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12 An Undergraduate Thesis
13 Presented to
14 The Faculty of AB English Language Program
15 College of Arts and Sciences
16 University of Southeastern Philippines
17 Bo. Obrero, Davao City
20 In Partial Fulfilment to the
21 Requirements for the Degree
22 Bachelor of Arts in English Language


26 by







34 September June 2021

35 Republic of the Philippines
36 University of Southeastern Philippines
38 Bo. Obrero, Davao City








48 I, Zohn Denniel T. Dionisio, do hereby declare that this research is

49 original to the best of my knowledge and ability. I further declare that this activity was
50 undertaken by me and has not been submitted in any form for another degree or diploma
51 at any university or other institute of tertiary education. Information derived from the
52 published and unpublished work of others has been acknowledged in the text and in the
53 list of references.






60 Researcher




65 September June 2021


68 In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Arts in

69 English Language, this undergraduate thesis entitled Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of

70 The Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City, prepared and submitted by Zohn Denniel

71 T. Dionisio, is hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.


74 Adviser


77 Approved by the Committee of the Oral Defense with a grade of _______




81 Member Member
86 Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

87 Bachelor of Arts in English Language.


91 Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
97 September June 2021
101 This study entitled Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of the Roman Catholic

102 Priests in Davao City identified and described the phonetic, lexical and syntactical

103 stylistic devices in the ten (10) English homilies of the Roman Catholic priests in Davao

104 City which were delivered during the Christmas season of 2019.

105 This study employed a descriptive research design and utilized Galperin’s (2013)

106 Classification of Stylistic Devices.

107 The result of the study showed that alliteration and onomatopoeia are the most

108 utilized phonetic stylistic devices in the homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao

109 City. Moreover, the most utilized lexical stylistic device in the English homilies of

110 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City is anaphora with a frequency of 21, followed by

111 metaphor with a frequency of 11, and interjection and exclamatory words with a

112 frequency of eight (8) pleonasm and quotation both with a frequency of four (4), simile

113 with a frequency of three (3), personification and hyperbole both with a frequency of

114 two (2) and allegory, cliché, antonomasia and sarcasm with a frequency of one (1). The

115 most utilized syntactical stylistic device is repetition with a frequency of 54, followed by

116 question in narrative with frequency of 29, enumeration with a frequency of 28, ellipsis

117 with a frequency of 13, represented speech with a frequency of six (6), and antithesis

118 with a frequency of one (1).

119 Based on the findings, the researcher recommends the following: Students may

120 use the result of this study as a guide to further understand stylistic devices and its

121 functions and easily comprehend messages in different texts. Teachers may use the

122 results and discussion of this study as reference in teaching their students about stylistic
123 devices. Future researchers may use this study as a reference in conducting a more

124 comprehensive study on stylistic devices in various literary pieces.



















146 There are several people who keep on motivating and believing on my abilities in

147 completing this study. This study would not be possible without the guidance and support

148 of these people who also gave their important contributions to improve this paper. I

149 would like to extend my deepest and sincere gratitude to the following people:

150 To Prof. George O. Baclay my thesis adviser, thank you for believing that I can

151 do this study, for helping me realize my mistake every now and then, for guiding me

152 through your suggestions and comments to improve this paper, for motivating me to

153 complete my thesis, and for checking the progress of my study.

154 To Dr. Milagros M. Villas and Dr. Catherine M. Roble, panel members, for

155 sharing their knowledge through general recommendations, comments and suggestions,

156 and for guiding me through their compliments, criticisms and advices to enhance this

157 paper.

158 To Ms. Princess Nel-Ann Olo, for reviewing and validating the analysis, results,

159 and discussion of this study which made this study more credible.

160 To Mama, Papa and Zian for your unending love and support through

161 financially and emotionally during hard times and unstable situation.









172 This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to my Parents, who keeps on cheering me

173 up and providing me spiritual, emotional, and financial support and to our Almighty
174 God, for His guidance, strength, wisdom, protection, and for giving us a healthy life.
175 All these I offer to You. Thank you!






182 Zohn Denniel T.Dionisio













199 This study entitled Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of the Roman Catholic

200 Priests in Davao City identified and described the phonetic, lexical and syntactical

201 stylistic devices in the ten (10) English homilies of the Roman Catholic priests in Davao

202 City which were delivered during the Christmas season of 2019.

203 This study employed a descriptive research design using Galperin’s (2013)

204 Classification of Stylistic Devices.

205 The result of the study showed that alliteration and onomatopoeia are the most

206 utilized phonetic stylistic devices with a frequency of four (4). Galperin’s (2013)

207 framework presented the six (6) sub categorized phonetic stylistic devices namely;

208 alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme and rhythm. However, alliteration and

209 onomatopoeia are the only two (2) phonetic stylistic devices found in the English

210 homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City, on the other hand the most utilized

211 lexical stylistic device in the English homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City is

212 anaphora with a frequency of 21 followed by metaphor with a frequency of 11 and

213 interjection and exclamatory words with a frequency of eight (8). The least used lexical

214 stylistic devices are pleonasm and quotation both with a frequency of four (4), simile

215 with a frequency of three (3), personification and hyperbole both with a frequency of

216 two (2). Lastly, allegory, cliché, antonomasia and sarcasm with a frequency of one (1),

217 the most utilized syntactical stylistic devices are repetition with a frequency of 54,

218 question in narrative with frequency of 29 and enumeration with a frequency of 28. The

219 least used syntactical stylistic devices are ellipsis with a frequency of 13, represented

220 speech with a frequency of six (6) and lastly, antithesis with a frequency of one (1).
221 Based on the findings, the researcher recommends the following: Students may use the

222 result of this study as a guide to further understand about stylistic devices and its

223 functions and help them easily comprehend messages in different literary works

224 especially in English homilies. Teacher may use the result of this study as a source of

225 reference in teaching about stylistic devices as this provides discussions that would help

226 them in their classroom discussions. Future researchers may use the result of this study as

227 a reference to conduct a more comprehensive study especially those who are interested

228 about stylistic devices in different literary piece.



















249 There are several people who keep on motivating and believing on my abilities in

250 completing this study. This study would not be possible without the guidance and support

251 of these people who also gave their important contributions to improve this paper. I

252 would like to extend my deepest and sincere gratitude to the following people:

253 To Prof. George O. Baclay my thesis adviser, thank you for believing that I can

254 do this study, for helping me realize my mistake every now and then, for guiding me

255 through your suggestions and comments to improve this paper, for motivating me to

256 complete my thesis, and for checking the progress of my study.

257 To Dr. Milagros M. Villas and Dr. Catherine M. Roble, panel members, for

258 sharing their knowledge through general recommendations, comments and suggestions,

259 and for guiding me through their compliments, criticisms and advices to enhance this

260 paper.

261 To Ms. Princess Nel-Ann Olo, for reviewing and validating the analysis, results,

262 and discussion of this study which made this study more credible.

263 To Mama, Papa and Zian for your unending love and support through

264 financially and emotionally during hard times and unstable situation.









275 This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to my Parents, who keeps on cheering me

276 up and providing me spiritual, emotional, and financial support and to our Almighty
277 God, for His guidance, strength, wisdom, protection, and for giving us a healthy life.
278 All these I offer to You. Thank you!






285 Zohn Denniel T. Dionisio
















303 Title Page i

304 Declaration of Originality ii
305 Approval Sheet iii
306 Abstract iv
307 Acknowledgment vi
308 Dedication viii
309 Table of Contents ix
310 List of Tables xi
311 List of Figures xii

314 Background of the Study 1

315 Statement of the Problem 2
316 Theory Base 3
317 Significance of the Study 4
318 Scope and Limitation 4
319 Definition of Terms 5


322 Related Literature 6

323 Stylistics 6
324 Stylistic Devices 7
325 Classification of Stylistic Devices 7
326 Phonetic Stylistic Devices 8
327 Lexical Stylistic Devices 10
328 Syntactical Stylistic Devices 24
329 Homilies 32
330 Related Studies 33


333 Research Design 40 Research Corpora 40

334 Research Procedures 41
335 Research Tool 44


337 Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City 47
338 Phonetic Stylistic Devices 49
339 Lexical Stylistic Devices 51
340 Syntactical Stylistic Devices 60


343 Summary of findings 66

344 Conclusion 67
345 Recommendations 67
351 Appendix A 73
352 Appendix B 74
353 Appendix C 75
354 Appendix D 76
355 Appendix E 77
356 Appendix F 80
357 Appendix G 86
358 Appendix H 89
359 Appendix I 93
360 Appendix J 94
361 Appendix K 97
362 Appendix L 103
363 Appendix M 106
364 Appendix N 108
365 Appendix O 112
366 Appendix P 115








383 1 Phonetic Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013) 44
385 2 Lexical Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013) 45
387 3 Syntactical Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013) 46
389 4 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in the Homilies
390 of the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City 47
392 5 Lexical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies
393 of the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City 49
395 6 Syntactical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies
396 of the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City 60

429 1 Flowchart of the Research Procedures 41TABLE OF


431 Title Page i

432 Declaration of Originality ii
433 Approval Sheet iii
434 Abstract iv
435 Acknowledgment vi
436 Dedication viii
437 Table of Contents ix
438 List of Tables xi
439 List of Figures xii

442 Background of the Study 1

443 Statement of the Problem 2
444 Theory Base 3
445 Significance of the Study 4
446 Scope and Limitation 4
447 Definition of Terms 5


450 Related Literature 6

451 Stylistics 6
452 Stylistic Devices 7
453 Classification of Stylistic Devices 7
454 Phonetic Stylistic Devices 8
455 Lexical Stylistic Devices 10
456 Syntactical Stylistic Devices 24
457 Homilies 32
458 Related Studies 34


461 Research Design 41 Research Corpora 41

462 Research Procedures 42
463 Research Tool 45

465 Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City 48
466 Phonetic Stylistic Devices 48
467 Lexical Stylistic Devices 51
468 Syntactical Stylistic Devices 62


471 Summary of findings 68

472 Conclusion 69
473 Recommendations 70
479 Appendix A 76
480 Appendix B 77
481 Appendix C 78
482 Appendix D 79
483 Appendix E 80
484 Appendix F 83
485 Appendix G 88
486 Appendix H 91
487 Appendix I 95
488 Appendix J 96
489 Appendix K 99
490 Appendix L 105
491 Appendix M 108
492 Appendix N 110
493 Appendix O 114
494 Appendix P 117








511 1 Phonetic Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013) 45
513 2 Lexical Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013) 46
515 3 Syntactical Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013) 47
517 4 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in the Homilies
518 of the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City 48
520 5 Lexical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies
521 of the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City 51
523 6 Syntactical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies
524 of the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City 62

559 1 Flowchart of the Research Procedures 42


561 Chapter I


563 This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of the

564 problem, the theory base, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation, and

565 the definition of terms used in the study.

566 Background of the Study

567 Speech is one of the ways to communicate with the audience. According to

568 Remorosa (2018) as cited in Paña (2019), speech is a communication through the use

569 of spoken language. A speech is spoken language since it is the production of

570 phonetic properties of words in order to form a sentence (Levelt, 1999). Every

571 expression in the speech carries emotion. In fact, American Psychological Society

572 states that emotions are the fundamental aspects of speech. To communicate

573 effectively a speaker uses various devices in conveying the message to the listeners.

574 One of the devices that speakers use in delivering the speech are stylistic devices.

575 Stylistic devices play a vital role in speeches since it functions to express

576 emotional coloring and melody in every utterance (Galperin, 1981). Stylistic devices

577 are commonly applied in literary works especially in speeches. Through the use of

578 stylistic devices, speakers construct ideas in a manner which listeners can

579 comprehend the speech in a unique perspective. Stylistic devices render flow and

580 beauty to any speech which is helpful in attracting listeners. In addition, stylistic

581 devices do not mean exactly what it conveys, but instead forces the listeners to make

582 an imaginative leap in order to comprehend the speaker’s point. It presents the

583 personal imprint of every writer’s skill in enriching language with new meanings

584 (Galperin, 2013). Moreover, Lehtsalu, Liiv, and Mute (1971) assert that stylistic

585 device is naturally present in speech, which aims in imparting stylistic effect to the

586 listeners. Since speech is defined as the production of phonetic properties of lexicons

587 in order to form a structure of sentence or syntax, Galperin (2013) classifies stylistic

588 devices into three categories according to their function: phonetic, lexical, and

589 syntactical stylistic devices.

590 One of the kinds of speech where stylistic devices are utilized is a homily.

591 A homily is a speech or sermon given by a priest in a Roman Catholic Church after

592 a scripture has been read (Your Dictionary, 2019). The purpose of the homily is to

593 provide insight into the meaning of the scripture and relate it to the lives of the

594 parishioners of the church.

595 A number of studies were conducted that explored the stylistic devices in

596 various corpora, such as political speeches of Unites States presidents (Dung, 2010),

597 contemporary worship songs (Sale, 2019), and political speeches of Philippine

598 senators (Paña, 2019; Sugabo, 2017). However, the researcher has not come across a

599 study that explored the stylistic devices in the homilies of Roman Catholic priests in

600 Davao City. Hence, this study aims to identify and describe the stylistic devices in

601 the homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City using the Classification

602 Cclassification of Stylistic Devices of Galperin (2013).

603 Statement of the Problem

604 This study identified and described the phonetic, lexical, and syntactical

605 stylistic devices in the homilies of the Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.

606 Specifically, the researcher sought to answer the following questions.


607 1. What are the phonetic stylistic devices in the homilies of Roman Catholic

608 priests in Davao City?

609 2. What are the lexical stylistic devices in the homilies of Roman Catholic

610 priests in Davao City?

611 3. What are the syntactical stylistic devices in the homilies of Roman

612 Catholic priests in Davao City?

613 Theory Base

614 This study utilized Galperin’s (2013) Classification of Stylistic Devices, which

615 are divided into three (3) main aspects, namely, phonetic, lexical, and syntactical

616 stylistic devices.

617 Phonetic Stylistic Devices help a word, a phrase, and a sentence have unique

618 phonetic effect. Phonetic stylistic devices are classified as alliteration, assonance,

619 onomatopoeia, rhyme and rhythm.

620 Lexical Stylistic Devices assist text to have expressive, evaluative and

621 subjective connotations. These devices influence meaning whether by intensification

622 or interaction between word meanings. Lexical stylistic devices are classified as

623 allegory, allusion, anaphora, antonomasia, catachresis, cliché, detachment, epigram,

624 epithet, euphemism, hyperbole, interjections and exclamatory words, irony, metaphor,

625 metonymy, oxymoron, periphrasis, personification, pleonasm, proverbs, pun,

626 quotation, sarcasm, simile, synecdoche, understatement and zeugma.

627 Syntactical Stylistic Devices deals on the stylistic elements of the structures of

628 phrases and sentences that have independent meaning. Syntactical stylistic devices

629 are classified as anadiplosis, anticlimax, antithesis, aposiopesis, archaism, asyndeton,


630 chiasmus, climax, detached construction, enumeration, gap sentence link, inversion,

631 litotes, parallel construction, polysyndeton, question in narrative, repetition,

632 represented speech, rhetorical question and suspense.

633 Significance of the Study

634 The results of this study provide beneficial information to the following.

635 Students. The results of this study serve as a guide for the students to become

636 aware of the various stylistic devices in the homilies and in different kinds of speech.

637 This awareness gives the students the knowledge on how to use stylistic devices in

638 their own speech.

639 Teachers. The findings of this study serve as supplementary instructional

640 material for teachers in teaching various stylistic devices to their students.

641 Future Researchers. The findings of this study serve as a useful reference for

642 future researchers who are interested in conducting a study on stylistic devices using

643 various corpora.

644 Scope and Limitation

645 This study focused on identifying and describing the phonetic, lexical and

646 syntactical stylistic devices in the homilies of the Roman Catholic priests in Davao

647 City using the theory of Galperin (2013).

648 The corpora of the study are limited to the ten (10) homilies of Roman

649 Catholic priests in Davao City which were delivered during the Christmas season of

650 2019.





655 Definition of Terms

656 The following terms are operationally defined to provide a better

657 understanding of the key terms as used in the study.

658 Homilies. This refers to the corpora of the study, which were delivered by

659 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City during the Christmas season of 2019, of

660 which the stylistic devices were identified and described using Galperin’s (2013)

661 Classification of Stylistic Devices.

662 Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City. This refers to the source of the

663 corpora of the study, whose stylistic devices in their homilies were identified and

664 described using the theory of Galperin (2013).

665 Stylistic Devices. This refers to the phonetic, syntactical, and lexical devices

666 in the homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City which were identified and

667 described using the theory of Galperin (2013).









682 Chapter II


684 This chapter presents the literature and studies related to the present study.

685 Related Literature

686 Stylistics

687 Stylistics is a brain of linguistics concerned with the study of style in a text

688 (Pearson, 2001). It aims to account for how text project meaning, how readers

689 construct meaning and why readers respond to text in the way that they do (Jeffries

690 & Mclyntyre, 2010). In addition, stylistic is a linguistic approach to literature

691 explaining the relation between language and artistic function with motivating

692 questions such as why and how more than what. It aims to account for how text

693 projects meaning, how readers construct meaning and why readers respond to text

694 in the way that they do. Stylistics involves the close study of linguistic features of a

695 text in order to arrive at an understanding of how the meanings of text are

696 transmitted (Leech & Short, 2007).

697 Moreover, Khan (2016) stated that stylistics also refers to the techniques of

698 explication which allows an objective definition on what an author has done in using

699 the language linguistically or non-linguistically, and also stylistics deals with a wide

700 range of language varieties and style that are possible in creating different texts,

701 whether spoken or written, monologue or dialogue, formal or informal, scientific or

702 religious etc.

703 Furthermore, according to Widdowson (1975), stylistic has two (2) main

704 objectives: to enable readers to make meaningful interpretation of the text itself and

705 to expand knowledge and awareness of the language in general. Also, according to

706 Zulaikha (2015), the main purpose of stylistics is to enable the readers to

707 understand the intent of the author in the manner that the information has been

708 passed across by the author or writer. Therefore, stylistics is concerned with the

709 examination of grammar, lexis, semantics as well as phonological properties and

710 discourse devices.

711 Stylistic Devices

712 According to Galperin (1997) as cited in Vrabel (2010), stylistic devices are

713 conscious and intentional intensification of some typical structural and semantic

714 property of a language unit promoted to a generalized status that are thus becoming

715 a generative model. In addition, Kuharenko (1986) states that stylistic devices is a

716 conscious and intentional literary use of some facts of the language with the purpose

717 of further intensification of the emotional or logical emphasis contained in the

718 corresponding expressive means. Moreover, Galperin (2013) states that expressive

719 means of the language are the choice of words, clauses, sentences, a combination of

720 sounds which signal additional information.

721 Furthermore, Pahlow (2000) states that stylistic devices make speeches,

722 essays, poems, and presentations more interesting and livelier. Therefore, using

723 stylistic devices will help the writer and speaker to easily catch the attention of

724 readers and listeners. In the framework of Galperin (2013) the stylistic devices are

725 divided into three (3) aspects depending on their stylistic function namely: phonetic

726 stylistic device, lexical stylistic device and syntactical stylistic device.

727 Classification of Stylistic Devices

728 Galperin (2013) classified stylistic devices into three (3) main categories as

729 phonetic, lexical and syntactical stylistic.


731 Phonetic Stylistic Devices

732 These stylistic devices are used for the purpose of producing acoustic effect,

733 giving an emphasis to the utterance, and to arouse emotions in the reader to listener.

734 Phonetic stylistic devices are used to create a unique phonetic effect on a certain

735 word, phrases, and sentence sounds. Galperin (2013) sub categorized phonetic

736 stylistic devices as follows:

737 Alliteration

738 Alliteration derived from latin “Latira” which means “letters of alphabet”,

739 alliteration is phonetic stylistic device in which a number of words having the same

740 first consonant word occurs close together in a series. The repetition of the same

741 sounds, usually initial consonants, of words of stressed syllables in any sequence og

742 neighboring word is an alliteration (Baldick, 2001). On the other hand, Wales (2001)

743 defines the term alliteration concisely as initial rhyme. In addition, alliteration aims

744 to impact a melodic effect to the utterance which is regarded as a musical effect,

745 creates rhythm, mood and motion while also imbuing sentences with beauty and

746 flow, it does not only depend on letters but on sounds as well (Galperin, 2013).

747 Example: He will lead us to a better and brighter future.

748 In the phrase, he will lead us to a better and brighter future, alliteration is

749 being utilized since the consonant /b/ is being repeated in the word better and

750 brighter.

751 Assonance

752 Assonance is the repetition of the vowel sound in a word or sentence. It takes

753 place when two or more words close to one another repeat the same vowel sound but

754 start with different sounds. Also, assonance is characterized by the repetition of the

755 same vowel sounds to create an internal rhyming to increase stress on a subject or to

756 add expressivity (Galperin, 2013).

757 Example: The school has received numerous awards and appreciations.

758 In the given example, assonance is exhibited in the repetition of the vowel

759 sound /a/ at the beginning of the succeeding words awards and appreciation.

760 Onomatopeia

761 Onomatopoeia refers to the words whose pronunciations imitate the sounds

762 they describe. According to Galperin (2013), it is also the combination of speech

763 sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced by nature, by things, by people and

764 animals. Onomatopeia creates a sound effect that mimics the thing described,

765 making the description more expressive and interesting.

766 Example: He ran away when he heard bang in the street.

767 In the sentence, He ran away when he heard bang in the street, the term bang

768 adds sound effect in the sentence, and thus draws the reader to the sound of a gun.

769 Rhyme

770 According to Galperin (2013), rhyme is the exact repetition of vowels and

771 consonants, typically at end of words with different beginning consonant sounds.

772 Rhyming words are generally placed at a regular distance from each verse,

773 songs, poems, speeches they usually placed at the end of the corresponding lines.

774 Example: Twinkle twinkle little star

775 How I wonder what you are

776 In the given example, the common type of rhyme occurred in the final

777 syllable of each verse or line.


779 Rhythm

780 Rhythm is the usage of an utterance that has regularly recurring units

781 periodically. In addition, according to Galperin (2013), rhythm is sometimes used by

782 the author to produce desired stylistic effect.

783 Example: We have three choices in life – give in, give up or give it all you.

784 In the given example rhythm is transparent, simply because the word give

785 which is repeated for three times makes a rhythmic pattern.

786 Lexical Stylistic Devices

787 Lexical stylistic devices deal with words and their lexical meaning whether

788 by intensification or interaction between two word meanings (Galperin, 2013).

789 Words in a text may acquire additional lexical meaning which is not fixed in the

790 dictionary. In some case that contextual meaning of a word is quite opposite from

791 the primary meaning. When two meanings of a word are perceived simulteanously,

792 humans are dealing with stylistic devices as follows:

793 Allegory

794 The word allegory comes from the ancient Greek allegoria which means

795 “speaking otherwise”. An allegorical reading usually involves moral or spiritual

796 concepts that may be more significant than the actual, literal even described in a

797 narrative. An allegory involves the interaction of multiple symbols which together

798 create moral, spiritual or even political meaning. Although an allegory uses symbols,

799 it is different from symbolism. An allegory is a complete narrative that involves

800 characters and events that stand for an abstract idea or event (Galperin, 2013). In

801 addition, Thrall (1936) stated that allegory is a form of extended metaphor in which

802 objects and person in a narrative, either pose or verse are equated with meaning lie

803 outside the narrative itself.

804 Example: Faith is like a stony uphill climb: a single stumble might send
805 you sprawling but belief and steadfastness will see you to the
806 very top.
808 The given example shows that the word faith does not really refer to the word

809 itself; rather it is being compared to hardships.

810 Allusion

811 Allusion is a figure of speech whereby the author refers to subject matter

812 such as place, event, or literary work by way of a passing reference. It does not

813 describe in detail the person or thing which it refers. Allusion is an indirect

814 reference to some historical, cultural, biblical, literary fact for political significance

815 expressed in text (Galperin, 2013).

816 Example: She transformed her backyard to look like the Garden of Eden.

817 In the given example, backyard is said to be transformed into Garden of

818 Eden which is a biblical place.


819 Anaphora

820 Anaphora is cohesion (presupposition) which points back to some previous

821 item (Halliday and Hasan, 1996). In addition, according to Galperin (2013),

822 anaphora is the repetition of the same word or phrase at beginning of successive

823 phrases, clauses, sentence, or verse.

824 Example: I’m sick and tired of you for letting me down.
825 I’m sick and tired of you for making me mad.
826 And I’m sick and tired of you for doing such silly things!

827 In the given example, anaphora is exhibited by the repetition of the phrase

828 I’m sick and tired of you at the beginning of every line.

829 There are different types of anaphora. As cited in Sale (2019), the types of

830 anaphora are pronominal anaphora, VP anaphora, prepositional anaphora,

831 adjectival anaphora, modal anaphora, temporal anaphora, and kind-level

832 anaphora.

833 Pronominal anaphora is when the antecedent is referred by definite noun

834 phrase (NP) representing either same concept (repetition) or semantically close

835 anaphora concept (Niraula, 2014).

836 Ron left. He said he was sick.

837 The antecedent is Ron and the anaphoric expression is he.

838 Example of VP anaphora or VP ellipsis

839 Chris took out the leftovers. Josh did too.

840 The antecedent is took out the leftovers and the anaphoric expression a null

841 VP.

842 Prepositional anaphora when an antecedent on a sentence denoing an

843 expression using the types of preposition.

844 One plaintiff was passed over for promotion three times
845 But the jury did not believe this.
847 The antecedent is the preposition expressed by the first sentence. The

848 anaphoric expression will be this.

849 Adjectival anaphora when an antecedent on a sentence denoting an

850 expression.

851 A kind stranger returned my wallet. Such people are rare.

852 The antecedent is kind stranger and the anaphoric such will be such.

853 Example of Modal anaphora

854 John might give a presentation. He would us slides.

855 The antecedent is the possibility described by the first sentence and the

856 anaphoric expression is the modal would.

857 Temporal anaphora defines as the time of entulity and the reference time is

858 resolved via binding, the resulting aspectual viewpoint is imperfective, while when it

859 is resolved via conference, the viewpoint is perfective.

860 Mimi had a party last Friday and Sam got drunk.

861 The time which Sam got drunk is anaphoric on the time at which Mimi had

862 the party.

863 Kind-level anaphora is when the antecedent also does not always have to

864 precede the anaphoric expression; when it doesn’t, these are called cases of

865 cataphora or backwards anaphora.

866 Clark gave a presentation. Ryan gave one too.


867 The antecedent is a presentation and the anaphoric expression is one. The

868 antecedent also does not always have to precede the anaphoric expression; when it

869 doesn’t, these are called cases of cataphora or backwards anaphora.

870 Antonomasia

871 The word antonomasia is derived from Greek word antonomazein meaning

872 “to name differently”. It is a lexical stylistic device that is closely related to

873 metaphor and metonymy. It is use for proper name to express a general idea or

874 substitution of an epithet for a proper name (Galperin, 2013). The importance of

875 using antonomasia can provide someone with a strong epithet which further

876 celebrates and memorializes their great deeds. Stylistically, such epithet may be

877 used for elegant variation to reduce repetition of names in phrase (Galperin, 2013).

878 Example: Knowing him finally, he was the Alexander seeking new worlds.

879 The pronouns were replaced for a proper noun “Alexander” which gives a

880 quality to the pronouns. Alexander stands for someone who is stouthearted and

881 intelligent which is used in the sentence.

882 Cliché

883 Cliché are expressions that either have a general meaning or have lost their

884 meaning over time. These overused phrases do not provide specific meaning or

885 image. Some are idioms where the figurative meaning of group of words is different

886 from the literal definition. Other cliché may once have possessed a precise meaning

887 that made them creative metaphors but they have now lost their edge because that

888 specific definition has been forgotten or dulled through overuse. Readers have

889 largely lost this unique context, the phrase has also lost the specificity which may

890 have once made it a potent metaphor (Galperin, 2013).

891 Example: …action speaks louder than words.

892 The given example is a popular saying, hence makes it a cliché.

893 Catachresis

894 Catachresis is the misapplication of a word or a phrase to create a

895 deliberately strained figure or a mixed metaphor. Often, it is used intentionally to

896 create a unique expression. Catachresis is also known as an exaggerated comparison

897 between two ideas or objects.

898 Example: A man that studies revenge keeps his own wounds green…

899 The author uses metaphorical language by comparing revenge with wounds.

900 The writer has made a connection between seemingly unconnected topics. However,

901 catachresis is creating a rhetorical effect in this serious text.

902 Detachment

903 Detachment is a lexical stylistic device consists of separating secondary part

904 of a sentence with the aim of emphasizing it. It is based on singling out a secondary

905 member of sentence with the help of punctuation. In addition, according to Galperin

906 (2013), it is about singling out a secondary member of sentence with the help of

907 punctuation. Moreover, detachment is a stylistic device based on the author’s desire

908 to give a greater significance to a secondary member of the sentence, usually an

909 attribute or a modifier (, 2014).

910 Example: Yesterday, the CEO cancelled the project meeting.


911 The word yesterday, which is an adverb of time, has been emphasized by

912 placing it at the beginning of the sentence. The secondary member or the support of

913 the sentence was emphasized through the use of the use of the punctuation mark (,).

914 Epigram

915 Epigram is derived from a Greek word, epigramma meaning inscription or to

916 inscribe. Epigram is a short, brief, witty saying usually in verse with a quick

917 satirical twist at the end. The essence of epigrams in literary works is it engages

918 readers and makes them ponder the meaning of what is said.

919 Example: Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to
920 mankind.
922 The given example is a popular epigram from John F. Kennedy who is the

923 5th president of the United States which is usually used in common speeches to

924 impose peace and end war.



927 Epithet

928 Epithet is a figure of speech denoting a permanent or temporary quality of a

929 person, thing, idea or phenomenon and characterizing it from the point of view of

930 subjective perception. An epithet can be expressed by an attributive word, phrase

931 and combination of words or sometimes by a whole sentence (Galperin, 2013).

932 Example: Here of a Sunday morning

933 My love and I would lie,
934 And see the coloured countries,
935 About us in the sky.

936 The given example is from the poem Brendon Hills by A. E. Housman. In the

937 example, coloured is an epithet used to describe the pleasant and beautiful spring

938 season in those countries where the poet wishes to enjoy his beloved’s company.

939 Euphemism

940 The word euphemism originates from Greek word euphemia, where it comes

941 to speak in good way (Enright, 2004). Euphemism is a figure of speech consisting in

942 the substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for a harsh or blunt one

943 (Galperin, 2013). In addition, Leech (1981) states that euphemism used to replace

944 social taboos, swearing, blasphemy, profanity and other offensive language but they

945 can be used just to make a common word sound more sophisticated.

946 Example: We do not hire motivationally deficient people.

947 In the given example, the expression motivationally deficient refers to lazy

948 people, which makes the statement more pleasant and less defensive.

949 Hyperbole

950 According to Galperin (2013), hyperbole is transference of meaning based on

951 exaggeration not meant to be taken literally. Hyperbole expresses the emotional

952 attitude of the speaker towards the object of discussion (Galperin, 2013). In

953 addition, according to Luders (2013), hyperbole is not a comparison like simile and

954 metaphors, but an extravagant and ridiculous overstatement not meant to be taken

955 literally. Also, it is for the sake not of deception but of emphasis.

956 Example: Our professor had eyes at the back of her head.

957 In the given example, the phrase had eyes at the back of her head does not

958 literally mean the professor had eyes at the back of her head. The subject

959 figuratively states that the professor seems to see everything that goes on in the

960 classroom.

961 Interjection and Exclamatory Words

962 According to Galperin (2013) interjection and exclamatory words is a word, phrase

963 or sentence that is used to express feeling strongly. Interjections are words or

964 expressions which are inserted into a sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or

965 to gain attention. Interjections are usually placed at the beginning of a sentence.

966 They have no grammatical connection to the sentence in which they occur;

967 therefore, interjections may stand alone. In addition, if an interjection is mild, it is

968 followed by a comma. If it is strong, it is followed by an exclamation point. In no

969 instance should an interjection with a comma or exclamation point be followed by a

970 period or comma respectively (Centerfor Writing Studies, 2013).

971 Example

972 Shoot! I forgot my brother’s birthday.

973 In the given example, the word “shoot” in the sentence has been followed by

974 an exclamatory point (!) that emphasizes a strong feeling towards forgetting his/her

975 brother’s birthday.


977 Irony

978 Irony is a stylistic device in which the literal meaning of lexical unit is the

979 opposite of that intended. According to Galperin (2013), irony is based on the

980 simultaneous realization of two logical meanings: dictionary and contextual, but the

981 two meanings stand in opposition to each other. The stylistic effect of irony lives in

982 the fact that the contextual meaning does not overthrow the denotational one but

983 merges into the latter, thus revealing the inner contradiction of a phenomenon

984 (Galperin, 2013).

985 Example: A marriage counselor files divorce.

986 In the given example, the sentence is ironic because the expectation that a

987 professional who coaches couples through rough patches would herself have a

988 strong marriage.

989 Metaphor

990 According to Alice (2018), metaphor is a figure of speech that describes the

991 object or action in a way that is not literally true, but helps explain an idea or make

992 a comparison. In addition, according to Galperin (2013) metaphor is a lexical

993 stylistic device in which comparison is made between two things essentially unlike.

994 The principal of metaphor is to compare two things unlike but have the same

995 quality. A metaphor is a relation between the dictionary and contextual logical

996 meanings based on the affinity or similarly or certain properties or features of two

997 corresponding concepts. It is an implied comparison without the use of words like,

998 than and as.

999 Example: My brother is boiling mad.

1000 The given example is a metaphor since there is a direct comparison between

1001 brother and boiling which are two essentially unlike things.

1002 Metonymy

1003 Metonymy is a stylistic device that equates a thing with other thing or

1004 replaces it. According to Galperin (2013), metonymy is used in developing literary

1005 symbolism, meaning it gives more profound meanings to otherwise common ideas

1006 and objects. In addition, metonymy involves replacing the name of something with

1007 the name of closely related thing, it appears in famous literature and everyday

1008 speech (Allen, 2016).

1009 Example: I’m mighty glad Georgia waited till after Christmas before it
1010 secedes or it would have ruined the Christmas parties.
1012 In the given example, the word Georgia points out everything that makes up

1013 the state: its citizens, politicians, and the government. It is a metonymy extremely

1014 common in the modern world, where the name of a country or state refers to a

1015 whole nation and its government. Thus, it renders brevity to the ideas.

1016 Oxymoron

1017 Oxymoron is derived from the Greek word oxy meaning sharp, and moron,

1018 which basically means dull. According to Cuddon (1980), oxymoron is a lexical

1019 stylistic device in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect. The

1020 common oxymoron phrase usually is a combination of an adjective proceeded by a

1021 noun with a contrasting meaning. However, contrasting word or phrases are not

1022 always glue together; it may be spaced out in sentence (Galperin, 2013).

1023 Example: The awful specter of civil war looms over the country.

1024 In the given example, the concept of civil war in the sentence is an oxymoron

1025 because wars are never civil. Oxymoron is a term or phrase which generally

1026 composed of opposing words, an oxymoron is a clear contradiction.


1028 Periphrasis

1029 A periphrasis is a grammatical principle and manner of speaking that uses

1030 more words than necessary to evoke a certain meaning. Periphrasis is, at times,

1031 beneficial for certain reasons, though is often consider redundant (Literary Devices,

1032 2018). In addition, periphrasis can be conveyed by a word combination or a whole

1033 sentence. It serves to stress a characteristic feature of an object or a phenomenon at

1034 the same time expressing subjective attitude of the author towards the object or

1035 phenomenon referred to (Galperin, 2013).

1036 Example: When that fell arrest

1037 Without all bail shall carry me away
1039 In the given example, the author is explaining death and its consequences.

1040 The author used an indirect way of illustrating death as when that fell. Here it

1041 means, when death comes, no one would be able to save the author.

1042 Personification

1043 Personification is a stylistic device in which abstractions, animals, ideas, and

1044 inanimate objects are having human forms, character, traits or sensibilities (Shaw,

1045 1972). According to Lakoff and Turner (1989) as cited in Dorst (2011)

1046 personification permits to use knowledge to have a maximal effect, to use insights to

1047 comprehend such things as forces of nature, common events, abstract concepts, and

1048 inanimate object. An inanimate objects or idea maybe directly referred to as a

1049 person.

1050 Example: The pen is dancing on the paper.

1051 Personification is exhibited in the given example since the pen, which is an

1052 inanimate object, was given a human-like ability to dance. Figuratively, it means

1053 that someonsomeone is using the pen to write on the paper.



1055 Pleonasm

1056 Pleonasm is derived from Greek word that means “excess”. It is a lexical

1057 stylistic device that can be defined as the use of two or more words to express an

1058 idea, these words are redundant (Galperin, 2013). Moreover, pleonasm is the use of

1059 more words that necessary to express a meaning (Oxford Learner’s Dictionary,

1060 2018).

1061 Example: I saw it with my own eyes

1062 In the given example, when one sees something, it can be presumed it is with

1063 one’s own eyes. The addition of own is a pleonasm because it’s redundant due to the

1064 presence of the preceding word my.

1065 Proverbs

1066 Proverb is derived from Latin word proverbium which means simple,

1067 concrete, traditional saying that expresses a truth based on common sense or

1068 experience. According to Akporobaro (2008), proverbs are often associated with

1069 common or traditional wisdom or attitude. It is short, pithy saying that expresses a

1070 traditionally held truth or piece of advice, based on common sense or experience.

1071 Example: A tree is known by its fruit.

1072 The example is a proverb, which means success is shown by one’s deeds.

1073 Pun

1074 A pun is a play on words that produces a humorous effect by using a word

1075 that suggests two or more meanings, or by exploiting similar sounding words that

1076 have different meanings. Humorous effects created by puns depend upon the

1077 ambiguities the words

1078 Example: Can February march? No, but April may.

1079 The example shows a pun using the months in the calendar.

1080 Quotation

1081 Quotation is a phrase or sentence taken from a work of literature or other

1082 piece of writing and repeated in order to prove a point or support an idea. They are

1083 marked graphically by inverted commas: dashes, italics. According to Galperin

1084 (2013), quotation is based on the repetition of another person’s written or speech

1085 words in order to illustrate, sustain or prove what the person say. It relies on the

1086 expertise and knowledge reputation of the persons quoted or cited.

1087 Example: “Change? What for? We have the best.” – President Rodrigo

1088 The given example is quoted from the president during a debate with Hon.

1089 Atty. Nograles. The usage of quotation mark indicates that the sentence is directly

1090 quoted from the president’s message.

1091 Sarcasm

1092 Sarcasm can be traced back to the Greek verb sarkazein which means “to

1093 tear flesh like a dog”. Sarcasm is the use of mockery, verbal taunts, or bitter irony. It

1094 is an act of saying one thing while meaning the opposite (Galperin, 2013). Mostly, it

1095 is a verbal device with the intention of putting something down.

1096 Example: Please keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested.

1097 In the given example, the speaker is not really interested. What the speaker

1098 said is sarcasm since yawning when someone is talking is a manifestation of


1099 boredom.

1100 Simile

1101 Simile is a phrase that uses a comparison to describe. Simile means

1102 comparing two different and unlike things in entity while holding some similarities

1103 in some attributes. Bently (1992) states that simile is the comparison of two objects

1104 which are totally unlike but possess some features that are common in both. Similes

1105 are more likely to be used with explicit explanations of their intended meanings.

1106 Simile and metaphor are both used to compare unlike things. However, simile is

1107 indirect comparison and metaphor is direct comparison. The comparison in simile is

1108 expressed by the words like as, than, similar to, resembles, or like, but in metaphor,

1109 the comparison uses auxiliary verbs such as is, are, was, and were (Tjahjono, 2010).

1110 Example: Our soldiers are as brave as lions.

1111 The soldiers are compared to the lions using the preposition as to compare

1112 soldiers and lions.

1113 Synecdoche

1114 Synecdoche is a literary device in which a part of something represents the

1115 whole or vice versa. Synecdoche is a lexical stylistic device in which part of

1116 something represents the whole or it may be the whole to represent a part. It may

1117 also use larger groups to refer to smaller groups or vice versa Galperin (2013).

1118 Example: New wheels.

1119 In the given example, the word wheels refers to a car, which exhibited a

1120 synecdoche since a wheel is part of a car.

1121 Understatement

1122 Understatement (meiosis) is a statement which deliberately errors on the side

1123 of moderation, nit representing with completeness all the aspects of the case. In

1124 addition, understatement is a stylistic device in which statements are purposely

1125 understated. A statement is deliberately weakened to sound ironical or softened to

1126 sound more polite. Moreover, understatement is an opposite of exaggeration but

1127 both understatement and exaggeration can draw people’s attention to an idea in

1128 different ways (Galperin, 2013). Exaggeration feels active and energetic while

1129 understatement feels quieter and subtle.

1130 Example: “It was OK,” said the student who got the highest score in the

1131 test.

1132 Achieving the highest score in the test is more than okay, which has been

1133 understated in the example.

1134 Zeugma

1135 Zeugma is a lexical stylistic device based on the interaction of different

1136 denotational meanings. In a zeugma, a word is often in the same grammatical

1137 relation to two adjacent words in context, one metaphorical and the other literal in

1138 meaning (Galperin, 2013). A verb may be associated with two subjects, objects, or

1139 adverbial modifiers; an adjective may be with two nouns, although appropriate to

1140 but one of the two.

1141 Example: I lost my keys and my temper.

1142 The example illustrated both literal and metaphorical meanings, which are

1143 losing keys on one hand and losing temper on the other hand.

1144 Syntactical Stylistic Devices


1145 Syntactical Stylistic Device deals on the stylistic elements of the structures of

1146 phrases and sentences that have independent meaning (Galperin, 1981). Moreover,

1147 Vrabel (2010) states that syntactical stylistic device also called grammar stylistics

1148 describes regularities of building words, word-combinations, sentences and texts. In

1149 this category, stylistics restricts itself to those grammar regularities, which make

1150 language units expressive. According to Galperin (2013), there are twenty

1151 syntactical stylistic devices in this category namely Anadiplosis, Anticlimax, Anti-

1152 thesis, Aposiopesis, Archaisms, Asyndeton, Chiasmus, Climax, Detached construction,

1153 Ellipsis, Enumeration, Gap- Sentence Link, Inversion, Litotes, Parallel construction,

1154 Polysyndeton, Question in narrative, Repetition, Rhetorical Questions, and Suspense.

1155 Anadiplosis

1156 Anadiplosis is the repetition of the initial, middle or final word or word-

1157 group in a sentence or clause at the beginning of the next with the adjunct idea. In

1158 addition, according to Galperin (1981) anadiplosis is the last word or phrase of one

1159 part of an utterance is repeated at the beginning of the next part thus, hooking two

1160 parts together.

1161 Example: The general became a slave. The slave became a gladiator.

1162 In the given example, the last word slave in the first sentence is repeated in

1163 the beginning of the second sentence, which exhibits anadiplosis.

1164 Anticlimax

1165 The slackening of tension in a sentence or longer piece of writing wherein the

1166 ideas fall off in dignity; or become less important with an unexpected result.

1167 Example: He lost his dream, his family, and his phone.

1168 In the given example, the words dream and family have a gradual increase of

1169 importance, but the final one phone turns into less important, which makes the

1170 example anticlimax.

1171 Antithesis

1172 According to Galperin (2013), antithesis is the opposition and contrast

1173 between ideas or words in a balanced and parallel construction.

1174 Example: We do not need to show our kids that you’re not strong by
1175 putting them down – you’re strong by lifting them up.
1177 In the given example, the antithesis is exhibited in the phrase you’re not

1178 strong by putting them down – you’re strong by lifting them up because it presents

1179 opposing ideas.

1180 Aposiopesis (break-in-the-narrative)

1181 Aposiopesis is the sudden intentional breaking of the narration and functions

1182 to reveal agitated state of the speaker, without completing a thought, as if a speaker

1183 was unable or unwilling to speak his mind.

1184 Example: It really hurts to get cheated, can’t move on, I can’t just.

1185 The structure of the sentence is incomplete due to an emotional outburst of

1186 the speaker.

1187 Archaism

1188 Archaism is the word stock of the language is increasing state of change.

1189 Words change their meaning and sometimes drop out of the language.

1190 Example: Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?

1191 The word hath and the phrase thee oft amid thy are old English terms, which

1192 are already considered archaic.


1193 Asyndeton

1194 According to Galperin (2013), asyndeton is the deliberate avoidance of

1195 conjunctions or connectives in construction in which they would normally be used.

1196 In addition, according to Nordquist (2019), it is also a writing style where

1197 conjunctions are omitted in a series of words, phrases or clauses. It is used to

1198 shorten a sentence and focus on its meaning.

1199 Example: Are all the conquest, glories, triumphs, spoils, shrunk to this little
1200 measure?
1202 In the given example, asyndeton is exhibited in by the omission of the

1203 connective conjunction and at the enumerated items glories, triumphs, and spoils.

1204 Chiasmus or Reversed Parallel Construction

1205 Repetition of syntactical patterns and has reversed order in one of the

1206 utterances. Achieved by sudden change from active voice to passive and vice versa.

1207 Example: He looked at the gun and the gun looked at him.

1208 In the given example, the word order of the sentence is reversed in parallel

1209 construction from active voice he looked at the gun to passive voice the gun looked at

1210 him.

1211 Climax

1212 Climax is the ascending series of words or utterances in which intensity or

1213 significance increases gradually.

1214 Example: They looked at hundreds of houses, the climbed thousands of

1215 stairs: the inspired innumerable kitchens.
1217 The phrases have gradual increase or significance, from hundreds to

1218 thousands and then to innumerable.


1219 Detached Constructions

1220 The placing of the secondary members of the sentence for formal

1221 independence to the words it refers to (Galperin, 2013).

1222 Example: Sir Pitt came in first, very much flushed, and rather unsteady in
1223 his gait.
1225 The two clauses very much flushed and rather unsteady in his gait are

1226 secondary parts of the sentence in order to support and have formal independence

1227 to first clause Sir Pit came in first.

1228 Dialectical Words

1229 Those in the process of integration of the English national language remain

1230 beyond its literary boundaries and their use is generally confirmed to a definite

1231 local.

1232 Example: Jim: “We’s safe, Huck, we’s safe! Jump and crack yo’ heels.
1233 Dat’s de good ole Cairo at las’, I jis know it”
1234 Huck: “I’ll take the canoe and go see, Jim, It mighn’t be, you
1235 know”
1237 Mark Twain, the author of Huckleberry Finn, uses exaggerated dialect to

1238 distinguish between the characters in the given example.

1239 Ellipsis

1240 Ellipsis is the omission of a word necessary for the complete syntactical

1241 construction of a sentence, but not necessary for understanding. It is usually written

1242 between the sentences as “…” (Galperin, 2013).

1243 Example: Um… I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

1244 There is an omission of syntactical construction in the given example but not

1245 necessary for understanding since the intending meaning of the speaker is already

1246 given as hesitation with an interjection um.

1247 Enumeration

1248 Separate things, properties or actions brought together following a chain of

1249 grammatically and semantically homogenous parts of the utterance (Galperin,

1250 2013). In addition, Harris (2010) expounded that the speaker uses enumeration in

1251 order to give details, illustrate cause and effect, or make point more forcibly.

1252 Example: There are many fruits like oranges, apples, grapes, and melons.

1253 In the given example, the different varieties of items are enumerated under

1254 the same semantic class fruits.

1255 Gap-Sentence-Link (GSL)

1256 A way of connecting two sentences seemingly unconnected and leaving it to

1257 the reader’s perspicacity to grasp the idea implied but nit worded (Studiopedia,

1258 2014).

1259 Example: But the cleanse—and the operations—are not enough.

1260 The two phrases the cleanse and the operations are incoherent. However, it

1261 requires further analysis of the meaning so that it can be understood. It means that

1262 the phrase the cleanse is the investigation of the crime in the country while the

1263 operations is the way to eliminate it.

1264 Inversion

1265 It is a change which does not influence the meaning but is aimed at emphasis

1266 (Galperin, 2013). It attaches logical stress or additional emotional coloring at the

1267 surface meaning of the utterance. According to Crystal (1985) as cited in Alog

1268 (2018), it is when a syntactic change of a specific sequence of constituents occurs.

1269 Example: There’s a whale of a difference between killing an innocent

1270 person and killing a criminal. They ought not to be mixed up.
1272 The given sentence contains a logical attachment which ought not to change

1273 the meaning but to give an emphasis to the difference between killing an innocent

1274 person and killing a criminal.


1276 Litotes

1277 A type of understatement made for emphasis and an affirmation expressed

1278 by denying its contrary (Galperin, 2013).

1279 Example: I’m not sad.

1280 The given example exhibits litotes by negating the extreme word sad. It

1281 communicates that, while you may not be sad, you are in fact pretty unhappy.

1282 Parallel Construction

1283 It is an identical or similar syntactical structure in two or more sentences or

1284 part of a sentence in close succession (Galperin, 2013)

1285 Example: It is to kill or be killed.

1286 Shoot or be shot.

1287 The given example illustrates the two sentences with complete parallel

1288 construction. The first line equates two different choices, either to kill or to be killed

1289 and the second line also equates choices, either to shoot or to be shot.

1290 Polysyndeton

1291 Connects sentences, or phrase, or syntagms, or words by using connectives

1292 before each component part (Galperin, 2013).

1293 Example: She is beautiful and witty and there was a math science fair and
1294 she won the grand prize.
1296 The coordinating conjunction and in the given example exhibits polysyndeton

1297 since it connects the descriptive clauses in the sentence.

1298 Questions in Narrative

1299 Questions asked and answered by one and the same person, usually the

1300 author (Galperin, 1971 as cited in Dielin, 2017).

1301 Example: What happened or didn’t happen in the past that led to his
1302 version of the Philippines?
1304 In the given example, it does not contain any statement. However, in the

1305 latter part of the sentence it is answered by the same person through citing an

1306 interview of the authorities and added information.

1307 Repetition

1308 This refers to the reiteration of the same word or phrase with the view of

1309 expressiveness. Repetition aims logical emphasis, an emphasis necessary to fix the

1310 attention of the reader on the key word of utterance (Galperin, 2013).

1311 Example: The examination will be easy and we can pass this one. We can
1312 pass the exam altogether.
1314 The example exemplifies repetition, which occurs at the end of the sentence.

1315 It logically emphasized the phrase we can pass to point out that students who will be

1316 taking examination can pass.

1317 Represented Speech


1318 Represented speech is a device that conveys to the reader the unuttered or

1319 inner speech of the character, his thoughts and feelings, and to convey actual

1320 utterances (Galperin, 2013).

1321 Example: “Not during my watch,” the President said.

1322 The given sentence is clearly not from the writer rather from the person

1323 quoted.

1324 Rhetorical Questions

1325 A rhetorical device is a question that requires no reply, either because the

1326 answer is obvious or because the asker already knows how the answer. Rhetorical

1327 questions are generally used to draw a contrast, persuade the audience, and make

1328 the listener think, or direct the reader’s attention to an important topic (Dorwart,

1329 2018).

1330 Example: Why should we continue?

1331 The given example illustrates a rhetorical question to grab the attention of

1332 the readers or listeners purposely to think of the answer of rhetorical question.

1333 Suspense

1334 It is a device to produce a state of uncertainty, usually with anxiety or

1335 expectation. Suspense is also a compositional device which is realized through

1336 separation of the practice from the subject by deliberate introduction between them

1337 of a clause or a sentence (Galperin, 2013).

1338 Example: No arrest for now. Senator Trillanes IV remains at the Senate
1339 for the 4th day as President Rodrigo Duterte batracks on the
1340 warrantless arrest of his fierce critics.

1342 In the given example taken from Rappler, the suspense is presented through

1343 the statement where Senator Trillanes warrantless arrest is still on going and

1344 everyone still waiting for the result.

1345 Homilies

1346 In The New Catholic Encyclopedia (2002), homiletics is defined as the branch

1347 of rhetoric that treats of the composition and delivery of sermons or homilies.

1348 According to Waznak (1998) as cited in Baclay (2016) the responsibility of

1349 preaching belonged to bishops, and priests preached only with their permission.

1350 Homilies are preached to the congregation not only for the purpose of interpreting

1351 and explaining the meaning of the words written in the scriptures but also to affect

1352 the personal and spiritual lives of the congregation through effective preaching

1353 strategies employed by the preacher. Homily is a sermon or speech that a religious

1354 person or priest delivers before a group of people to offer them moral correction.

1355 The primary purpose of this speech is not doctrinal instruction, but spiritual

1356 edification. Simply, homily is a public discourse on a moral or religious subject.

1357 Priests read it from the Bible, or other religious text, to give an insight into the exact

1358 meanings of the scriptures. Afterward, they relate it to the lives of followers

1359 (Literary Devices, 2019).

1360 Examples of topics that a homily may address include: abortion, celebrating

1361 Jesus, adolescence, feast of St. mark, forgiveness, grace, global warming, greed,

1362 judgment, interpreting the bible, love, judgment, resurrection, preparing for the

1363 kingdom, uneasiness with the gospel, marriage rights, terrorism, family, friendship,

1364 war, advent, Christmas lent, Easter, the second coming, drugs, politics, legislation

1365 These examples of homilies and homily subjects could have just as easily been given

1366 by a priest or lay person (Your Dictionary, 2019).

1367 Homily abuse is one of the abuses that Roman Catholic priests commit.

1368 Homily of Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas of Lingayen-Dagupan,

1369 and President of the Episcopal Conference of the Philippines, criticizes the poor

1370 homiletics in the Church today and encourages priest to set the hearts of their

1371 people on fire with their homilies and to pity the people of God and stop abusing

1372 them with long, winding, repetitious, irrelevant, unprepared homilies. Priests must

1373 take into consideration the involvement of the assembly in their homilies fulfilling

1374 their role as heralds of the Good News through their words (Waznak, 1998).



1377 Related Studies

1378 A study conducted by Murana (2016) entitled Persuading and Defending: A

1379 Stylistic Analysis of Obama’s Speech at Hiroshima Peace Park analyzed the stylistic

1380 features of Barack Obama’s speech. The study revealed that Obama’s speech used

1381 exoneration such as agentless passive, negative polarity, topicalization, and

1382 generalization.

1383 The study of Murana (2016) is related to the present study because both

1384 studies utilize speech as corpora. However, the studies differ in terms of source of

1385 corpora since the source of corpus in the related study is Barack Obama while the

1386 source of corpora in the present study are the Roman Catholic priests in Davao

1387 City.

1388 A study conducted by Pieniazek-Niemczu (2016) entitled On The Linguistic

1389 Features of American Political Discourse examined the typical linguistic features of

1390 political speech particularly on the rhetorical devices in the discourse of Barack

1391 Obama and Mitt Romney. The study revealed that the most frequent rhetorical

1392 devices utilized by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are alliteration, followed by

1393 anadiplosis, anaphora, antistrophe, antithesis, climax, parallelism, polysyndeton,

1394 symploce, and tricolon. The study also revealed that Obama used rhetorical devices

1395 more frequently than Romney, but the latter applied more kinds of rhetorical

1396 devices.

1397 The study of Pieniazek-Niemczu (2016) is related to the present study

1398 because both studies focused on identifying the devices in the speech. However, the

1399 studies differ in terms of corpus since the present study utilized the homilies of

1400 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City while the related study utilized the speech of

1401 Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

1402 A study conducted by Supardi (2015) entitled Language Power in Courtroom:

1403 The Use of Persuasive Features in Opening Statement examined the patterns of

1404 language used by the lawyers in the opening statement. The study revealed that

1405 frequent linguistic devices present are metaphor, repetition, and rhetorical

1406 questions.

1407 The study of Supardi (2015) is related to the present study because both

1408 studies focus on describing the devices in the speech. However, the studies differ in

1409 terms of corpus of the study since the present study utilized the English homilies of

1410 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City while the related study utilized the opening

1411 statement of the lawyers in the courtroom.

1412 A study conducted by Anderson (2014) entitled A Stylistic Analysis of Some

1413 Selected Political Speeches by John Mills uncovered the prevalent stylistic devices of

1414 the selected political speeches of John Mills. The study revealed that the prevalent

1415 stylistic devices used are alliteration, repetition, allusion, code-switching, and

1416 imagery.

1417 The study of Anderson (2014) is related to the present study because both

1418 studies focused on stylistic features in speech. However, the studies differ in terms of

1419 the corpus of the study since the present study utilized the homilies of Roman

1420 Catholic priests in Davao City while the related study utilized the selected speeches

1421 of John Mills.

1422 A study conducted by Al-Faki (2014) entitled A Political Speeches of Some

1423 African Leaders from Linguistic Perspective: 1981-2013 examined the linguistic

1424 elements in political speeches which include rhetorical devices used by the African

1425 leaders. The study revealed that the frequent rhetorical devices used are

1426 parallelism, analogy, and metaphor.

1427 The study of Al-Faki (2014) is related to the present study because both

1428 studies focus on identifying the linguistic devices in speech. However, both studies

1429 differed in terms of corpus of the study since the present study focused on the

1430 homilies of the Filipino Roman catholic priests while the related study focused on

1431 the speech of African leaders.


1432 A study conducted by Minder (2013) entitled A Rhetorical Analysis of Clint

1433 Eastwood Speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention analysed the common

1434 rhetorical devices present in the speech of Eastwood. The study revealed that the

1435 common rhetorical devices used are simile, enumeration, and hyperbole.

1436 The study of Minder (2013) is related to the present study because both

1437 studies focus on identifying the devices in speech. However, both studies differed in

1438 terms of corpus of the study since the corpus of the present study utilized the

1439 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City while the related study is the speech of Clint

1440 Eastwood.

1441 A study conducted by Wilkenfield (2013) entitled Rhetorical Analysis of

1442 Martin Luther King’s Speech I Have A Dream analysed the common rhetorical

1443 devices present in the speech of Martin Luther King. The study revealed that the

1444 common rhetorical devices used are repetition and epithet.

1445 The study of Wilkenfield (2013) is related to the present study because both

1446 studies focused on identifying linguistic devices in speech. However, both studies

1447 differed in terms of corpus of the study since the present study focused on the

1448 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City while the related study focused on the speech

1449 of Martin Luther King.

1450 A study conducted by Nang (2012) entitled An Investigation into Commonly

1451 Used Stylistic Devices in English and Vietnamese Quotations examined the commonly

1452 used stylistic devices of English and Vietnamese political quotations as well as the

1453 similarity and differences among two languages. The study revealed that the

1454 common stylistic devices used are simile, metaphor, hyperbole, repetition, and

1455 parallelism.

1456 The study of Nang (2012) is related to the present study because both studies

1457 focus on stylistic devices. However, both studies differed in terms of corpus of the

1458 study since the present study focused on stylistic devices in the Roman Catholic

1459 priests in Davao City while the related study focused on stylistic devices in political

1460 quotations of English and Vietnamese language.

1461 A study conducted by Alo (2012) entitled A Rhetorical Analysis of Selected

1462 Political Speeches of Prominent African Leaders examined the rhetorical devices in

1463 political speeches of five African leaders. The study revealed that the common

1464 rhetorical devices used are epithet, anaphora, and enumeration.

1465 The study of Alo (2012) is related to the present study because both studies

1466 focused on identifying linguistic devices in speech. However, both studies differed in

1467 terms of corpus. The present study focused on the Roman Catholic priests in Davao

1468 City while the related study focused on the speech of five African leaders.

1469 A study conducted by Dung (2010) entitled An Investigation into Stylistic

1470 Devices in Political Speeches by US Presidents identified the stylistic devices in the

1471 speech of two US Presidents namely Barrack Obama and George Bush .Bush. The

1472 study revealed that the stylistic devices used are metaphor, metonymy,

1473 personification, alliteration, rhetorical question, and repetition.

1474 The study of Dung (2010) is related to the present study because both studies

1475 focus on identifying stylistic devices in speech. However, both studies differed in

1476 terms of source of corpus. The present study focused on stylistic devices in homilies

1477 of the Filipino Roman Catholic priests while the related study focused on the

1478 stylistic devices in the speech of Barrack Obama and George Bush.

1479 A study conducted by Rozina and Karapetjana (2009) entitled The Use of

1480 Language in Political Rhetoric: Linguistic Manipulation explored the linguistic

1481 devices used in political rhetoric which are the allusion, metonymy, and metaphor.

1482 The study revealed that language in political discourse uses a broad range of

1483 rhetorical devices at the phonological, syntactic, lexical, semantic, pragmatic and

1484 textual levels as well as the common usage of both rhetorical devices like phrasal

1485 allusions, metonymy and metaphor, and connotative meanings of the words.

1486 The study of Rozina and Karapetjana (2009) is related to the present study

1487 because both studies focus on identifying the linguistic devices in speech. However,

1488 both studies differed in terms of corpus in the speech since the present study focused

1489 particularly on the Roman Catholic priests in Davao City while the related study

1490 focused generally on the political discourse.

1491 A study conducted by Remorosa (2018) entitled President Rodrigo Roa

1492 Duterte’s Political Speeches: A Critical Discourse Analysis analyzed the linguistic

1493 features particularly the rhetorical strategies in the 30 selected speeches of President

1494 Rodrigo Duterte. The study revealed that the rhetorical strategies used are

1495 presupposition, rhetorical questions, ellipses, and intertextuality.

1496 The study of Remorosa (2018) is related to the present study because both

1497 studies focused on identifying the linguistic devices in speech. However, both studies

1498 differed in terms of the corpus of the study since the present study focused on the

1499 homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City while the related study focused on

1500 the speech of Rodrigo Duterte.

1501 A study conducted by Sugabo (2017) entitled Rhetorical Analysis on the

1502 Political Speeches of Senator Leila De Lima examined the rhetorical devices used by

1503 the Senator. The study revealed that the rhetorical devices used are epithet,

1504 anaphora, enumeration, hyperbole, detachment, emphasis, antanagoge, anti-thesis,

1505 sarcasm, amplification, metaphor, quotation, alliteration, analogy, simile, cliché,

1506 allusion, antiphrasis, epanalipses, irony, parallelism, antimetabole, oxymoron, and

1507 epizeux.

1508 The study of Sugabo (2017) is related to the present study because both

1509 studies focused on identifying the linguistic devices in speech. However, both studies

1510 differed in terms corpus. The corpus of the present study focused in the Roman

1511 Catholic priests in Davao City while the corpus of the related study is the speech of

1512 Senator Leila De Lima.

1513 A study conducted by Paña (2019) entitled Stylistic Devices in the 1st Privilege

1514 Speech of Senator Manny Pacquiao examined the stylistic devices used by the

1515 Senator. The study revealed that the stylistic devices used are alliteration, quotation,

1516 metaphor, anaphora, hyperbole, personification, cliché, euphemism, periphrasis,

1517 pleonasm, enumeration, repetition, parallel construction, rhetorical question,

1518 anadiplosis, antithesis and asyndeton.

1519 The study of Paña (2019) is related to the present study because both studies

1520 focus on identifying the stylistic devices in speech. Thus, both studies utilized the

1521 Classification of Stylistic Devices of Galperin (2013). However, both studies differed

1522 in terms corpus. The corpus of the present study focused in the Roman Catholic

1523 priests in Davao City while the corpus of the related study is the speech of Senator

1524 Leila De Lima.

1525 The study of Sale (2019) entitled Stylistic Devices in the Contemporary

1526 Worship Songs examined the stylistic devices used in the worship songs. The study

1527 revealed that the stylistic devices used rhyme, alliteration, assonance, rhythm,

1528 hyperbole, anaphora, personification, metaphor, allusion, detatchment and

1529 pleonasm.

1530 The study of Sale (2019) is related to the present study because both studies

1531 focus on identifying the stylistic devices in speech. Thus, both studies utilized the

1532 Classification of Stylistic Devices of Galperin (2013). However, both studies differed

1533 in terms corpus. The corpus of the present study will be the Roman Catholic priests

1534 in Davao City while the corpus of the related study is contemporary worship songs.












1546 Chapter III


1548 This chapter presents the research design, the research corpora, the research

1549 procedure, and the research tool used in conducting the study.

1550 Research Design

1551 This study employed a descriptive research design. According to Labaree

1552 (2010), descriptive research design helps provide answers to the question who, what,

1553 when, where and how, associated with a particular research problem. Descriptive

1554 design is also a scientific method that involves observation and description based on

1555 the behavior of the subject which manifests classification.

1556 This study is descriptive since the researcher identified and described the

1557 phonetic, lexical and syntactical stylistic devices in the homilies of Roman Catholic

1558 priests in Davao City using Galperin’s (2013) Classification of Stylistic Devices.

1559 Research Corpora

1560 The corpora of the study are the ten (10) homilies delivered by different

1561 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City during the Christmas season of 2019.








1569 Research Procedure

1570 The following steps are observed in conducting the study.

Asking Permission to Conduct the Study

1573 Gathering the Corpora

Transcribing the Corpora

1576 Identifying and Describing the Stylistic Devices in the Corpora


1580 Subjecting the Results for Validation

1581 Drawing Conclusion

1582 Figure 1. Flowchart of the Research Procedure

1583 1. Asking permission to conduct the study

1584 The researcher asked a permission to conduct the study from Dr. Ana P.

1585 Ocenar, the Dean of College of Arts and Sciences.

1586 2. Gathering the corpora

1587 The following were observed in gathering the corpora.

1588 a.) The researcher listed down the Roman Catholic churches in Davao City

1589 poblacion area.

1590 b.) The researcher randomly picked five (5) Roman Catholic churches in Davao

1591 City where the homilies will be gathered, namely, Our Mother of Perpetual

1592 Help Parish, San Pedro Cathedral, Saint Joseph the Worker Parish, Santa

1593 Ana Shrine Parish and Our Lady of Fatima Parish.

1594 c.) The researcher attended two (2) English masses in each church during

1595 Christmas season of 2019 to record the homilies of the Roman Catholic

1596 priests.

1597 3. Transcribing the corpora

1598 The researcher transcribed the ten (10) recorded English homilies of the

1599 Filipino Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.

1600 4. Identifying and Describing the Stylistic Devices in the Corpora

1601 The researcher observed the following steps in identifying and describing the

1602 phonetic, lexical, and syntactical devices in the homilies of the Roman Catholic

1603 priests using the theory of Galperin (2013).


1604 a.) The researcher identified the phonetic stylistic devices in the homilies of
1606 the Roman Catholic priests using the following color coding scheme:


Alliteration Blue
Assonance Aqua
Onomatopoeia Tan
Rhyme Pink 3
Rhythm Dark Yellow 1

1614 b.) The researcher identified the lexical stylistic devices in the homilies of the

1615 Roman Catholic priests using the following color coding scheme:


Allegory Turquoise
Allusion Light dark blue
Anaphora Red
Antonomasia Pink
Cliché Dark Yellow
Catachresis Black 1
Detachment Blue 3
Epigram Yellow
Epithet Blue 2
Euphemism Olive green 3
Hyperbole Teal
Interjection and Dark Blue Lighter 1
Exclamatory words
Irony Dark blue 5
Metaphor Aqua Lighter
Metonymy Dark olive green
Oxymoron Dark Purple
Periphrasis Orange
Personification Red ligther

Pleonasm Olive Green

Proverbs Blue
Pun Dark Green
Quotation Darker Purple
Sarcasm Dark Red
Simile Gray 50%
Synecdoche Red 2
Understatement Pink
Zeugma Light Pink
1617 c.) The researcher identified the syntactical stylistic devices in the homilies of
1619 the Roman Catholic priests in Davao City using the following color
1620 coding
1622 scheme:
Anadiplosis Violet 5
Anticlimax Tan
Antithesis Orange Lighter
Aposiopesis Violet 3
Archaism White 2
Asyndeton Olive green 2
Chiasmus Dark brown
Climax Dark blue 3
Detached Construction Olive green 1
Dialectal Words Grey
Ellipsis Dark Blue Lighter
Enumeration Violet
Gap Sentence Link Grey 2
Inversion Sky blue 4
Litotes Violet 2
Parallel Construction Blue 4
Polysyndeton Green 2
Question In Narrative Light yellow
Repetition Green
Represented Speech Yellow
Rhetorical Question Orange Darker
Suspense Aqua accent


1625 5. Subjecting the results for validation

1626 The results of the study were validated by an expert in the study of stylistic

1627 devices.

1628 6. Drawing conclusion

1629 The researcher drew conclusions based on the findings of the study to answer

1630 the statement of the problem.

1631 Research Tool

1632 The researcher utilized the Classification of Stylistic Devices of Galperin

1633 (2013) as shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3 in identifying the phonetic, lexical, and

1634 syntatical stylistic devices in the homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.


Alliteration The repetition of consonants, Said I’m so sick of love
usually in the beginning of songs, so sad and slow.
Assonance The repetition of similar Hear the mellow
vowels, wedding bells.
Usually in stressed syllables.
Onomatopoeia The use of words whose sound He ran away when
imitate those of an object or heard bang in the street.
Rhyme The exact repetition of vowels Twinkle, twinkle little
and consonants, typically at star how I wonder what
the ends of words with you are
different beginning consonant
Rhythm It is a regular recurrence of Double, double, toil and
stressed and unstressed trouble fire burn and
syllables that make a poetic caudron bubble
1635 Table 1. Phonetic Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013)

1636 Table 2. Lexical Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013)

Allegory Is a story/phrase/sentence/word that has a second The hunger games series can be read
meaning, usually by endowing characters, objects or as a political allegory that makes a
events with symbolic significance. statement about our modern society.
Allusion A word or phrase that is an indirect reference to a You are Solomon when it comes to
historical, literary, mythological fact or to a fact of making decisions.
everyday life that is done orally or written form.
Anaphora A word or phrase that is an repeated at the beginning of My life is m purpose. My life is my
successive phrases, clauses or lines. goals. My life is my inspiration.
Antonomasia The act of substituting any epithet or phrase for a The answer for this question can be
proper name. given only by Mr. know-it-all.
Cliché The overuse of word to the point that is has become Read between the lines.
Catachresis Is the misapplication of a word or phrase to create a She grabbed the bull by the horse of
deliberately strained figure or a mixed metaphor. the dilemma.
Detachment Removing a secondary part of the sentence by placing a He did not answer; sickly white, she
punctuation. jumped up.
Epigram A brief interesting, memorable and sometimes No one can make me feel inferior
surprising or satirical statement. without your consent.
Epithet A word or phrase that is used as a descriptive term in Death lies on her like an untimely
place frost upon the sweetest flower of all
the field.
Euphemism Replacement of an unpleasant word or expression by We do not hire mentally challenged
conventionally more acceptable or politically correct people.
Hyperbole Deliberate overstatement or exaggeration. I have a million things to do today.
Interjection and A word, phrase, or sentence that is used to express Shoot! I forgot my brother’s birthday.
Exclamatory words feeling strongly.
Irony Two logical words to convey a meaning that is the A fire station burns down.
opposite of its literal meaning.
Metaphor Changing a word from its literal meaning to one not Her voice is music to her ears.
properly applicable but analogous to it; assertion of
identity rather than, as with simile, likeness.
Metonymy An association between two concepts which both The pen is mightier than the sword
represent same proximity.
Oxymoron Combination of opposite words. Suddenly the room filled with
deafining silence.
Periphrasis The use of excessive and longer words to convey a Instead of saying grandfather, “he is
meaning which could have been conveyed with a shorter the father of my mother”.
Personification To give an inanimate object the ability to do an action The wind howled in the night.
of a living creature.
Pleonasm Usage of superfluous of redundant word, that often I am eating a tuna fish.
enriches the readers thought.
Proverbs A simple and concrete saying, popularly known and Opportunity did not knock until I built
repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense a door.
or the practical experience of humanity.
Pun Interaction of two meanings of a word or phrase that The two pianists had a good marriage.
creates a humorous effect on the reader. They always were in a chord.
Quotation A phrase or sentence taken from another work of Hate the sin, love the sinners
Sarcasm An ironic remark that aims to give insult. I work 40 hours a week to be this
Simile A phrase that has words that will compare two things Your love is like a sun that lights up
through a connective word, usually words being my whole world.
“like”,”as”,and “than”.
Synecdoche A word or phrase by which a part of something is put Lend me your ears.
for the whole of something or vice-versa.

Understatement A statement opposite to hyperbole, which makes a statement I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell.
under exaggerated.
Zeugma Usage of words that are grammatically the same but in In quick succession, Susan lost her job,
different in semantically between two adjacent words. her house and her mind.
1638 Table 3. Syntactical Stylistic Devices (Galperin, 2013)
Anadiplosis the repetition of the initial, middle or final word or word- The general became a slave. The slave
group in a sentence or clause at the beginning of the next became a gladiator.
with the adjunct idea
Anticlimax The slackening of tension in a sentence or longer piece of He lost his family, his car, and his sim card.
writing wherein the ideas fall off in dignity; or become less
important with an unexpected result.
Antithesis The opposition and contrast between ideas or words in a We need to show our kids that you are not
balanced and parallel construction. strong by putting them down- you’re strong
but lifting them up.
Aposiopesis Aposiopesis the sudden intentional breaking off the You just come home or I’ll…
narration and functions to reveal agitated state of the
speaker, without completing a thought, as if a speaker was
unable or unwilling to speak his mind.
Archaism The word stock of the language is increasing state of Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
change. Words change their meaning and sometimes drop
out of the language.
Asyndeton The deliberate avoidance of conjunctions or connectives in You mean to tell we lost the dog, the house,
construction in which they would normally be used. the car?
Chiasmus Repetition of syntactical patterns and has reversed order He looked at the gun, and the gun looked
in one of the utterances. Achieved by sudden change from back at him
active voice to passive and vice versa.
Climax The ascending series of words or utterances in which It was a lovely city, a beautiful city, a fair city,
intensity or significance increases gradually. a veritable gem of a city

Detached Construction The placing of the secondary members of the sentence for Steyne rose up, grinding his teeth, pale, and
formal independence to the words it refers to. with fury in his eyes.
Dialectical Words Those in the process of integration of the English national “We’s safe, Huck, we’s safe! Jump and crack
language remain beyond its literary boundaries and their yo’ heels.
use is generally confirmed to a definite local. Dat’s de good ole Cairo at las’, I jis know it”
Ellipsis The omission of a word necessary for the complete In the baseball game, our team scored four
syntactical construction of a sentence, but not necessary for homeruns, the other team, only two…
Enumeration Separate things, properties or actions brought together Animals such as Donkeys, mules, goats and
following a chain of grammatically and semantically birds
homogenous parts of the utterance.
Gap Sentence Link A way of connecting two sentences seemingly unconnected But the cleanse- and the operations-are not
and leaving it to the reader’s perspicacity to grasp the idea enough
implied but nit worded.
Inversion A change which does not influence the meaning but is Mr. Micawber has; capital Mr. Micawber has
aimed at emphasis. not
Litotes A type of understatement made for emphasis and an I’m not starving.
affirmation expressed by denying its contrary.
Parallel Construction An identical or similar syntactical structure in two or more .it is to kill or be killed. Shoot or be shot.
sentences or part of a sentence in close succession.
Polysyndeton Connects sentences, or phrase, or syntagms, or words by And it was dark and there was water standing
using connectives before each component part. in the street and no lights or windows broke
and boats all up in the town
Question In Narrative Questions asked and answered by one and the same What happened (or didn’t happen) in the past
person, usually the author. that led to his version of the Philippines?
Repetition This refers to the reiteration of the same word or phrase The senator said, work, work, work
with the view of expressiveness.
Represented Speech A device that conveys to the reader the unuttered or inner There were really killings unintended, I’m
speech of the character, his thoughts and feelings. And sorry there have to be casualty, “the president
also, to convey actual utterances. said.
Rhetorical Question A rhetorical device is a question that requires no reply, If that was not a war against drug, then what
either because the answer is obvious or because the asker was it? (Rodrigo Duterte)
already knows how the answer.
Suspense. A device to produce a state of uncertainty, usually with If you can keep your head when all about you

anxiety or expectation.

1640 Chapter IV


1642 This chapter presents the results and discussion of the study. These are

1643 presented with the corresponding tables to give clarity on the data presented.

1644 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of

1645 the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City

1646 Table 4 shows the phonetic stylistic devices utilized in the 10 homilies of the

1647 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.

1648 Table 4. Phonetic Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of the Roman Catholic Priests in
1649 Davao City

Phonetic Stylistic ʄ Sample


This things is this this is the first time, the God the father
Alliteration 4 he heard
Onomatopeia 4 Yahang nadungog kwaaak… saba kayo meeeee…
1651 As presented in Table 4, alliteration and onomatopoeia are the most utilized

1652 phonetic stylistic devices with a frequency of four (4), respectively. Phonetic stylistic

1653 devices are used to create a unique phonetic effect on a certain word, phrases and

1654 sentences sounds (Galperin, 2013). It gives emphasis to the utterances and arouses

1655 emotions in the reader or the listener. Galperin’s (2013) framework presented the

1656 six (6) sub categorized phonetic stylistic devices namely;namely, alliteration,

1657 assonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme and rhythm. However, alliteration and

1658 onomatopoeia are the only two (2) phonetic stylistic devices found in the English

1659 homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.


1660 According to Galperin (2013), alliteration aims to impact a melodic effect to

1661 the utterances which is regarded as musical effect, creates rhythm, mood and

1662 motion while also imbuing sentences with beauty and flow.

1663 Excerpts 1 and 2 are samples which contain alliteration.

Excerpt 1

This things is this this is the first time, the God the father he heard.

Corpora 1; Appendix G; Line 31-32; Page 88

Excerpt 2

We find them important if what we do, if what we achieve, and what is not
Corpora 1; Appendix G; Line 43-44; Page 88
1665 In Excerpt 1, alliteration was identified at the beginning of the words this,

1666 things, this, this, the, time, the and the in the line this things is this this is the first time,

1667 the God the father he heard which has the repetition of same initial sound of /th/

1668 pronounced written in close succession. The similarity of the consonant sound aims at

1669 imparting melodic effect to the utterance. The repetition of the same sounds usually

1670 initial consonants of words of stressed syllables in any sequence of neighboring word

1671 is a alliteration (Baldick, 2001). In Excerpt 2, the repeated initial consonant sound /w/ in

1672 the words whatever, wrong, we, whatever, weaknesses and we in the line we find them

1673 important if what we do, if what we achieve, and what is not true which occurs closely

1674 together that makes it alliterative. In Excerpt 3, the repeated initial consonant sound /w/

1675 in the words whatever, wrong, we, whatever, weaknesses, we and, we in the line

1676 whatever wrong we have done whatever weaknesses we have realizes in the past, we are

1677 ready to renew ourselves occur in close succession that makes it alliterative. Wales

1678 (2001) claimed that alliteration is concisely seen in initial rhyme. In addition, alliteration

1679 aims to impact a melodic effect to the utterance regarded as a musical effect, creates

1680 rhythm, mood and motion while also imbuing sentences with beauty and flow. It does not

1681 only depend on letters but on sounds as well (Galperin, 2013).

1682 Another phonetic stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1683 Catholic priests in Davao City is onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia refers to the words

1684 which pronunciations imitate the sounds they describe. According to Galperin

1685 (2013), it is also the combination of speech sounds which aims at imitating sounds

1686 produced by nature, by things, by people and animals. Excerpt 3 is a sample which

1687 contains onomatopoeia.

Excerpt 2
Yahang nadungog kwaaak… saba kayo meeeee… mooooo…
Excerpt 3; Corpora 5; Appendix K; Line 76-
77; Page 101
1689 In Excerpt 23, onomatopoeia was identified in the words kwak, mee and moo

1690 in the line yahang nadungog kwaaak… saba kayo mee… moo… The word kwak

1691 imitates the sounds of hawk while mee imitates the sounds of goat and lastly, moo

1692 which clearly imitates the sound of a cow, the speaker used these animal sounds to

1693 emphasized the noisy that the magi heard during Jesus’ birth. These words are

1694 identified as an onomatopoeia because according to Galperin (2013), onomatopoeia

1695 refers to the words whose pronunciations imitate the sounds they describe. It is also

1696 the combination of speech sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced by

1697 nature, by things, by people and animals, also onomatopoeia creates a sound effect

1698 that mimics the thing described, making the description more expressive and

1699 interesting.





1704 Lexical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of

1705 the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City

1706 Table 5 shows the lexical stylistic devices utilized in the homilies of the

1707 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.


1709 Table 5. Lexical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of the Roman Catholic Priests in
1710 Davao City

Lexical Stylistic ʄ Sample

God the Holy Spirit is seen in the form of a dove, God the
Anaphora 21 Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
we need to emphasize, we need to understand, we need to
The Lord will shine in our midst.
Metaphor 11 Jesus is the light of the world.
Hoy! Joseph, Mary why did you not book before?
Interjection and 8
Exclamatory Thank you! Ay ses. Ay nata tits! Mmmh mao na!
But our own very own life is an offering to the Lord
Pleonasm 4 God manifestation happens every time we also ourselves
offer to the Lord our life
“there was a man and he dreamed he was walking on the
Quotation 4 beach with the Lord and Across the sky flashed scenes or
situation it is life.”
“Lord, you promised me that if I follow you would walk
with me always but I notice that during the most times of
my life I could only see one set of footprints and he further
said Lord when I needed you the most you left me but the
Lord answer him and said my child my precious child I
love you and I will never leave you. During those times that
you see only one put prints in the sand it was then that I
carried you.”
God makes himself known to humanity by shining as a

Simile 3 light in the darkness.

He is just good as bread

Personification 2 Word who became flesh.

Hyperbole 2 Isul-ot nimo ang panit sa tao nga imong sudlan.

Allegory 1 Remind yourself just like John the Baptist

It is not your grade define you, it is not your talents define

Cliché 1 you.

Antonomasia 1 According to my Tita’s Merriam Webster.

Mayo kayo ka mo kanta, samot pag nakainom kog

Sarcasm 1 lemonsito.

1712 As shown in Table 5, anaphora is the most utilized lexical stylistic device in

1713 the homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City with a frequency of 21,

1714 followed by metaphor with a frequency of 11 and interjection and exclamatory

1715 words with a frequency of eight (8). The least used lexical stylistic devices are

1716 pleonasm and quotation both with a frequency of four (4), simile with a frequency

1717 of three (3), personification and hyperbole both with a frequency of two (2),

1718 respectively. Lastly, allegory, cliché, antonomasia and sarcasm had a frequency of

1719 one (1) in the homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.

1720 According tTo Galperin (2013), lexical stylistic devices deal with words and

1721 their lexical meaning whether by intensification or interaction between two word

1722 meanings. The framework of Galperin (2013) classified lexical stylistic devices as

1723 follows: allegory, allusion, anaphora, antonomasia, catachresis, cliché, detachment,

1724 epigram, epithet, euphemism, hyperbole, interjections and exclamatory words,


1725 irony, metaphor, metonymy, oxymoron, periphrasis, personification, pleonasm,

1726 proverbs, pun, quotation, sarcasm, simile, synecdoche, understatement and zeugma.

1727 However, anaphora, metaphor, interjection and exclamatory words, pleonasm,

1728 quotation, simile, personification, hyperbole, allegory, cliché, sarcasm, and

1729 antonomasia are the only lexical stylistic devices found in the English homilies of

1730 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.

1731 According to Halliday and Hasan (1996), anaphora is cohesion

1732 (presupposition) which points back to some previous item. Galperin (2013) added

1733 that anaphora is the repetition of the same word or phrase at beginning of

1734 successive phrases, clauses, sentence, or verse. Excerpts 34 and 45 are samples that

1735 contain anaphora.

Excerpt 3
God the Holy Spirit is seen in the form of a dove, God the Father, God the
Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Excerpt 4; Corpora 1; Appendix G; Line
10-11; Page 88
Excerpt 4
We need to emphasize, we need to understand, we need to appreciate.
Excerpt 5; Corpora 1; Appendix G; Line
26-27; Page 89
1737 In Excerpt 34, anaphora can be observed due to the repetition of the word

1738 God at the beginning of each clause. The repetition of the word emphasizes the

1739 context of the line as a whole. According to Galperin (2013), anaphora is the

1740 repetition of the same word or phrase at beginning of successive phrases, clauses,

1741 sentence, or verse.

1742 In Excerpt 45, anaphora was identified through the repetition of the word we

1743 need to in the beginning of three consecutive clauses. Anaphora may be used to lay

1744 emotional stress on part of the utterance and it also lends a special rhythm to an

1745 utterance in prose, thus bringing it closer to poetry (Galperin, 2013).

1746 Another lexical device present in the English homilies of Roman Catholic

1747 priests in Davao City is metaphor. According to Alice (2018), metaphor is a figure of

1748 speech that describes the object or action in a way that is not literally true, but helps

1749 explain an idea or make a comparison. In addition, metaphor is a lexical stylistic

1750 device in which comparison is made between two things essentially unlike. Excerpts

1751 56 and 6 7 are samples that contain metaphor.



Excerpt 5
The Lord will shine in our midst.
Excerpt 6; Corpora 2; Appendix H; Line
31-32; Page 92
Excerpt 6
Jesus is the light of the world.
Excerpt 7;Corpora 2; Appendix H;
Line 89; Page 94
1755 In Excerpt 56, the line the Lord will shine in our midst is a metaphor since

1756 Lord is being compared to shine, this lines should not be taken literally since it

1757 means that throughout darkness and trials He will shine and give light for

1758 betterment. According to Galperin (2013) metaphor is a lexical stylistic device in

1759 which comparison is made between two things essentially unlike, also the principal

1760 of metaphor is to compare two things unlike but have the same quality. A metaphor

1761 is a relation between the dictionary and contextual logical meanings based on the

1762 affinity or similarly or certain properties or features of two corresponding concepts.

1763 It is an implied comparison without the use of words like, than and as.

1764 In Excerpt 67, the line Jesus is the light of the world, metaphor is being

1765 identified through the comparison of Lord and light, these words unlike but have the

1766 same quality to shine. According to Alice (2018), metaphor is a figure of speech that

1767 describes the object or action in a way that is not literally true, but helps explain an

1768 idea or make a comparison.

1769 Another lexical stylistic device found in the English homilies of Roman

1770 Catholic priests in Davao City is interjection and exclamatory words. According to

1771 Galperin (2013), interjection and exclamatory words is a word, phrase or sentence

1772 that is used to express feeling strongly and Interjections are words or expressions

1773 which are inserted into a sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or to gain

1774 attention. Excerpts 78 and 89 are samples which contains interjection and

1775 exclamatory words.



Excerpt 7
Hoy! Joseph, Mary why did you not book before?
Excerpt 8; Corpora 8; Appendix N; Line
11-12; Page 110
Excerpt 8
Thank you! Ay ses. Ay nata tits! Mmmh mao na!
Excerpt 9;Corpora 8; Appendix N; Line
51; Page 111
1779 In Excerpt 78, the line Hoy! Joseph, Mary why did you not book before? is an

1780 interjection and exclamatory words since the sentence started with Hoy! Which

1781 means hey!, thus it has an exclamation point (!). This intensifies the utterance of the

1782 word and expresses feeling strongly. According to Center for Writing Studies

1783 (2013), interjection and exclamatory words have no grammatical connection to the

1784 sentence in which they occur therefore, interjections may stand alone. In addition, if

1785 an interjection is mild, it is followed by a comma. If it is strong, it is followed by an

1786 exclamation point. Interjection and exclamatory words are also identified in

1787 Excerpt 89 in the line Thank you! ay ses. ay nata tits! Mmmh mao na!, as it contains

1788 a phrase that has exclamation point (!) particularly thank you!. Thank you is a

1789 phrase used to express gratitude, ay nata tits! is an expression translated as don’t

1790 fool me and mao na! can be translated as that’s it. Galperin (2013) stated that

1791 interjection and exclamatory words are words, phrases or sentences used to express

1792 feeling strongly and Interjections are words or expressions which are inserted into a

1793 sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or to gain attention. Interjections are

1794 usually placed at the beginning of a sentence.

1795 Another lexical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1796 Catholic priests in Davao City is pleonasm. According to Galperin (2013) pleonasm

1797 can be defined as the use of two or more words to express an idea and these words

1798 are redundant. Excerpts 9 10 and 101 are samples which contains pleonasm.


Excerpt 9
But our own very own life is an offering to the Lord.
C C Corpora 2; Appendix
H; Line 68; Page 93

Excerpt 10
God manifestation happens every time we also ourselves offer to the Lord
our life.
Excerpt 11;Corpora2; Appendix H; Line
93-94; Page 94
1801 In Excerpt 910, the line our own very own identified as pleonastic. Our own

1802 and very own are two same concepts which redundantly describes someone

1803 possession. Pleonasm are used as a rhetorical repetition that helps reinforce a

1804 content, an idea or a question rendering an expression easier and clearer to

1805 understand (Galperin, 2013). Pleonasm is also seen in Excerpt 101. We and

1806 ourselves are both referring to a third person which makes the excerpt redundant.

1807 Pleonasm is the use of more words that necessary to express a meaning (Oxford

1808 Learner’s Dictionary, 2018).

1809 Another lexical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1810 Catholic priests in Davao City is quotation. According to Galperin (2013), quotation

1811 is a phrase or sentence taken from a work of literature or other piece of writing and

1812 repeated in order to prove a point or support an idea. They are marked graphically

1813 by inverted commas: dashes, italics. Excerpts 112 and 123 are samples which

1814 contains quotation.


n Excerpt 11
and he dreamed he was walking on the beach with the Lord and Across
the sky flashed scenes or situation it is life.”
Excerpt 12;Corpora 10;Appendix P;
Line43-46; Page 118
Ecerpt 12
“Lord, you promised me that if I follow you would walk with me always
but I notice that during the most times of my life I could only see one set
of footprints and he further said Lord when I needed you the most you left
me but the Lord answer him and said my child my precious child I love
you and I will never leave you. During those times that you see only one
put prints in the sand it was then that I carried you.”
Excerpt 13;Corpora 10;Appendix P; Line
48-52; Page 118
1817 In Excerpt 112, the uttered lines by the speaker were quoted from the poem

1818 entitled Footprint in the Sand written by Mary Stevenson on 2004. According to

1819 Galperin (2013), quotation is based on the repetition of another person’s written or

1820 speech words in order to illustrate, sustain or prove what the person say. It relies on

1821 the expertise and knowledge reputation of the persons quoted or cited. Quotation

1822 can be also seen in Excerpt 123, since the uttered speech by the speaker was copied

1823 from the poem of Mary Stevenson. Galperin (2013) added that quotation is a phrase

1824 or sentence taken from a work of literature or other piece of writing and repeated in

1825 order to prove a point or support an idea.

1826 Another lexical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1827 Catholic priests in Davao City is simile. According to Galperin (2013), simile is a

1828 phrase that uses a comparison to describe. Simile means comparing two different

1829 and unlike things in entity while holding some similarities in some attributes.

1830 Excerpts 134 and 145 are samples which contains simile.



Excerpt 13
God makes himself known to humanity by shining as a light in the
Excerpt 14;Corpora 2; Appendix H; Line 19-20; Page
Excerpt 14
He is just good as bread.
Excerpt 15; Corpora 5; Appendix K; Line 95; Page



1837 In Excerpt 134, simile can be observed due to the usage of as in the line and

1838 comparing God to the light which are two unlike entity but with the same attributes

1839 since God proclaim himself to everyone in toughest time while light represents as the

1840 right way when it comes to toughest time. Bently (1992) states that simile is the

1841 comparison of two objects which are totally unlike but possess some features that

1842 are common in both. Similes are more likely to be used with explicit explanations of

1843 their intended meanings.

1844 In Excerpt 145, simile is identified in the line he is just good as bread because

1845 of as. He is being compared to the bread for being good. The comparison in simile is

1846 expressed by the words like as, than, similar to, resembles, or like (Tjahjono, 2010)

1847 Further, Bently (1992) states that simile is the comparison of two objects which are

1848 totally unlike but possess some features that are common in both.

1849 Another lexical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1850 Catholic priests in Davao City is personification. Personification is a stylistic device

1851 in which abstractions, animals, ideas, and inanimate objects are having human

1852 forms, character, traits or sensibilities (Shaw, 1972). Excerpt 156 is a sample which

1853 contains personification.

Excerpt 15
Word who became flesh.
Excerpt 16; Corpora7; Appendix M; Line

32-33; Page 109

1855 In Excerpt 156, personification is shown in the line word who became flesh,

1856 since the inanimate word is endowed with a flesh which is a largest organ of a

1857 human. According to Shaw (1972), personification is a stylistic device in which

1858 abstractions, animals, ideas, and inanimate objects are having human forms,

1859 character, traits or sensibilities. Lakoff and Turner (1989) as cited in Dorst (2011)

1860 also claimed that personification permits to use knowledge to have a maximal effect,

1861 to use insights to comprehend such things as forces of nature, common events,

1862 abstract concepts, and inanimate object. An inanimate objects or idea maybe

1863 directly referred to as a person.

1864 Another lexical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1865 Catholic priests in Davao City is hyperbole. According to Galperin (2013),

1866 hyperbole is transference of meaning based on exaggeration not meant to be taken

1867 literally. Hyperbole expresses the emotional attitude of the speaker towards the

1868 object of discussion (Galperin, 2013). In addition, according to Luders (2013),

1869 hyperbole is not a comparison like simile and metaphors, but an extravagant and

1870 ridiculous overstatement not meant to be taken literally. Also, it is for the sake not

1871 of deception but of emphasis. Excerpt 16 7 is a sample which contains hyperbole.

Excerpt 16
Isul-ot nimo ang panit sa tao nga imong sudlan.
Excerpt 17;Corpora 2; Appendix H;
Line 21; Page 91
1873 In Excerpt 167, hyperbole can be seen in the sentence isul-ot nimo ang panit

1874 sa tao nga imong sudlan. Wwhich means wear someone’s body that you wanted to

1875 have this is an exaggeration which makes it as an hyperbole since you cannot wear

1876 someone’s body rather this statement should not be taken literally. According to

1877 Galperin (2013), hyperbole is transference of meaning based on exaggeration not

1878 meant to be taken literally. Hyperbole expresses the emotional attitude of the

1879 speaker towards the object of discussion (Galperin, 2013).

1880 Another lexical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1881 Catholic priests in Davao City is allegory. An allegory is a complete narrative that

1882 involves characters and events that stand for an abstract idea or event (Galperin,

1883 2013). Thrall (1936) stated that allegory is a form of extended metaphor in which

1884 objects and person in a narrative, either pose or verse are equated with meaning lie

1885 outside the narrative itself. Excerpt 178 is a sample which contains an allegory.

Excerpt 17
Remind yourself just like John the Baptist.
Excerpt 18; Corpora 1; Appendix G;
Line 67; Page 90

1887 In Excerpt 178, the line remind yourself just like John the Baptist allegory can

1888 be seen through John the Baptist since it is a symbol of spiritual belief of Roman

1889 Catholics, thus by using this in a sentence it created a meaning that is being holy. An

1890 allegory involves the interaction of multiple symbols which together create moral,

1891 spiritual or even political meaning. Although an allegory uses symbols, it is different

1892 from symbolism. An allegory is a complete narrative that involves characters and

1893 events that stand for an abstract idea or event (Galperin, 2013). In addition, Thrall

1894 (1936) stated that allegory is a form of extended metaphor in which objects and

1895 person in a narrative, either pose or verse are equated with meaning lie outside the

1896 narrative itself.

1897 Another lexical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1898 Catholic priests in Davao City is cliché. Cliché may once have possessed a precise

1899 meaning that made them creative metaphors but they have now lost their edge

1900 because that specific definition has been forgotten or dulled through overuse.

1901 Readers have largely lost this unique context and the phrase has also lost the

1902 specificity which may have once made it a potent metaphor (Galperin, 2013).

1903 Excerpt 189 is a sample which contains cliché.

Excerpt 18
It is not your grades define you, it is not your talents define you
Excerpt 19; Corpora 1; Appendix G; Line

52-53; Page 89

1905 In Excerpt 189, cliché can be seen because of the line it is not your grades

1906 define you which is an overused statement of students who failed for an exams or

1907 any tests. For this reason this statement became stale and loss its meaning for

1908 overtime used. According to Galperin (2013), clichés are expressions that either

1909 have a general meaning or have lost their meaning over time and these overused

1910 phrases do not provide specific meaning or image.

1911 Another lexical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1912 Catholic priests in Davao City is sarcasm. Sarcasm is the use of mockery, verbal

1913 taunts, or bitter irony. It is an act of saying one thing while meaning the opposite

1914 (Galperin, 2013). Excerpt 1920 is a sample which contains sarcasm.

Excerpt 19
Mayo kayo ka mo kanta, samot pag nakainom kog lemonsito.
Excerpt 21;Corpora 8; Appendix N; Line
49; Page 111
1916 In Excerpt 1921, sarcasm can be seen in the line mayo kayo ka mo kanta,

1917 samot pag nakainom kog lemonsito which can be translated as you are good in

1918 singing especially when drinking lemon. Literally, if a singer will drink a lemon juice,

1919 it will not help since the lemon juice will cause sourness and could affect singer’s

1920 voice therefore, it is contrary to the statement. According to Galperin (2013),


1921 sarcasm is the use of mockery, verbal taunts, or bitter irony. It is an act of saying

1922 one thing while meaning the opposite. Mostly, it is a verbal device with the intention

1923 of putting something down.












1935 Syntactical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of

1936 the Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City

1937 Table 6 shows the syntactical stylistic devices utilized in the homilies of the

1938 Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.





1943 Table 6. Syntactical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of the Roman Catthlic Priests
1944 in Davao City

Syntactical ʄ Sample
Trying to make peace, to make peace so now in new year
Repetition 54 times count your blessings.
Peace talk, peace talk sa communist oh, para nay peace
talk nay ceasefire.
What is Epiphany?
Question in 29
Narrative How do we accept the light of Christ in our personal lives?
Are there any situation or instances that we deliberately
reject this life?
to be grateful to people who to express gratitude to your
Enumeration 28 friends, to classmates, to your teachers, and to your parents
and siblings, to you cousins and other relatives and of
course to God.
now as we will be welcoming new year there will be new
environment, to explore, new people to meet, new
experiences to be mold, new realization and discoveries
There was a… the land of prophetess Anna
Ellipsis 13
So, when we… holy tip as we think of the passing of time.

Represented 6 “It is not truly baptize by me, I should baptize by you.”

“This is my Beloved Son in whom I am pleased.”

Remember always to have an attitude of hatefulness of just

Antithesis 1 being thankful.
1946 As presented in Table 6, the most utilized syntactical stylistic devices are

1947 repetition with a frequency of 54, question in narrative with frequency of 29 and

1948 enumeration with a frequency of 28. The least used syntactical stylistic devices are

1949 ellipsis with a frequency of 13, represented speech with a frequency of six (6) and

1950 lastly, antithesis with a frequency of one (1).

1951 According to Galperin (2013), syntactical stylistic devices deal on the stylistic

1952 elements of the structures of phrases and sentences that have independent meaning.

1953 Syntactical stylistic devices are classified as anadiplosis, anticlimax, antithesis,


1954 aposiopesis, archaism, asyndeton, chiasmus, climax, detached construction,

1955 enumeration, gap sentence link, inversion, litotes, parallel construction,

1956 Polysyndeton, question in narrative, repetition, represented speech, rhetorical

1957 question and suspense. However, repetition, enumeration, ellipsis, rhetorical

1958 question, represented speech and antithesis are the only lexical stylistic devices

1959 found in the English homilies of Roman Catholic priests in Davao City.

1960 As defined by Galperin (2013), repetition refers to the reiteration of the same

1961 word or phrase with the view of expressiveness and it aims logical emphasis, an

1962 emphasis necessary to fix the attention of the reader on the key word of utterance.

1963 Excerpts 202 and 213 are samples which contain repetition.

Excerpt 20
Trying to make peace, to make peace so now in new year times count
your blessings.
Excerpt 22;Corpora 5; Appendix K;
Line 87; Page 101
Excerpt 21
Peace talk, peace talk sa communist oh, para nay peace talk nay
Excerpt 23;Corpora 5; Appendix K; Line 126-
127; Page 103
1965 In Excerpt 202, repetition is observed in the lines trying to make peace, to

1966 make peace so now in New Year times count your blessing because the term to make

1967 peace is being repeated in the middle of the sentence twice which aims to emphasize

1968 that everyone should be making peace in New Year. According to Galperin (2013),

1969 repetition refers to the reiteration of the same word or phrase with the view of

1970 expressiveness. Repetition aims logical emphasis, an emphasis necessary to fix the

1971 attention of the reader on the key word of utterance. Repetition can be also seen in

1972 Excerpt 213. The occurrence of the repetition of the words peace talk is in the

1973 beginning of the sentence as well as in the end part of the sentence. This is done to

1974 point out that there should be a peace talk in order to have a ceasefire. As defined

1975 by Galperin (2013), repetition refers to the reiteration of the same word or phrase

1976 with the view of expressiveness.

1977 Another syntactical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1978 Catholic priests in Davao City is question in narrative. Question in narrative is the

1979 questions asked and answered by one and the same person usually the author

1980 (Galperin, 2013). Excerpts 224 and 235 are samples which contains question in

1981 narrative.

Excerpt 22
What is Epiphany? Epiphany is comess from the two Greek words. First is
Epi means upon then Phania means shining, it’s shining upon.
Excerpt 24;Corpora 10; Appendix P;
Line 2; Page 117
Excerpt 23
How do we accept the light of Christ in our personal lives? Are there any
situation or instances that we deliberately reject this life ?? aAnd we
deliberately live in the darkness of the world because of our sins, I know
that this is a rhetorical question ug kamo ra gyud ang nasayud ana mga
Excerpt 25;Corpora 10; Appendix P; Line
31-32; Page 118
1983 In Excerpt 224, question in narrative is present in the question What is

1984 epiphany?

1985 Because the question has been asked by the speaker and answered by himself.

1986 According to Galperin (2013), question in narrative is the questions asked and

1987 answered by one and the same person usually the author. Question in narrative can

1988 be seen in Excerpt 235. The question was being asked by the speaker and being

1989 answered by himself. As stated by the Galperin (2013), question in narrative is the

1990 questions asked and answered by one and the same person usually the author.

1991 Another syntactical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

1992 Catholic priests in Davao City is enumeration. This is stylistic device is used to

1993 separate things, properties or actions brought together following a chain of

1994 grammatically and semantically homogenous parts of the utterance (Galperin,

1995 2013). In addition, Harris (2010) expounded that the speaker uses enumeration in

1996 order to give details, illustrate cause and effect, or make point more forcibly.

1997 Excerpts 246 and 257 are samples which contains enumeration.

Excerpt 24
To be grateful to people who to express gratitude to your friends, to
classmates, to your teachers, and to your parents and siblings, to you
cousins and other relatives and of course to God
Excerpt 26;Corpora 4; Appendix J; Line
13-15; Page 96
Excerpt 25
Now as we will be welcoming new year there will be new environment, to
explore, new people to meet, new experiences to be mold, new realization
and discoveries
Excerpt 27;Corpora 4; Appendix J; Line
15-17; Page 96
1999 In Excerpt 246, enumeration is present since the speaker enumerated the

2000 people to express gratitude. According to Galperin (2013), enumeration is used to a

2001 separate things, properties or actions brought together following a chain of

2002 grammatically and semantically homogenous parts of the utterance. Enumeration

2003 also can be seen in Excerpt 257. The uttered lines new environment to explore, new

2004 people to meet, new experiences to be mold, new realization and discoveries

2005 enumerated the different experiences that the audience will be encountering in

2006 2020. According to Galperin (2013), enumeration is used to separate things,


2007 properties or actions brought together following a chain of grammatically and

2008 semantically homogenous parts of the utterance.

2009 Another syntactical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

2010 Catholic priests in Davao City is ellipsis. Ellipsis is the omission of a word necessary

2011 for the complete syntactical construction of a sentence, but not necessary for

2012 understanding. It is usually written between the sentences as “…” (Galperin, 2013).

2013 Excerpts 268 and 27 9 are samples which contains ellipsis.


Excerpt 26
There was a… the land of prophetess Anna.
Excerpt 28;Corpora 3; Appendix I;
Line 1; Page 95
Excerpt 27
So, when we… holy tip as we think of the passing of time.
Excerpt 29;Corpora 7; Appendix M; Line
20-21; Page 108
2016 In Excerpt 268, ellipsis was identified in the line there was a… the land of

2017 prophetess Anna, in the beginning of the line the speaker uttered the line there was

2018 a… with hesitation thus, the speaker skip the line and continues with different topic.

2019 The line was presented with ellipsis (…). Ellipsis is the omission of a word necessary

2020 for the complete syntactical construction of a sentence, but not necessary for

2021 understanding. It is usually written between the sentences as “…” (Galperin, 2013).

2022 In Excerpt 279, the line so, when we… represents as ellipsis since the speaker

2023 did not continue the utterance rather jumped to different discussion and it was

2024 presented with three dots (…) in the beginning of the sentence. Ellipsis is the

2025 omission of a word necessary for the complete syntactical construction of a sentence,

2026 but not necessary for understanding. It is usually written between the sentences as

2027 “…” (Galperin, 2013).

2028 The next syntactical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

2029 Catholic priests in Davao City is represented speech. According Galperin (2013),

2030 represented speech is a device that conveys to the reader the unuttered or inner

2031 speech of the character, his thoughts and feelings. Excerpts 2830 and 2931 are

2032 samples which contains represented speech.


Excerpt 28
Begin the new. We say Jesus begin his public ministry that before begin
his public ministry, Jesus must be baptized, lumapit ang ating Panginoong
Hesus kay Juan Bautista at pinigilan “It is not truly baptize by me, I
should baptize by you.”
Excerpt 30;Corpora 1; Appendix G;
Line 5-6; Page 88
Excerpt 29
God the Son, he hears the voice of God the Father, “This is my Beloved
Son in whom I am pleased.”
Excerpt 31;Corpora 1; Appendix G;
Line 8-9; Page 88
2035 In Excerpt 2830, represented speech can be seen in the line “It is not truly

2036 baptize by me, I should baptize by you.”Since the uttered line was not from the

2037 speaker but it was quoted from the Bible. According to Galperin (2013), represented

2038 speech is a device that conveys to the reader the unuttered or inner speech of the

2039 character, his thoughts and feelings, and to convey actual utterances. In Excerpt

2040 2931, the line “this is my Beloved Son in whom I am pleased.” is quoted from Bible

2041 that makes it represented speech since the speaker does not owned the uttered line.

2042 Another syntactical stylistic device present in the English homilies of Roman

2043 Catholic priests in Davao City is represented antithesis. According to Galperin


2044 (2013), antithesis is the opposition and contrast between ideas or words in a

2045 balanced and parallel construction. Excerpt 302 contains a sample of antithesis.

Excerpt 30
Remember always to have an attitude of hatefulness of just being
Excerpt 32;Corpora 4; Appendix J; Line
18-19; Page 96
2047 In Excerpt 302, the antithesis was identified in the line remember always to

2048 have an attitude of hatefulness of just being thankful as a person, because it exhibited

2049 opposing ideas of an attitude of hatefulness while being thankful. According to

2050 Galperin (2013), antithesis is the opposition and contrast between ideas or words in

2051 a balanced and parallel construction.





2060 Chapter V


2062 This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

2063 recommendations from the results obtained in the study.

2064 Summary of Findings

2065 The stylistic devices found in the homilies of the Roman Catholic priests in

2066 Davao City are summarized as follows.


2067 1. The result of the study showed that alliteration and onomatopoeia are the

2068 most utilized phonetic stylistic devices in the homilies of Roman Catholic

2069 priests in Davao City.

2070 2. The most utilized lexical stylistic device in the English homilies of Roman

2071 Catholic priests in Davao City is anaphora with a frequency of 21, followed

2072 by metaphor with a frequency of 11, and interjection and exclamatory words

2073 with a frequency of eight (8), pleonasm and quotation both with a frequency

2074 of four (4), simile with a frequency of three (3), personification and

2075 hyperbole both with a frequency of two (2), and allegory, cliché, antonomasia

2076 and sarcasm with a frequency of one (1).

2077 3. The most utilized syntactical stylistic device is repetition with a frequency of

2078 54, followed by question in narrative with frequency of 29, enumeration with

2079 a frequency of 28, ellipsis with a frequency of 13, represented speech with a

2080 frequency of six (6), and antithesis with a frequency of one (1).





2085 Conclusions

2086 The conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study:

2087 1. The Roman Catholic priests in Davao City repeat the same sounds, usually

2088 initial consonants, of words of stressed syllables in any sequence of

2089 neighboring word in their homilies to create a rhythm, mood and motion

2090 while also imbuing sentences with beauty and flow. Also, they imitate the

2091 sounds usually produced by animals to make their descriptions more

2092 expressive and interesting.

2093 2. The Roman Catholic priests in Davao City incorporate repetition of the same

2094 word or phrase at beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentence, or verse

2095 in their homilies.

2096 3. The Roman Catholic priests in Davao City reiterate the same word or phrase

2097 expressively, thus making logical emphasis necessary to fix the attention of their

2098 listeners on the key word in their homilies.






2104 Recommendations

2105 Based on the finding of the summary and conclusion, the following

2106 are

2107 1. Students may use the result of this study as a guide to further understand

2108 stylistic devices and its functions and easily comprehend messages in

2109 different texts.

2110 2. Teachers may use the results and discussion of this study as reference in

2111 teaching their students about stylistic devices.


2112 3. Future researchers may use this study as a reference in conducting a more

2113 comprehensive study on stylistic devices in various literary pieces.














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2144 Trinity Ln, Cambridge: Cambridge University
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2152 Speeches by US Presidents. Retrieved from
2154 Galperin, I.R. (2013). The Book of English Stylistics. Moscow State Linguistic
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2156 Galperin, R. (1971). Stylistics of English. Moscow State Linguistic
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2159 Galperin, R. (1981). English Stylistics. Retrieved from
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2228 Southeastern Philippines. Davao City, Unpublished undergraduate
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2290 Republic of the Philippines

2291 University of Southeastern Philippines
2293 Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City
2294 ________________________________________________________________________
2298 Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
2299 This University
2302 Dear Ma’am:
2305 I, a Bachelor of Arts in English Language 4 th year student of the University of
2306 Southeastern Philippines, am now working on my study entitled STYLISTIC
2308 DAVAO CITY as a part of the requirement for the degree of the AB English
2309 Language.
2311 In this connection, I would like to ask permission from your good office to allow me
2312 to conduct this study.
2314 I hope that you will considerately give me the opportunity to make this study
2315 possible.
2317 Thank you.

2321 Respectfully yours,
2326 Researcher
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2334 Thesis Adviser

2337 Republic of the Philippines

2338 University of Southeastern Philippines
2340 Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City
2341 ________________________________________________________________________
2343 SeptemberApril, 2020
2346 Alumna, Language Department
2347 This University
2350 Ma’am:
2352 Greetings of peace and solidarity!
2354 The undersigned is a fourth year Bachelor of Arts in English Language student who
2355 is currently working on a study entitled STYLISTIC DEVICES IN THE
2357 partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree, Bachelor of Arts in English
2358 Language.
2360 In line with this, I would like to ask your expertise in this area through validating
2361 the analysis of this study for a more effective and truthful data. Moreover, your
2362 comments, suggestions and recommendations would be great help for the
2363 improvement of this study.

2365 Your favorable response for this matter will be very much appreciated.
2368 Thank you and God bless.
2371 Respectfully yours,
2375 Researcher
2378 Noted by:
2382 Thesis Adviser

2384 Republic of the Philippines

2385 University of Southeastern Philippines
2387 Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City
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Transferability 

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This shows that the findings are consistent and 
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This refers to the degree to which results were 
confirmed or corroborated by others.
2405 Comments, Suggestions, and Recommendations:
2407 Check transcription of homilies especially the terms taken from the Bible.
2412 Validator


2415 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City

Phonetic Stylistic Device Sample

Corpora 1
This things is this this is the first time, the God the
father he heard.
Alliteration We find them important if what we do, if what we
achieve, and what is not true.
The reason why we work hard, we study hard.
Corpora 5
Onomatopoeia Yahang nadungog kwaaak… saba kayo meeeee…
Corpora 6
Alliteration Without yes, within yes, without for example in our
society in Philippines
Corpora 8 kinsa may’g ho ho ho, oh Santa Claus.
















2432 Lexical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of Roman Catholic Priests in Davao City

Lexical Stylistic Device Sample

Corpora 1
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
We need to emphasize, we need to understand, we need
He knew, he chose me, he loves me. I am his child and I
will go back to my father after I die. I am his child and I
follow my father.
I love my father, I missed him to my father, I obeyed to
my father, I serve my father.
Before we feel that you are important, you need to
achieve, you need to succeed, you need to be like others.
You do not need to prove your worth. You do not need to
prove your deputy.
Anaphora As a child of God, you are love. As a child of God, you
are special. As a child of God, you are meek.
Why do we need to study, why do we need to work?
Our challenges, our resources, our relationships, our

life, we give it back to God.

Every child of God is equal, every child of God is
I serve God first. I follow God first. And I think God
first. I am a child of God.
I am his son, I am his daughter,
I will serve the him, I will follow him, I will offer
Allegory Remind yourself just like John the Baptist.
Cliché It is not your grade define you, it is not your talents
define you.
Corpora 2
Happy new year, happy three kings, happy valentines in
He will always shine and He promises that He will
Anaphora journey with us and He sent us the Savior.
Choosing wrong way, choosing the sinful way, choosing
our very own convenience
Simile God makes himself known to humanity, by shining as a
light in the darkness
Pleonasm The magi represents our very own selves as we search
for God.
God manifestation happens every time we also ourselves
offer to the Lord
Metaphor The Lord shines.
The Lord will shine in our midst.
Our life is a constant offering.
Jesus is the light of the world.
Hyperbole We have heard see darkness covered the earth, the thick
clouds covered the peoples
Corpora 3
Pleonasm I see between old and us young people.
Corpora 4
Antonomasia I really appreciate you, this according to my Tita’s
Merriam Webster.
Anaphora I have been realized, I have been realized that I have
been rejecting, complaining, and biter.
Corpora 5
That is the source of unpeace, that is the source of
violence, that is the source of discouragement.
Anaphora Then there will be no peace,
to please you with their grades, please you with the
attitudes, please with you with want them to be.
Simile He is just good as bread
Interjection and Uy! Uy! linog linog ! dya! dya!
Exclamatory Words

Corpora 6
Anaphora H ands of God our own family, our own struggles
Corpora 7
Word who became flesh.
Let us pass through time as meaningful as possible
Personification Welcoming word made flesh,
Making fellowship with word which we bow down to
trust the most.
Corpora 8
Hoy! Joseph, Mary why did you not book before?
Meaahh! Diba? Oh! Nganong naa man moy ing-ani?
Ambot! Oh mao na! pagamit gamit lang unya di kabwo
Kung unsa man! Ambot! Ah botbot! Ah, mao na!
Interjection and Sus! Ahem! Way ayo!
Exclamatory Words Thank you! Ay ses. Ay nata tits! Mmmh mao na!
Okay man!” warrwah! Mao nah!
Pesting yawa! tong naghatag sa akoag regalo, wa siya
Anaphora I’m not against nga moabot ni sa langit ang Christmas
tree. I’am not against, that’s beautiful.
Metaphor Jesus is the light.
ang bata is the light of the world.
Siya ang light sa kalibotan.
Quotation Ang holy family maghi… mahimong holy kung duna
ta’y number one to do the will of God.”
Hyperbole Isul-ot nimo ang panit sa tao nga imong sudlan.
Sarcasm Mayo kayo ka mo kanta, samot pag nakainom kog
Simile Mura namog lion ug tigri. Murag iring ug iro.
Corpora 9
Metaphor To be proved by the star.
To allow the light of the star enlighten us in our lives.
Pleonasm We our challenge against of Epiphany is that the Lord
peace to manifest himself to us.
Quotation He said “father what will I do? and still want to pray.”
Corpora 10
The Lord shines over his people.
The magi is the representation of all the humanity.
Metaphor King Herod is the representation of all the people who
deliberately reject the light of Christ, the salvation and
the newness of life.
Mary Stevenson wrote a famous poem entitled
Footprints in the Sand and I would like to share to you
that the gist of that poem and it goes like this there was
a man and he dreamed he was walking on the beach
with the Lord and Across the sky flashed scenes or

situation it is life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of

Quotation footprints, One belonging to him and the other to the
"Lord, you promised me that if I follow you would walk
with me always but I notice that during the most times
of my life I could only see one set of footprints and he
further said Lord when I needed you the most you left
me but the Lord answer him and said my child my
precious child I love you and I will never leave you.
During those times that you see only one put prints in
the sand it was then that I carried you.










2443 Syntactical Stylistic Devices in the Homilies of Roman Catholic Priests in Davao
2444 City

Syntactical Stylistic Sample

Corpora 1
“It is not truly baptize by me, I should baptize by you.”
But Jesus says “allow it so that we fulfill all
Represented Speech “this is my Beloved Son in whom I am pleased.”
“This is my Son in whom I am well himself.”
“this is my beloved Son
“this is my beloved son to whom I am well pleased.”
He is one of us, is because He is one of us.
Baptism is an act of sacrifice, an act of given himself in
representation of human kind.
I follow my father. I love my father, I missed him to my

father, I obeyed to my father, I serve my father.

Repetition You need to achieve, you need to succeed, you need to
be like others.
Hindi ako ang Diyos, hindi ako ang Diyos, hindi ako
ang masusunod.
I serve God first. I follow God first. And I think God
Corpora 2
We can still greet each other a merry merry Christmas.
Can still continue decorating our ah decorating our
houses with the Belen.
sometime in history there were three it was not
mentioned there were three but because of the gifts of
gold, frankincense and myrrh.
The year 2019 in some time in the year 2019 we might
have experience darkness.
As tradition tells us, that this tell us, yes every nation
When we look at the art, ah this is the art of Kublay, ah
this the art of someone.
Sometimes we feel our life we are far away from the
Lord because of our sins, sometimes we feel we are far
away from the Lord.
Your life is it an offering to the Lord truly, and that
offering to the Lord can be manifested.
Every sinner has a past every every sin has a past this is
revealed, this is revealed every time.
Enumeration Because of the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
trial of difficulty, a death of a love one, a problem, a
trouble in the family, financial difficulty, sickness but
the Lord hands.
By the different color first black, white and brown
people as tradition.
Yes every nation black people, white people, brown
The greatest teacher, the greatest writer, the greatest
We have known God not by his works, not by events and
history but by his Son.
Lives to him as a priest, as a sister, as a married man, as
a single person, as a businessman, as a doctor, as a
Gifts of Gold, frankincense and myrrh.
by another way they have the same goal, same
destination, to return to their country, to return to their
Corpora 3

There was a… the land of prophetess Anna in the

Gospel of Luke.
Ellipsis Ang tigulang sila pay… it is a contest that I see between
old and us young people.
Corpora 4
To express gratitude to your friends, to classmates, to
your teachers, and to your parents and siblings, to you
cousins and other relatives and of course to God.
There will be new environment, to explore, new people
to meet, new experiences to be mold, new realization
and discoveries that will mold us.
Enumeration With all the pains and joys, successes and feailures, sins
and graces of the past year.
If our heart is ungrateful, bitter and complaining then
we might close minded people, we become rejecting, and
even vicious.
I have been rejecting, complaining, and biter.
and blessings that you had receive remember gifts,
praise, blessings
mutual relations, events and experiences.
Antithesis Remember always to have an attitude of hatefulness of
just being thankful as a person.
Question In Narrative How grateful am I? how grateful are you now?
What are the blessings and gifts that you grateful for?
We also become generous to ourselves, generous of
Repetition I have been realized, I have been realized that I have
been rejecting, complaining, and biter.
Limited with material material things.
Corpora 5
Repetition Hopefully hopefully more wonderful comes 2020
Brothers and sisters we are all bless that we are all
gather here.
Aligosity inside try to, we try to handle it, and try to
pacify it in so many ways, in so many ways.
I don’t have, I don’t have the control of the future
Because peace, peace is a gift from God,.
Brothers and sisters we who who wants that next year
To raise their right hand, right hand tanan then try to
cover it.
How to keep the peace of Christ, but the peace of Christ
is a gift only grow when you share it.
What did they saw? what did they saw? I mean they see
Saw an infant lying in the manger, lying in the manger

can you imagine that

Trying to make peace, to make peace so now in new year
times count your blessings
How did you prepare to it? How did you prepare? that’s
w hy brothers and sisters when the family is not taking
care with each other
Mary listen Mary listen and reflect
ah kanang peace talk, peace talk sa communist oh, para
nay peace talk nay ceasefire
Enumeration firstly, we are still on the octave of Christmas so the
spirit of Christmas season is on still fine, with that
octave we are celebrating the solemnity of the virgin
Mary the mother of God, that is precisely why we have a
beautiful statue on the altar, to remind us that this day
we became the day with Mary our mother for us in the
introduction set. Mothers are always there to accompany
us to patch our lives to be well mass whether your
mother or my mother is dead I know that she still with
me in my life, so beautiful that we start this day the old
tradition the first title that we gave to Mary the mother
of God the Jesus our Savior, thus it is in this that we
tried to nourished and reflect to look at everything and
all our reflection in the eyes of Mary, especially because
the second celebration we have today is that the first day
of the year is always dedicated by the church through
the prayer, world day of prayer, world day of peace I
mean, it is peace that we pray yes we went up peace in
2019 but we pray that 2020 will be more peaceful than
the past we love more peace, peace is so elusive in our
life and peace is given something that we don’t know
more of what it is to live in peace that’s why celebrate
this day the day for peace and thirdly, we are celebrating
this as beginning of the new year, the beginning of new
Corpora 6
When God decided to go down and encounter himself
when God decided to go down and encounter himself.
Repetition Mama ug papa plus anak, papa ug mama plus anak, to
make accepted the tradition.
where every member of the family is member of the
It is mystery chose in the family, the messiah, the savior
is to save the world
Enumeration of the holy family Jesus, Joseph and Mary
a family is a mother, a father, a child or a children or a
mother or father.

Corpora 7
We look back at twenty nineteen, and I don’t know how
we look back our twenty nineteen.
Repetition As we think of the passing of time, as we think of
passing through time
Another opportunity to closer to God another
Question In Narrative Where are we good?
Where did we come from?
Ellipsis So, when we… holy tip
Corpora 8
Kaila mo’g Santa Claus?
kabalo mo pasko?
What makes a family holy? Huh? It’s a sixty-dollar
question. What makes a family holy? Is it because Jesus
is God? Is it because Mary is immaculate? Is it because
Joseph is a just man?
. no? Why man ni? Mangutana ko, nganong naa man
moy Christmas tree? He, Tradition na father! Ay
tradition. Pikat sa inyong mata. Tradition? Meaahh!
Question In Narrative Diba? Oh! Nganong naa man moy ing-ani?
ang holy family maghi… mahimong holy kung duna
ta’y number one to do the will of God.” Mm, see?
What is that?
What is compassion?
Unsay iyang gibati?
What the meaning of that?
mangutana “pader, sige di ay kog simba, sige kog
kalawat, wa man lagi ko mausab?”
Kuha ninyo? Naka relate ba ta?
What is to love? To love is to well the good of the other.
Nag hilom man mo? What is to love?
wa wa wa wa tanan.
Repetition Wa gihapoy IQ, hastilan, Hastilan.
Dili kay Christmas tree. Dili kay Christmas tree.
But he has to do the will of God. Mary has to do the will
of God.
Daghan kayo ang moingon, oh sympathy sympathy!
Ato ato lang ni, nay dato datwa, mmm. Moadtog
simbahan, “father mmm father I will give to you, father
Now nahibawo bamo atong second second
Messiah Messiah ang mga wild animals tiger, lion,
To love is to well, WELL, to well
Oh ay’g selfie selfie ana, kay selfie selfie tay’g
selfishness na. ako ra gyud, ako ra gyud, ako ra gyud,

ako na gyud ni, ako na gyud ni, mao na

They are doing the will of God. Repeat! They are doing
the will of God. Louder! They are doing the will of God.
The final… dili nako mo unsa…
Pero wala ta kahi…
Ellipsis dili aron ingnon naay…
akong ragalo kay dako kaayo unya ang iyaha…
Corpora 9
They did not only put the three people or three kings
Ellipsis I grew up with my father would being…
so even today, if you…
No no father will help…
Gaspar, Baltazar, and Melchor, Melchor! Gaspar,
Enumeration Melchor, Baltazar.
They were also disturbed, attacked, moved
Question In Narrative Father what will I do? and still want to pray
What do really mean?
Corpora 10
What is Epiphany?
How do we accept the light of Christ in our personal
lives? Are there any situation or instances that we
Question In Narrative deliberately reject this life?
what can we offer?
What can we offer to the Lord?
First is Epi means upon then Phania means shining, it’s
Repetition shining upon.
I hope that just the magi, hope prostrates itself, and
adore the Lord I hope
First point my dear brothers and sisters, we need to
search, that just like the magi the journey and search
using the light of the star as their guide. And just like
Enumeration the magi my dear brothers and sisters, let also search
and hopefully find the Lord using our faith as our light
that Jesus Christ is not only present in the joys in our
life and he also present in every season of our lives.

Corpus 1
Our Lady of Fatima Parish 1
2445 My dear brothers and sisters, today we celebrate the feast of the baptism of
2446 Christ. It is the start practically the last day of this Christmas season. Tomorrow
2447 we begin the liturgical year of the ordinary time. And it is weeping that this end of
2448 Christmas season, and we begin the new. We say Jesus begin his public ministry
2449 that before begin his public ministry, Jesus must be baptized, lumapit ang ating
2450 Panginoong Hesus kay Juan Bautista at pinigilan, “it is not truly baptize by me, I
2451 should baptize by you.” But Jesus says “allow it so that we fulfill all
2452 righteousness” and so John the Baptist baptizes Jesus and it is first time in the
2453 Gospel that you see the three persons of the blessed trinity. God the Son, he hears
2454 the voice of God the Father, “this is my Beloved Son in whom I am pleased.” And
2455 then God the Holy Spirit is seen in the form of a dove, God the Father, God the
2456 Son and God the Holy Spirit. In the significance in the Baptism of Christ is this;
2457 Jesus become one with human kind. Jesus is both God and man and after his
2458 baptism, he is what in solidarity with us. Ibigsabihin, he is one of us, is because he
2459 is one of us. He can now represent human kind. At bilang isang tao, pweding ialay
2460 ni Hesus ang kanyang buhay para sa ating kapatawaran, para sa ating kaligtasan.
2461 When Jesus offers himself on the cross, when Jesus dies on the cross he represents
2462 human kind. All their sins, tanggapin ang ating Panginoong Hesus ang parusa ng
2463 ating mga kasalanan. And that is why, this act of offering himself in baptism is an
2464 act of sacrifice, an act of given himself in representation of human kind. At
2465 narining natin ang boses ng Diyos Ama, “This is my Son in whom I am well
2466 himself.” The baptism of Jesus makes us focus on how special baptism also.
2467 Minsan nakakalimotan natin na tayo ay binyag and feel, we cannot understand
2468 the significance of our baptism. And pinaka importanteng malaman sa ating

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2469 binyag is this the number one effect the baptism is that we become adopted
2470 children of God. Tayo ay mga anak ng Diyos. If what the father tells us, you are
2471 my son we, as we are baptized by the Holy Spirit, through the sacrifice of Jesus,
2472 we are also children of God. And my dear brother and sister, we need to
2473 emphasize, we need to understand, we need to appreciate, what it means to be
2474 child what is mean. It belongs to my father. God loves me so much that even
2475 before I was conceived by my mother’s womb, he knew, he chose me, he loves me.
2476 I am his child and I will go back to my father after I die. I am his child and I
2477 follow my father. I love my father, I missed him to my father, I obeyed to my
2478 father, I serve my father and beautiful this things is this this is the first time, the
2479 God the father he heard saying “this is my beloved Son”, the second time would be
2480 in the transition at anong sinabi ng father, “this is my beloved son to whom I am
2481 well pleased.” Why say pleased, ano ba ang ginawa ni Hesus? He is pleased
2482 because, he is Son, walang great, wala siyang achievements since nagsisimula pa
2483 lang siya ng kanyang ministry. His father is proud and happy and love his son so
2484 much. Ganon din sa atin that the victory of every human person. The victory of
2485 every Christian life and win the child of God. Uulitin ko, ang dignidad ng isang
2486 tao ay nakasalalay sa pagiging anak ng Diyos. Why do I have to stress this
2487 because, nowadays the world has different perception. Before we feel that you are
2488 important, you need to achieve, you need to succeed, you need to be like others.
2489 Naiisip ng mga bata, I am equity, I am important, kung mas mataas ang aking
2490 grades, kung mas magaling ako sa aking kapatid, kung mas magaling ako sa aking
2491 kapit bahay, kung mas magaling ako sa iba. We find them important if what we
2492 do, if what we achieve, and what is not true. You do not need to prove your worth.
2493 You do not need to prove your deputy. As a child of God, you are love. As a child
2494 of God, you are special. As a child of God, you are meek. No one is like you. And
2495 remember as a child of God, God died for you. Inalay ng Diyos ang kanyang

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2496 buhay para sa iyo. God knows how special you are. It tells us in one of my children
2497 lost I will leave the ninety-nine behind and look for that lost soul. Look for that
2498 lost child, my son is so special to me. And that’s one of your friends. Sana di lang
2499 mga pamilya, mga magulang, we must let our children realize that their worth is
2500 something that they do not need to prove. They are loved by God, they are special.
2501 They must experience an unconditional love for their parents. It is not your grade
2502 define you, it is not your talents define you. Even if you are bad or good, you are a
2503 child of God. We have weaknesses, we have strength, but God chose us, God
2504 created us. We are called by God that we will have a mission and we remit what’s
2505 your one day to be united with our father. And I dream, no? sana maramdaman
2506 ng mga bata na sila ay minamahal ng Diyos, that we are loved unconditionally.
2507 Ano man ang mangyari, mahal sila ng kanilang magulang, mahal sila ng kanilang
2508 pamilya. Dahil anumang mangyari, ang Diyos ay nagmamahal sa kanila. And so
2509 maybe you are thinking, why do we need to study, why do we need to work. It’s
2510 not a competition. It’s not about achieving, about child gain ahead of others. The
2511 reason why we work hard, we study hard and to that our talents, it’s because we
2512 want return God’s love. Ang lahat ng ibinigay ng ama, ibabalik natin sa kanya.
2513 Our challenges, our resources, our relationships, our life, we give it back to God.
2514 We serve God and we serve our brothers and sisters. Every child of God is equal,
2515 every child of God is special. That is why again, the number one target of the devil
2516 is pride. Pagfeeling ninyo, pagnararamdaman ninyo na mas magaling kayo sa iba,
2517 remind yourself just like John the Baptist, who are you? Remind the devil who
2518 you are. I am a child of God. Hindi ako ang Diyos, hindi ako ang Diyos, hindi ako
2519 ang masusunod. Ang sinusunod ko ay ang aking ama. Ang minamahal ko higit sa
2520 lahat ay ang aking ama na nasa langit. I serve God first. I follow God first. And I
2521 think God first. I am a child of God. It will keep you humble and it remind you of
2522 your goal, your mission and your goal in your life. This what can you see in

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2523 baptism and I prayed as Jesus him affirm by the father in heaven. This is my
2524 beloved son, whom I am pleased. Patunayan din sa Diyos na tunay nga sinsabuhay
2525 natin ang ating linya. I am a child of God and I return to my father and I prove
2526 him that I am his son, I am his daughter, I will serve the him, I will follow him, I
2527 will offer everything, I have for him and his kingdom, I will have my family
2528 community, because I am a child of God. And may all the children of God may
2529 unite with our father in heaven.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 2
Our Lady of Fatima Parish 2
2530 Merry Christmas to one and all, Malipayong pasko gyud happy new year, happy
2531 three kings, happy valentines in advance. A special values of our very own
2532 Archbishop of Davao CBCP President sent me a text message last week and he told
2533 me father please help emphasize and remind people that Christmas is not yet over
2534 after the New Year’s Day, Christmas still going on up until baptism of the Lord
2535 and that is next Sunday. So, we can still greet each other a merry merry Christmas
2536 we can still continue decorating our ah decorating our houses with the Belen, the
2537 start with all the Christmas decorations, we can still continue giving maybe you
2538 forgot someone give him what he is due for him, mga ninong mga ninang ah we
2539 can receive something mga bata pwede pa bisitahin ang mga ninong at ninang at
2540 huminhgi ng pamasko because it is still Christmas, Christmas still going on up
2541 until next ah Sunday. My dear brother and sisters the epiphany of the Lord
2542 celebrated in whole church. Epiphany is known to be popularly known as the feast
2543 or the ah the feast of the three kings but actually in the Gospel it was not
2544 mentioned that there were three kings only sometime in the history that magi
2545 become kings only sometime in history there were three it was not mentioned
2546 there were three but because of the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh,
2547 sometime in history it was told that there were three kings the magi from the east
2548 going to search for Jesus himself. If we notice beautifully said from first reading,
2549 second reading and even some and gospel reading Jesus is truly manifested, God
2550 shows himself, God makes himself known to humanity, by shining as a light in the
2551 darkness in the first reading we have heard see darkness covered the earth, the
2552 thick clouds covered the peoples but upon you the Lord shines and over you
2553 appears his glory, the prophet Isaiah promise this one and that promise came to
2554 be true was realize in the coming of Jesus after they were in slave, after they were

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2555 exiled, there was a promise that they were returned, they will be restored maybe
2556 my dear brothers and sisters the year 2019 in some time in the year 2019 we might
2557 have experience darkness sometime in our life darkness maybe because of trial of
2558 difficulty, a death of a love one, a problem, a trouble in the family, financial
2559 difficulty, sickness but the Lord hands, the Lord will not keep us abandoned leave
2560 us abandoned, He will always shine and He promises that He will journey with us
2561 and He sent us the Savior to give us strength that’s why our hearts will continue to
2562 be excited for the riches, the sea shall be emptied out before you, the wealth of the
2563 nations shall be brought to you there is a promise of blessings the Lord will shine
2564 in our midst. That is why we said Lord every nation on earth will adore you and
2565 truly the magi, the three kings, be presented by the different color first black,
2566 white and brown people as tradition tells us, that this tell us, yes every nation
2567 black people, white people, brown people all of us adore the Lord as we can see in
2568 the beautiful Belen and this the mystery reveal to us as Saint Paul tells us the
2569 mystery was made known to me by revelations Paul who sued to be prosecutor,
2570 Paul who did not know Christ himself now, became the great preacher of the
2571 church. His sin for ways he abandoned and he became the greatest teacher, the
2572 greatest writer, the greatest preacher of Jesus risen from the dead because there is
2573 always renewal for those who have encounter the Lord. Maybe dear brothers and
2574 sisters looking the gospel we can see some of good reminders in this epiphany
2575 meaning the manifestation of the Lord which means became perfect through the
2576 person Christ himself because before the Lord revealed through to his creation we
2577 can know someone to his works sometimes when we look at the art, ah this is the
2578 art of Kublay, ah this the art of someone, ah this is the voice of someone, we know
2579 God also by his works that is creation, we know God by history, by the events in
2580 the life of past people but in this time we have known God not by his works, not by
2581 events and history but by his Son who became one among us the Word who
2582 became flesh that’s why Jesus said he who sees me has seen the Father because he
2583 is the perfect manifestation of a Father. So today when, how do we experience God
Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2584 manifesting himself, God making know himself its beautiful to recognize how the
2585 magi portrays God’s revelations God’s manifestation to us. First haven’t you
2586 notice that it was told the magi from the east arrive in Jerusalem, imagine they are
2587 coming from faraway places, they were searching For God they were looking for
2588 the Messiah they were inquiring where the new born king was born, where the
2589 king of the Jews was to be born they were searching for God, in other words my
2590 dear brothers and sisters, God manifest himself in a people who searches For God,
2591 In a people who keeps on asking where are you Lord in my life the story of the
2592 manger is also our own story, sometimes we feel our life we are far away from the
2593 Lord because of our sins, sometimes we feel we are far away from the Lord it’s
2594 because it seems he does not listen to our prayers but let us keep searching for him
2595 because before we find him God finds us. The magi coming from afar would tell us
2596 that there is nobody from afar who cannot find the Lord in his life if only he is
2597 willing to search for him in his life. The magi represents our very own selves as we
2598 search for God, as we dialogue with one another we are reminded today that God
2599 offer himself to us, we respond to him also of our offering our lives to him as a
2600 priest, as a sister, as a married man, as a single person, as a businessman, as a
2601 doctor, as a lawyer our very own life is our offering to the Lord every time we live,
2602 every day of our lives is our offering to God me might not have gifts of Gold,
2603 frankincense and myrrh to offer but our own very own life is an offering to the
2604 Lord, as it is said what you are is God gift to do to you, who you are is your gift to
2605 God, what have you done to your life is it an offering to the Lord truly, and that
2606 offering to the Lord can be manifested by the way we treat others, the more we
2607 become generous with others the more we have a heart for others the more we are
2608 also lead closer to the Lord as we offer our selves to him and so my brothers and
2609 sisters our life is a constant offering, our life is an offering to the lord the more the
2610 Lord manifest himself to us, the more the Lord is shown and made known by our
2611 offering of life, and lastly, God’s epiphany the manifestation of the Lord is also
2612 shown every time we renew ourselves notice that the magi having warned in a
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Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2613 dream not to return to Herod they departed for their country by another way they
2614 have the same goal, same destination, to return to their country, to return to their
2615 home, but in another way, what does this mean, this means that this year, every
2616 year the Lord invites us to let himself be known by our constant renewal by
2617 choosing another way of life it does mean whatever wrong we have done whatever
2618 weaknesses we have realizes in the past, we are ready to renew ourselves. Think
2619 another root but the same goal that goal to holiness the same destination that we
2620 became closer to the Lord but not anymore choosing wrong way, choosing the
2621 sinful way, choosing our very own convenience and our very own choice but being
2622 able to sacrifice for the sake of God remember that as it is said every sinner has a
2623 past every every sin has a past every sinner has a future whatever short coming
2624 we have done in the year 2019 let us have the resolve to renew ourselves by taking
2625 another way of life, another root but the same goal of holiness and so my brothers
2626 and sister Jesus is the light of the world as the first reading tells us every nation
2627 adores him, this is the mystery revealed how this is revealed, this is revealed every
2628 time we search for God and allow ourselves to be found by God, God
2629 manifestation happens every time we indulge in dialogue with one another the
2630 more we talk to each other the God lives among us. God manifestation happens
2631 every time we also ourselves offer to the Lord our life being offered to him as he
2632 offered himself to us, and lastly God manifested himself every time we return to
2633 him as renew ourselves as one being touched by the love of God because God’s
2634 Love is not condemning it is about rebuilding ourselves, God’s love is not
2635 judgmental it is about relating with each other once again and so this holy
2636 Eucharist my brothers and sisters let Jesus be known by our very own response to
2637 him as we say yes to his offer of love.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 3
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish 1
2638 There was a… the land of prophetess Anna in the Gospel of Luke reminds me of the
2639 grandmothers who come to church often for being early, they are seen most of the
2640 time to response to the writer and simply act for the needs, ang tigulang sila pay… it
2641 is a contest that I see between old and us young people because young usually sit at
2642 the back or even stay outside the church. I know this because I have seen
2643 grandmothers and grandfathers who chose to be seated here in the front so that
2644 they can hear well and receive communism. For the young, they sit in the back
2645 because it is easier to chat with their friends or more comfortable to speak rather
2646 than in front. Anna, would always go to the temple because she was excited of seeing
2647 and meeting her disciple. For many year she is persistent despite of the doctrine
2648 that she spent waiting for Messiah to come, however, her faith grow when Jesus
2649 arrived it was something to look further and recognize Jesus because her part was
2650 ready and proven his coming and really recognize the Lord, it was delighted for that
2651 encounter. The encounter change the who her life and you. But this we say, for the
2652 octave of Christmas. The truth may put our hearts, our eyes always open to put us
2653 to God’s presence. Like that, we can also decide to thanking the Lord for the graces
2654 and put the young enlightens explanation as we meet and encounter Jesus to the
2655 presence of the Father we most praise God by praying day and night that’s all for
2656 today’s Gospel. Lord hear our prayer.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 4
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish 2
2657 Hi, I would like to ask first to look at the person beside you, now from your right
2658 and your left as well as your back and say thank you (all: thank you) sakto na, the
2659 expression thank you also be altered saying I really appreciate you, this according
2660 to my Tita’s Merriam Webster this means the expression extense and recognizes
2661 not just an act and object given by but also the giver or send or resent and this is
2662 the recognition of the presence of a person but just a gift, not just the object but of
2663 the giver. In Bahasa Indonesia thank you is translated as Terima and Kasim
2664 which means, literally means receive or accept and heart or love. Terima means to
2665 love or to accept, kasim means the heart or the love so saying terima kasim, I
2666 receive or accept your heart or your love for me and this is basically mean that I
2667 accept the person or receive the person into my life and means not just make the
2668 object the gift or action as part of the recipient out the giver to has become part of
2669 the recipient and it just easy to us to say thank you to people who know you to be
2670 grateful to people who to express gratitude to your friends, to classmates, to your
2671 teachers, and to your parents and siblings, to you cousins and other relatives and
2672 of course to God, the source of blessings, now as we will be welcoming new year
2673 there will be new environment, to explore, new people to meet, new experiences to
2674 be mold, new realization and discoveries that will mold us and mistakes and thank
2675 you’s, that will teach us lessons and so as we go forward, I invite you that we will
2676 remember always to have an attitude of hatefulness of just being thankful as a
2677 person so if I were to ask you again with all the pains and joys, successes and
2678 feailures, sins and graces of the past year 2019, how grateful am I? how grateful
2679 are you now? Gratefulness makes us see surround us both the good and the bad,
2680 Gratefulness also allow us embracing, accepting the things and the people around
2681 us. It is grateful too to maybe find joyful in a persons and tend to see the goodness
2682 and uniqueness of ours and through this joy within us and become aware of God

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Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2683 tremendous generosity to us despite our weaknesses and sins and we become
2684 joyful we also become generous to ourselves, generous of ourselves towards people
2685 around us no matter how they are whether they are friends or even strangers,
2686 however if our heart is ungrateful, bitter and complaining then we might close
2687 minded people, we become rejecting, and even vicious and the way there insecure
2688 with others and the way that relate with God, we might find ourselves also
2689 becoming anxious or personal struggles such as, such as our failures and our
2690 unfulfilled dreams for overwhelming words of work and business for issue of our
2691 relationships facing today, for the demands that your family requiring you to do,
2692 for the illness of the love one that pares you, once we let this one or more issues
2693 overwhelm us then we will certainly become disturb, when we become bitter and
2694 complaining it makes a soul so ungrateful while complaining and bitterness
2695 become an attitude or habit we will be very difficult to deal with when we become
2696 like this we tend to be negative with what sorrounds us also tend to see what is
2697 ugly and imperfect, we become sensitive to failures and mistakes with ourselves
2698 and with others and because we tend to see imperfection we are also difficult to
2699 satisfy, this has been my experience this year, I have been realized, I have been
2700 realized that I have been rejecting, complaining, and biter. Early this year I was
2701 very excited to be transferred to my previous assignment in Ilo-Ilo, to my place, I
2702 have plan to what have to do in my next assignment, I have long for it, prepared
2703 myself for it but then I made supposed to have bring my things, I was told that
2704 something has change, I must reassigned to different place known to fill up an
2705 empty position and so here I am in Davao, the least of the areas that I wanted to
2706 be assigned, deep inside I was rejecting this assignment in my first months I was
2707 restless and always bad forward, I’m out that same reason for being here, I was
2708 not happy I have heavy and resisting heart, moreover the night before my flight to
2709 Davao take over my assignment my father died, I kept guilty and pained for not
2710 able to embrace papa, and to assure that I love him when he was still alive my
2711 flight to my next assignment was very painful, I could not stay but crying during

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2712 that flight. I asked why are you ungenerous this time for not extending the life of
2713 papa even for few days. I asked God but he seems did not listen to me that time, I
2714 was hurt and question him in my heart and all this in my heart I rather tuned
2715 ungrateful and bitter, I have realized when we become ungrateful we also take for
2716 granted the giver of gifts and that’s the presence of God in our life we refuse to
2717 recognize that everything we is a gift, moreover I found to realized that God has
2718 been too good to me in spite my ingratitude. My present assignment was a blessing
2719 after all disguise being here to allowed me to be with my family and to with them
2720 especially, in time of or grief losing papa but has not fall today, to be more grateful
2721 with gifts and blessings that have receive each day no matter would how small
2722 would that be, but if we have receive so much also be more thankful and be more
2723 generous, remember a grateful person is a person goes forward because when we
2724 are grateful we contented with the present also reconcile with the past what that
2725 was and become hopeful and positively the future whatever there will be. So, may
2726 I ask you again what are the blessings and gifts that you grateful for? so you may
2727 recognize individually your gifts and blessings that you had receive remember
2728 gifts, praise, blessings are not just limited with material material things but also
2729 mutual relations, events and experiences in your mind ang uban miapil ug ihap sa
2730 countdown, David pilay naihap 50? Those who counted below 10, raise your hand,
2731 daghan diay, more than 10? More than 20? There is wisdom for counting our
2732 blessing when you recognize each blessing dili lang kanang kanang in general ba,
2733 like counting words ba, individually, imagined we recognized the gift then we also
2734 recognize the giver who has become a part of us, God gift us also in surprising
2735 ways and God listed with during blessings, prayers are really important that we
2736 become that we remains through welcoming and accepting God surprises us, God
2737 may visit us not just strangers but also through ordinary people and even to those
2738 who were familiar with and that may heard with the gospel the first, God visit
2739 upon his people, Jesus come from family of Mary and Joseph and God is telling us
2740 we with our families and second shepherds visiting God, the shepherds visiting

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2741 Jesus, Mary and joseph and what they found great and joy despite the difficulty of
2742 they have, how blesses God showed his faithfulness and now for them and it is only
2743 rightful, also to more blessings to come in this very year, let the solemnity, may the
2744 mother of God to be reminder to each and for us that God already blessed us with
2745 good things and plenty.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 5
Saint Joseph the Worker Parish 1
2746 Brothers and sisters happy new year to all (all: happy new year) let us give grace
2747 and thank the lord for a wonderful year in 2019 and hopefully hopefully more
2748 wonderful comes 2020 indeed brothers and sisters we are all bless that we are all
2749 gather here, that we are given time to the lord, that he has given us a chance to
2750 once again celebrate this mass, why? Because this mass is so full of celebration
2751 firstly, we are still on the octave of Christmas so the spirit of Christmas season is
2752 on still fine, with that octave we are celebrating the solemnity of the virgin Mary
2753 the mother of God, that is precisely why we have a beautiful statue on the altar, to
2754 remind us that this day we became the day with Mary our mother for us in the
2755 introduction set. Mothers are always there to accompany us to patch our lives to
2756 be well mass whether your mother or my mother is dead I know that she still with
2757 me in my life, so beautiful that we start this day the old tradition the first title that
2758 we gave to Mary the mother of God the Jesus our Savior, thus it is in this that we
2759 tried to nourished and reflect to look at everything and all our reflection in the
2760 eyes of Mary, especially because the second celebration we have today is that the
2761 first day of the year is always dedicated by the church through the prayer, world
2762 day of prayer, world day of peace I mean, it is peace that we pray yes we went up
2763 peace in 2019 but we pray that 2020 will be more peaceful than the past we love
2764 more peace, peace is so elusive in our life and peace is given something that we
2765 don’t know more of what it is to live in peace that’s why celebrate this day the day
2766 for peace and thirdly, we are celebrating this as beginning of the new year, the
2767 beginning of new year let me admire your reflection and sharing tonight brothers
2768 and sisters trying to merge the three celebration into one and try to see how we
2769 can phantom and keep them our way of trying to face 2020 as a another year,
2770 lawsomes have really a track of anxiety on what will happen to me on 2020, ano
2771 ang maging ko sa 2020, unsa kaha ang nagapaabot sa ako sa bag-ng tuig, with this
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Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2772 aligosity inside try to, we try to handle it, and try to pacify it in so many ways, in
2773 so many ways mao bitaw nang karun daghan kaayog naka pula run ngano man?
2774 Pula father para sa intsik kay swerte kana, pula sa pod para sa mang-uuma kay
2775 gukdon kana ug baka, naa bay naka polka dots dinhi, lignin lignin para, daghan
2776 lignin ug maswerte, 12 ka lignin dili 24 lingin karun muingon napod ang
2777 negosyante dili 24 dili maigo pila man 36 ako isa rajud ang lignin akoang nawng
2778 rajud ang lignin tama na siguro dahan sa inyo nag dali gahayaw mobu-a imuhang
2779 homily father ngano man? Alas 12 dapat naa nako sa balay aron dili ko tig-laag
2780 storyahi maayo pang mesa usahay, but these our thanks that we do in order to
2781 pacify what, the inner anigosity and anxiety with myself because I don’t have, I
2782 don’t have the control of the future plus brothers and sisters we are human and
2783 so, we who we gather here try to listen to say what are to do with god concerning
2784 with our faith then having the question now we see that we need to look at our
2785 preparation of these coming year of with what we hear reading today yes we want
2786 peace but peace is so difficult to attain that is why first and foremost we gather
2787 here in order to pray for peace is it. Because peace, peace is a gift from God, Jesus
2788 our savior, Jesus means savior he is what? he is the prince of peace. We look at
2789 mama Mary as our lady of peace because ultimately brothers and sisters peace is a
2790 gift from God thus in our first reading beautifully it is, it is said by God directly
2791 to Mosses to tell Aaron how bless his people, how to pray for peace , and he said
2792 save them, the lord bless you and keep you, the lord let his stay shine upon you,
2793 and be gracious to you, the lord look upon you kindly and give you peace so peace
2794 is a gift from the lord, so that is why during Eucharistic celebration brothers and
2795 sisters you hear the priest praying lord Jesus Christ you send me your apostles I
2796 please, I give you my peace, I leave onto you, he and living so brothers and sisters
2797 we who who wants that next year peaceful should also be able to impart the
2798 prayer of peace that is not exclusively, that is not exclusively for Aaron and his
2799 tribes to bless the people that is for all inclusively to those who believe in God
2800 especially to us who in the second reading he said that through Christ we receive

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2801 the adoptions as sons and daughters therefore if Christ is the prince of peace then
2802 we have that giftedness of peace we can pray and impart that peace to each and
2803 everyone mao ng pag uli ninyo unya ha unya mo musyagit ug noche Buena iampo
2804 ug ampoa ang pag ampo alang sa pagpangayo sa kalinaw, so praktisan nato
2805 karun ha so praktis ta dinhi may ask everybody to raise their right hand, right
2806 hand tanan then try to cover it over the head of the person sitting in your right,
2807 ayaw hapaka, cover,okay, gently okay, then repeat after me the lord bless you and
2808 keep you the lord let stay and shine upon you and be gracious you, the lord look
2809 upon you kindly and give you peace, so say it to one another peace be with you, so
2810 that’s how you convert the peace to everybody but we are praying it always father
2811 how come peace is not coming because the second point as Saint John Paul the
2812 second his always saying sisters and brothers but yes peace is a gift but remember
2813 it is also a responsibility my peace I give you my peace, I live onto you meaning
2814 when we are given the gift of the peace that we must be responsible enough to
2815 develop, to expound, to share, to expand, just the sense and the goodness of the
2816 peace kinahangan ni siya ishare dili pwede as long as I have peace in my heart I
2817 am happy bahala namo dihaa no that is not how to keep the peace of Christ, but
2818 the peace of Christ is a gift only grow when you share it, when you live it, when
2819 you try to give to one us and so how can we get it so we got the gospel brothers
2820 and sisters who in one way to another Mary is teaching us now how will you
2821 cherish and share the peace to us, in our gospel reading the shepherd visited the
2822 visited the manger and when they visited what did they saw, what did they saw I
2823 mean they see what , it is said in the gospel of the luke they see or they saw an
2824 infant lying in the manger, lying in the manger can you imagine that manger unya
2825 diha kang batang gamay ibutang dihaa, katol kayo mag tantrum siguro ang bata,
2826 mag tantrum man gani ang bata na dalahun sa simbahan na dili palihukon unya
2827 unsay nasimhutan sa bata baho sa karnero baho sa sa kuan sa baka, unsay may
2828 yahang nadungog kwaaak… saba kayo meeeee… mooooo…daghan kayo it is not
2829 really a peaceful situation yet why is it the child lying in the manger describes

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2830 naghilak, nag tantrums, wala pakn-a wala patot-ya, nagbasa ang ang lampin kay
2831 wala pamay diaper sa una no, the child lying in the manger peacefully why
2832 because he was Jesus no, why, because Mary give herself for him care for him with
2833 tender love and care. Caring made Jesus at peace lying on that manger caring of
2834 Mary made Jesus peaceful in his life as sa baby to care is important Ingredient of
2835 peace if I receive a peace gift of the lord I need to take care isn’t it? Hatagan kag
2836 ug gasa o gift karun sa imuhang beloved unya dili nimo tagdon ug imuhang
2837 ialabay ma hurt si beloved diba? Ma hurt so you need to take care of it that is
2838 always the element when we are given by God a grace a gift then we need to take
2839 care of it in taking care of it we are trying to make peace, to make peace so now in
2840 new year times count your blessings, count your blessings what are the types of
2841 blessings mouli mo blessing father among kan-on na lechon, ang amoang blessing
2842 father ang amoang daghan na handa, how about ang mukaon sa handa, imuhang
2843 mga igsoon, imuhang mama ug papa are they blessing to you? Are they? (all:yes)
2844 how did you prepare to it? How did you prepare? that’s why brothers and sisters
2845 when the family is not taking care with each other that is the source of unpeace,
2846 that is the source of violence, that is the source of discouragement, then there will
2847 be no peace because that is no care if you come if you look at your husband as
2848 somebody who is a bread winner and he is just good as bread he brings you are
2849 not pairing for him, when you look up for your children trying to please you with
2850 their grades, please you with the attitudes, please with you with want them to be
2851 and never respected as a person you are not giving them peace. how do we care
2852 from each other in the family, not just on the family, how do we care in the society
2853 ah wala kaming paki alam diyan father kung anong manyayari dyan hindi naman
2854 yan sa akin diba oh, ngano man no? Ngano man? Nga Daghan kana lang traffic
2855 light, kana lang,kana lang, kanang tawag ana kanang suga nato diha pastilan sige
2856 request nga pasigaa musiga karun na simanaha sunod simana pundir , ngano
2857 man? Wala may mahimo ang laing ubang bata studyante nan a bored himoun
2858 man nilag target, anong paki ko diko naman pera yan mao ni, look at the

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2859 environment, do we care for the environment now that we also fall short in
2860 caring for our environment, environment is now chasing us with the disaster,
2861 diba? we are not in peace no, usahay ang uban diri dili katulog no, kay gamayng
2862 uyog sa katre kay nilihok ilahang partner, uy! Uy! linog linog ! dya! dya! mirisi
2863 because we fall short in this care but Mary give us an example that amidst
2864 poverty, amidst the situation she had , uncomfortable situation of the manger she
2865 tried to give all the care to the child, so the baby was sleeping and he’s lying in the
2866 manger, usahay ang mga ang mga rason nato mga igsoon ay! mahirap kasi father
2867 dahil ako’y busy walay time eh, lisod man gud na care father mag care pata sa
2868 uban ngano man ? pobre gud ko oh, wala gud koy trabaho oh, daghan gud kog
2869 problema father oh, naa gud koy daghan himounon we all have these reasons in
2870 order excuse ourselves to excuse from caring one another but Mary came for
2871 Jesus despite of her situation that is so uncomfortable care is what we need in
2872 order to have peace. Amen? (All: Amen) Second, what did Mary do? When, when
2873 did shepherd came and tried to tell her and everybody the story of an angel
2874 coming down and telling them about the child in the manger , ah there is a child in
2875 the manger then they came and saw everything that was said during there were
2876 some topic but what did Mary do? Unsa man? With the gospel it is said, Mary
2877 kept all these things, reflecting on them in their heart. Kept all this things and
2878 reflecting on them in their heart. Mary listen Mary listen and reflect in order
2879 brothers and sisters to attain peace we need to listen and listened is becoming now
2880 a very rare thing happening in our lives we don’t know how to listen anymore,
2881 why? We want to make everything us and to listen especially to reflect it, wala
2882 natay panahon niana. Mao bitaw ng karun gi declare napod na okay ah, ah
2883 kanang peace talk, peace talk sa communist oh, para nay peace talk nay ceasefire,
2884 we always talk but not listening mao ng walay peace no, ganina, gahapon, naka
2885 receive kog text message asa man ta mag new year sila nanay ug tatay sa Calinan,
2886 kami kauban naman mi sa akoang magulang, kung dria nay mesa dili maka
2887 syagit-syagit, walay parolor games kung didto sad sa kumbento sa akoang

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2888 magulang utro pud kay nay madre dili gusto ug saba, tiguwang, wala pa gani ko
2889 naka huna-huna, sulod dayon ang text, nadawat nimo ang text? Tubaga ba lami
2890 kayo ingnon pwede mamalandung sa, pwede maminaw sa, pwede hunhunaon sa,
2891 especially in conflicts brothers and sisters, if we don’t call off and listen like Mary
2892 there will be no because immediately if issue will prompt up into family we don’t
2893 have time to listen we immediately bark, mga mama dili lang ceasefire ang
2894 kinahanglan kung dili ceasetalk, listen, listen first and reflect to me and reflect to
2895 me, with that in mary kani ang nakatabang ayo sa yahang mga igsoon sa yahang
2896 pag tan-aw ug pagcare ug pagpadayun sa paghimo misyon remember during the
2897 annunciation Mary did not understand she was not able to follow the history of
2898 Jesus , the savior, the prince of peace but what made her go through all those
2899 ordeals in life with Jesus she was looking at Jesus even hanging and crucified in
2900 that cross and died in that cross what made her endure all of this because Mary
2901 listen and he reflect for it wala siya nahimong reactive mao ng kinahanglan nato
2902 igsoon that not just to listen we need will not just to talk to look wise to another,
2903 other in one another but to use the given gift to us of listening, pila ka book
2904 inyuhnag dunggan bi, pila duha (all:duha), pila kabook and baba (all:isa)
2905 precisely, so that we listen twice, and we just talk once so there will be peace in the
2906 family that is how to be responsible of making peace in our lives siguro daghan sa
2907 inyuha dria ang uban yango, but let’s make this as our resolution that we like
2908 Mary trying to exercise the giftedness of God that given to us by first praying
2909 always to the Lord, Lord give us peace and second try to working out by trying to
2910 enhance the sense of caring and join the sense of listening and reflecting with that
2911 brothers and sisters surely you can have the year 2020. Year 2020 will be giving
2912 lots of waves and turmoil in the life like Mary, you will be not defeated, why?
2913 Because you listen, Listen to God, listen to his words, listen to the advice of others,
2914 reflecting and defining it and think it as a source of our strength to continue our
2915 journey to 2020. So with this let us pray with the Eucharist. Lord give us peace.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 6
Saint Joseph the Worker Parish 2
2916 It is one of the most supreme mystery when God decided to go down and encounter
2917 himself when God decided to go down and encounter himself, when God decided to
2918 give his Son our Savior the reason why we celebrated Christmas. It is mystery
2919 chose in the family, the messiah, the savior is to save the world but he came to
2920 existence in the family Mary and joseph , it is the mystery we doesn’t know why to
2921 a family praying Mary to be the God choses for salvation, God choses but simply to
2922 save humankind he can simply do that because he is the God choses to be born out
2923 of human family something that is something to human special that God its
2924 difficult wisdom shows to enter the solution history a human family all of us enter
2925 the existence also because of our family wala man siguro sa inyoha diria sa inyuha
2926 diri and gikan sa kawayan wala pud siguro sa inyuha diri gikan sa storm gidala sa
2927 langgam gikan sa panganod nga gidala gibutang sa inyuhang balay ug inyuhang
2928 ginikanan wala sad, all of us here enter into existence because of a family and so
2929 the families is important, family define as basic when it comes to society. Destroy a
2930 family you affected the choice of society and destroy a society you are affecting the
2931 nation. And so, that’s a precious family is, if someone want to destroy your
2932 marriage, just start and destroy your family if you want to destroy the humankind
2933 start by destroying the family and our every knows that if you want to destroy the
2934 world start by destroying family and based on the experience sadly, that it is
2935 happening. Sa atuang Makita o dili man gani sa atuang kaugalingonn pamilya,
2936 diha sa atung kaila, diha sa atuang mga silingan. The family is in trouble daghan
2937 dili magsinabtanay dagahang pamilya ang nabungkag because truly if you want to
2938 start again start by destroying a family, and so with here we see the spirit of evil
2939 worth it and so here the distraction of family, if we smell the devil’s scent trying to
2940 destroy the world by trying to destroy the family. We did not look it far sa ka-
2941 ugalingon natong pamilya nag away si mama ug si papa, mag away si anak dili

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2942 kasabot sa ginikanan mao ng sila mudagan sa barkada kay sa balay dili man siya
2943 masabtan, unfortunately this is the fast and we are observingly unsa may problema
2944 kanunay, I don’t understand family affairs, what is usually the problem in the
2945 family, the usual problem in the family is because they do not communicate and
2946 they don’t want to listen unsa may nahitabo, si papa storyahan, si mama storyahan,
2947 ang anak naglibog na usahay maulaw moistorya. Today, in face of the holy family
2948 may I and we are encouraged to look at the moment of the holy family Jesus,
2949 Joseph and Mary. In first beautiful example and encourage to respect our parents
2950 because without them we will not be here usahay naka hinumdom ko no tung bata
2951 pata we are still we want to go to our parents, when they go to the grocery gusto
2952 nko mukuyog but times pass by ang parents na ang muhanguo na uban ta nak ang
2953 anak na ang mubalibad, as time pass by ang mga anak dili na tagdon ang
2954 ginikanan. The first reading reminding us to respect your parents, the second
2955 reading reminding us how to love in our family if we listen closely to the second
2956 reading has told us how to manage he manage to love his wife, how wife love his
2957 husband and how children should love their parents and how parents should love
2958 their children. And so you want a practical guide to a good family life, I advise you
2959 to read again in the silence of your home in second reading we heard today, I only
2960 mentioned that in order for us to survive in this hostile world, wherein the family is
2961 the center of attack for everything without yes, within yes, without for example in
2962 our society in Philippines for example sa ubang kaso they try to even what
2963 definition of family is again balikon nako we have a moment to judge everyone and
2964 we heard that times everyone, anyone has right to be happy as the premise, for
2965 example looking at top balikon nako judicial of family is destroy because
2966 traditionally talking family, a family is a mother, a father, a child or a children or
2967 a mother or father dili siya tagaan sa Diyos ug grasya magka anak, sa laing nasod
2968 uso man laing definition sa family mama ug papa plus anak, papa ug mama plus
2969 anak, to make accepted the tradition, again, I will repeat we do not have the right
2970 to judge anyone and anything we always accept that all of us has the right to be

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

2971 happy but we always say leave our family above, look at the holy family receive
2972 admire Joseph, Mary, Jesus but what can we, unsa atuang makuha if you try look
2973 the gospel, there are two important things that we can learn in the family, para ma
2974 maintain ang harmonious relationship, what is that Mary and Joseph has this
2975 virtues first is that they are willing to listen, then during the annunciation angel
2976 said to her you and Joseph bear a child and you shall make it Emmanuel a
2977 responsible Mary it was in bound to me accordingly to your will, love I present and
2978 then I give my will and life to you, in the gospel today, the angel appearance to
2979 admire Joseph, you take the child in flee without hesitation he took the child and
2980 went to Egypt and another dream joseph you take the child and marry the mother
2981 and go back to Israel without any hesitation and question Joseph follow why
2982 because you listen, sometimes listening diha sa atung pamilya is very important, is
2983 very important because if everyone talks the same time their communication the
2984 main reason why we have many problems both Mary and Joseph submitted their
2985 will without hesitations to the will of God and so it is human virtue also that we can
2986 hear usahay sa magtiayon usahay rason maglalis, usahay mag lalis ang magti-ayon
2987 kay pride, karun na simanaha akoy nag intrigo karung adlawa and everyone
2988 should listen to me the other around ang dakog sweldo muingon mana ayaw pag
2989 bout-bout kay ams dako kog inamutan ug kwarta diri sa balay, mao na lage usahay
2990 in the amidst of an atmosphere where communication is upsets the family culture
2991 wherein humility is upset one always suffer on their always ti,e mao ng usahay
2992 matingala ko usahay dili na ang Makita ang anak, because kung abta na Makita or
2993 maka kaplag na dili siya pasagdan dili masabtan so yahang himoon kay mangitag
2994 lain, this is the main problem in the family that’s why I ask you lethargy today the
2995 moment for you listen, we have it and it will always present because in a society
2996 wherein there is critic culture let us put in the hands of God our own family, our
2997 own struggles, ihatag tanan sa Diyos and let exert human effort to make our family
2998 tender and to make well present, to make our family wants more, in this turmoil
2999 love and worth it everything in the families feels insecure and please and where
Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3000 every member of the family is member of the family feel insecure let us inform by
3001 our mother of Saint Joseph to protect and blessed our family, Amen.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 7
San Pedro Cathedral 1
3002 We are going to signs that a, we are depending another calendar year or will call
3003 you civil here today. Hollowed beginning another calendar year tomorrow, for
3004 civil year. We need to emphasize that because, we know, that in the calendar of the
3005 church our new year is the beginning of happens. Nevertheless, beginning and
3006 ending of another civil year, would ah hopefully bring us ah to reflect to a reading
3007 of time. We look back at twenty nineteen, and I don’t know how we look back our
3008 twenty nineteen. Most probably we look back to the past year with the sense of
3009 gratitude. But also, of some request. Because there were things probably, we
3010 wanted to do! But, we would not able to do. And hence, yes thanksgiving for God’s
3011 blessing and there are many debts but also some regrets. And most likely, we look
3012 at on another calendar year beginning tomorrow January one. We send hope for a
3013 better future. And of course, we wish each other, another challenging year but,
3014 still wishing each other a happy peaceful new year. That’s why in every year it’s
3015 always challenging because we simply do not reflect upon the passing of time the
3016 best part of our reflection but I think once worried and also to think about not just
3017 the passing of time but also power passing through time. Mamalandong ta dili
3018 lang sa paglabay sa panahon. Mamalandong usab kita sa atong paglabay sa matag
3019 panahon. Our passing through time. Where are we good? That is basic question.
3020 That’s why as we think of ending, my brothers and sisters actually our readings,
3021 would let us, would bring us to the beginnings, in the beginning was the word and
3022 through that word made flesh everything an all of us come to be. So, when we…
3023 holy tip as we think of the passing of time, as we think of passing through time the
3024 scripture does not want us to forget. Where did we come from? And our gospel
3025 even in the first reading a beautiful reminders for us, beautiful proclamation for
3026 us of our origin basically our readings will tell us that all of us come from God and
3027 everything in this world through the word made flesh but therefore, everything all

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3028 that happened are part comes from the Lord. So, we go back to the source and
3029 there is beautiful reminder for all of us as we bye to say good bye to another year,
3030 let me try to let down me try to write down another year another opportunity to
3031 closer to God. Another opportunity to come closer to our salvation at the way
3032 speak to proclaim to us. Jesus is the way the truth in the life. Sa mga katawhan
3033 nga namalandong gamay nga pamalandong samtang mobiya kita sa lain nga tuig.
3034 Wala ba? twenty nineteen humana. Twenty twenty welcome. But with hope, this
3035 could be opportunity for us to strengthen our fellowship with the God, with the
3036 word who became flesh and stays with us, to come with fellowship with Jesus who
3037 stays with us and whom progress with his church. The sacraments of his word and
3038 to proclaim or action of Jesus. The scripture that we read are words of Jesus.
3039 Beautiful way of reflecting on how each one of us passes through time. We simply
3040 do not let time pass. Let us pass through time as meaningful as possible welcoming
3041 word made flesh, making fellowship with word which we bow down to trust the
3042 most. Tell is that our prayers in faithful, we are beloved children of the Lord and
3043 we are called to proclaim God’s message to others with love of confidence, let us
3044 return our love to our father as we pray Lord hear our prayer.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 8
San Pedro Cathedral 2
3045 I will test your IQ. Sa Psychologist, I’ll try to test your IQ. Pangatawa pud mo
3046 kung makadungog mo ha. Kaila mo’g Santa Claus? Ohh.. kinsa may’g ho ho ho,
3047 oh Santa Claus. Nagsoroy soroy si Santa Claus, unya nay bata niduol sa iya.
3048 Ingon niya, “Santa Claus, palingkura ko sa imong paa.” Nilingkod ang bata, mga
3049 ten years old girl. Unya gitan-aw ni Santa Claus ang bata, ingon siya “my girl,
3050 what is your wish?” ang bata ni tan-aw sa nawong ni Santa Claus, niingon siya
3051 ang bata, “what? You did not receive my email?” gamay ra ang nangatawa,
3052 ambot sila intawon, ang IQ wa! Mmmm. Ngano man? Paspasi inyong IQ ha?
3053 When Joseph and Mary were looking for Bethlehem for a house to stay-in. Na?
3054 kabalo mo pasko? Nangita sila’g balay, nanuktok. “mayo, naa bay luna sa inyong
3055 lugar diha, makapuyo mi?” ingon sila “wa wa wa wa tanan. Dagahan na sila
3056 naadtoang balay natuktukan nila, naay ni singgit “Hoy! Joseph, Mary why did
3057 you not book before? Wa gihapoy IQ, hastilan, Hastilan! Today we celebrate the
3058 holy family. What makes a family holy? Huh? It’s a sixty-dollar question. What
3059 makes a family holy? Is it because Jesus is God? Is it because Mary is
3060 immaculate? Is it because Joseph is a just man? The final… dili nako mo unsa…
3061 speaking of the holy family. I hope na sa inyong pamilya, na ning ing ani ba, dili
3062 kay Christmas tree. Dili kay Christmas tree. I’m not against nga moabot ni sa
3063 langit ang Christmas tree. I’am not against, that’s beautiful. But we should have
3064 this one. This is the source of light. Jesus is the light. Mao nang tag-as atong
3065 Christmas tree. Pero wala ta kahi… nindot ang Christmas tree pero wala ta
3066 kahibalo kung asa ang source ana. Naa! When you see the time, mao na ang bata
3067 is the light of the world. Mao nang inyo nang ingon natog light, mao na Christmas
3068 tree dayon. Wa pa gani pasko. Wa pa gani advent sige na’g pasig’g mga suga. no?
3069 Why man ni? Mangutana ko, nganong naa man moy Christmas tree? He,
3070 Tradition na father! Ay tradition. Pikat sa inyong mata. Tradition? Meaahh!
3071 Diba? Oh! Nganong naa man moy ing-ani? Haha, akong Ma’am may gusto ana.
Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in narrative
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3072 Aw, hastilan. Kung dili ta kabalo mo reason, nganong naa tay light because of
3073 him. Siya ang light sa kalibotan. Kay siya ang nagdala ug kaluwasan! Amen?

3074 (Amen!)

3075 Now, to become holy as a family ingon atong magsusulat si San Pablo ngadto sa
3076 Colosias, Colosian, Colosi ingon siya, “ang holy family maghi… mahimong holy
3077 kung duna ta’y number one to do the will of God.” Mm, see? To do the will of God.
3078 Jesus is God, Mary is immaculate and Joseph is just man but there there is
3079 commonality sa ilaha, dunay common ba? to do the will of God. What is that?

3080 (To do the will of God)

3081 Louder.

3082 (To do the will of God)

3083 That. That’s the one to do the will of God. Bisan si Hesus, anak sa Dios, but he has
3084 to do the will of God. Mary has to do the will of God. Joseph has to do the will of
3085 God. That’s make your family holy that’s your family holy! Kung tanan ninyo
3086 dunay compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. What is
3087 compassion? Kompatyo. You go inside into the person to feel what he feels. Sa ato
3088 pa, isul-ot nimo ang panit sa tao nga imong sudlan. Unsay iyang gibati? Daghan
3089 kayo ang moingon, oh sympathy sympathy! What the meaning of that? Ambot! Oh
3090 mao na! pagamit gamit lang unya di kabwo kung unsa man! Ambot! Ah botbot! Ah,
3091 mao na! unya kindness, aron ingnon mayo, dili aron ingnon naay… ato ato lang ni,
3092 nay dato datwa, mmm. Moadtog simbahan, “father mmm father I will give to you,
3093 father (audience laughing) unya kusog manglibak. Mm unya kusog mangdaot! Mm
3094 di man dato, pobre pud labaw pud manlibak! Mmh diba? Unsaon natong
3095 pagkahimong holy ini, nga mangdaot man ta sa atong isigkatwo, unya nay uban nga
3096 naa kono’y humility. Mayo kayo ka mo kanta, samot pag nakainom kog lemonsito!
3097 Sus! Ahem! Way ayo! Pilay pag ingon, Salamat kay gidayeg ko nimo. Oh.. gwapa
3098 Kaman. Thank you! Ay ses. Ay nata tits! Mmmh mao na! mao na nga humility,

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in narrative
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3099 unya gentleness, ha. Dili lang kay kanang gentleness nga mo adto tag party magpa
3100 itoy itoy. Ari diri. Diri lang ko. Hala pastilan tawon. Dili mana gentleness. Ambot
3101 unsa kahay tawag ana. Ha? Basta dili na gentleness. Unya naa pay patience. Now
3102 nahibawo bamo atong second second Sunday of advent? Miingon si Isaiah “na kung
3103 moaabot ang Messiah Messiah ang mga wild animals tiger, lion, giraffe, unsa na ron
3104 diha. ha? Will become tame, will be tamed no?Kay ang mga lion, mokaon salo sa
3105 mga Karnero. Dili na kan-on sa lion ang karnero. Magsalo na sila. Ang iring ug iro
3106 magsalo nagkaon! Diba? Mm. pero before that wild ni sila. Kadto nagkahulugan di
3107 ay to, ingon si Isaiah’s “ang tawo sab maypakamanap! Ho kuyaw no? pero dili mo
3108 mananap nga murag, ikaw tigri, tigri, dili. Ang atong kina-iya ba. ha? Nay usahay,
3109 “kumusta ka man?” “okay man!” warrwah! Mao nah! Mao na niingon, niingon si
3110 Isaiah, moabot ang Mesiyas, ma tame kini tanan. Noh. ato ato lang ni noh. mao
3111 bitaw na daghan mangutana “pader, sige di ay kog simba, sige kog kalawat, wa man
3112 lagi ko mausab?” ingon ko “wala bitaw ka nausab kay ang Ginoo ang nausab.” Oh.
3113 Kay usahay man gud, inig kalawat, hoh, wa, wa ta makaandam inigsimba. Diba
3114 giingon nako last time the mass is the meeting of God and man. Unsaon mag
3115 meeting of God ani man nga inig simba lawas ni Kristo, Amen! Paghuma’g kalawat
3116 naa tong iyang kumari nga otangan “oy mari, otang, otang nimo, mamameh nah!
3117 Naa pa ang ostiyas sa baba! Ha? Mari, otang otang bayad ugma ah? Ah mao. Mao
3118 na di ka mausab! Mmm. Kuha ninyo? Naka relate ba ta? Hehehehh. Mao na, di ta
3119 mausab! Mosimba gani ta, usa ra ang focus sa atong hunahuna ang
3120 pagpakighimamat sa Dios. Bahala kang silingana, bahala kang kumari diha,
3121 otangag dili. Ayaw ibutang, mohimamat sa Dios kay imo ka nang katoyoan,
3122 obligasyon matag Dominggo. So mao na mga igsoon ha. Ingon siya “be patient oh.”
3123 Unsa na patient? Kanang mapailobon ba ta sa usag usa. Matag bana’g asawa mm.
3124 atong tantong ipon ninyo diba? Mura namog lion ug tigri. Murag iring ug iro. Sigig
3125 away sigig lalis oh. Ngano lagi pagpapangulitawo pa nimo sa babaye nga imong
3126 gihigugma no. magdada kag rosas, da kag chocolate. Nganong dili nimo balikan
3127 pangulitaw imong asawa bahalag tiguwang namo. Moh. Ngano man? Because that
3128 love is coming from God. Ayaw usiki ninyo. Coming sa Ginoo na. ayaw usiki ninyo.
Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in narrative
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3129 Mao na mga igsoon, mga sibling, mga mama. They have to have that love, to have
3130 patience, and to have what? To do the will of God. What is to love? To love is to well
3131 the good of the other. Nag hilom man mo? What is to love? To love is to well,
3132 WELL, to well the good of the other. Unsa mana? Kalimti imong kaugalingon,
3133 higugmaa tong dili nimo higugmaon. Oh ay’g selfie selfie ana, kay selfie selfie tay’g
3134 selfishness na. ako ra gyud, ako ra gyud, ako ra gyud, ako na gyud ni, ako na gyud
3135 ni, mao na. oh pictyuri ang ubang tawo unya tan-awa. Sus kamapahiyomon niya no.
3136 mahimo unta kong paria niya ba. kay ako, wa nag mug-ot na gyud ko’g maayo.
3137 Ah… mao na. makadawat gani tag regalo oh. Nay nakadawat ug regalo atong
3138 pasko, nasuko, namalikas pa gyud oh! Giingna pa gyud niya, pesting yawa! tong
3139 naghatag sa akoag regalo, wa siya kuyapi! ang akong ragalo kay dako kaayo unya
3140 ang iyaha… ingon ko. “mao ba ning tawhana ang naghatag nimo?” dili lain. Aw
3141 nasuko man tarantado. Mao na! because we only think ourselves. Tan-awa si Jose,
3142 si Herod, ang iya lang kaugalingon ang iyang gitan-aw para mo taas siya sa iyang
3143 rango. Pero Joseph was very patient. Oh, ang iyang ana usa, asawa unya gigukod
3144 gukod pa gayud sila hmmm. Mao na they are doing the will of God. Repeat! They
3145 are doing the will of God. Louder! They are doing the will of God. So, to be holy a
3146 family is to do the will of God. And to love is to well the good of the other. So mao na
3147 ang gugma, ang holy family, atong awaton sundon because, they are a family doing
3148 the will of God. Mao na kita masantoson kung kita mo subay sa kabobot-on sa
3149 Diyos. I believe in one God.

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Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in narrative
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 9
Santa Ana Parish 1
3150 Good afternoon my dear brothers and sisters, Merry Christmas and happy New
3151 Year. Today as we celebrate this mass we know as we announce the introduction
3152 our celebrating this solemnity of the Epiphany which is also called the Christmas
3153 of the church. Well, that is true because, we have not ended yet the Christmas
3154 sign. Today we celebrate solemnity of Epiphany the black Sunday, we celebrate
3155 the baptism of the Lord which means we begin in ordinary and the first thing we
3156 need to hear of Christmas fight as we celebrate in especial reporters to be
3157 solemnity, because when the open times, the first visit communities they celebrated
3158 with more significant impact this day because it was day by day for the whole or
3159 for the youth, for the use frequent path of ways nations in the world. That’s why if
3160 look at our own salvation of the three kings or the magi originate the scripture,
3161 they were not a number 3 three which is group of people from the east but their
3162 century started to three places in the seven century. They did not only put the
3163 three people or three kings but… made that ano ang pangalan nila, Gaspar,
3164 Baltazar, and Melchor, Melchor! Gaspar, Melchor, Baltazar. Dominated one has a
3165 white skin, the other had fair skin, and the other one dark skin represents the
3166 whole world. And we even represent the angels, one is old with the beard, white
3167 beard, the other bigger age, and other one young, so can be shown that with
3168 celebrate this day as in during the first the years of Christianity, commemorating
3169 that this Christmas of the church Epiphany. An end month of that, I grew up with
3170 my father would being… whose gifts under Christmas tree and say “Moron is
3171 tricky no?” we’ve got if you are good, good in your life, love your family. You have
3172 your idiom, fallacies doing my fingers. When we woke up, then, there a gift. Some
3173 gifts are under the Christmas tree, so even today, if you…this will be the day
3174 where will be this top three kings and they will be giving gifts to the children
3175 precedes even in Rome, they have this. Let say tradition diha sa Navona, they

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3176 really have a Bucana. They have also a gift giving that our people will open the
3177 gifts today. It could be important core long traditions. Celebrate of Christmas on
3178 the 28th importance for us on the western Latin of roman right and still we have
3179 this today dedicated for the three kings with great importance. So, wait what is it
3180 for us today? How do we celebrate epiphany? Look at the scriptures, especially
3181 the gospel today to be proved by the star, to allow the light of the star enlighten us
3182 in our lives. Meaning to say, there are given people secures the word, kind of the
3183 light, disturb or whom by the star. Those who are moved by the star we’re talking
3184 east saw to wait to the meaning. They were not easier light as they were outside of
3185 our faith that we saw Christ. But, every even with their own needs, the knowledge
3186 of anthologies was not enough. So, you were help by the scriptures to hide the
3187 revelation and compass like the Christianity open the light to them, also
3188 complimenting what they gave of the some that they encouraged them. But then,
3189 these other group of people that the type of Herod once disturb by this sign
3190 because, his authority was devil. And we know that we will celebrate the oughts’
3191 the innocent’s day with the celebration that made heaven, in fact commandments
3192 or do you oh Lord ah to be killed massacred because he wanted to kill Jesus
3193 instead of worshipping him. There are also those of to be called of expert of
3194 scriptures, supposedly expert of the scriptures. They were also disturbed,
3195 attacked, moved but the sign in Christ all in their midst, unlike the people were
3196 outside the gates of heaven. So, it tasks us that Christ the Lord come in the midst.
3197 But if the something celebrate every year and we cannot be life the people comes.
3198 There is move so the indignation is to be moved by the Christmas to be celebrated
3199 this year to be moved by the signs, to be moved by what ah pope Francis told us,
3200 when we grow up the Belen. To be moved by the symbol of Mary and Joseph and
3201 all magi everybody ages of the shepherds. All of these are signs sins it to allow this
3202 sign to move us to joy, peace and hope. We our challenge against of Epiphany is
3203 that the Lord peace to manifest himself to us, also to be captured its revelation
3204 into manifestation. We state that cheer that God a confirming a good thing what

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3205 doing the church. Just site on that was new year day after celebrating last year
3206 those pick family gather outside going to be, and then sabi “father! Kahinumdom
3207 pa ka nako?” Looking at his face like a pick me recognizes her. I was wanting here
3208 three years ago to hear anoint my son. And then, nakatabi lang yong kanyang
3209 anak dahil sa Dengue, duguan na yong ah ah gums and all, and even tumutulo na
3210 yong dugo, ganon na kalala. Someone during this person may survive. When we
3211 came back here in the church. He said “father what will I do? and still want to
3212 pray. “okay go to Padre Pinio, because it has miracle worker really in love the sick
3213 and all. I could be coming back to this church and pray. I didn’t hear from him
3214 for many months, I thought his son passed away. But then he came back thanking
3215 me together with his lovers and family because, noh? suddenly survive. and the
3216 King! ah last few year we have all family, ang dami dami nila… their son akay
3217 akay yong bata, ang daming anak. And that once we do good which gifts. What do
3218 really mean? The good that we do in the name of Christ we means. Itinuturo ninyo
3219 sa mga anak, itinuturo ninyo sa mga kababata ninyong mga kapatid na iniwan
3220 ako, iniwan niya, hindi mawawala dahil sa Diyos yan. So hindi dapat tayo titigil,
3221 dapat ipagpapatuloy natin, ituturo at kababaang kabutihan sa iba. This
3222 afternoon, I’m so happy from the news of this Parish, because that fact we the vast
3223 lights will be knowing about caroling. Ewan ko kung magaganda boses nila basta
3224 nagkakaroling sila. And then, we might really need to be earlier, “father can we
3225 have a topic about worried and just tell you assumed baka, pakainin. No no father
3226 will help… because the agents sa regional sisters. So, they went out.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Corpus 10
Santa Ana Parish 2
3227 My brothers and sisters in the Lord, Merry Christmas to the last and Happy new
3228 year too. Today the whole church celebrates the Epiphany of the Lord. What is
3229 Epiphany? Epiphany is comes from the two Greek words. First is Epi means upon
3230 then Phania means shining, it’s shining upon. Other meaning English meaning
3231 epiphany means the manifestation of the Lord. The Lord manifested himself to all
3232 the nation. The Lord manifested himself to all humanity and it is important to
3233 take notes of the word of Prophet Isaiah the first reading today, he said that the
3234 light has truly come that the Lord shines over his people. That the light has truly
3235 come and it gives salvation and newness of life to all the people in the world and it
3236 is also important to take notes of the word of Saint Paul that second reading today
3237 that he said that “the Gentiles are coheirs in kinds not only the chosen people,
3238 Kinsa manang chosen people the Jews but also the Pagan and the Gentiles, they
3239 also received the light of Christ. Fact the gospel preached by apostle we also
3240 brothers and sisters already received the light of Christ though we are not the
3241 chosen people but we are the new people of the new covenant of God. That is why
3242 my brothers and sisters, the magi is the representation of all the humanity going to
3243 Jesus receiving God in our lives in their lives. You know, I really like the reflection
3244 of our holy father Pope Francis regarding on this occasion the epiphany of the
3245 Lord he said that “the manner in which God revealed himself is surprising, the
3246 manner in which God revealed himself is surprising and here is the surprise that
3247 God there’s not emerged at the four front of the world in order to manifest
3248 himself, that God does not emerge at the four front of the world in order to
3249 manifest himself. Jesus Christ who had been born in the palace with all the royal
3250 men and women and everything, natawo man to si Hesus ug pagkatawo niya mo
3251 syagit “oh natawo na ang Mesias nga gipaabot, pwedi mana niya buhaton kay

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3252 Ginoo man but Jesus chose to be born in the manger, mao na ang surprise nga
3253 gina mean ni Pope Francis sa iyang pamalandong nining occasion sa Epiphania
3254 and the light that Jesus Christ brought was no grandiose light but a gentle light
3255 that shines in humble love and this light shines to us all Pagan and Jews all of us,
3256 especially to those who are willing to accept the light of Christ and the gospel
3257 today King Herod is the representation of all the people who deliberately reject
3258 the light of Christ, the salvation and the newness of life that Christ offered to us
3259 and if we relate this my brothers and sisters, the personal experience, how do we
3260 accept the light of Christ in our personal lives? Are there any situation or
3261 instances that we deliberately reject this life? And we deliberately live in the
3262 darkness of the world because of our sins, I know that this is a rhetorical question
3263 ug kamo ra gyud ang nasayud ana mga igsoon. Personal man ni nato nga relasyon
3264 sa Ginoo, kamo nasayud kung kanus-a mo nakasala o kanus-a mo nagpuyo diha
3265 sa kangit ngit hinungdan sa inyong sala. Kamo ra gyud ang nasayud. I’d like to
3266 share two points for our reflection today. First point my dear brothers and sisters,
3267 we need to search, that just like the magi the journey and search using the light of
3268 the star as their guide. And just like the magi my dear brothers and sisters, let also
3269 search and hopefully find the Lord using our faith as our light that Jesus Christ is
3270 not only present in the joys in our life and he also present in every season of our
3271 lives. In 1936, hopeful lly wala ko na sayop, nakalimot ko sa author, Mary
3272 Stevenson wrote a famous poem entitled Footprints in the Sand and I would like to
3273 share to you that the gist of that poem and it goes like this there was a man and he
3274 dreamed he was walking on the beach with the Lord and Across the sky flashed
3275 scenes or situation it is life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints, One
3276 belonging to him and the other to the Lord. But what bother him was that during
3277 the lowest portion of his life he could only see what set of foot prints. And he said
3278 to the Lord, "Lord, you promised me that if I follow you would walk with me
3279 always but I notice that during the most times of my life I could only see one set of

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

3280 footprints and he further said Lord when I needed you the most you left me but
3281 the Lord answer him and said my child my precious child I love you and I will
3282 never leave you. During those times that you see only one put prints in the sand it
3283 was then that I carried you. See? My dear brothers and sisters, it takes a deep
3284 faith for us to recognize that the Lord is always present in our lives, that is why
3285 you need to ask the grace of the Lord to give us the light to enlighten us to give us
3286 to faith in order for us to grasp and entrust ourselves to the Lord that he will
3287 never leave us. That is why Jesus also called Emmanuel, Jesus Christ is with us.
3288 Second point my brothers and sisters, that magi they offer it to the Lord. Gold
3289 symbolizes that Jesus Christ is King. Frankincense symbolizes that Jesus Christ is
3290 Lord, and myrrh symbolizes he will soon die because of our sins. Sa atoa, what can
3291 we offer? unsa may akong ika offer pud sa Ginoo? What can we offer to the Lord?
3292 Unsa kaha ang atong ika offer sa Ginoo? Siguro ang atoang kinabuhi, siguro ang
3293 atoang talento, siguro ang atoang oras, dependi nana sa inyoha mga igsoon, as
3294 long as it is coming in your heart. So and my reflection my dear brothers and
3295 sister, I hope that just the magi, hope prostrates itself, and adore the Lord. I hope
3296 that we also we adore the Lord in everyday of our lives, adoration of the Lord,
3297 kinig pagsimba sa Ginoo, it will not end up after the mass. After the mass free
3298 nata, No, kung mapansin niyo, paghuman sa Messa, muana ang pari, the mass is
3299 ended and go and announce the gospel of the Lord, mao na nga ang adoration
3300 must radiate into our personal and our ordinary lives because it will make us a
3301 jewel realm of light. Naka ambit paman kita sa kahayag ni Kristo, pinaagi sa
3302 adoration, kung papuy-an nato sa atong kinabuhi, makapuyo kita isip mga anak
3303 sa kahayag. Kay sa pagkatinood, anak man gyud ta sa kahayag. Dili man ta anak
3304 sa kangit ngit. Let the light dwell in us and let us share this light of Christ to
3305 others. May God bless us all.

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile


Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Zohn Denniel T. Dionisio

Brgy. Tagpopongan Purok 2 Gumamela, Babak Dist. IGACOS, Davao Del Norte
Cell: 09273507592
Sex Male
Date of Birth May 20, 1999
Place of Birth Davao City
Civil Status Single
Citizenship Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Height 5’8”
Weight 92 kg
Father’s name Danilo L. Dionisio
Mother’s name Zeny T. Dionisio
Language/Dialect Tagalog, English, Bisaya
Tertiary University of Southeastern Philippines
Bachelor of Arts in English Language
SY 2019-2020

University of Mindanao
Bachelor in Secondary Major in English
2014-2016 (1st Year)

Secondary Tagpopongan National High School

SY 2014-2015

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

Primary Tagpopongan Elementary School

SY 2009-2010

Allegory Alliteration Anaphora Antithesis Antonomasia
Cliché Ellipsis Enumeration Hyperbole Interjection
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Pleonasm Question in
Quotation Repetition Represented Sarcasm Simile

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