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Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Theme Park

Park Information:

The park’s name will be Galaxy Park because it will have attractions that are based on many different
parts of the galaxy, also the name is simple enough to be remembered but powerful enough to grab the
attention of the creatures of the universe. The price of entry will be $42 dollars per person which I have
chosen because the answer to the universe is 42 which seems fitting. There will be snack stands
scattered around the park like candy, baked goods, and frozen treats but if you want a meal you’ll have
to go to the Universe Café.


Heart of gold experiment – this attraction is more of an experience than a ride, but it is fun none
the less. This attraction utilizes the improbability drive that is used to power the heart of gold in the
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. In the book its explanation is, “as soon as the ships drive reaches
infinite improbability it passes through every point in the universe” (Adams 84). To ride you will enter a
room and once there the drive will activate. Each experience is completely different because from the
safety of the room you will watch as reality melts away and the most improbable events occur right in
front of your eyes.

Damogran Races – (above park) this attraction will be a interactive ride because you will be
given the perspective of being on the planet Damogran. Here you will be racing other guests in a boat
race of a maximum of 10 racers. I chose this to be a boat race because in the book Damogran’s
description is, “It consists of nothing but middling to large desert islands separated by very pretty but
annoyingly wide stretches of ocean” (Adams 39). This makes it the ideal place and has a lot of room to
add obstacles. It will be like a video game where the boats have been modified with weapons but of
course there will be no way for the driver to be harmed as they will be in an indestructible bubble in the
cockpit of the boat. In the bubble there will be a holographic display of upgrades to unlock weapons and
boosts. The first-place winner will receive a gold medal and second and third will get silver.

The Silver Tunnels – (underneath park) this will be the fastest ride in the park as you zigzag your
way through the ancient tunnels of Magrathea. I thought of this when in the book Arthur had realized,
“The insane blur of silver was the circular wall of the tunnel down which they were shooting, apparently
at several hundred miles an hour” (Adams 165). This will be about a 3 – 4-minute ride where your
moving so fast that you will be stuck to your seat even when upside down. There will be many twists and
turns, but this ride is more than it seems just like Magrathea. The series of tunnels you go through will
lead you to the next ride as a reward for making it all the way as most won’t be able to handle the
speeds and quit before the ride is over

The Magrathean Catalog –(underneath park) this attraction is the greatest of them all because
this will give you the best prize of them all. Magrathea is known for making planets for anyone who’s
willing to pay which is seen in the quote, “it said, Whatever your tastes, Magrathea can cater for you.
We are not proud” (Adams 194). At this attraction you will be able to make your own planet and keep a
miniature version of it. Making it will be free but keeping it costs some money depending on what
materials you use to make your planet. If you chose to buy your planet you can also chose to buy your
own little pocket dimension with your full sized planet in it so you can go to your planet whenever you
want. It will be like really making your own physical planet but at an affordable price. However, this
dimension will only be accessible for 2 years then it will collapse in on itself, but you can always come
back to the park and buy a new one.

The Universe Cafe – this attraction is a restaurant at the end of the universe that serves every
conceivable thing in the universe. We are introduced to this at the end of the book when Zaphod
mentions, “We'll take in a quick bite at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe" (Adams 225). I would
assume that the restaurant at the end of the universe would serve everything in the universe so that’s
what I made. The food here will taste better than anything you have ever tasted because everything is as
fresh as it could possibly be. This would be the very last thing you eat before you leave the park and will
make you want to come back for more.

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