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) Different PM’s of India :-

a)Introduction: The analysis of different PM’s of INDIA.

b) Specific requirements/Functions and formulas:

i) Name of PM’s
ii) With help of data bar plot.

c) Analysis Results:
i) Indra Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru held 4 times.
ii) Atal Bihari Vajpayee become held 3 times.
ii) Gulzarilal Nanda, Manmohan Singh, Narendra Modi and Rajiv Gandhi
held 2 times.
iv) Rest held for only 1 time.

d) Visualization :-
e) Brief analysis:-
i) Jawaharlal Nehru was the India’s longest serving Prime Minister who served for more than 16
years. He served as Prime Minister for 4 times : 1 st From 1947 to 1952 when he was elected
with consensus, 2nd : 1952 to 1957 when he won the General Elections of 1952, 3rd : 1957 to
1962 in which he again won the general elections of 1957, 4th : 1962 -1964 in which he won the
election of 1962 but died in chair in 1964. He was also called Architect of Modern India.

ii) Gurzarilal Nanda worked twice as the Acting Prime Minister for 13 days each.

iii) Rajiv Gandhi was Pilot by profession. He was the youngest ever Prime Minister of India. He was sworn
in as Prime Minister the same day when Indira Gandhi was assassinated.

iv) The first  Non-Congress Party person to  rule India for full terms of 5 years – Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

v) Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the first parliamentarian to give a speech in hindi to the United Nations
General Assembly.

vi) P V Narsimha Rao was the only PM who was multilinguist and knew and speak 14 languages – Marathi,
Hindi, Oriya, Bengali, Gujrati, Tamil, Urdu, English, French, Arabic, Spanish, German and Parsian apart
from mother tongue Telugu.


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