PT A CH 3 Sec 4 - Non Periodical Surveys

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Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 4


1 Damage and repair surveys This does not apply in the case of modifications required to
the structure in the light of new knowledge gained from
damage analyses, with a view to avoiding recurrence of
1.1 General similar damages.

1.1.1 Damage and repair surveys fall due whenever the 1.2.5 Regarding the materials employed and certificates
vessel's hull and machinery, including electrical installa- required, the requirements for newbuildings are applicable.
tions, as well as special equipment and installations cov- See Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.4].
ered by the classification have suffered a damage which
might affect validity of class, or if damage may be assumed 1.2.6 Regarding corrosion damages or excessive wastage
to have occurred as a consequence of an average or some beyond allowable limits that affect the vessel's class, see
other unusual event, see also Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.3.2]. Ch 3, Sec 7.

1.2 Damage and repair surveys performance

2 Conversion surveys

1.2.1 Where damage has occurred to the vessel's hull, 2.1 General
machinery including electrical installations or special
2.1.1 In case of conversion and/or major changes of the
equipment and installations, the automatic/ remote-control
vessel's hull, machinery, as well as special equipment and
systems, etc., the damaged parts are to be made accessible
installations with effect to the class designation including
for inspection in such a way that the kind and extent of the
notations, the Society’s approval is to be requested as in the
damage can be thoroughly examined and ascertained, see
case of newbuildings and surveys are to be carried out, as
also Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.3.2].
described in Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.4].
In the case of grounding, dry docking, see Ch 3, Sec 5, [1] A new or amended class designation will be assigned,
or, alternatively, in-water survey, see Ch 3, Sec 5, [2], is where necessary.
3 Extraordinary surveys
1.2.2 The repair measures are to be agreed with the Sur-
veyor such as to render possible confirmation of the class 3.1 General
without reservations upon completion of the repairs. In gen-
eral, a class confirmation with conditions of class, e.g. in 3.1.1 The Society reserves the right to require extraordinary
the case of a preliminary repair ("emergency repair"), surveys to be held independently of any regular surveys.
requires to be approved by the Society’s head office or Soci- Such surveys may become necessary for examining the ves-
ety’s representative. sel's technical condition and are understood to be a part of
Society's quality assurance system.
1.2.3 Surveys conducted in the course of repairs are to be
based on the latest experience and instructions by the Soci- 4 Survey for towage or voyage over sea
ety. In exceptional cases advice is to be obtained from the
Society’s head office or Society’s representative, in particu- 4.1 General
lar where doubts exist as to the cause of damage.
4.1.1 In compliance with the provisions of the General
Conditions, a certificate of towage or voyage over sea may
1.2.4 For older vessels, in the case of repairs and/or
be issued upon satisfactory survey the scope of which is
replacement of parts subject to classification, as a matter of
fixed in each particular case by the Society according to the
principle, the construction Rules in force during their period
towing or voyage over sea.
of construction continue to be applicable.

April 2009 Bureau Veritas - Inland Navigation Rules 57

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