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Name: Arnold Auguste Wendall

Nickname: Arnie, August, Wendy

Gender: Male
Age: 29
Birthday: January 6th, 1901
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 173 lbs
Sexuality: Vibrates in gayness
Current Occupation: Chief Inspector
Birthplace: Belfast, Ireland

Tall, lanky, and just a smidge of malnutrition, one might say that upon first glance on our
dear detective. But behind those slightly sunken chin and utterly thin, long fingers, lay a force
that could topple even the heaviest enemy, of course, with certain techniques, and the fact
that half the mass of his body weight is just his muscles. Flame red curls frame his face,
utterly accentuated by his pale skin and bottle green eyes, and a sharp nose sat above a pair of
thin, rosy lips that’s always settled in a small, unassumingly amiable smile, always exuding
the very charm that had people handing precious informations to him ever so willingly.

Arnold is often seen wearing grey 3-piece suit along with a brown trench coat. However,
once he’s inside a room, the trench coat and the jacket is discarded, leaving him in his white
dress shirt and and grey waistcoat.


Sharp and delicate at the same time, the man seems to be the epitome of peace keeper of the
place, always willing to step into fights to break it, and often succeeding so with a few well
chosen words. Observant on others’, emotion or physical wise, the man is always able to
please the people around him somehow. Though it doesn’t mean he’ll be the people-pleaser
all the time, if needed, he’ll let his acquaintances simmer in unbriddled tension, simply
watching from the sideline.

Although generally peaceful, there’s always that hidden part of him that’s never shown to
public’s eyes. The part that enjoys the thrill of chasing madmen across the rooftops and
alleyways, solving cases with life on stake as a cruel grin of elation stretches on his lips in
which he seems to have no consideration toward the victims or the soon-to-be-victims. Only
a handful of his closest comrades that has seen him like this, and none ever really stayed long
after it.

Likes and Dislikes:

Arnold, like the other people who are a part of the justice system of the NYPD, seems to have
gained an incurable addiction to coffee, he can’t properly wake up without a cup ingested
properly. He also held quite the affection toward mathryoska dolls, and of course, books,
books and books. His whole workplace is cluttered in books and his home even more so
(Although strangely, no books has ever touched his bedroom).

He dislikes pumpkin, utterly.

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