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for the manufacture of alkali from various materials, but

of perfectly genuine butter-fat varies within somewhat wide

margarine manufacturers came to the aid of the butter-mixer

transmitted the crown to her descendants. In 1268 the kingdom

of civil departments are directed by the controller, and his

boundaries of poetry and upon the ends and appliances of

its students are apt to be in problems dealing with tangible

the seats were to go by rotation to every academician. The

enthusiasm. While in Egypt in 1827, Abd-el-Kader is stated

feudal nobles, sometimes by making a temporary concession

in gelatine capsules. This was found to be necessary from

possession of Akaba, the Egyptian pilgrims having deserted

whole, but in those natural history provinces and migrations

lawless exaction, the house itself savage and disorderly.

in command and M. de Tronjoly. But the French were too weak

story (notably in Ovid, Metam. x. 298). The name is generally

Battler. Yet he was a great king, the type and to some extent

defects in the charges or in the constitution of the court,

young he entered the service of the German king, Maximilian

to the south of the town, 35 m. W. of Catania. Pop. (1901)

on a branch of the North-Eastern railway from Haltwhistle.

tin. Consequently, as the final solid is uniform, the

could acknowledge a superior lord. The name is also given to

system potassium-mercury, the compound KHg2 is similarly

simple, but is subject to the control of the emperor or the

Piz dellas Calderas. . . . . . 11,132 Fluela Schwarzhorn. . . . . . 10,355

The Emperor Hadrian, trans. by M. E. Robinson (1898).

town by the British on the 17th of March 1776, Howe sailing

of the Civic Guard,'' by van der Helst. The Trippenhuis gallery

expected, are found the historical and the didactic or expository

syllable in modern as bore the pitch accent in ancient Greek.

alcohol (CH3)(C2H5):CH.CH2OH, tertiary butyl carbinol

Ireland was deeply lamented by the reflecting portion of the

Giraldus Cambrensis relates how in 1173 the castle was seized

there never seems to have been any appreciable increase

for he chose as his favourite and prime minister the poet Ibn

Gentz, Deleches inedites, &c., ed. Baron Prokesch-Osten,

property not her separate property, requires to be made by

as they are from the moral standpoint, their absolute candour,

coated with a cocoa-paste containing a large proportion of

probably to the 2nd century B.C., though groundlessly called

of Adonis was carried down to the shore and cast into the

that collection, is usually considered his chief work. His

into various chapels. The high altar (A) stands immediately

Growth in length is effected in a variety of ways. In Dictyota

Greek language by his mother, he prevailed upon the king to

an Anglo-French force attacked and destroyed the fortress

the Japanese went so far as to prepare beforehand spare parts

and Brown-Sequard in France was stimulated by this paper to

apocryphal elements in the story and says that Agrippa was

despatch. The German East African Company was incorporated

of the bath, while fresh alumina and flouride were added as

and Sextius introduced into their laws, for the promotion

from any country in which contagious disease is known to

Adam, indeed, is not like the first man of Gen. ii.-iii., but

connexion with the decline of the strictly rural population.

allowed these to communicate in the species of bread only,

J. Hauy in 1801, from the Gr. anatasis, ``extension,''

with a Latin translation, 1630. Nothing definite is known

psychology, e.g. those of J. Sully, W. James, G. T. Fechner, O.

rise to asthma, and like enlarged tonsils--with which they

a-aminovalerianic acid, leucin or isobutyl-a-aminoacetic

in a public office, and even the actors in the ``imperial''

and sulphonal, and as a solvent. It forms a hydrazone

Heudon, built and experimented with in 1884 and 1885 the

district. The king disposed his men (the whole chapter is

translated from the English of Sir Walter Scott, with a

Ubersetzungen des Pseudo-Kallisthenes (Kirchhain, 1901).

Ships. instituted for the purpose of discovering a correction

his publications were connected with that class of plants, his

by his father, remained tributary; Judah, with whose king,

AMIANTHUS, a corruption of amiantus (Gr. amiautos, undefiled),

conductors. The coil carries an index needle moving over a

1868, lxvi. p. 1259)--one, AgCl.3NH3 at temperatures below

and it is doubtful whether the following detailed account of

Gleanings of Allegheny, Pennsylvania (Boston, 1886).

and cut, and each player receives two more cards, one at a

granite cliffs and large glaciers to the mountaineer; it is

Association itself passed through a succession of stages until

wide. At the head of the Ausable Chasm are the Rainbow Falls,

quarter. Opposite the British, who as usual deployed at a

raised. Painful relations between father and son, quite

to assemble a synod at Regensburg (Ratisbon), in 792, before

predicted Partridge's own death, in genuine prognosticator's

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