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Writ of Amparo

1. The Remedy available whose right liberty and Security is violated

a. Writ of Habeas Data b. Writ of Habeas Corpus c. Writ of Amparo d. Temporary restraining order

2. Are killings without due process of law

a. Murder b. Homicide c. Extra Legal Killings d. Genocide

3. Any threat in Writ of Amparo includes only

a. Eminent b. Impending c. Exclusive d. Actual Threat

4. A role of Writ of Amparo that breaks the expectation of impunity in the omissions of the offenses

a. Curative b. Retroactive c. preventive d. prospective

5. A role of the writ of Amparo that Facilitates the subsequent punishment of perpetrators as it will
inventively yield leads to subsequent investigation and action.

a. Curative b. Retroactive c. preventive d. prospective

6. You can file the writ of Amparo to any of the following courts except
a. Supreme Court b. MTC c. RTC d. Sandigan Bayan

7. From the Issuance of the Writ of Amparo hearing shall be set not later than how many days?

a. 10 b. immediately c. 7 d. 15

8. An appeal from the final judgement or order to the Supreme court with the writ of amparo it shall be
how many days from the notice of adverse judgement?

a. 10 b. 5 c. 7 d. 15

9. Interim Reliefs available for a writ of amparo includes the following except

a. Temporary Protection Order b. Production order c. Replevin d. Witness Protection Order

10. What is the quantum of proof required for Writ of Amparo

a. Proof Beyond Reasonable doubt b. Preponderance of Evidence c. Substantial d. Corroborating

11. All Defenses which are not raised in a writ of Amparo is deemed
a. Archived b. Submitted c. Waived d. included

12. How many days within which a respondent has to file a return?

a. 24 hours b. 48 Hours c. 78 Hours d. 72 Hours

13. Refusal of the state to disclose the fate or whereabouts of a person concerned or to acknowledged
the deprivation of liberty is an example of

a. Enforce disappearance b. Arbitraty Detention c. Illegal Detention c. Violation

14. Who among the following has the priority in filing Writ of Amparo

a. Any Concerned citizen b. Parent c. Relative d. Victim

15. After the petition for decision how many days should a petition for Amparo be decided

a. 10 b. 5 c. 7 d. 15

16. Its vital purpose is to obtain immediate relief from illegal confinement. To liberate those who may be
imprisoned without sufficient cause.
a. Writ of Habeas Data b. Writ of Habeas Corpus c. Writ of Amparo d. Temporary restraining order
17. The act of leaving the original copy with the person to whom it is directed

a. Filing b. Service c. petition d. decision

18. The act where the officer to whom the writ is directed shall convey the person imprisoned or
restrained before the court

a. Execution of the writ b. decision c. petition d. Filing

19. The date of appeal for a writ of habeas corpus is

a. 10 days b. 72 hours c. 48 hours d. 15

20. How many days must a person file an answer to a writ of habeas corpus

a. 10 b. 5 c. 7 d. 15

21. How many days must a person file an appeal to a writ of habeas corpus

a. 10 b. 5 c. 7 d. 15

22. Writ of Habeas corpus is not available if

a. Restraint is voluntary b. Restrained is pre-determined c. Restraint is violative d. restraint is irregular

23. The following may grant writ of habeas corpus except

a. Supreme Court b. Sandigan Bayan c. RTC d. Court of Appeals

24. To whom the writ of Habeas Data Served?

a. Officer b. Minors c. Appellant d. Court

25. What petition is not allowed in writ of habeas corpus

a. Motion to Dismiss b. Petition c. Answer d. petition to submit for judgement

26. Hearings in Habeas corpus with minors are

a. Supervised b. Amicably settled c. Optional d. Confidential

27. If writ of habes corpus is issued by the RTC it may be enforced where?
a. On the Same City b. Same province c. Whole Philippines d. Judicial District

28. The kind of hearing during petition for writ of habeas corpus

a. Simplified b. Extra Ordinary c. Summary d. Ordinary

29. If the victim is a minor where should you file the writ of habeas corpus

a. RTC b. Family Court c. Minor Court d. MTC

30. In cases of Minors in a writ of Habeas corpus a pretrial is

a. Simplified b. mandatory c. Summary d. Ordinary

31. Habeas Data may be filed in the following except

a. RTC b. MTC c. Sandigan Bayan d. Supreme Court

32. The nexus in writ of habeas Data should be between right to Life Liberty Security and

a. Public b. Privacy c. Authority d. Free Will

33. Judgement for writ of Habeas Data

a. 30 days b. 15 days c. 20 days d. 10 days

34. The person In charge to enforce the judgement for writ of Habeas Data is
a. Clerk of court b. Sheffif c. Judge d. Counsel

35. The person In charge to serve the judgement for writ of Habeas Data is

a. Clerk of court b. Sheffif c. Judge d. Counsel

36. How many days should it take for a writ of habeas Data to be served

a. 5 b. 6 c3 d2

37. The quantum of proof for a writ of habeas data

a. Proof Beyond Reasonable doubt b. Preponderance of Evidence c. Substantial d. Corroborating

38. Writ of Habeas Data may be enforced against

a. Baranggay concillation b. Enforce Disappearances c. Mediation d. Arguments

39. When Habeas Data is issued it may be enforced

a. On the Same City b. Same province c. Whole Philippines d. Judicial District

40. Writ of Habeas Data may not be enforced to purely

a. Commercial issues b. Extra Legal Killings c. Enforced Dissapearances d. Illegal Storage

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