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The Samurai is the iconic thug mecha which appears in my games.

Typically piloted by pirates, mutants, or other low tier enemies, it's the Battle Pod or Zaku of my multi-verse.

The Samurai's advantages are that it hits relatively hard, and is easy to maintain.
It's arms are made for modular equipment, and therefore it's Plasma cannon and Machine-cannon are easily swapped for
other types of equipment.
The design is manoeuvrable in the hands of a good pilot, and fairly sturdy.
Some starting heroes have even begun their mecha adventuring careers by repairing damaged Samurais and using them
until something better came along.

The Samurai was inspired by the Hatamoto-Chi from the Battletech Technical Readout 3050.
The original version lacked the left hand and Machine-cannon on the right arm.
Instead, the original creation had the Heavy EMW in place of the left hand, and had a 150mm cannon on the right arm.

There are many variants of the Samurai. Beyond the aforementioned "prototype" there is the Star Samurai, which uses
Thrusters instead of Fans and is equipped for Space operation. There are also common "variants" which carry bazooka-
like Strike Missile launchers for heavy combat. The Heavy EMW is sometimes modified by industrious heroes into a
Nova Beam Saber.

Name: Samurai:
Total Cost = 101.4
Weight = 50.7
MV = -5
Grnd MA = 6
Flt MA = 9

Pwr: (HS) K=10 CP=10:

Torso: (MS) K=8 CP=8, Armour: (HS) SP=5, CP=5, Slots=4/0
Head: (MS) K=4 CP=4, Armour: (HS) SP=5, CP=5, Slots=2/0
R. Arm: (MS) K=5 CP=5, Armour: (MS) SP=4, CP=4, Slots=2/2, Dam+1
L. Arm: (MS) K=5 CP=5, Armour: (MS) SP=4, CP=4, Slots=2/1, Dam+1
R. Leg: (HS) K=6 CP=6, Armour: (MS) SP=4, CP=4, Slots=1/0, Dam+2
L. Leg: (HS) K=6 CP=6, Armour: (MS) SP=4, CP=4, Slots=1/0, Dam+2

Flight System:
Fans (6) Torso CP=3
Fans (3) R. Leg CP=1.5
Fans (3) L. Leg CP=1.5

Main Cockpit, Head, CP=0
Main Sensors, Head, CP=0

R. Hand, Loc=R.Arm, CP=1
L. Hand, Loc=L.Arm, CP=1
Missile Rack, Loc=Torso, CP=4.8
Missile Rack, Loc=Torso, CP=4.8
Fire Linkage Missile Racks, Loc=Torso, CP=2
Plasma gun, Loc=L.Arm, CP=3
Heavy EMW (Two Handed EMW), Loc=Hand Held (1H), CP=4
Machine-cannon, Loc=R. Arm, CP=1.2
Spotlight, Loc=Head, CP=0.2
Storage, Loc=Head, CP=1
Lock, Loc=Cockpit/Head, CP=0.2
Liftwire, Loc=Cockpit/Head, CP=0.2
Env-Desert, Loc=n/a, CP=2

Multipliers: None

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