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Liam Nyce

Student Teaching Porfolio

Fall 2022

Lesson 1: Introduction for World Music Drumming

The main focus of the first lesson was to gain respect for the drum as well as learning
Proper drumming technique. Through class discussion and constent modeling, the students
Learned what it means to respect and use the property that is not their own. At the beginning of
the video you will see the class and I have a discussion about the key word, respect. The students
answer questions about how they can respect the drums and respect each other.
Another part of the lesson was to introduce the students to high and low sounds on the
drum head. I did this by asking the question, “whats the difference between these two sounds?”
After that, the students demonstrate their knowledge of rhythm using high and low tones through
multiple echo activities and question and answer activities. Eveidence of these activities are
shown in the video I will provide.
During the lesson, I had planned to be lenient in the aspect of technique and rhythm
accuracy. However, after stating the expectations of how to respect and handle the drums, I
decided to be a bit more intentional in enforcing good technique and beat patterns. In the video
you will observe me correct some students not bouncing off the drumming and/or playing the
pattern incorrectly. My constant reminders and enforcement of the drumming rules and
techniques proved to be effective on the classes willingness to improve their skills.
As I mentioned earlier, the students demonstrated their knowledge of rhythm using high
and low tones through multiple echo activities and question and answer activities. These fun and
engaging activities not only served as a way to improve their rhythmic accuracy and social
awreness, but it also became useful as a way to assess student learning. For example, in the video
you will see individual students answering a question on the drumming like, “whats for diner?”
through this simple question, I can observe their technique and accuracy in rhythm.
After the first lesson, I made sure to take note on things that would need improvement for
the next class. For example, when the next class would arrive for the lesson, I would be sure to
mention bouncing our hands off the drum like a hot stove because the previous class struggled in
that aspect.

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