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BSCE – 2

M2U3 Inspired Word: EXPLORE,


Liberation is a core theme in the Biblical literature. Read this pivotal passage from
the Gospel of Luke and answer the following questions:

1. From whose book was Jesus reading?

 The book of Prophet Isaiah
2. What are the things the one speaking in the text was sent to do?
 To bring good news to the poor.
 To proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind,
 To let the oppressed go free,
 To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
3. Who sent the speaker to do these things?
 Jesus Christ
4. What could Jesus have meant by the second to the last verse (verse 21)?
 He meant that all those things that are written by Prophet Isaiah have
been fulfilled. These are the words of the prophet with respect to the
Messiah; for the Messiah shall say so, "because the Lord hath anointed
me”. It means that Jesus is the Messiah.

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