Presentasi Leadership - Kelompok 4

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Manajemen Proyek – Kelas D

Kelompok 4
Billy Fathurrachman 6032211185
Muhammad Hafiz A. 6032211182

Magister Manajemen Teknologi

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
● Leadership as a way of influencing the behavior of others so that other
people have a strong will and enthusiasm in achieving common goals.
(Robert and Hunt, 1997)

● Leadership is a process of influencing others to understand and agree

with what needs to be done and how the task is carried out effectively,
as well as to facilitate individual and collective efforts to achieve
shared goals. (Yukl, 2007)

● Leaderships involves:
✓ Establishing a clear vision
✓ Sharing vision to other to make them follow willingly
✓ Providing information, knowledge and methods to realizing the
✓ Coordinating and balancing the conflict of interest
Inspirational Quote

Leadership is not a rank, Leadership is not a

position, but Leadership is a decision,
Leadership is a choice

Simon Sinek

Leadership is Influence, nothing

more, nothing less

John Maxwell
10 Ways to Level Up Leadership Skills

Go with a Small Embarace the Logic or Choosing the Empty calorie

‘Yes’ Pygmalion Emotion Right Seat time
10 Leadership Essensial Skills

Ask behavioral Be scared a Abandon Embody the Invest in

question little Revenge Body Language Communication
of the Leader Skills
Trait Theory

Leadership Traits
• The traits approach understand and belief that good
leaders have "innate characteristics" from birth, both • Ambition and Energy
concerning physical and personality traits. • Desire to Lead
• Trait theory believes that leaders are born with • Honest and Integrity
several inherent characteristics such as courage, • Self-Confidence
intelligence, strength, initiative, responsibility • Intelligence
• These theory was begin to develop in early 1900s • High-Self Monitoring
• Job-Relevant Knowledge
• Empathy
• Assertiveness
• Likability
Behavioral Theory

Managerial Grid
Participative Leadership

Lewin Autocratic


Relationship Behavior
Participating Selling
Contingency Theories Supporting Coaching

Task Behavior
Able Able Unable Unable
Willing Unwilling Willing Unwilling

Follower Readiness
Transactional Transformational

Based on exchange relationship Based on leaders values, beliefs and

between leader and followers Basis needs of followers

Rewards and recognition for good

Method of inspiration Leaders charisma, vision and energy

Task Orientaion Orientation Goal Orienatation

Passive and stable Approach Active and dynamic

Determination of objectives, clarifying Providing vision and sense of mission,

Main functions of instilling pride, gaining respect and
tasks, helping subordinates in achieving
objectives leader trust, inspiring people, giving personal
Terima Kasih

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