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1. Which do you think is better to live in an urban city or rural countryside?

For me, it is better to live in rural countryside because it is more peaceful, less traffic and the food are more
fresh. Thank you.

2. What are your thoughts about vaccination?

For me, vaccination is important to protect ourselves, because it is the easiest way to avoid illnesses. Thank

3. Do you think the Philippines is technologically advance enough to adapt with climate change? why?
For me, Philippines is not yet technologically advanced to adapt climate change because we must learn to
innovate our own technology and we must do it now. Thank you.

4. If you are going to invent something what would it be and why?

If I had to invent something, It would be a technology that detects the earthquakes and other natural disasters
so we can avoid and prevent it. Thank you

5. What is the advantage and disadvantage of the social media to the current generation?
Answer :
For me, social media is a good venue for communication. However, this can be a source of fake news, and
bullying. So always think before you click. Thank you.

6. What do you think are the necessary measures to improve education when it comes to environment

For me, lesson about environment preservation should always be unified in all subject. thank you.

7. What do you think is our country’s biggest waste?


For me its Pollution – so we have to dispose our garbage properly and let us all work together to
prevent spreading it. Thank you.

8. Where does technology comes short and what will you do to improve it?

For me, technology should not allow online scam, so I will improve it to a safer and more confidential
application to make it a hassle free technology. Thank you.

9. What do you think is the importance of education to a child like you?

I believe that education is very important for a young person like me. Learning new things at school and
giving myself an opportunity to grow and will help me build a meaningful future. Thank you.

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