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Tag dialogue§

§tudent A §tudent B
Part l Fart t

r Alison is hardly ever on time... r Vou didn't do your homework,"",

z You've got two sisters,,.. : Yor.l haven't seen jill today,",,

3 You can't speak German or French,... 3 !t's hardly ever sunny in England,.,.

4 You went to John's at the weekend,.,. h Nobody wants to work today,...

5 You don't like me very much,... 5 Heip nre tift this heavy suitcase,"".

6 You know you're Wrong,",. 6 The weather wasn't very good yesierCay,.,.

7 Let's go for a picnic,... 7 Nobody came to the meeting,...

s She never says anything in her English lessons,... § You're late again,.."

9 Hetp yourse[f to a piece of cake,.., You were very rude tc us,...

10 Nothing exciting happened last night,... Ycu aren't very happy today,".,

77 |'m sorry, l'm not late ,.. They've done a great job...

12 lt's so peaceful here,.., 4j We never time tc ourselves.""

A n you? G ...won't you? A .". have you? 6

B .""shall we? ri .,. does she? B ... was it? H

C ".. haven't you? t .". Co you? e ,..ciid yoLl? I

D .."oidn't you? J ,", did it? D .,.did they? }

E .., is she? K .., isn't it? E ...are you? K

F ... am l? L .,. don't you? F ...haven't they? L

Part z Part z
i) Yes, l'm realty sorry. lwas in a bad mood, i) No, it was very boring.

ii) l tried, but it was real[y difficutt, ii) That's rubbish! You're the one who's never right!
iii) No, but we spoke on the phone this morning. iii) No, she's the least punctual person l know.
iv) No, it's far too nice to be stuck in the ctassroorn" iv) trjo thanks, i'm trying to lose a bit of weight.
v) Yes, but oniy because my bus didn't come on time. v) Yes, and a brother. They're at[ older than rne.
vi) No, it was cold, wet and míserabte atI day, vi) Well I wou[dn't exactly say you're my best friend,
vii) Sorry, l've got a rea[ly bad back. vii) Yes, it's lovely to relax in the countryside.
viii) ActuaIly we get some lovely weather, even in viii) Actually l'm f{uent in both of them.
the winter.
ix) Why not? According to the weather forecast it's gotng
ix) No, there's atways something to do. to be a lovely day.
x) No, everyone said they lrad better things to do than x) Yes, that's why we moved here.
sit around in a hot office.
xi) Well, she's a bit shy and worried about making
xi) flo, l received some bad news this morning which has mistakes,
really upset rne"
xii) iNo, it's alright" The meeting hasn't started yet.
xii) Yes, the living room looks rea[[y good now.
o Pearson EdUcation Limited zoo6 * Photocopiable

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