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Table of contents:-

SN. Topic Page

1. Complaint Letter

2. First information report

3. Chargesheet

4. Medico legal Examination

5. Spot and Seizure Panchnama

6. Arrest Panchnama

7. Statement of witness

8. Telephonic conversation

9. Photos

Sanya Mehta
2025 M Street
Connaught Place
New Delhi

The Police Inspector
Connaught Place
New Delhi

Subject: Registration of a complaint regarding Assault and Attempt to Kidnap

Sir/ Ma’am,
I am writing to you to register a complaint about an attempt on my life on the 27th of August 2022 at 9:45 p.m. near my
I was walking back from work at night when I noticed two strange men following me. I felt uncomfortable and fastened
my pace. Just when I was about to turn at the corner, these men jumped on me, clamped my mouth and tried to carry
me away towards what I assume was a Silver Eeco van at the end of the street.
Luckily I was able to fend them off and scream for help at which point, a guard came to my rescue. They ran off but one
of them dropped their wallet with his ID in it. I have enclosed a copy of it in this complaint.
Please file a complaint and take appropriate action.

Sanya Mehta
Ph. No. - +917890656302
Email ID -
(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C)

1. Dist. - Central Delhi P.S. - Connaught Place Year 2022 F.I.R. No. - 374234 Date - 28th August 2022

2. (i) *Act - Indian Penal Code *Sections 352, 363, 321

(ii) *Act …………………………………. *Sections ……………………………………………...

(iii) *Act …………………………………. *Sections ……………………………………………...

(iv) * Other Acts & Sections ………………………………………………………………………..

(a) * Occurrence of Offense: * Day - Saturday *Date - 27th August *Time - 10:00 p.m.
(b) Information received at P.S. Date 28th August 2022 Time 11:00 a.m.
(c) General Diary Reference: Entry No(s) …………………… Time ………………………………

4. Type of information : *Written / Oral

5. Place of occurrence: L Street, Connaught Place (a) Direction and Distance from P.S. - West, 3.5 km Beat No. - 110001

(b) * Address - 2025 M Street Connaught Place New Delhi 110001

(c) In case outside limit of this Police Station, then the name of P.S. …………………………….. District

6. Complainant / information :

(a) Name - Sanya Mehta

(b) Father’s / Husband’s Name - Mr. Sanjay Mehta

(c) Date / Year of Birth 21st December 2000 (d) Nationality: Indian

(e) Passport No: ………………….. Date of Issue: ……………….. Place of Issue ………………..

(f) Occupation: Chartered Accountant

(g) Address: 2025 M Street Connaught Place New Delhi 110001

7. Details of known / suspected / unknown / accused with full particulars (Attach separate sheet if necessary): Pawan Gupta
(Aadhar No. - 6412 4109 6542 1235)

8. Reasons for delay in reporting by the complainant / Informant - NA

9.Particulars of properties stolen / involved (Attach separate sheet if necessary): NA

10. * Total value of the properties stole / involved: NA

11. * Inquest Report /U.D. Case No., if any:

12. F.I.R. Contents (Attach separate sheets, if required): Copy of Complainant’s Aadhar; Copy of Accused 1 Aadhar

13. Action taken: Since the above report reveals commission of offence (s) u/s as mentioned at Item No. 2 2., registered the
case and took up the investigation Rank Inspector to take up the investigation transferred to P.S. Connaught Place on point of

F.I.R. read over to the complainant / Informant, admitted to be correctly recorded and copy given to the Complainant /
Informant free of cost.

Signature of the Officer-in-charge, Police Station : Connaught Place

* Name : Ms. Manya Singh
*Rank: Inspector No.- 343245
14. Signature /Thumb-impression
of the complainant / informant
Sanya Mehta

15. Date & time of despatch to the court: 15th September 2022


1.*Dist.: New Delhi………… *P. S: Connaught Place……………. *Year: 2022…………….

*FIR No: 374234…... *Date: 28/08/2022………

2. Charge-Sheet No: 364823………………………………. 3. *Date: 7/09/2022……………........

4. (i) *Act: Indian Penal Code 1860(IPC)………… *Section: 321……………………………………

(ii) *Act: Indian Penal Code 1860(IPC)…………*Section: 351……………………………………
(iii)*Act: Indian Penal Code 1860(IPC)…………*Section: 352…………………………………….
(iv)*Act: Indian Penal Code 1860(IPC)…………*Section: 362…………………………………….
(v) *Act: Indian Penal Code 1860(IPC)…………*Section: 366…………………………………….

5. Type of Final Report:


6. *If F.R. unoccurred: NA……….…………………………………………………………………….

7. *If supplementary or original: Original………………………………………….………………....

9. Name of the I.O.: Manya Singh………………………………Rank: Inspector………………….
(a) Name of Complainant: Sanya Mehta………………………………………………………
(b). Father’s Name: Sanjay Mehta………………………………………………………………….

10. Particulars of witnesses to be examined:

Father’s Date of
Sl. Na Occupati Address of
Name birth
No. me on evide
nce to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Abhishek Kumar Ravindra Kumar 07/09/19 Software 105B, Dr.
Engineer Mohamm
d Ishaque
2 Shiv Singh Ramesh Singh 22/11/195 Retired 408B, Dr.
7 Bank Moham
Manager mad

11. Result of Laboratory Analysis: Attached


12. Brief facts of the case (Add separate sheet, if necessary)

On the 27th of August 2022 at 9:45 p.m. near my home. Sanya was returning back from her office at
night when she noticed two strange men following her. She felt their conduct to be unusual and therefore
fastened her pace. Just when she was about to turn at the corner, the two men jumped on her, clamped
her mouth and tried to carry her away towards a Silver Eeco van at the end of the street. Fortunately she
was able to fend them off and scream for help at which point, a guard came to her rescue.

13. Dispatched on …………………….

No of enclosure: - One
Name of the enclosure: - Lab Results.docx

Forwarded by Signature of the Investigating officer

The officer-in-charge submitting the Charge Sheet

Name: Jay Singhania…………………… Name: Manya Singh…………………

Rank Inspector…. No 7988878945. Rank Inspector No 8977897670.

NAME OF THE HOSPITAL: - City Hospital, Connaught Place

DATE AND ARRIVAL IN THE HOSPITAL: 27 August 2022 at 10.05 pm



1. NAME OF VICTIM: Ms. Sanya Mehta

2. D/O: Mr. Sanjay Mehta AGE: 22 yrs. SEX: Female

3. ADDRESS: 2025 M Street Connaught Place New Delhi 110001

4. HEIGHT: 170cm WEIGHT: 59kg. PHYSIQUE: Normal Built


- NA
I Sanya Mehta D/o or D/o Sanjay Mehta hereby give my consent for:
A) Medical Examination for treatment Yes [] No
B) This Medico legal Examination Yes [] No
C) Sample Collection for Clinical & Forensic Examination Yes [] No
D) I also explain that as per the hospital is required to inform the police, which has been explained to
me. I want the information to be revealed to the police Yes [] No

I have now understood the purpose and procedure of the examination including the risk and benefits explained to
me by the examining doctor. My right to refuse the examination at any stage and the consequence of such refusal,
including that my medical treatment will not be affected by my refusal, have also been explained and recorded.
The content of the above has been explained to me in Hindi.
Language with the help of a special educator, interpreter, /support person NO
If the special educator/interpreter/support person has helped, then her name and signature NO


Swabs from stains on the body Collected
Scalp hair Collected
Head hair Collected
Nail Scrapping Collected
Oral Swabs Collected
Blood for grouping testing drug Collected
alcohol intoxication
Blood for alcohol level Collected
Blood for DNA analysis Collected
Urine Collected
This report contains sheets.
Provisional /Primary Medical Opinion: - A blunt impact injuries which may be caused by the force of fists found
under the right eye.Swelling and reddening on the left hand and a small cut on the left hand is found .

Mr. Chandra Chaterjee

Examining Doctor

1. Is this the first examination? Yes
2. Pulse-72/Min
3. Pupils- Black
4. BP-110/70
Scalp examination for an area of tenderness NA
Facial Bone Injury Yes
Petechial Hemorrhage in eyes and NA
other places
Lips and Buccal Mucosa NA
Behind the ears Injury and Scratches
Ear Drum NA
Neck Shoulder and Breast Injury and Scratches
Upper Limb Injury and Scratches
Inner aspect of Upper arm Injury and Scratches
Inner aspects of thighs NA
Lower Limbs NA
Hands Injury, Swelling,redenning
Buttocks NA
Other, please specify NA

Any H/O drug/alcohol intoxication No

If Survivor has left any marks of injury on accused, enter details Yes, on the head
Any other form of Sexual Violence

FINAL OPINION: -Radiological age is about 22 yrs, based on Physical Examination, there are signs of the use of
Spot and Seizure Panchnama
Pancha No. 1
Name: Mr. Shiv Verma
Address: Flat No. 38,

I was asked by Ms. Manya Singh to accompany her to the crime scene at Mansingh Road, New Delhi,110001 at
around 9:30 am on 29/08/2022 When I reached there, with Mr. Manya Singh along with four other constables, they
asked me to act as panch, to which we agreed. The Police officer identified themselves by showing their identity
cards and introduced themselves and explained the purpose of their visit to the society people and other nearby
shops there. The police searched for blood samples and found some at a huge stone on the road. The Police also
found a passport size family photo on the corner of the road,a self defence spray bottle, a batch of a guard named
Sajjan Kumar Sahi.On further investigation it was found that he was a guard working in a nearby society named
“Kanchi Factor”. While inquiry by the police from the Guard Mr. Sajjan Kumar Sahi it was found that the accused
was a regular visitor to one of the flat owner in the society named Kartik Maheshwari. When I along with the police
officer reached Kartik’s house we found his maid there.After a considerable amount of questions by the police
finally the maid admitted that Sanya was Kartik’s good friend at one time .But after some time Kartik had a severe
altercation with Sanya when he proposed her for marriage and she denied to that.Kartik was very upset with the
rejection and since then Pawan,who was his childhood friend was a constant visitor to his house The search went on
for some time and the police found certain important evidence related to the incident.

Mr. Ramkisan Sahani , Inspector
Signed by Pancha No. 1
Signed by Pancha No. 2

Pancha No. 2
Name: Ms. Pallavi Jain
Address: Flat No. 45,

I was asked by Ms. Manya Singh to accompany her to the crime scene at the Pawan Gupta’s house at Rajendra Marg
New Delhi,110001 at around 1:00 am on 29/08/2022. When I reached there, with Mr. Manya Singh along with four
other constables, they asked me to act as panch, to which I agreed. The Police officer identified themselves by
showing their identity cards and introduced themselves and explained the purpose of their visit to the Pawan’s
mother Shanta Devi who opened the door. Initially police did the checking of Pawan’s room where they found a
diary.On investigating a strange fact came out that the diary had a handwriting of Kartik and not Pawan. When we
read few pages it clearly indicated that from past few days Kartik was really upset with the rejection of his proposal
to Sanya. Furthermore police also found a passport size photograph of Sanya in the almirah of Pawan. The search
went on for some time and the police found certain important evidences related to the incident one of them being a
cloth with a distorted lipstick marks of the same colour which Sanya had applied on the day of incidence.While
inquiring from Pawan’s mother it was found out that Pawan came a bit late yesterday and had a injury on his
head.On further search police found Pawan in his friend’s house Rohan at Mansingh Road who was the same person
who accompanied him in the plan of abducting Sanya.

Mr. Ramkisan Sahani , Inspector
Signed by Pancha No. 1
Signed by Pancha No. 2

Arrest Memo
a. Name of the person arrested: Mr. Pawan Gupta
b. Father’s name: -
c. Sex: Male
d. Age (Approx.): 34 Years
e. Residential address: Flat no. 20 , Mansingh Road ,New Delhi ,110001
f. Name of relative/friend whom the accused person, taken in custody intends to inform: Shanti Davi (Mother)
2. a. Date of arrest: 28/02/2022
b. Time of the arrest.: 11:00 .AM.
c. Place of the arrest.: Flat No.102 , Mansingh Road ,New Delhi ,110001
d. Notification of date and time of arrest and information about the place of detention to the friend/relative [Not required
in case of witness]
Case reference with a section of law.: Secs
at the place of detention: Mansingh Road ,New Delhi ,110001
disclosing the name of the next friend of the arrestee informed of the arrest: Shanti
the particulars of the police official in whose custody the arrestee is:
4. Name of the PS / Interrogation center/place: The Accused is taken to Cannaught Place police station for
further questioning, New Delhi on 28.08.22
5. Name of designation of the officer apprehending:
6. Inspector and FIR No. –
7. Form / Court where to be produced.:
8. Date & time of production in the court.:
9. Signature of the witness: Sd/-.
10. Countersignature of the arrestee: Sd/- Certified that the person arrested has been informed of this right to have
someone informed of his arrest or detention.
Signature of the Memo Issuing Officer (Range Officer) With date & designation. Sd/- \
Copy forwarded to ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Magistrate for the favor of information.
Arrest Panchnama
Dated ……28.08.2022…………
Consequent to the statement of the victim, Ms. Sanya Mehta, and the report of the complainant it has emerged that
………………Mr. Pawan Gupta …………. situated at… Mansingh Road, New Delhi,110001
……. had actively participated in the……cognizable, non-bailable offense (nature
Of the offense) in violation of the provisions IPC, 1860. I,
……………………………………Manya Singh…………………………. Inspector-in-charge of Cannaught Place,
Police Station, having reason to believe that you are liable to punishment under the provisions of section…………
Section 352 & 363 of Indian Penal Code (IPC) 1860…………………………………………. and being duly
authorized, hereby arrest you today the…28.08.2022……at 11 a.m.…………. at…Rajendra Marg , New Delhi ,
110001… under the powers vested in me under Section 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).
Name & Designation of the arresting officer: Manya Singh, Inspector
Before the arrest, the JAMA TALASHI of Shri…Pawan Gupta……………………. was taken and he is
possessing……wallet, mobile phone, credit card, and some 3000 Rs.…………. which are kept with the arresting
officer under sealed envelope with the inventory written over the envelope. He was also allowed to contact his
family members and/or his advocate, Shri ……………………………………………………………………….
Name & Designation of the arresting officer: Manya Singh
Witnesses to the arrest: - 1.
2. (Signature, name & address)
Statement of witnesses

Witness number 1
Name of the Witness: Dev Kumar
Occupation: Security Guard
Address: House No. 22/42, Chandni
Chowk, New Delhi
I live in Chandni Chowk, New Delhi. The incident took place on the 27th of August at around 10:00 pm. I was at my
post when I heard a woman screaming and moments later, also heard a man shout. So I rushed to the source and
found the accused, Pawan Gupta and Madan Lal assaulting Ms. Sanya. I ran with my lathi and upon seeing me, the
two men ran and I chased them as far as I could but they managed to get away.

Signature of the witness

Dev Kumar Sahu
Witness number 2
Name of the Witness: Abhishek Kumar
Occupation: Software Engineer
Address: 2026N, Connaught Place, New Delhi, 110001
Statement: I am the neighbor of the victim who has been living at 2025M, Connaught Place, New Delhi, 110001 for
the past two years. I know her but as a mere acquaintance. On the date of the incident, as it was a weekday, I was
back from work around 6 pm. I was roaming on my balcony and simultaneously attending the call. Around 9:30 pm -
10:00 pm I was waiting for another call and was looking down the street when I saw a scuffle involving Ms. Mehta
and 2 men. I shouted from my balcony, alerting the guard and went downstairs. By the time I got downstairs, they had
gone and Ms. Mehta had managed to retain one of their wallets. I helped her get back home. Everything else was
quiet that night.

Signature of the witness

Abhishek Kumar
Witness number 3
Name of the Witness: Shiv Singh
Occupation: Retired Bank Manager
Address: 2020N, Connaught Place, New Delhi, 110001
I have been living in this locality for the past ten years. I don’t know the accused however I have seen him doing
odd jobs many times in the locality. On the date of the incident, as it is a part of my normal routine to go for an
evening walk after dinner, I left my home for the same around 8:30 pm I am usually accompanied by my friend Mr.
Singhania however due to some health issue he didn’t join me that day. After an hour of walking as a part of my
normal routine, I visited the temple around 9:00.On my way back, I saw the accused and another man running away
and the guard chasing him. Upon returning, I saw Ms. Sanya, she looked very meek and timid as if she had suffered
from a very frightening predicament. One of our neighbours, a middle-aged man approached her and she took her
away from the place. I also went back to my home. Later, when I heard regarding the commission of an offense in
our locality, I recalled my observations on the date of the offense.

Signature of the witness

Shiv Singh

Witness Number 4
Name of the Witness: Mrs. Sunita Gupta
Occupation: Homemaker
Address: House No. 23/85, Ravidas Camp, New Delhi

I live in Ravidas Camp. One of the accused, Pawan Gupta is my husband and on the day of the commission of the
alleged incident, he was with me at our home because I had a fever. He was with me the entire day and night on the 27th
August. He did not even go to work that day.

Signature of the witness

Sunita Gupta

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