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Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Research Proposal · June 2021

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1 author:

Fazilat Abdulkhamidova
American University in the Emirates (AUE)


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Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Organizational Communication

Fazilat Abdulhamidova


The theory talks about the relationship between motivation and retention, which is called a

two-factor theory. These primary factors that either increase employee satisfaction or interfere with

them. According to Herzberg, people are not satisfied with meeting the needs of a lower order at work.

For example, these needs associated with minimum wage or safe and pleasant working conditions.

Instead, people seek to meet the psychological needs of a higher level related to the achievement,

recognition, responsibility, promotion, and nature of the work itself. In any case, Herzberg added

another measurement to this hypothesis by proposing a two-factor model of inspiration dependent on

the idea that having one set of performance or incentives leads to job satisfaction. In contrast, a

different and separate set of performance leads to job dissatisfaction. Thus, satisfaction and

dissatisfaction are not in a continuous process, sometimes one increases and the other decreases, but

are independent. This theory assumes that in order to improve their attitude to work and productivity,

administrators should recognize and consider both sets of characteristics and not assume that an

increase in satisfaction leads to a decrease in dissatisfaction. So, we are going to explain this theory

concerning employee and job satisfaction and apply this theory for the organization.

Research Objectives

The current research is considered on five following objects, which are mentioned below.

1. To determine communication process in an organization

2. Explanation of the major theory

3. Apply the theory to the organizational context

4. To determine the theory to use diagnose a problem in the organization

5. To determine communicate the theory and the plan in the context of the organization

Definition of the communication process in an organization

First of all, we must determine the meaning of the organizational structure. Organizational

structure is a systematic arrangement of people who work together for an organization to achieve

specific goals. There are different levels of how people work, what their authority is and what their

responsibilities are, and how to organize different people in the organization, which is the structure of

the organization.

We can talk about organizational communication as a communication that occurs in

organizations, which is all communication activities, such as sending emails, holding meetings,

talking on the phone, video conferences, speeches and so on. Therefore, these messages are all about

transferring information through an organization. A communication process can help ensure the

creation and delivery of a message. The communication process consists of several stages, such as the

“sender,” and a sender is a person who wants to communicate. Then there is a “message,” that is,

information that the sender wants to communicate. Also, “encoding” is, how the message should be

transmitted, for example, it can be verbal or written encoding, after which we have a “channel,” and

this is how the message should be sent, for example, face-to-face or electronic mail or text. "Recipient"

is the individual to whom the sender sends the message and decrypts it in the way the receiver

understands or how they interpreted the message. “Feedback” is the receiver’s response to the

message, and finally, “noise” that can interfere with communication or reduce the chance of successful


Explanation of the major theory

The two-factor theory was developed by the American psychologist and theorist Frederick

Herzberg in 1959. He specifically looked for two different things and found out which work-related

factors lead to job satisfaction, and which work-related factors are associated with job dissatisfaction.

He determined that several different factors lead to apparent satisfaction, meaning that a person will

be delighted with his specific position, which will increase his motivation in the work that he performs.

On the other hand, certain factors ensured the level of dissatisfaction, at least when they were removed,

which meant that the person did not have those that exist in the organizational environment. Therefore,

these factors must have been present in order to provide a specific type of reasonable level of

satisfaction. Satisfactions describe a person’s relationship with what he or she does, many of which

are related to the tasks performed. On the other hand, dissatisfaction is associated with a person’s

attitude to the context or environment in which he performs his work.

Hygiene factors that are part of a person’s work that must be present to ensure at least a

reasonable level of satisfaction. Moreover, this means that these specific factors will not satisfy the

person, but if they are not present, they can become a source of dissatisfaction. Thus, some of these

specific factors included things such as benefits, such as remuneration, job security, and also included

friends in the workplace (social needs). According to Herzberg, if you do not have good benefits,

reasonable wages, any guarantees of security in the workplace, or some level of interaction in the

workplace, this can cause dissatisfaction.

On the other hand, motivation factors as these factors make a big contribution to job

satisfaction if these factors are not present, they do not necessarily cause a level of dissatisfaction.

However, if they are present, they can become a source of great satisfaction in the workplace and

motivation in a particular workplace. Examples of motives can be recognition, being recognized for a

job well done, especially among employees, individual achievements, career opportunities, and

additional promotions. Thus, Herzberg stated that factors such as recognition, achievement, career

advancement, if they are not present, will not lead to a level of dissatisfaction, however, if they are

present, then they contribute to satisfaction at the workplace.


Herzberg simply applied to the organizational environment, which meant that we could satisfy

any specific need that we want to do. However, they led to varying degrees of motivation, and these

hygienic factors would not be a source of levels of satisfaction. However, if they are not there,

foundation dissatisfaction can be produced.

Apply the theory to the organizational context

We had applied Herzberg’s two factors theory for the organization, which is called American

University in the Emirates. Typically, we focused on the employees’ relationship with their job and

their attitudes, behaviors as well as their satisfaction and dissatisfaction in their workplace. During

our research about the organization, we tried to know more about organizational performances as well

as their actions that an organization takes for its employees. We may build up the idea that the

fulfillment of individual behavior depends on two kinds of components. Variables for performance

(motivate factors – satisfiers) and elements for disappointment (hygiene factors – dissatisfiers).

Execution, acknowledgment, the status of the job, obligation, and open doors for growth all come

under the responsibility of the helpers/satisfiers. Hygiene factors/dissatisfiers are about pay, ancillary

working conditions, relationship with staff, the position of physical work, and interaction between

manager and worker. In his hypothesis, Herzberg guarantees these variables work on a similar plane.

In the end, fulfillment and disappointment are not total inverses. Removing a representative's

disappointment – for instance, by offering a more significant pay – does not indicate that perhaps the

employee would be happy at a certain level. The demonstrative is only not, at this point, dissatisfied.

Also, there are two factors in the hypothesis that can be applied; the initial one is the fulfillment

that has had an impact on the inspiration factors such as duties, achievements and recognition,

progress, work itself, and self-awareness. Furthermore, this to improve and expand the performance

of the activity. Combined with the various components of cleanliness and this by having a connection

to the partner, guidelines and regulations, fair working conditions, pay levels, and management


Associations and their managers need the most suitable exhibition classes. In any case, how

will it be able to convince the group? There is a minimal point in empowering staff if the causes of

cleanliness not considered. Propelling individuals only works when the things that bother them – the

stuff they grumble about – disappear.

Avoid the frustration In order to provide it, it is necessary above all to create some meaning

of all the important factors. What are the complaints, what is going on? How do the staff respond to

each other? As a rule, the following points of view are significant:

- Research on governance within the association.

- Be assured that the control is stable and efficient.

- Build a place of work where all the stakeholders considered.

- Pay an equal fee.

- Ensure that all members carry out useful work in order to improve the status of their power.

- Offer a job that maintains.

Four unique combinations could operate in work

1- High cleanliness and high inspiration: this is the ideal situation. Staff are highly motivated and

have hardly any complaints.

2- High cleanliness and low inspiration: the members have scarcely any complaints, but they are

not so motivated, they see their work as a search.


3- Low cleanliness and high inspiration: the delegates roused, their behavior is being checked,

even though they have complaints about pay or working conditions.

4- Poor cleanliness and unfortunate inspiration: this is the most horrible possible situation, staff

are unconvinced and have many demonstrations.

Using the theory to diagnose a problem in the organization

As per Herzberg, the variables prompting work fulfillment are "independent and particular

from those that lead to work disappointment." Therefore, on the off chance that the American

University in the Emirates sets about wiping out disappointing occupation factors, it may make

harmony yet not upgrade execution. Thus this pacifies the university workforce rather than

encouraging them to improve execution. The attributes related to work disappointment are called

cleanliness factors. When these have sufficiently tended to, individuals will not be disappointed, nor

will they be fulfilled. If they need to encourage the group, at that point, they should concentrate on

fulfillment factors like accomplishment, acknowledgment, and obligation.

This theory has its depreciators, despite its broad acceptance. Some say the theory will not

tackle the notion that members would usually take a closer look at the actual things they believe

about their behavior since people work positively. When things go deeply, as it may be, they would

usually blame external variables. Another fundamental research is the way the theory recognizes a

strong relationship between the execution of the task and the efficacy. Herzberg's methodology did

not resolve this interaction, so this assumption would be right for his findings to matter down to


University ought to use a two-stage method to allow people to apply the hypothesis right

away, and they have got to get rid of the disappointment they are encountering. Besides, they got to

help them find fulfillment.


Eliminate Job Dissatisfaction: Herzberg called the reasons for disappointment "cleanness

factors." To dispose of them, they must:

- Fix inadequate and ineffective organization arrangements.

- Give successful, desirable, and healthy supervision.

- Make and cultivate a culture of appreciation and dignity for all colleagues.

- Ensure that wages are serious.

- Organize the position of work by giving significant work to all positions.

- Give stability to the employer.

These activities help the organization to overcome their association's occupational

disappointment. What is more, there is no point in trying to provoke people until they are off the

beaten track! Nevertheless, they cannot stop there. Keep in mind that since someone is not

disappointed, that does not mean that the person in question is not satisfied either! At present, they

need to direct their concentration towards the completion of work.

Here we move towards the subject of inspiration inclusively. In actuality, they are going to need

"various strokes for different people" – at the end of the day, different individuals will see different

issues, and different things come up. Ensure that they talk with the public one-to-one routinely to

find out what makes a difference to them. This hypothesis is, to no small extent, liable for the act of

allowing individuals to have a more significant obligation to arrange as well as influence the tasks as

a means of increasing inspiration and fulfillment.


In conclusion, we would like to say that Herzberg's two-factor theory plays a large role in the

behavior in the workplace and in the behavior of people, as well as in the fact that it affects the

motivation of individuals / employees. Hygiene and motivation factors helps to challenging with

difficulties in order to improve people's job profile. To achieve this, as we mentioned above,

recognition, achievement, growth, and responsibility really play a big role. On the other hand,

hygiene factors are also the main things that affect the workplace. Hygienic factors affect the

organization’s policies, working conditions, salaries and employees, which also affects the decrease

in employee motivation. In genrally, these factors are really important and create the opportunity to

perform better on employees jobs.

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