MW 2e House Rules Optional Skills

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This skill doesn't cover computers in general, but contains more accurate knowledge of military vehicular sensoring
With this skill a soldier is able to fine tune his built-in vehicular sensors to better detect enemies, identify targets at long
distances and prevent shutdowns.

This skill can be used instead of the Computers skill, to reflect knowledge in on-board systems rather than a general
knowledge of computers.

Details: If a player takes the lead on planning an oncoming attack, he should make a "Leadership" Skill Roll.
If succesful, all other players who are engaged in that battle and who caries the orders out, as planned by the player who
planned them, will receives his "Tactics" Skill Level as a bonus to their initiative, including the player who planned the
If any player deviates to much from the plan (GM decision) caused by injury, blocked passages or other incidents, they
will lose the bonus.
This bonus can be applied again if a player succeeds in getting back to his position and fulfilling his objective without

This rule can also apply to NPCs controlled by the GM.

Example: Player A, with a "Tactics/Ground" skill level at 3, is laying out a plan on a warehouse for the rest of group.

After some talk and discussions on how to do it, Player A rolls a "Leadership" Skill Roll and succeeds.
When the battle starts every player, including Player A, is receiving his "Tactics/Ground" Skill Level of 3 as a bonus to
their Initiative.

In round 5, some of the crates in the warehouse is tipped over by an explosion, thus preventing Player B to guard a door
as planned.
This means the plan is beginning to fall apart and Player B, who has to move to a new position, to be able to guard the
door, is losing his Initiative bonus.

In round 7 Player B manages to move around the fallen crates and since no one has entered the door in the meantime,
and thereby have not interferred with Player B's current objective, he is once again able to secure it, thus getting the
bonus once again.

Support Weapons:

Details: In Mechwarrior, a single anti-vehicle weapons doesn't pose a real threat to vehicles. With the "Vehicle Killer"
option, players can become an opponent to fear, when you are in a vehicle.
Every point in the "Support Weapon" Skill Level adds an extra point of Battletech Damage OR an extra 5D6+3
Mechwarrior Damage. NOTE: This damage bonus applies ONLY to attacks against vehicles.
Example: A Mechwarrior with a Skill Level of 2 in "Support Weapons" can add 2 Battletech Damage or 10D6+6
Mechwarrior Damage to attacks against vehicles.
Comments: Running into an armoured vehicle as a small group, can be a very deadly encounter. To add some more
action and a chance to overcome this kind of enemy, this "cinematic" rule can be used.


Details: When dealing with money and/or goods a skilled negotiator can really turn a profit.
For every Skill Level in "Negotiation", the player receives an extra percentage based on his "Negotiation" Skill Level x
If the player is not successful, he will get an already agreed price or less as decided by the GM.
Example: A trader, with "Negotiation" at Skill Level 2, negotiates for a better cut for his goods.
His Negotiation Skill Roll is successful and he then collects an additional 20% extra C-Bills.

Languages plays an important part in all areas of space. Here is a list of the primary languages spoken in the Battletech
Capellan Confederation: Mandarin (Chinese)
Draconis Combine: Japanese
Federated Suns: English
Free Worlds League: English
Lyran Alliance: German

NOTICE: As a Native/Affiliation skill, "Language" has no Skill Level and no Skill Roll.

This skill deals with the social customs and traditions in a given state, society or on a given planet.
This skill is a more rough and general skill compared to the "Protocol" skill, which includes correct social etiquette.

All players will acquire this skill if using the "Background Package Option".
If this option is not used, the GM should give each player this skill free, based on the planet or state from which they

NOTICE: As a Native/Affiliation skill, "Culture" has no Skill Level and no Skill Roll.

Increasing the Skill Levels in this skill, enables the character to know of more social customs and details that would
impress a native or be a role model for their fellow countrymen.
Diplomats can have great use of this skill.

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