History of Numerations Project

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History of Numerations Project

DUE: Friday, Nov 4, 2022

You are a mathematics professor at a university. One requirement of your job is to conduct research on topics of mathematics. You have been
selected to research numeration history from among various cultures. You will prepare a written report about the history of a numeration system.

To successfully complete this project, your report will include the following items.
 Choose a culture’s numeration system
 Research the history of the system: when did it start and end, who and what influenced it to be the way it was, why were characters chosen for
digits and digit positions.
 Include examples of how it was used in everyday life
 Show calculations for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing using the system
 Include pictures, charts, tables or diagrams where appropriate.

Here are the numeration systems you can choose from that will provide sufficient detail to complete a report.
1. Babylonian.
2. Aztec, Mayan
3. Ancient Chinese
4. Greek
5. Roman
6. Egyptian
7. Hindu-Arabic

1. Websites should have the rigor of an academic resource: adequate detail with explanations for conclusions reached
2. A least 3 different resources must be cited in APA format in a reference section at the end of the report
3. Wikipedia can only be used once and with citing of quality resources within that source

Report Details
1. The report should be of length to meet the process requirements above, at least 500 words excluding diagrams and calculation examples.
2. The report will be typed, 12-point Times New Roman font, standard margins, double spaced, left-justified
3. A title for the report, your name, and November 4, 2022, should appear at the top of the first page.
4. Create section headings for each topic discussed (e.g., influences, reasons for character choices, etc.)
5. Include page numbers at the bottom right of each page
History of Numeration Project Rubric

CATEGORY 10 8 6 4
Report Quality Correct terminology used, Correct terminology Correct terminology Little use of correct
very easy to understand. usually used, fairly easy to usually used, sometimes terminology used, hard to
All written and graphic understand. Most written not easy to understand. understand. Several written
details support the subject and graphic details support Some written and graphic and graphic details do not
of the report, are related to the subject of the report, details do not support the support the subject of the
the topic, and make it are related to the topic, and subject of the report, are report, are unrelated to the
easier to understand. There make it easier to unrelated to the topic, and topic, and make it hard to
are no grammatical understand. There are a few make it hard to understand. understand. There are many
mistakes on the report. grammatical mistakes on There are more than a few grammatical mistakes on
the report. grammatical mistakes on the report.
the report.
Time Project turned in on time. Project turned in on time. Project turned in on time. Project turned in late. Did
Management Used time well during the Used time fairly well Used some of the time well not use class time to focus
one class period offered to during the class period but during the class period. on the project or often
work on the project. was distracted at times. There was some focus on distracted others.
Focused on getting the Never distracted others. getting the project started
project started. Never or occasionally distracted
distracted others. others.
Report Content Well-developed report. All Fairly well-developed Fairly well-developed Under-developed report.
sections are included and report. All sections are report. One section is More than one section is
show above-average detail. included and show missing or shows missing and those included
Examples of all types of sufficient detail. Examples insufficient detail. show insufficient detail.
calculations are included of all types of calculations Examples of some types of Examples of some types of
and are without error are included and are with calculations are not calculations are not
minimal errors included or are not without included and those
errors included are not without
Report Resources More than 3 quality At least 3 quality resources At least 2 quality resources Less than 2 quality
resources are cited. are cited are cited. resources are cited.

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