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Reflective Evaluation worksheet (U10, LO3: AC 3.1&3.



You are required to complete both sections on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly section called Evaluation.

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM mark
which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1/2: Reflect on how your work fits your audience (U10:LO3_AC3.1)
Please answer ALL boxes in order to pass this section. You can include screen grabs and links to help. This section is about
evaluating how your work fits the audience you have chosen to target. Answer all three questions fully with supporting
images, links and evidence of audience/survey feedback.

Choose THREE existing professional versions aimed at the same audience/genre as your work. How does yours compare to them? BE

Example 1 of 3
URL/link, image and description - Over the garden wall ambient loop

Something your loop does as well

The animation of the person checking their watch because I think the animation is as smooth as the movement of the
scarf and the flag since I rotoscoped it. It gives more life the scene as well more than just birds and leaves.

Something the example does better

Smooth animation of the waving of the pumpkins scarf and flag which makes it relaxing to watch. As well as making it
Relaxing to watch since the animation is so consistent and smooth.
How you would improve yours based on this
Work improving the swing of the lightbulb, so it looks smoother. It would look more professional as well as more

Example 2 of 3
URL/link, image and description - Steven Universe ambient loop.

Something your loop does as well

The way leaf the goes across the screen and spins halfway through. I think it does it well because speeds up halfway imitating
the way the wind would be moving giving a further sense of life and depth. As compared to the movement of the clothes in
the steven universe loop.
Something the example does better
The ambient loop scene changes every few minutes showing a range of detailed scenes with a range of smooth animation.
This makes it relaxing to watch as well more entertaining to have on in the background seeing all the colours of the scene
which I feel make it more relaxing to have on whilst doing something else.

How you would improve yours based on this

I think I would give my background more range of change for example from night to day. Having different weathers
happening for example from raining to sunny or even snow.

Example 3 of 3
URL/link, image and description - Lofi Undertale Beats to stay Determined

Something your loop does as well

The birds in the distant I think these give life the scene as well as a sense of depth to it as well because they are small in
the background so they aren’t to imposing on the scene so they have no detail they are there to add depth to the scene.

Something the example does better

The animation of the characters one constantly moving their legs back and forth and the other one constantly floating
slightly up and down. This makes the scene feel more alive with a slight movement that doesn’t take up the whole scene.
It also makes it feel more relaxing since it emphasises on the homely feel of the whole ambient loop.
How you would improve yours based on this
I think I would give my character on stage some more movement if I had the time to make them as well as the scene feel
more alive. I think I would give them just a small amount of movement just to make them seem more alive and in the

Results and reflection of your survey

Show evidence of your audience feedback and reflect on what it tells you.
Show evidence of your survey results here (screen grabs/graphs/urls/Youtube comments/other)

What patterns or trends did you notice from your audience feedback?
I saw that few people would change the effects I used either adding more of a glow and increasing the visibility of
the rain. Majority of people said that it was similar to professional examples because of the way the music matches the
video and is relaxing to watch like a professional ambient loop would. Many people said they liked the animation of the
lightbulb, smoke and person. Some people on the other hand didn’t like the person and said they would have change them
into a different outfit and add a shadow to incorporate them better into the scene.
What did you learn from thinking about this?
I learnt that the character might have needed to have an outfit that blends in better bit with the backgrounds atmosphere.
As well as giving them a shadow to give them a sense of depth in the scene. As well the whole video came across to
Audience how I wanted since it had a sense of relaxation to it.
How might you make improvements to your work based on what you’ve learnt from your audience? Be specific
I would change the rain effects to make it more visible and have more of an effect. I would also add a glow effect on the
light to make it stand out more as well. I would as well change the outfit of the person to sometime the fits in the
background better and make them feel more a part of the scene. I would as well have more of a change of the background
going from night to day by changing the opacity in After Effects.

Conclusions on your audience feedback

Based on what you’ve learnt above, write about whether your feel your work is fit for your specific audience overall.
Remember to say why and prove it
My target audience for this Ambient Loop project was for people who use ambient loops for study and watching it in the
background whilst doing something else. I think throughout reading my audience feedback I think my work is fit for my
specific target audience because through my feedback they say that it ‘transports you to a state of relaxation’ like
professional ambient loops do. Which I think being relaxed is the main reason for people watching Ambient Loop.

Additionally, the audience said that the music matches with my animation I feel that this means my work is fit for my specific
target audience. This is because I feel a defining trait of popular and professional ambient loops that are used for when people
ae studying and relaxing. So, this is another reason I feel my work is fit for my specific target audience.

Task 2/2: Reflect on your own skills, processes and personal development (U10:LO3_AC3.2)
Please answer ALL sections fully in order to pass this section. You can include screen grabs and links to help. This section is
about how you feel your creative abilities and processes have improved during this assignment. Answer all sections fully
with supporting images (including your own screen grabs: CMD+SHIFT+4), links and any other evidence you feel is relevant

Talk about three issues you had during production. These could be based on practical parts of the work, supporting tasks
such as research or even audience surveys.
When I finished animating After Effects was not loading properly and glitched every time I moved the mouse to
edit the final piece. It took something that should of that should of took 30 minutes the whole day to complete.
Timing and scheduling issue animating the smoke took me a whole session to complete which set me behind
where I wanted to be, and I was sick for a whole week where I couldn’t get out of bed which set me back a bit.
Though when I was off sick, I did fall behind from where I wanted to be, so I feel I have less time than I wanted to
do the final effects and less time to get responses and do the evaluation

3. I had trouble finding the right music to use and where to get it from.
How/to what degree were you able to resolve each issue?
I kind of solved this but it ended up taking me the whole day to complete but the quality of the effect wasn’t what
I wanted the rain was too light and it isn’t that visible. I didn’t even get the chance to put in the glow effect since I
1. ran out of time because every time, I moved the mouse in After Effect it glitched out my computer restarted out
of know where at one point. Even though it’s not how I wanted the effects to be included I didn’t have the time to
re do it. How ever I still think the outcome looks good just not the best it could have looked.
Luckily this didn’t impact my production too much when animating the smoke, it looks good, and I am very happy
with how it looks so it didn’t cause too much of a negative impact on the time of long everything else took. To
resolve falling behind after being sick I have just been sending my form to anyone and everyone and so far, I
haven’t fallen to far behind with the evaluation so I am confident that I will be ready to submit it and have it done
by Friday.

With the music luckily it didn’t take too long to resolve I wanted to use a gaming soundtrack, so I went onto
YouTube and listened to a few different soundtracks whilst working on my animation so when I heard one that
matched what I was animating I looked into it. My first choice was ‘Good Night’ By Toby Fox from the game
Undertale I also looked in the copyright issue and I found out I could use this song if I wanted to. But when it came
to downloading it, I couldn’t find anywhere to download it. Luckily, I was able to find a new song ‘Dirtmouth’ By
Team Cherry from the game Undertale and I was able to use the music in my video I also found somewhere I
could download it from. Even though it wasn’t my first choice I think it fits my ambient loop better then my first

Write about at least three things which well during the whole process?
Talk about what you felt went particularly well about them.
When I was rotoscoping I felt it went well because I was able to complete it in good amount of time where I was
able to complete the rest of my animation. I feel it looks nice as well and fits into the background without looking
out of place. It as well adds to the scene making it feel more alive, I think the animation as well looks smooth
since I did the keyframes closer to each other and I think this fits the ambient loop as well.


I think the whole of just animating went well for me because I never felt that I was not going to be able complete
this in time. I as well didn’t have any major issues within animate that stopped me from working at any point.
Overall, this made this a not too stressful and enjoyable time for me when animating all the components for my
ambient loop to come together. I as well was really happy with how all the animated part I did came out I think
they came out smooth and work well within the background to create a scene with an ambient atmosphere.


Doing the research worksheet about audience before we started the practical this, I think is something that went
well for me because it helped me to figure out what sort of things I wanted to include within my ambient loops
and the atmosphere that I wanted to go for. Doing this as well got me looking at existing examples which helped
3. me to know what other people enjoyed about ambient loops and I think doing that assisted my whole project to
do well. So, I think that this was one of the things that went well for me.
And finally, write a small amount about what you enjoyed about the project which you could possibly use in future work
or assignments. This could be from research, design or your practical production process. Feel free to use screen grabs.
Throughout this whole project I have enjoyed it a lot for me I particularly enjoyed the creation of the animation as well
as learning different skill I can use when doing a future final major project if I end up doing animation for it. I will be able
to re-use the skills I have learnt for this project in different assignments as well for example the photoshop skills we
learnt can be use in those project and new future ones. I also enjoyed researching about different ambient loops and
skills that are used in those that we were able to learn and put in ours. I think I would have enjoyed doing the editing for
this project if the software worked properly on the computer I was on. But the skills I learnt in After Effects are ones that
will help me in future projects.

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