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Petrology Course

Geo 320

To Igneous & Metamorphic
Petrology Course

Course Director

Dr. Bassam A. A. Abu-Amarah Al Mohanna

I. Introduction

• Petrology Definition,

 Petrology , from the Greek words petra , meaning rock, and logos ,
meaning knowledge, is the study of rocks and the conditions in
which they form.
 Petrology includes igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. But,

Petrology of Igneous And Metamorphic

Petrology , from the Greek words petra , meaning rock, and

logos , meaning knowledge, is the study of rocks and the
conditions in which they form.
Petrology includes igneous, and metamorphic, But,
Metamorphic petrology is not so
much concerned with the bulk
In igneous petrology, the chemistry of the rocks.
bulk composition of the
rock is important because and It is concern with the use of mineral
it gives evidence to theie assemblages to determine their
tectonic environment in conditions under which the
which they formed. metamorphic rock crystallized and

So, it is a Rocks’ study to identify their:

1) occurrences, 2) composition, 3)origin and 4) evolution.
Petrological description :
 Comprises rock ‘s occurrence, attitude, structure,
mineralogy, chemical composition, to know its origin
(Petrogenesis) of rock’s unit diversities,

• PETROLOGY : focuses primarily on the rock formation, or

Rock’s Petrogenesis (Origin),
• Petrography is (Microscopic rock’s study) deals with the
detailed description and classification of rocks via its mineral’s
The Petrologists (Persons who study rocks) tasks are :
1. To carry out study on rocks which are forming parts of the
lithosphere that are clearly different from their
surroundings rocks, and

2. To draws conclusive (Definite) records about Evolution and

Constitution of the Earth on the crust and deep init.

 It is primarily based on volcanic eruptions, shape and

composition of igneous bodies that have extended to
the Earth’s surface by tectonic processes and
erosion. 5

So, the most significant Petrological processes is to
focus on the following:

1. Tectonic movements of rock masses.

2. Magmas generation and its injection into the lithosphere and
crust, in addition Volcanic eruptions.

3. Physical, chemical and biological weathering, and

depositional processes in the earth’s surface , in the
hydrosphere, and in the atmosphere.
4. Mutual chemical reactions and biological processes in
aqueous solutions.
5. Metamorphic changes due to increasing pressure and
temperature at greater depths of covering.
6. Melting, migration, recrystallization, degassing and
similar events take place on rocks.


1. In general; all Rocks types , are composed of certain

minerals (minerals aggregates Components= Rock),

So, Petrology is closely associated with the mineralogy.

 In addition; “Petrology is the study of the rocks
involve their chemical composition (mineral chemistry
and geochemistry) through studying the complex
chemical reactions and their formation processes

 So, determination of rock’s :

1. mineral constituents and
2. chemical composition
necessary to study and to distinguish among the
rocks occurrane, and also for resolving the origin of

As a result,

Why Petrology is very important in Geophysics

studies and explorations?

1. The Petrology is also illustrating rock’s physical

proparities, which are varies from one rock to
another (On/within the crust and lithosphere)
of the earth, and
2. It has an important role in geophysical explorations for
discriminating and discovering different rocks types,
3. As well as, their potential resources encountered . 9

• Igneous petrology is the study  Metamorphic petrology is the study the

of melts (magma) and the rocks changing existing rocks (Parent rocks) that
that crystallize and solidify from their minerals recrystallized in the solid
the melts, and emption or state within Earth’s crust or, rarely, within
emplaced as eventual igneous the upper mantle.
rocks,  Metamorphic rocks crystallized within the
• Describing how magmas are crust involves deformation that lead to
produced and how they ascend mineral reactions by introducing strain
through the mantle and crust, via energy and by opening pathways for fluid
1. Their minerals content movement.
characteristics of igneous  Minerals present in a metamorphic rock to
rocks, and determine what its parent was (i.e., the
2. their geochemical evolution, protolith ) and to estimate the conditions
and their eruption or of metamorphism
emplacement to form 10
igneous rocks.
Thus, Thus,
 The chemical variations of
The igneous rocks are concerned minerals in metamorphic rocks
simply give and provide little
with the entire spectrum of
information about minerals
processes minerals chemistry may abundancy , and about
provide an important information metamorphic rocks conditions.
 Study Metamorphic Rocks facies
about the origin (Magma) and to establish the relative
their evolution. temperature and pressure
conditions of metamorphism
were had the ability to quantify
metamorphic mineral

• Study the therobarometry as quantitative calculated methods
for calculating the P and T conditions that minerals’ constitute of
metamorphism conditions at a specific chemical reaction within
the metamorphic rocks.

The Metamorphic rocks are concerned with Pre-existing rocks
(Parent) of igneous, Metamorphic and sedimentary changing
their mineral contents and their chemical reaction in solid
state due to metamorphism processes. 12
In addition,

Igneous and metamorphic petrology are commonly taught together because

they both depend on the use of mineral contents, chemistry and phase

The igneous rocks may later be transformed into metamorphic rocks,


In this course we will begin with igneous Petrology and takes

up metamorphic petrology second.

that is to say

• igneous petrology, shows the understanding of how the mineralogy of

igneous rocks reflects the equilibria that govern minerals crystallization
of/from magma and how its geochemistry reflects its magmatic
differentiation in forming rocks.
• Geochemistry is using several major element discrimination diagrams including:
• Fe-index, modified alkali-lime index, and aluminum saturation index,
So that

• We can compare and locate magmatic rocks suites that form in different tectonic
Magma chemistry highlight the different magmatic processes in developing
magmatic suites formed environments whichever at:
1. oceanic and continental divergent plate boundaries,
2. Or in arcs formed at oceanic and continental convergent margins, and
3. Or in oceanic and continental intraplate tectonic settings.

In metamorphic petrology, describing how mineral assemblages in progressively changes by
the affect of pressure, temperature, and fluid composition and forming metamorphic rocks
(Protolith) in more complex systems

Simply is to say

 The metamorphic rock’s mineral assemblages depend fundamentally on:

1. upon the protolith (Pre-existing rocks) of the rock, as well as on
2. the mineral reactions that take place at successively by metamorphism
agents (temperatures, pressures, hydrothermal solutions, and time).
As a way

By determining the metamorphic mineral assemblages occurred, along with its

specific metamorphic environments conditions will locate and found their various
types of metamorphic belts at different types of tectonic significance.

So, this
This short introduction will make you to do connections between:
1. The study of igneous and metamorphic rocks and
2. To illustrate the value of a fundamental understanding
T of petrology.
The Scope of Metamorphism in
The Scope of Igneous Petrology metamorphic Petrology

• All igneous rocks ultimately sourced • Pre-existing rocks be subjected by:

from magmas that solidify to form 1. Igneous intrusion of magmas, at low-
igneous rocks plutons. temperature, or at higher temperatures,
• The igneous classified and named 2. Or Pressure by tectonic loading and
upon their: movements.
1. occurrence, In both minerals will react by releasing all or part
2. composition, of their volatile constituents.
3. origin, and
4. evolution of rocks formed via
Igneous rocks study can be divided and • As igneous rocks, are typically dominated by
classified into two catogries: anhydrous minerals, dehydrated and interact
1) Igneous petrography , which is the description with fluids after solidification from the melt,
and classification of igneous rocks; and
• Metamorphic rocks Study gives very
2) Igneous petrogenesis , which is the study of the
origin and evolution of igneous rocks through their important information about:
geochemistry: 1. the pressure and temperature conditions
a) Major-element geochemistry can of/during tectonic processes and
determine whether a suite of rocks 2. the nature of fluid flow in the deep crust.
is related through a process such as • Changes in P, T, and fluid compositions
magmatic differentiation or mixing. result in reactions among minerals to
b) Trace-element geochemistry is used produce new minerals.
to identify the role various minerals • In metamorphic rocks new minerals
may have played as either formed in a more stable in lower-
crystallizing phases or as residual temperature, pressure in metamorphism
phases in a suite of rocks. conditions processes.

3. Isotope geochemistry , which can
involve both radiogenic and stable • by studying mineral assemblages in
isotopes, can determine whether a suite metamorphic rocks we can deduce the
of rocks formed: conditions of metamorphism Agents.
a) From a single magma, or whether • simple definition, metamorphism is the
b) From a more complex, multisource recrystallization of a rock at conditions
process was involved. below those of the liquidus . At low
temperatures, metamorphism merges with
the process known as diagenesis ,

Metamorphic rocks at high temperatures of

metamorphism processes condition will
generate melts of igneous rocks-forming

II . Structure of The Earth:

 The Earth is an oblate spheroid in

 It is composed of a number of different
zones in elliptical shells shape as
determined by deep seismic evidence,

 These layers are :

I. Crust Zone :The outer most solid silicate crust,

surrounding the earth.
1) It is rigid and solid rocks layer. It is composed of
granitic-rich continental crust . 19
2) The Oceanic crust is thin zone, varies in thickness from 4 to
about 12 km.
• It is also composed of basalt and has a density of about 3
• The Continental crust thickness
varies between 40 and 70 km and
composed mainly of lighter
granites, pegmatites and gneisses .
• The density of continental crust
is about 2.7 gr/cm3.


Continental Crust:
Thickness : 20-90 km.,with an average of ~35 km
Highly variable composition Average ~ Granodiorite
II. The Mantle comprises 83% of
the earth volume: the top
mantle zone called
Lithosphere, solid and rigid.

 The crust and the top of solid

mantle (Lithosphere) floats on
the “Asthenosphere (middle
mantle) as a components of a
plate. 22
The Earth’s Interior
Peridotite (ultramafic)
Upper to 410 km (olivine  spinel)
 Low Velocity Layer 60-220 km

Transition Zone as velocity increases ~ rapidly

 660 spinel  perovskite-type
 SiIV  SiVI

Lower Mantle has more gradual

velocity increase
Figure Major subdivisions of the
Earth. Winter (2001) An Introduction
to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology.
Prentice Hall.
• The mantle comprises Lithosphere,
Asthenosphere and Mesosphere

• The mantle zone is surrounding

the core zone, with a thickness of
• The upper mantle (Lithosphere)
exists from the base of the crust
down- ward to a depth of about
400 km. 24
• This region Lithosphere) of
the Earth’s interior is
composed of peridotite, an
ultramafic rock made up of
the minerals olivine and

• The middle mantle zone called (Asthenosphere) lies between

400 to 1000 km below earth surface. 25
 This layer has a physical
properties differ from the
the upper mantle

 It is hot and plastic, the

higher pressure causes
formation of minerals
differ from of the upper
 The CRUST thickness and the
upper mantle (Lithosphere) is
about 400 km thick,
 and it has the ability to glide
(Slide) over the rest of the
middle mantle (Asthenosphere)
and flow due to the increase in
1. Pressure, and
2. Temperature.

III. The core zone : it is involved of:

1) Inner core solid, rich in Fe (Iron) and

Ni (Nickel), with a density of about
10.3 g/cm3 . Its radius of about 1220
2) Outer Core (OC) is a liquid with a
density of about 6 g/cm3.
• OC surrounds the inner core and
with thickness of about 2250 km.

The Earth’s Interior
Fe-Ni metallic alloy

Outer Core is liquid

 No S-waves
Inner Core is solid

Figure 1-2. Major subdivisions of the

Earth. Winter (2001) An Introduction
to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Figure 1-3. Variation in P and S wave velocities with depth. Compositional subdivisions of the Earth are on the left,
rheological subdivisions on the right. After Kearey and Vine (1990), Global Tectonics. © Blackwell Scientific. Oxford.
Both 1) crust and 2) upper mantle (lithosphere)
zones are forming a numerous tectonic plates that
float on top of the middle mantle (Asthenosphere).

These plates move slowly due to the convection

currents within the mantle across the
asthenosphere causing PLATE TECTONIC.

The tectonic plates have the ability to rise and to sink,

known as isostasy phynomena,

Because the crust floats on top of the mantle-like ice31

cubes in water.
The Earth’s Zones Discontinuity due to the their
differences in Rocks compositions and their physical
 The ( MOHO) discontinuity , named after Andrija
Mohorovicic, a Croatian Geophysicist.
 It is a line separates between the Earth’s crust and the
mantle. It separates oceanic crust and continental crust
from the upper mantle mantle.

 It lies in about 5 to10 km (3-6 miles)

below the ocean floor and 20-90 km
(10 - 60 miles) beneath the 32
2. The Gutenberg discontinuity, named after German
scientist Bruno Gutenberg,

 It is located at 2900 km depth beneath the Earth’s


 It is determined by applying Seismic waves.

 It is separating the solid lower mantle (Mezosphere)

and the molten outer core. 33
For that reason,

At any dynamic change in Isostasy, the plates collide

or move causing Earthquakes, Tsunami and related natural
hazards and disasters.


The PETROLOGY (rocks’ Studies) applied in/within

the crusts and upper mantle Rocks.


The rocks of Earth’s crust

and upper mantle are divided
into three main groups
according to their origin, as
1. Igneous Rocks

 Igneous came from “ignis” means “fire” in Latin and

eruptive). These rocks are a primary rocks.

 Igneous Rocks occurred and formed in/on the Earth via two
manner either by: 35
1. Inside (down in the earth);
• formed by a direct slow
cooling rate, crystallized,
and solidified from a
molten rock mass (called
magma). A light-color fine to medium
grained igneous rock (granite)
containing interlocking minerals
of quartz (white) and feldspar
(light rosy or pink) with minor
OR grains (black) of hornblende,
biotite and chlorite.

2. Outside in the earth’s 36

 Volcanic rocks Formed via fast cooling rate (surface of the
earth) fine Crystallized grains from LAVA formed on the
earth’s surface we call it “lava”;

( i.e. when magma reaches to the earth’s surface or at a very shallower depth).
2. Metamorphic Rocks:
 The metamorphic rock is a transformation status of a pre-
existing rock (Original rock of igneous, metamorphic, and
sedimentary) subjected to :
1. a very high heat (increases
Temperature from 150 to 200 oC,

2. Pressure increased to an about

+1500 bar located at a greater
depth ,
 Causing changes in their physical and/or chemical in rock’s
minerals crystal form (texture and structure) in solid state due to

active fluid and contact with magma.


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