and failure are limited.
Assessment should be made if they are candidates for
Clinical symptoms in infancy and early childhood depend anatomic repair or remain with a systemic RV, but as-
on the presence and severity of associated intracardiac sociated lesions such as TR, complete heart block, or
lesions. Complete heart block occurs in 10% to 15% of clinically important VSDs with associated pulmonary ste-
patients at birth, and its incidence increases over time, nosis can be treated.
reaching >30% in adult patients.
Patients without significant associated intracardiac
lesions usually do not have symptoms of heart failure Anatomic Repair: Single Versus Staged
in childhood and do well until adult life. However, the
In selected cases in which the ventricular dysfunction
RV dysfunction progresses over time, as does TR. RV
is confined to the RV and the LV has preserved systolic
dysfunction usually remains subclinical for decades and
function, an anatomic repair can be considered. Except
typically manifests during fourth and fifth decades of
in cases in which the LV is at systemic pressures such
life.1 By 45 years of age, >30% of patients with isolated
as patients with a large VSD and pulmonary stenosis, an
ccTGA and more than two thirds of patients with asso-
anatomic repair usually requires staged LV preparation to
ciated lesions develop clinical congestive heart failure.
gain muscle mass before it can support the systemic cir-
The mortality among 77 adult patients with ccTGA was
culation. In the former case in which the LV is at systemic
reported by Dobson et al12 as 16% at 40 years of age,
pressures as a result of the VSD and pulmonary stenosis,
and most deaths were caused by atrial tachyarrhythmia,
proceeding directly to an anatomic repair with a Mustard/


sudden death, or congestive heart failure.
Senning atrium-level switch plus a Rastelli-type LV to aor-
Adult patients with systemic RV can develop severe RV
tic tunnel and RV to PA conduit offers the best long-term
failure or fatal tachyarrhythmia unpredictably. Therefore,
option.3,14,15 Unfortunately, these cases are rare.
these patients require regular (every 6–8 months) follow-
More commonly, the LV requires preparation with a
up, including echocardiography and a treadmill exercise
PA band to increase afterload in an effort to induce ven-
test. Systemic RV dysfunction can be identified at the
tricular hypertrophy. This strategy is most successful
subclinical stage if sensitive measures of myocardial per-
early in life when somatic growth is still high. In older
formance are used.12,13 Cardiac magnetic resonance and
teens and adults, the ability of the LV to increase muscle
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routine echocardiography imaging are useful in identify-

mass without inducing fibrosis is very limited. Success-
ing subclinical RV dysfunction, especially if quantitative
ful preparation of the LV is possible only in young infants
parameters (RV index of myocardial performance, tissue
and children <15 years of age,3 with rare exceptions.
displacement, and strain) are calculated. The degree
In a small number of adult patients who have high
of TR might be underestimated by echocardiography in
(close to systemic) LV pressures caused by coexistent
some patients; therefore, cardiac magnetic resonance
nonrestrictive VSD or significant pulmonary stenosis,
should be used in patients with progressive TR to decide
staged anatomic correction at a later age may be pos-
whether surgical intervention on the TV is necessary. Pa-
sible (Figure 1). Cardiac magnetic resonance measure-
tients with systemic RV and a history of cardiac surgery
ment of muscle mass and indexes of systolic function
in infancy have higher risk of adverse outcome (sudden
is very important, along with cardiac catheterization to
death, RV failure, TR) and require special attention.
measure end-diastolic pressure, before anatomic correc-
tion is considered in these patients.
Surgical Management of the Failing
Systemic RV in Patients With ccTGA PA Banding as a Palliative Procedure
Surgical management of ccTGA implies 2 basic strate- The PA banding procedure in ccTGA can have 2 aims:
gies. The strategy of physiological repair was introduced preparation of the LV for anatomic repair and as a pal-
in the early 1960s. It involves repair of associated car- liative procedure aimed at improving RV function by
diac anomalies and surgical palliations to improve the reducing TR and restoring normal geometric relation-
patient’s clinical presentation and prognosis. The RV ships between the RV, interventricular septum, TV, and
remains the systemic pumping chamber in physiologi- subvalvar structures. The mechanism of PA banding in
cal repair. This strategy was widely used during 3 de- ccTGA with RV and TV dysfunction is thought be due
cades, but long-term follow-up demonstrated suboptimal to the fact that the PA band elevates the LV pressure,
outcomes in these patients. In the 1990s, physiological reduces leftward septal shift, prevents further tricus-
repair was replaced by a strategy of anatomic correc- pid annular dilation, and therefore improves the stage
tion in most centers. However, many patients remain of heart failure.4 Some patients have significantly im-
with a systemic RV with isolated ccTGA or with physi- proved ventricular function with banding alone, and this

Circulation. 2016;134:1293–1302. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022106 October 25, 2016 1295

Filippov et al

Figure 1. Management of pediatric patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries
(ccTGA) with systemic right ventricle (RV).
LV indicates left ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery; and VSD, ventricular septal defect.

approach can be used for prophylaxis and manage- tion after banding. Early PA banding also resulted in fa-
ment of RV failure in patients with isolated ccTGA or as vorable function of the neoaortic valve after anatomic
a palliative surgery in patients not suitable for anatomic correction. Older children and adolescents respond to
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correction.16 Good intermediate results of this “open- PA banding by hypertrophy rather than hyperplasia; as a
ended” palliation in 15 pediatric patients with ccTGA consequence, they may be more likely to develop rapid
were reported by the group from Leuven.17 LV diastolic dysfunction. Impaired contraction and relax-
A recent clinical trial from our institution18 reported ation of the LV as a result of hypertrophy significantly
results of PA banding for LV preparation in 25 pediatric compromise outcomes in this group, especially if pa-
patients, 18 of whom subsequently underwent anatomic tients are banded for a long period.16
repair. All 12 patients who were banded before 2 years
of age had improved morphological RV function and were
free of LV failure after PA banding, and 11 of them un- Results of Anatomic Correction
derwent anatomic repair and had preserved biventricular A summary of the largest trials on midterm results of
function. In comparison, 4 of 6 patients with PA banding anatomic repair is presented in the Table. Early and
performed after 2 years of age developed LV dysfunc- midterm outcomes of particular surgical techniques are

Table.  Early and Intermediate Results for Anatomic Correction of ccTGA

Double- Freedom From
Switch/Senning- Median Mean Postoperative Reintervention/
Author(s) and Year of Patients, Rastelli Group, n (Range) Age Follow- Midterm Left Ventricular Heart
Publication n patients at Surgery, y Up, y Survival, % Dysfunction, % Transplantation, %
Bautista-Hernandez et 1.6
44 21/23 3.0 … 18 73
al,19 2006 (0.6–39.6)
Gaies et al,20 2009 65 35/30 2.5/1.9 5.8/3.2 77 N/A 75/98.5
Hiramatsu et al,21 2012 90 18/72 7.4/4.3 12.9/10.9 81 15 81/100
Langley et al, 2003
51 29/22 3.2 (0.14–40) 4.4 89.7 12 77.5
Hraška et al, 2011
23 9/13 3.4 100 0 77/ 100
ccTGA indicates congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries.

1296 October 25, 2016 Circulation. 2016;134:1293–1302. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022106

Management of Systemic RV Failure in ccTGA

dependent on the complexity of cardiac anatomy and Correction of Associated Cardiac Anomalies
conduction system, presence and hemodynamic sig- The repair of associated cardiac anomalies in physiologi-
nificance of associated intracardiac lesions, severity of cal repair (maintaining systemic RV) comprises closure
heart failure, and conditions of the LV before surgery. In of the VSD, repair or replacement of the TV (if neces-
most centers, anatomic repair became the surgery of sary), and surgical palliations aimed at avoiding mor-
choice for management of ccTGA in the early 1990s. phological LV decompression and septal shift into the
Therefore, large, multicenter, clinical trials describing LV such as PA banding. Elements of physiological repair
long-term outcomes have not been published yet. How- can be used in symptomatic children, postpubescent
ever, results of a few studies with a median follow-up of patients, and adult patients with significant associated
5 to 12 years are available.21,24–26 According to these lesions, but >50% of these patients require delayed sur-
data, several important factors have a major influence gery or intervention during follow-up.24
on long-term outcomes: late LV dysfunction and failure,
occurrence of complete or high-degree heart block and
pacemaker implantation, neoaortic valve regurgitation,
TV Surgery
obstruction of Senning/Mustard pathways, and the need TV surgery may be a good option for patients with pro-
for regular reinterventions if conduits have been used.26 gressively worsening TR and relatively well-preserved
However, TV function significantly improves after ana- ventricular function. TR leads to volume overload of the
tomic repair, and direct surgical intervention on the TV is systemic RV and exacerbates systemic RV dysfunction.
usually not necessary.27 Timely surgical intervention on the TV can interrupt this
All investigators confirmed satisfactory late results process and thus improve long-term outcomes. How-


of double-switch procedures. Survival at 10 to 20 ever, TV repair in patients with systemic RV is techni-
years after surgery was reported as 75% to 85% in the cally difficult and has suboptimal midterm and long-term
largest series,21,25 and freedom from any reinterven- results with a high rate of recurrent TR.28 Exposure to
tion varied between 49% and 95%, mostly because of the systemic TV can be challenging, depending on the
the need for conduit change. Functional outcomes of position of the apex of the heart. The more midline the
anatomic repair are also reported as good; >86% of ventricular mass is, the more rotated the TV is and the
survivors are at New York Heart Association functional harder it is to access the entire valve. In situs inversus
class I or II.21,23,25 In addition, anatomic repair has su- (I,D,D), this can be even more challenging. Extensive
mobilization of the pericardium and opening the pleu-
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perior results in higher-risk groups (ie, patients with

significant TR) compared with physiological repair.24 ral space to allow rotation of the heart can be a useful
Results of the initial studies describing long-term out- technique for exposing the valve. In most cases, with
comes of the anatomic repair are encouraging, but the exception of young infants, an annuloplasty ring is
late morbidity is significant, and well-designed, large, required to achieve a more durable repair. Mobilization of
multicenter, clinical trials and meta-analyses are nec- a tethered septal and anterior leaflet, particularly at the
essary to address all the complex issues and to sup- anteroseptal commissure, is often required in cases in
port this strategy. which the septal leaflet is apically displaced or tethered.
TV replacement results in immediate improvement of
TV function and can delay or prevent the development
of heart failure in adult patients with ccTGA. However,
Palliative Procedures With Systemic RV early and late mortality after TV replacement is substan-
The strategy of physiological repair includes several tial.29 Moreover, valve replacement can be performed
surgical approaches to restore normal physiology but mainly after adolescence, when the tricuspid annulus
does not correct the main anatomic abnormality, the has reached adult size and the patient will not outgrow
combination of discordant atrioventricular and ventricu- the prosthesis. Despite the fact that the regurgitation is
lo-arterial connections, which leaves the RV as the sys- eliminated, patients with TV replacement have the worst
temic ventricle. Until the last decade of 20th century, outcome among patients with ccTGA because of pro-
preference was given to this strategy. More recently, gressive heart failure.30 RV function has a great influence
anatomic repair has been most commonly applied de- on the outcome of this procedure. In a trial from the
spite its technical challenges and a wide list of potential Mayo Clinic, preoperative RV ejection fraction <40% and
contraindications and limitations, the most important of morphological LV systolic pressure >50 mm Hg (caused
which is the need for a prepared LV. However, elements by significant pulmonary outflow tract obstruction or pul-
of physiological repair that treat associated anomalies monary hypertension) were identified as the most sig-
can be performed in adult and adolescent patients with nificant predictors of late RV failure, mortality, or need
complex anatomy and therefore remain a valuable op- for cardiac transplantation after TV replacement.31 It is
tion for the management of patients with ccTGA with important to note that successful TV repair or replace-
systemic RVs in the current era. ment prevents the progression of RV dysfunction in most

Circulation. 2016;134:1293–1302. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022106 October 25, 2016 1297

Filippov et al

patients and improves New York Heart Association func- ventricular failure at the latest follow-up. On the basis of
tional class, but in most cases, it may not improve pre- these data, we recommend that strong consideration be
existent RV failure significantly.11 Therefore, this type of given to primary biventricular pacing in all patients with
surgery should be performed early to preserve the sys- ccTGA who develop heart block.
temic RV function. Permanent and significant progres-
sion of TR is a key indication for TV repair or replace-
ment, even if the regurgitation itself does not seem to be
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
severe at the time of surgery. Patients with atrial fibrilla- Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) has been
tion and pulmonary outflow tract obstruction resulting in shown to be an effective potential option in the treat-
high pressures in the morphological LV should be closely ment of patients with systemic RV dysfunction.9,33 Ven-
assessed before surgery, and simultaneous procedures tricular dyssynchrony is not uncommon for ccTGA,
may be performed to achieve favorable results. particularly those requiring pacing resulting from perma-
nent complete heart block, and a significant percent of
patients may benefit from its correction. In a study of
Alternative and Prospective Options in 49 adult patients with ccTGA with systemic RV, Diller et
Management of Severe RV Dysfunction al33 found a significant interventricular conduction delay
(QRS >120 milliseconds) in 37% of patients. Jauvert et
After Adolescence al9 applied CRT by a combined transvenous and epicar-
Adult patients with systemic RV in biventricular circula- dial approach in 7 symptomatic patients with a systemic
tion and objective signs of even mild but progressing RV. All patients had ventricular dyssynchrony caused by
RV dysfunction or TR have a poor long-term prognosis. delayed septal wall contraction; therefore, the septum
Stage of heart failure, degree of TR, and incidence of and RV free wall were stimulated synchronously, with the
life-treating arrhythmias inevitably increase in these pa- goal of resynchronizing a maximum amount of myocar-
tients. Heart transplantation is the only radical lifesaving dium. Significant improvement in RV mechanical function
option for adult patients with ccTGA with advanced sys- and clinical and functional status was seen in all cases.
temic RV dysfunction. However, this option is not always The largest multicenter, clinical trial on the application of
available for patients with ccTGA. Even if the patient is CRT in patients with a systemic RV was reported by the
listed for heart transplantation, survival until donor heart Dubin et al.34 CRT was applied in 17 patients (13 patients
availability requires careful medical management and of- with ccTGA and 4 with atrium-level correction of simple
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ten interim interventions. Therefore, several alternative transposition of the great arteries [Senning or Mustard
palliative surgical options have been used to delay the procedures]). A significant decrease in QRS duration,
progression of heart failure, to improve the functional increase in systemic RV ejection fraction, and clinical
status of these patients, or to provide bridge to trans- improvement was observed in 13 patients. However, the
plantation (Figure 2). number of patients in this trial is still small, and whether
CRT will have similar results in larger groups of patients
with ccTGA remains unknown. CRT, however, can be a
High-Degree Heart Block and Pacer Choice valuable option for the management of patients with sys-
If advanced second- or third-degree atrioventricular temic RVs and documented ventricular dyssynchrony,
block is present, pacemaker implantation may be nec- but further application in large groups is necessary to
essary. However, late-onset systemic ventricular dys- confirm its effectiveness.
function is the most common complication after pacer
insertion. A recent trial from our institution described
intermediate (median follow-up, 3.7 years) results af- Mechanical Circulatory Support
ter pacemaker implantation in 53 pediatric and adult Implantation of a ventricular assist device (VAD) into a
patients with ccTGA.32 Thirteen pacemaker recipients systemic RV in ccTGA has been described in several
(26%) had systemic RVs: 9 patients underwent pacer in- reports limited to small groups or single patients.35–37
sertion at the time of preparing for anatomic repair, and This approach is typically aimed at a bridge for trans-
4 patients with systemic RVs developed spontaneous plantation rather than at treatment of heart failure with
heart block. Univentricular pacing was performed in 42 subsequent explantation of the device. VADs have 2 sig-
patients, and 22 of them developed significant late-onset nificant advantages for patients with ccTGA over other
systemic ventricular failure. Subsequently, 17 of these interim procedures as a bridge to transplantation: They
patients were upgraded to a biventricular system in an effectively decompress the systemic RV and postpone
effort to achieve resynchronization, and 7 demonstrated further development of noncardiac symptoms of heart
improved systemic ventricular function. It is important to failure, and they are not dependent on TV function, so
note that none of the 11 patients with primarily inserted patients with severe TR may benefit from their implanta-
biventricular pacemaker system had signs of systemic tion. Implantation of microaxial VADs compensates for

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Management of Systemic RV Failure in ccTGA


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Figure 2. Management of adult/adolescent patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arter-
ies (ccTGA) with systemic right ventricle (SRV).
CRT indicates cardiac resynchronization therapy; EF, ejection fraction; IVS, interventricular septum; LV, left ventricle; PA, pulmo-
nary artery; RV, right ventricle; RVF, right ventricular failure; TV, tricuspid valve; TR, tricuspid regurgitation; and VAD, ventricular
assist device.

the systemic RV failure, improves the patient’s quality

of life, and reduces the incidence of abdominal wound
Pharmacological Management of
dehiscence; thus, the patient has a better chance for Systemic RV Failure and Lifestyle
VAD explantation.36,37 Implantation of a VAD into a mor- Medical management of congestive systemic RV failure
phological RV presents a surgical challenge because the is focused on the prevention of the progression of sys-
inflow cannula of the device can be obstructed by the temic ventricular dysfunction. Basic principles of phar-
moderator band. Therefore, it should be placed more macological management do not differ much from the
posteriorly to avoid this problem. In 2013, Shah et al37 management of congestive LV failure. Aggressive reduc-
reported the largest series of VAD implantation in pa- tion of the preload and afterload of the systemic ven-
tients with systemic RVs. Six adult patients with systemic tricle and an improvement in ventricular contraction are
RVs (3 patients with ccTGA) underwent implantation of a the main aims of pharmacological treatment.
VAD into the systemic RV. There was 1 early in-hospital • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and
death; 1 patient underwent heart transplantation; and diuretics (spironolactone, furosemide) are typically
the others were either waiting for heart transplantation used for preload and afterload reduction.
or listed for destination therapy. The longest period of • Administration of β-blockers (carvedilol, ateno-
VAD support was reported as 988 days in this trial. lol) is also beneficial in ccTGA but requires close

Circulation. 2016;134:1293–1302. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022106 October 25, 2016 1299

Filippov et al

attention because β-blockers increase the risk of heart failure or severe TR present the major challenge.
atrioventricular block as a result of pharmacologi- Anatomic repair strategies are not applicable for most
cally induced conduction delay. of these patients. Alternative surgical options may im-
• Cardiac glycosides (digoxin) can be used to sup- prove systemic RV function for some time but cannot
port the systemic RV contractility and ejection stop the progression of heart failure. Heart transplanta-
volume, but there are very few, if any, data sup- tion remains the only lifesaving option for these very
porting its use. Again, close attention should be sick patients. New solutions for this serious problem
paid to the risk of bradyarrhythmias and atrioven- will probably come from clinical and laboratory stud-
tricular block. ies. Novel strategies of management will be supported
• Management of patients with supraventricular by new types of surgical devices, interventional tech-
tachycardia includes emergency treatment with niques, and medical therapies.
adenosine, ablation therapy, or long-term antiar-
rhythmic therapy.
• All patients except those with severe RV dysfunction Disclosures
and decompensated heart failure should be encour- None.
aged to pursuing an active lifestyle while avoiding
hard physical exertions.
From Department of Cardiac Surgery, Boston Children’s Hospi-
Pregnancy in Women With ccTGA tal, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
The latest clinical data demonstrated that most women
with ccTGA can successfully carry a pregnancy to term.
Kowalik and colleagues38 reported outcomes of 20 preg- FOOTNOTES
nancies in 13 women (median follow-up, 19±15 years). Circulation is available at
Nineteen pregnancies (95%) were successful, and there
were no related maternal deaths. One patient required
premature delivery because of deterioration of RV func- References
tion; supraventricular arrhythmias occurred in 2 women 1. Wallis GA, Debich-Spicer D, Anderson RH. Congenitally corrected
Downloaded from by on November 24, 2021

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pacing for preexistent heart block. Thus, β-blockers and
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in pregnant patients with ccTGA. The rates of hospitaliza- tion. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2011;2:64–79. doi:
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5. Hauser M, Bengel FM, Hager A, Kuehn A, Nekolla SG, Kaemmerer
Progressive systemic RV dysfunction in patients with H, Schwaiger M, Hess J. Impaired myocardial blood flow and
ccTGA presents a serious challenge for clinical diag- coronary flow reserve of the anatomical right systemic ventricle
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