Integrated Eng 1

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Name : Anisa Pramesti

NMP : 5190511057

Meeting 1

B. Writing

I will describe what students will do when they are at university. The main purpose of students being on
campus is to attend lecture classes. But it is not uncommon for students who take the time to go to
campus without a lecture schedule just to join organizations on campus. Then, it is not uncommon for
college students to just meet their friends to eliminate boredom at the boarding house or at home. In
addition, it is not uncommon for them to be home-college students or what is commonly called
'Butterfly'. This of course makes students less social, only friends with their classmates and it is difficult
to build relationships with people around them. We also gain knowledge not only through lessons
delivered in class, there are many other knowledges that we can get from socializing with those around
us. The resulting impact will not only affect the student's college period, but will also have an effect on
when these students move into the world of work.

C. Homework

My first 2 weeks experience on campus was very exciting, on campus I met many new friends from
various regions. Maybe the experience of the first 2 weeks of my lectures and even the first semester at
the Yogyakarta Technological University campus was very colorful. Until entering the second semester, I
was forced to not attend lectures properly because my immune system had decreased. Until entering
the 3rd semester I finally took care of a leave letter because I wanted to try my luck in the military
world. Starting from lasik surgery, varicose veins injections and following a series of physical activities to
try to enroll in one of the military institutions. It was the 3rd time I tried my luck there but long story
short I didn't pass and failed the Health test where it turned out that my leg was suffering from Genu
varum. Stress and disappointment enveloped me until I finally went on leave in semester 4 (actually
because I was late for KRS hehehe). In my 4th semester, I went through full of boredom, until finally I
realized that my life was not good. I decided to open a special home tutoring for junior high school
students. Starting from 2 students just to fill my boredom and improve my thinking power. Not only
teaching tutoring, I am from a vocational high school majoring in industrial chemistry, trying to
experiment making soap, shampoo, masks, aromatherapy candles and so on to be traded. Unfortunately
the results from the sale only lasted for 3 months because of my bad branding. Finally, all the products
that have been made and have their BPOM numbers taken care of, I only share with friends and family.

Then I just focused on developing my tutoring business at home. Finally now I can refuse students who
want to register in my tutoring because the student capacity is excessive hehe and even I can pay my
own tuition fees and whatever I want. From this I learned a lot that Allah will never let his servants get
into trouble. Behind the calamity there must be something far better that Allah has prepared.

I started to enter lectures Back in semester 5 where learning was online and many of my friends even
forgot about me. Honestly, I'm sad because I don't have many friends on campus and I'm reluctant to
suddenly enter their circle. But I'm still grateful for my life.
Meeting 2


+ - + -
Human teachers have Human teachers Robot teachers are The robot teacher lacks
empathy and can sometimes have the fairer than human empathy and cannot
understand their nature of injustice so teachers so they can understand students
students emotionally. that it can lead to eliminate emotionally.
discrimination. discrimination
Human teachers can Human teachers Robot teacher can read Robotic teachers
provide learning cannot read our faces if our face if we have any cannot obtain learning
materials appropriately we have doubts about doubt about any topic materials appropriately
according to the needs any topic. and we feel shy and according to the needs
of their students. don't ask any problem of their students but
then the robot easily must be programmed
understands and solves first.
the problem
Human teachers are Human teachers can Robot teacher doesn't Robot teachers are no
more creative than feel tired and stressed. feel tired and stressed more creative than
robot teachers human teachers.
Human teacher no Human teachers can't The teacher robot can The robot teacher can
system error. quickly answer emails quickly answer emails allow system errors to
and mark homework. and mark homework occur.
Human teachers can Human teachers should The teacher robot The robot teacher
know more about their be paid more. saves expenses, in cannot know more
characteristics other words, you don't about the inner
compared to robot need to be paid characteristics.
Human teachers have The robot teacher does
many ways to provide not have a way to
information to their provide information to
students to make it students to make it
easier for students to easier for students to
understand. reach, but only
inputted answers.

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