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SAP Activate – with Agile, really works and save time?

Announced at Saphire 2015 with the promise of replacing ASAP, it seems that Activate is becoming a
popular subject in SAP articles and being mentioned in Hana implementations – please note this methodology is
aimed for Hana projects (Cloud / OnPremise), but due to its nature and procedures, it can be used for all types of

It is important to highlight that the correct name would not be “methodology”, but “framework”, since
its main cornerstones are best practices, guided configuration and methodology as a whole.

Best Practices
 Ready scenarios, optimized for S4Hana
 Best Practicesfor S4Hana integration/migration
 SAP BP creates processes or own processes

o Whether SAP is Cloud or OnPremise used, both will start with the Solution
Builder tool in order to activate Best Practices.
o Please note SAP cloud updates are faster and should be immediately
o For Cloud, the Expert Configuration may modify or add existing processes.

Guided Configuration
- Tools for assisted implementation
- Users andIT may access service tools for implementation
- Contextualized content and knowledge on what will be implemented

[Tools that may help delta customization 


Moreover, there is methodology, in which is possible to apply agile methods– this has to be decided in
the planning step, considering the company’s cultural understanding of Agile. Do not try it if you do not know

Satyachandra, Hyd
Apparently, there is still some opposition regarding using Agile Methods for ERP, which may pose a
matter of company’s lack of practice or presentation and certainty. This article presents a helpful point of view
on the subject, besides the practical insight on the new methodology adoption. Even though it is from 2016,
which seems a lot of time, the following article is an excellent reference:
My intention is not to detail this methodology, since it may be referred in several available posts. In
case you do not find appropriate links, please see the reference links for adetailed explanation. In this article, we
will focus on the Agile opportunities and insights, and talk about the common mistakes related to simply
accepting a task that you may not be ready for.

The Agile methodology replaces or intends to replace the former model, ASAP, which used a traditional
BBP meeting method to develop solutions and seek to understandwithout yet having the system. However, in
this methodology system only arises after the BluePrint phase, which takes a time, besides the
arguablyASIS/TOBE evaluation.

In 2013,I had the opportunity to manage an SAP implementation project using the ASAP RDS
methodology, which shows a format similar to Activate - in other words, there is no BBP, it is direct in the
system, there is an initial system assessment before starting the project and approval of what is being delivered,
quality gates are well defined, etc.Its major goal is to reduce complexity and present the system as faster as
possible, mainly when implementing projects in Brazil: the most cumbersome country to implement ERP due to
its legislation specificities.
Regarding that project, SAP was hired to do the Quality Assurance, verifying projects status and taking
steps in each Quality Gate. Moreover, I strongly recommend another company taking care of the QA,since it
makes a difference and may help a lot.In addition, do not hire the same company that is implementing SAP.
Instead, hire a QA-dedicated company, formed of systematically expert employees, who are focused on project
coordination, recommendation, ideas and alternative options – which means management, project and
implementation experience.

Satyachandra, Hyd
However, there was not a Scrum presentation, even though we used a KanBan board for ABAP
development guidance and the common practice of project development based on an initial environment or
pilot.I remember managing WEB projects in 2004 and starting them with user interaction and screen templates
developed byinterns. By the way, Design Thinking involves a prototype visual model analyzed and interplayed
by the user. This reduces documentation, endless meetings, misunderstanding, improves delivery and user
experience – muybien, it looks exactly the Agile method.
It is important to mention that in Activate courses (ACT100 / ACT200)we can understand the team’s
maturity in order to decide on the Scrum usage.The type of implementation model - SCRUM, ASAP, regular –
should be decided in the PREPARE phase, for example, if the team can have a project manager.Personally, I
think is important, since there are activities that are not mentioned in the Product Owner scope, such as
schedule, status report, project cost, consultancy recruitment, project status meetings, cut over elaboration,
integrated testing stages, go, hypercare, etc).If possible, hire experienced people because the in-house
development is highly difficult.

This is a suggestive team model that you will use in ACT100. This governance model will align the
project development, providing an agile orientation. Additionally, “agile” does not mean forgetting about
actions, organization and documentation. Being agile demands a lot in terms of prior organization and
preparation, including the fact of having well oriented and skilled workers involved in the project. Like this, I
strongly recommend you do not act “agile” in an ERP implementation if you have not experienced this idea
before – even if it is an ordinary project, try learning a bit of this “culture”.
I have been talkingto companies and tried to see this inSAP projects, and it seems to be something that
is described as a “reduced time methodology”.People usually do not mention the hard work for this – only the
theoretical advantage of reduced time. I reinforce no agile resistswithout preparation.
The recommended Scrum approach in SAP Activate is used in several projects and follows existing
models (if you wish to know more about SCRUM, there are many links available on the internet). Get ready,
study and practice. Do not try it without understanding it,and develop the Scrum Master and Product Owner

Satyachandra, Hyd
Every SCRUM tool is welcome and useful. As we see, training on the appropriate usage demands a lot
of practice, but especially “culture” of being acquainted. At the EXPLORE phase, we have the great opportunity
of practicing SCRUM.
At this point, users fully see the system operation and create the backlog along with
consultants.Consultants can indicate the deltas in regards to what SAP provides - in the form of User Stories, for
example, where user tells a story of how he/she develops the coordinated process, and then the process is split
into activities that appear on the SCRUM board.

Product Owner should support the prioritization of backlog-cataloged items, being responsible for the
classification based on the company’s needs and priorities – the integrated knowledge is a crucial feature for this
Scrum Master will mentor the methodology appropriate usage, supporting understanding and
coordinating methodology required practical actions.
One of the ACT200 recommended techniques is the Planning Poker – which I struggle to accept since it
seems to drive to average defined by the expert, in practice. Besides that, if we will use an expert, the practical
inclination is close to his/her estimate, so I believe we can save time shortly directing it to the expert estimate.
In addition, it is crucial to establish a fair amount at the backlog exit in order to feed the sprints, at least
for two weeks and up to four weeks. This streamlines the interaction and avoids time wasted in a moment the
team is waiting for the implementation of items.

Satyachandra, Hyd
During Sprint process, we have to align the testing process on what is being delivered, integrated to the
sprint. Depending on the items, we can test one by one or wait for the end of the sprint to test the package –
some companies/projects hire a specific team for items testing, creating the UAT (User Acceptable Test) for the
delivered packages. Please consider this option, since it may be a way of efficiently controlling the testing
phase, besides the benefit of another separate point of view.
This whole process may and should be documented –there is a common misunderstanding here because
some people still think being agile is having little or no paperwork. “Agile” means presenting an agile
documentation. For example, in my opinion, code documentation seems useless (this will be in SAP and will be
monitored by versions and mapped/analyzed by ATC –tool that reviews adherence to ABAP code).
SAP provides an amazing tool for each methodology phase: SOLMAN or Solution Manager. This tool
allows us to download all the documentation templates that support the methodology and write whatever
needed, directly in the tool. Furthermore, there are several possibilities in this tool, such as scenario download,
best practices, testing routine development and documentation phase download (please check a reference article
at ).

I suggest (better late than never) to plan the post-implementation called HyperCare phase, which is not a
part of the Activate as a methodology, in the RUN step, where we will have a project support team helping the
immediate start once the project is implemented.
The team operation and interaction should be defined as soon as possible. I use to say that the Project
itself is not as important as the daily routine, which is crucial. Careless planning/preparation is a high price to
pay right in the project beginning, on Monday morning.

Satyachandra, Hyd
After this, the company is at a normal pace and improvement projects arrive – we may use the same
implementation method but with more experience and strong onboarding. Try Scrum or another agile method in
your company! Please note the interactive action is not something new, such as RAD, created by James Martin
in 1991 [].
Moreover, the different ways of working (currently famous in the information systems area) come from
the automotive industry andare adapted/adopted by the technology area. This history should be reviewed, so
people can understand how these things arise and the importance of boosting people and companies, which may
end the obsession of defining everything as agile, such asAgile PMO, agile developer, agile project manager,
agile cafeteria.“Agile” is not a stamp or obligation. First of all: learn, practice and get used to it.

Regardlessthe methodologyalways tries using the continuing improvement process and, if possible,
innovation and a lateral thinking. Try providing current available disruptive options for the company (virtual
reality, augmented reality, IoT, M4, M2M, and a lot of LEAN – but this is a subject for another post).
[Shewhart]  Deming Toyota System Lean]
Would like to figure it out? Read about Deming.

I look forward to hearing from you until the next post! Try attending ACT100 and ACT200 courses.

Satyachandra, Hyd
Reference links:

A Practical Insight

CLOUD Methodology

Data Migration Tool

On Premise Methodology

ASAP Methodology

SAP Best Practices

SAP Activate Community


ASAP Agile Methodology

Free SAP Courses

SAP Packages (Best Practices)

Agile Usage in SAP Project

ASAP Website

Activate Information [blog]

Detailed SOLMAN Methodology

Activate Documentation

Migration Tools

ASAP Methodology

Satyachandra, Hyd
SAP and Agile
Access trial:

New 30-day trial for SAP S/4HANA, on premise edition 1511 FPS 01 available

Agile Methodologies Overview


ABAP Code Inspector

Satyachandra, Hyd

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