Atm Machine

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1. Mr. Mayur Dev Sewak

General Manager , Operations
Eisystems Services

2. Ms. Mallika Srivastava

Trainer , Programming & Algorithms,
Eisystems Services


Ankit kumar
Content Table

Serial No. Title Page No.

1. Cover page 1
2. Content table 2
3. List of figures 2
4. Abstract of project 3
5. Project summary 3
6. Objectives of Project 4
7. Details of project developed 4
8. System Requirements used 6
9. Data Flow Diagram 6
10. Input/output datasets 7,8,9
11. Text code/program 10,11,12
12. References 13

List of Figures

1. Details of Project developed :

 Caption : Details of Project developed

 Page No : 5
 Figure No:1

2. Data Flow Diagram:

 Caption : Data Flow Diagram

 Page No : 6
 Figure No:2
Abstract of Project

 PROJECT ABSTRACT The ATM System is the project which is used to access their bank accounts in
order to make cash withdrawals
 st i i t t s i ti i ti –
both of which will be sent to the database for validation as part of each transaction
 t t s t i st tt st ’s is i i t st i i t
re-enter the PIN before a transaction can proceed.
 The ATM will provide the customer with a printed receipt for each successful transaction, showing

the date, time, machine location, type of transaction, account(s), amount, and ending and available
s t t t “t ” t t s s.

Project Summary

 1-Automated Teller Machine enables the clients of a bank to have access to their account without
going to the bank. This is achieved only by development the application using online concepts.
 2-The product also provides services like request for cheques, deposit cash and other advanced
requirement of the user. The data is stored in the database and is retrieved whenever necessary.

3- The implementation needs ATM machine hardware to operate or similar simulated conditions
can also be used to successfully use the developed product.

4-The user also must be given option to browse through the pages like previous page, next page
etc. The user may experience a delay in retrieving or viewing the data, when there are many
users logged on to the same bank branch system.
Objectives Of Project

 For easy access to money from any outlet even without going to the bank which the customer is
 banking with.
 To reduce stress from withdrawing money.

 The main advantage of using an ATM is the fact that you can have access to the cash in your bank
 account whenever you need it.
 If the location has an ATM and you have your ATM card, you can access your money instantly.

 Another significance of ATM machines is that it has taken away much of the job of the local banker.

Details of project developed

 i t s s ist i ti s' si
t it Ki .

 s i t t i s i s s t t t
% . . t i s ti it

 An experimental Bankograph was installed in New York City in 1961 by the City Bank of New York
, but removed after six months due to the lack of customer acceptance

 The Bankograph was an automated envelope deposit machine (accepting coins, cash and cheques)
 and did not have cash dispensing features

 Devices designed by British (i.e. Chubb, De La Rue) and Swedish (i.e. Asea Meteor) quickly spread
out. For example, given its link with Barclays, Bank of Scotland deployed a DACS in 1968 under
 t ' t s '
System Requirement Used

1. Windows 10
2. Python 3
3. PyCharm IDE
4. Command prompt

Data flow Diagram / Algorithm


Def send(): Statement 1 .

Expression Statement 2 .

Statement just
Below if-else

Test ladder
Expression Statement 3


Test Expr n Statement 4
Input Output Datasets / screenshots
4. Accessing any website:
Text code

from tkinter import *

import webbrowser
from tkinter import messagebox

root = Tk()

def send():

send = "You:"+ e.get()

text.insert(END,"\n" + send)
text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot: hello")

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot: hi")

elif (e.get() == Thow are youT):

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot: ITm fine what about you")

elif (e.get() == "ITm also good"):

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot: ThatTs great!")

elif (e.get() == "How can you help me"):

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot: I can provide a proper website related
to your work within a blink of an eye")

elif (e.get() == "ok!Good bye"):

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot:Good bye! Nice to meet you")

elif (e.get() == TI want to access wikipediaT):

text.insert(END,"\n" + "Bot:Ok",""))

elif (e.get() == TI want to access googleT):

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot:Ok",""))

elif (e.get() == TI want to access InstagramT):

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot:Ok",""))

elif (e.get() == TI want to access youtubeT):

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot:Ok",""))

elif (e.get() == TI want to access facebookT):

text.insert(END, "\n" + "Bot:Ok",""))




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