Miky Ardianus Kopong Tokan (LKS) 5 PDF

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Nama : Miky Ardianus Kopong Tokan

Kelas : J

NBI : 1221900109

Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
Type_Ruma 1 T36/84 4
h 2 T38/90 4
3 T45/105 4
4 T50/135 4
Lokasi 1 Adem Asri 4
2 Sejuk Lestari 4
3 Damai Indah 4
4 Damai Lestari 4

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Harga
Type III Sum Mean
Source of Squares df Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 148909,375a 6 24818,229 26,626 ,000
Intercept 2106126,563 1 2106126,563 2259,506 ,000
Type_Rumah 139504,688 3 46501,563 49,888 ,000
Lokasi 9404,688 3 3134,896 3,363 ,069
Error 8389,063 9 932,118
Total 2263425,000 16
Corrected Total 157298,437 15
a. R Squared = ,947 (Adjusted R Squared = ,911)

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