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1. What is the pop tart flavor?

2. Underline the strawberries in

the ingredient list

3. Circle the ingredients used to

color the strawberry filling.

4. Do you think “Made with fruit”

that appears on the front of the
package is a credible

5. How many grams of sugar are

there per serving/pop tart?

6. How many teaspoons of sugar are

in a pop tart? (divide by 4)

7. What nutrition grade should this

product get? (A, B, C, D, or F)?
1. Frosted Strawberry
2. See image above
3. See image above
4. Yes or No? (opinion based)
5. 16 grams
6. 16/4 = 4 teaspoons of sugar
7. (A, B, C, D, or F)? (opinion based)
How much is 4 gram of sugar ?

What size / how big is 1 gram ?

4 grams of sugar =1 teaspoon 25/4 = 5

1 teaspoon = (1 sugar cube)

1. Choose 6 different food items from the front of the room

2. Determine the sugar content in both grams and teaspoons for each
of the 6 items. (1 serving size)
a. Record the information for each item in the table provided.

3. Determine the total grams of sugar in all 6 items.

4. Determine the total number of sugar cubes/teaspoons in all 6


5. Answer the 5 reflection questions. Be prepared to share your

answers and research with the class. (sharing your screen)
•Grams of sugar divided by 4
•Because 4g of sugar = 1 tsp EXAMPLE


LENNY & LARRY Protein Cookie 25 6.25
Mini Reeses P.B. Cups 23 5.75

Fruit Punch Gatorade 32 8

Snapple Iced Tea 20 4

TOTAL SUGAR 100 24 teaspoons

What are healthy alternatives
for sweetened beverages?
What are healthy alternatives for sweetened
● Water / Seltzer
● Flavored water
● Add fruit slices, citrus or frozen fruit ice cubes)
● Diluted 100 percent juice
● Juice spritzers
● Unsweetened Teas
What are some
health problems
associated with
consuming a
high amount of
What are some health problems associated with
regularly consuming a high amount of sugar?
■ Obesity - Joint Problems
■ High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar
■ Heart Disease/ Liver Disease/Kidney Disease
■ Insulin Resistant -- Hungry More Often
■ Diabetes Type 2
■ Eye Problems
■ Blood Circulation→ amputation
■ Dental Cavities
■ Addiction Sugar is killing us
By having this nutrition
information how can we manage
&/or create a healthier lifestyle?
By having this nutrition information how can
we manage &/or create a healthier lifestyle?
1. Reading food labels (LOOK FOR OSE)
2. Manage the food and drinks we consume.

3. Log your food consumption

4. Find healthy alternatives
5. A healthy body weight
6. A nutritious eating pattern
7. Regular physical activity
8. Do not buy the product. Keep it out of the house
9. Know your family history… Get annual physicals
Glucose (breakdown of carbohydrates)

Fructose (Fruit Sugar)

Sucrose (Table Sugar)

Lactose (Sugar in Milk) (LOOK FOR OSE)

High Fructose Corn Syrup -HFSC


Syrup, Honey, Agave


The American Heart Association says….
■ WOMEN should not consume more than
______ teaspoons of added sugar a day

■ MEN should not consume more than

_______ teaspoons of added sugar a day

■ “ONLY ________% of your calories should

come from added sugar.”
The American Heart Association says….
■ WOMEN should not consume more than
6 teaspoons of added sugar a day
■ 100 calories
■ MEN should not consume more than
9 teaspoons of added sugar a day
■ 150 calories

■ “ONLY 10% of your calories should come

from added sugar.”
After learning about nutrition in Health
Class, is there anything you would
change regarding your current eating
habits? What is it? Why, or Why Not?

What is an unhealthy food in your

house? What is it & what can it be
replaced with?
Is it safe to say that we can
type 2 diabetes & other diseases
by practicing good
self management strategies?

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