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Read the text and answer questions 1 -


Halloween, the time of pumpkins, candies,

ghosts, witches and much more, is annually d) ____________________
celebrated on 31 October. That’s the night before
All Saints Day. Its origins date back thousands of 3. About the text, check the FALSE alternative:
years to the Celtic festival of Samhaim or The a) Halloween is celebrated in October.
Feast of the Sun, most significant holiday of the b) Halloween precedes All Saints' Day.
Celtic year. This day marked the end of summer c) Halloween has its origin in the Feast of the
but also the season of darkness as well as the Sun.
beginning of the New Year on 1 November. d) Halloween marks the beginning of summer.
Children love the custom of dressing-up in
fancy costumes and going from door-to-door 4. Which color is related to the Halloween
yelling ‘Trick-or-Treat?’ . Adults instead join celebration?
spooky parties which are nearly held all over the a) White. b) Yellow. c) Black. d) Green.
cities on that special evening. A spooky
decoration, games and themed food are nuts and 5. No trecho: “and much more”, a palavra grifada
bolts for a Halloween party your friends won’t é um exemplo de quantificador, já que é uma
soon forget. palavra utilizada para fazer referência à
quantidade de algo. Assim sendo, a palavra
Fonte: (Adaptado) “much” foi empregada para mostrar que esses
substantivos relacionados são
1. The text Halloween is intended a) incontáveis.
a) to entertain. b) contáveis.
b) to inform. c) definidos.
c) to instruct. d) limitados.
d) to convince.
6. According to the text, who usually dresses up in
2. Escreva em inglês os nomes das imagens costumes on Halloween?
abaixo que aparecem no texto. a) Adults. b) Infants. c) Women. d)

7. Conforme o texto, no Halloween, os adultos

a) ____________________ a) levar doces para as crianças.
b) gritar de porta em porta nas casas.
c) participar de festas assustadoras.
d) compartilhar histórias aterrorizantes.

8. Na expressão “Trick-or-Treat?”, a palavra

b) ____________________
grifada indica relação de:
a) adição.
b) explicação.
c) alternância.
c) ____________________ d) oposição.

9. Assinale com um (X) apenas nas palavras

retiradas do texto que são verbos.
( ) is / ( ) marked / ( ) spooky / ( ) love ( )
games / ( ) join / ( ) are / ( ) all
( ) forget / ( ) friends

10. According to the text, what are essentials at a

Halloween party?

1B / 2. a) ghosts, b) pumpkins, c) witches, d)
candies. / 3D / 4C / 5A / 6D / 7C / 8C / 9. (X) is /
(X) marked / ( ) spooky / (X) love / ( ) games /
(X) join / (X) are / ( ) all / (X) forget / ( ) friends.
/ 10.A spooky decoration, games and themed
food are nuts and bolts for a Halloween

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