Aws A5.20 1995 Carbon Steel Electrodes For FCRW

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SPECIFICATION FOR CARBON STEEL ELECTRODES FOR FLUX CORED ARC WELDING SFA-5.20 @ (dential with AWS Specification AS.20-95) 1. Scope ‘This specification prescribes requirements for the classification of carbon steel electrodes for flux cored are welding. PART A — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2. Classification 2.1 The electrodes covered by this specification are classified according to the following: (1) The as-welded mechanical properties of the weld metal, as specified in Table 1 (2) Certain usability characteristics of the electrode (including the presence or absence of shielding gas), as specified in Table 2 (3) The positions of welding for which the electrodes are suitable, as specified in Table 2 2.2 Electrodes classified under one classification shall not be classified under any other classification in this specification except for the EXXT-I, EXXT-IM, EXXT-9, EXXT-9M, EXXT-12, and EXXT-12M classi- fications, In addition, an electrode classified with 100% CO, shielding gas may also be classified with the “M" designator, The "M" designator means that the electrode has been classified with a 75-80% argon/balance CO, ‘gas mixture. 2.3 The electrodes classified under this specification are intended for flux cored arc welding either with or without an extemal shielding gas. Electrodes intended for use without extemal shielding gas, or with the shielding gas as specified in Table 2, are not prohibited from use with any other process or shielding gas for which they are found suitable 401 3. Acceptance Acceptance! of the welding electrodes shall be in ‘accordance with the provisions of ANSI/AWS AS.01, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines. 4. Certification By affixing the AWS specification and classification designations to the packaging, or the classification designations to the product, the manufacturer certifies that the product meets the requirements of this specifi- cation? 5. Units of Measure and Rounding-Off Procedure S.A US, customary units ate the standard units of measure in this specification. The SI units are given as equivalent values to the U.S. customary units. The standard sizes and dimensions in the two systems are not identical and, for this reason, conversion from a standard size or dimension in one system will not always coincide with a standard size or dimension in the other, Suitable conversions, encompassing standard sizes of both, can be made, however, if appropriate tolerances are applied in each ease. 5.2 For the purpose of determining conformance with this specification, an observed or calculated value shall "See Section AS, Acceptance (in tbe Appendix), fr further informa- tion conceming acceptance, testing of the matecal shipped, and ANSU/AWS A501, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines, 2 See Section AA, Cenifcation (nthe Append) for fuer informa: tion concerning corificsion and the tesing called for 10 meet this requirement. SFA-5.20 1998 SECTION 11 TABLE 1 ‘AS-WELDED MECHANICAL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS! Tensile Strength Yield Strengit®| Percent AWS Classification kal MPa ksi MPa ___Elongation' Charpy V-Noteh Impact Eneray! E7KT2, -1M® 70 ‘60 8 400 2 20 Telbh at O°F (27 Jat 18°C) E7KT-2, 2M 70 400 Not Species Not Specified Not Specified erst 70 200 Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified EDxT 4 70 480 58 400 2 Not Specied EDxT-5, Sm 70 480 58 400 2 20 fbf at =20°F (27 J at -29°0) EDxT-6 70 480 5B 400 2 20 felbf at ~20°F (27 J at -29°0) emxt7 70 480 58 400 2 Not Specified erxr.e? 70 80 58 400 22 20 ftIbf at -20°F (27 J at -29°0) ErxT.9, ow 70 480 58 400 22 20 feb at ~ 20°F (27 J at -29°C) Erxraot 70 40 Not Specified Not Species Not Species erxTal 70 480 28 400 20 Not Specified EPXT12, 12M 70190480 to 620 50 400 2 20 felof at -20°F (27 J at -29°0) Eoxr-ast oo as Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified erxr-a3t 70 480 Not Specie Not Specified Not Specified erxr-aat 70 430 Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified E6xT-G 60 415 “a 330 2 Not Specified ers 70 400 58 400 2 Not Specified E6xT-6st 60 ais Not Specified Not Specfed| Not Specified EXXT-68* 7 480 Nt Specified Not Specified Not Specified Notes: at 2, Single values are minimums 0.2% offet In 2 (S0 mm) gage length (see Sectlon 11), In 1 in. (25 me) gage length for 0.085 in. (2.1 mm and smaller sizes of EXXT-1 classifcation, 4. Electrodes with the following optional supplemertal designations shall met the lower temperature impact requirements specified below: Electrose AWS Classification Designation Charpy V-Notch Impact Requirements ext aw EnXTa, AMO 20 feibt at —A0°F (27 Jat ~a0°C) EDX, 5M EDXT-54, 5M 20 felbf at ~80°F (27 J at 40°C) EDxT-6 EXxT.6d 20 felbf at ~40°F (27 J at 40°C) enxT 3 E7xT.a 20 ftlbf at ~a0°F (27 J at 40°C) 7X79, 98 FOXT3U, 9M 20 ftibe at ~20°F (27 J at 40°C) Exxt ab, “12M. EDXT AI, -12My 20 feb at 40°F (27 J at ~€0°C) ‘These classifications are intended for single pass welding. They are cot for multiple pass welding. Only tensile strength is specified aed, for this reason, only transverse tension and Tonaltuinal guides bend teste are required (see Table 3) PART C — SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS, ELECTRODES, AND FILLER METALS SFA-520 TABLE 2 POSITION OF WELDING, SHIELDING, POLARITY, AND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AWS Classification Position of Weiding™® External Shielding? Polar ‘Application® e70T1 Wand F 00, ‘OcEP w e70TAM Hand F 75-80% Ar/bal CO; oceP mM enta HF, ¥U, OF co, DoeP. mM entam HF, VU, OH 75-60% Av/oal C0, cer u e707-2 Hang F co» cer: s E701-2M Wand F 75-80% Arfbal CO, cee s enna KF, VU, OW 00; cer s entem HF, VU, om 75-80% Arfoal COp cer: s E7073 Hand F None cer: 8 707-4 Hand F Nore oceP ” ents Wand F co; OcEP " E70T-5M, Wand F 75-80% Arfoal CO, cer. ™ ents HF, VU, OH 0; CEP or DEN! ™ entsm, H/F, WU, OF 15-80% Arfoal CO> CEP or OGEN! ™ E706 Wand F Nowe ocer ™ £701-7 Hand F Nooe cen ” enry HF, VU, OH None cen ™ En0r8 Wand F Nore cen ” ents HF, VU, OM Nore ocen ™ erro Wand F 00; oer ™ E70T-9M Mand F 75-80% Arial CO, cer. ™ enta HF, vu, OH 0, cer: ” entaw, HF, VU, OH 75-80% Artbal C0; cep: ” E70T-10 Hand E None cen 8 E70 Wand F Nore cen ” entrar HF, vo, o# None cen ™ evor-ae Hand F co; ocer w e70T-2M Hand F 15-80% Arfoal CO, veer. ™ entaz HF, VU, OH 0; cer. ™ entaam HF, VU, OH 75-80% Arfoal CO, cer Mm Feta HF, vo, OH None oceN s enra3 HF, vO, oH None DceN 8 entie HF, VO, OH None cen s EXOT-@? Hand F Not Specified Not Specified “ exe HF, VD or Vu, OH Not Specified Not Specied u exoT-Gs* Hand F Not Specified Wot Specified s EXIT-GSt HF, VO or VU, OF Not Specified Not speed 5 NOTES: a. H = horizontal postion, F position with upward progression Electra sites suitable for out-of positon welding, Le, welding postions other than fat or horizontal, usually are those sites that are smaller than the 3732 In. (24 no) sae oF nearest sie called for In 8.4.1 forthe grcove weld, For that reason electrodes meeting the requirements for the groove weld tests andthe filet weld tests may be clastfied as EXIT-X or EXIT-XM (where X represents the tensile streagth and ‘usability designators) regardless of ther sie, See Section A7 and Figure AL in the Annex for more information . Properties of weld metal from electrodes that are used with extemal gas shielding (EXXT-1, EXKT-2M, EXXT-2, EXXT-2M, EXXT5, EXKT. SM, EXXT-S, EXAT.SM, EXXT-12, and EXXT 12M) vary according tothe shielding gas employed. Electrodes classified withthe Specied Shielding gas should not be used with ather shielding gases without frst corslting the manufacturer ofthe electrode. 4. The term SOCEP" refers to direct eurrentelectroce positive (dc, reverse ooarty). The term “DCEN" refers to direct current electrode negative (straight polarity). ce. M = single or multiple past; S = single pass only (see Section A7 Inthe Annex for more information) fo Some E7145 and E7113 electrodes may be recommended for use on DCEN for Improved out-of position welding. Consult the manufacturer for the recommended polarity 19. The letter "X" can be replaced with ether a "6" or °7" to designate the weld meta’s tensile strength. at position; OH = overhead position; VO = vertical postion with downward progression; VU = vertical 403

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