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ii OF
YEAR 2022 -23

This is to certify that


Have been satisfactorily completed

Project entitled on



As a part of syllabus of



For the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Technology in

In the Academic Year


It is a privilege for us to have been associated with Prof. PRASHANT R. PATIL sir,
our guide, during this project work. We are thankful to him, for his constant inspiration and
valuable guidance, carefully reading and editing our work and always boosting our
confidence to complete work.

We express our gratitude to Prof. Dr. N. J. Patil, Principal and Prof. Smt. K. A. Patel,
Head Department of Electrical Engineering, for their constant encouragement, co-operation,
valuable guidance, and support. We express our sincere thanks to our academic and class
coordinators Prof. Pankaj R. Patil and all the faculty members of the Electrical Department
for their unfailing inspiration.

We take this opportunity to thank all our classmates for their company during the course
work and for the useful discussions, we had with them.

We would be failing in our duties if we do not make a mention of our family members
including our parents and our siblings for providing moral support, without which this work
would not have been completed.

This kind of work cannot be finished without any others help, even some of them have
not aware of their contribution and importance in producing this report. It is a great pleasure
for us to take this opportunity to express our gratefulness to all.




Certificate i
Acknowledgement ii
Index of Figures v
Index of Table vi
Abstract vii

Chapter-1 IOT Base Automatic Vehicle Accident

Detection and Rescue System 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Motivation and Background 1
1.3 Objective 2
1.4 Thesis Overview 3
1.5 Summary 3

Chapter-2 Literature Survey 4

Chapter-3 Related Theory 6

3.1 Arduino Uno 6
3.1.1 Power 7
3.1.2 Physical Characteristics 7
3.1.3 Features 7
3.1.4 General Pin Function 9

3.1.5 Special Pin Function 9
3.1.6 Communication 10

Chapter-4 Methods of Implementation 11

4.1 Hardware Components 11
4.1.1 GPS module 11
4.1.2 GSM module 15
4.1.3 Microcontroller 18
4.1.4 Ultrasonic Sensor 19
4.1.5 Vibration sensor 21
4.1.6 Buzzer 23
4.1.7 LCD Display 24
4.1.8 Piezoelectric sensor 26
4.1.9 Relay 28
4.1.10 Variable Resistor 30

Chapter-5 Working of The System 32

Chapter-6 Flow chart 35

Chapter-7 Conclusion 36

Result 37

References 38



3.1 Arduino 6

3.2 Pin Diagram of The Arduino 8

4.1 Block Diagram 13

4.2 GPS Receiver Module 14

4.3 GSM Module 18

4.4 Microcontroller 19

4.5 Block Diagram 20

4.6 Ultrasonic Sensor 21

4.7 Schematic Diagram 22

4.8 Vibration Sensor 23

4.9 Buzzer 24

4.10 Timing Diagram of LCD 25

4.11 LCD Display 25

4.12 Piezo-electric Sensor 27

4.13 Relay 28

4.14 Potentiometer 31

5.1 Components of The Notification System 34 Example of Text Message to

Family 34
5.2 6.1 Flow chart 35



4.1 Specification 13

4.2 Operating Condition 17

4.3 Pin Description of LCD 25


A rapid growth in E-Commerce market is seen in recent time throughout the world. With
ever increasing popularity of online shopping, Debit or Credit card fraud and personal
information security are major concerns for customers, merchants and banks specifically
in the case of CNP (Card Not Present). This paper presents a new approach for providing
limited information only that is necessary for fund transfer during online shopping
thereby safeguarding customer data and increasing customer confidence and preventing
identity theft. The method uses combined application of steganography and visual
cryptography for this purpose.There has been a tremendous growth and attraction
towards the online shopping in recent time throughout the world. But on the other side
we have a major task in hand to protect personal as well as banking information. After
the rapid use of online transactions the rise in debit & credit card fraud and steeling the
personal information is the real worry for the end users and online retailers. Also banks
need to update and upgrade their security and policies to prevent this type of frauds. The
intention behind this project is to improve the existing E-Commerce & online shopping
retailer's application security. By using this system we can minimize the content shared
between the end users and E-Commerce businesses by making sure that the funds will be
transferred successfully to the retailers with encapsulating the consumer information so
that such information is not misuse by the merchandise.

We can achieve the introduction of CA i.e. Central Certificate Authority with application
of Steganography and RG - based Visual Cryptography. As the technology is developing
day by day so are the criminals committing these crimes are getting smarter with time. E-
Commerce is one of the many targeted fields of these people. Reports of people being
scammed while processing an online payment is a commonly reported complaint of the
people who are tricked into making a false transaction by some malicious websites and
hackers. Our project is an advanced security measure which is a step to help people by
developing a better security provision mechanism consisting of new methods and better

techniques to make the transaction processing convenient and more secured then it used
to be.





Online shopping is the retrieval of product information via the Internet and issue of purchase
order through electronic purchase request, filling of credit or debit card information and
shipping of product by mail order or home delivery by courier. Identity theft and phishing are
the common dangers of online shopping. Identity theft is the stealing of someone’s identity in
the form of personal information and misuse of that information for making purchase and
opening of bank accounts or arranging credit cards. In 2012 consumer information was
misused for an average of 48 days as a result of identity theft. Phishing is a criminal
mechanism that employs both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers’
personal identity data and financial account credentials. In 2nd quarter of 2013, Payment
Service, Financial and Retail Service are the most targeted industrial sectors of phishing
attacks. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption prevents the interception of consumer
information in transit between the consumer and the online merchant. However, one must
still trust merchant and its employees not to use consumer information for their own
purchases and not to sell the information to others. In this paper, a new method is proposed,
that uses text based steganography and visual cryptography, which minimizes information
sharing between consumer and online merchant but enable successful fund transfer from
consumer’s account to merchant’s account thereby safeguarding consumer information and
preventing misuse of information at merchant side. The method proposed is specifically for
E-Commerce but can easily be extended for online as well as physical banking. The rest of
the paper is organized as follows: Section II gives brief description of text based
steganography and visual cryptography. Section III contains related works. Section IV
presents the proposed steganography method. Section V provides method of transaction in
online shopping. Section VI presents proposed payment method.

Over the years no of users on internet has exponentially increased, this growth has given a
big boost to online shopping. Online shopping is basically a way to check, feel and order the
tons of product available for sell by the online retailers. We just need to select the product on
the online retailer's website, it will generate the digital purchase order, after this we have to
provide the credit or debit card details and the product you have selected will be delivered to
you. Identity theft and phishing are the major pitfall of online shopping. Phishing is an
unethical way to steal the end users personal as well as banking data. Some technical
professionals are used to hack this data from online retailers so that they can misuse this data.
Identity theft is an act of stealing and assuming another person’s identity in order to commit
fraud or other crimes like using this data for purchasing or opening new bank account. To
protect the stealing of data between end users and online merchant website we have to use
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption , This encryption make sure that the data will be
encapsulated and tunneled in such a way that during the transfer it cannot be hacked. Still this
data will be available with the retailers, so we have trust the employees of online
merchandise for not sharing the data or using this data for their own use. We are proposing a
new method for this. Our technology uses text based steganography and RG-visual
cryptography, this will reduce the sharing of important information such as banking and
personal information. By using this we can transfer he funds in more secure way and by
sharing the minimal personal information.

The Greek word Steganography basically is a combination formed by joining two terms which
are “steganos “ which translates to the term “covered” and “graphein” which in basic language
relates to “writing”. Steganography is simple process where the people involved or related to send
their data privately and secured over a internet channel from the sender to the receiver.
Steganography is also a security counterfeit which helps in masking the data when loss of data
might prove fatal to the users. Cryptography on the other hand is a method encryption method in
which the converts a given data into some hidden code generated by following a certain
algorithm. Our project Secured E-Payment Through steganography and Visual Cryptography is
an attempt in which we are combining bothe of these techniques to create a single security
framework which helps the user secure their transactions while making online transact



 C. Lee, G. Jung, K. Hosani, B. Song, D. Seo and D. Cho, [1] Present a survey of duration
of charging of electric vehicles is limited. Therefore, wireless charging is important for
electric vehicles in order to overcome the charging duration problem this paper also
provides a current scenario of the art in electric vehicle wireless charging and
parameters that requires for charging section.
 F. Lu, H. Zhang and C. Mi, [2] Demonstrate a capacitive power transfer (CPT)
technology is an effective and important alternative to the conventional inductive power
transfer (IPT). It utilizes high frequency electric field to transfer electric power. The
power level and efficiency of CPT systems has been significantly improved and as
reached the power level suitable for electrical vehicle charging applications.
 C. Zhu, J. Jiang, K. Song and Q. Zhang, [3] This study representing the wireless charging
technology, there are more static wireless technologies, while dynamic charging mode is
only a perfection and supplement to it, which is crucial to the promotion of electrical
vehicles and is able to make charging work faster and easy. S.
 In 1864, James C. Maxwell predicted the existence of radio waves by means of
mathematical model. In 1884, John H. Poynting realized that the Poynting Vector
would play an important role in quantifying the electromagnetic energy. In 1888,
bolstered by Maxwell's theory, Heinrich Hertz first succeeded in showing experimental
evidence of radio waves by his spark-gap radio transmitter. The prediction and Evidence
of the radio wave in the end oF 19th century was start of the wireless power
transmission. Nikola Tesla has been the pioneer in the field of wireless transmission of
electrical power. He started efforts on wireless transmission at 1891 in his “experimental
station” at Colorado. Nikola Tesla successfully lighted a small incandescent lamp by
means of a resonant circuit grounded on one end. A coil outside laboratory with the
lower end connected to the ground and the upper end free. The lamp is lighted by the
current induced in the three turns of wire wound around the lower end of the coil.
Wardenclyffe tower was designed by Tesla for trans-Atlantic wireless telephony and
also for demonstrating wireless electrical power transmission. William C. Brown
contributed much to the modern development of microwave power transmission which
dominates research and development of wireless transmission today. In the early 1960s
brown invented the rectenna which directly converts microwaves to DC current. He
demonstrated its ability in 1964 by powering a helicopter from the solely through
microwaves. Hidetsugu Yagi a Japanese electrical engineer also tried unsuccessfully to
introduce a wireless power transmission system. The research team from MIT published
a paper in Science, in which 60 W powers is transferred at a 2-m distance with the so
called strongly coupled magnetic resonance theory. The result surprised the academia and
the WPT quickly became a hot research area. A lot of interesting works were
accomplished with different kinds of innovative circuit, as well as the system analysis
and control. The power transfer path can even be guided using the domino- form
repeaters. In order to transfer power more efficiently and further, the resonant frequency
is usually selected at MHz level, and air-core coils are adopted. Recently, as the need of
EV charging and also the progressing technology, the power transfer distance increases
from several millimeters to a few hundred millimeters at kilowatts power level. As a
proof-of- concept of a roadway inductively powered EV, the Partners for Advance
Transit and Highways (PATH) program was conducted at the UC Berkeley in the lat
1970s[4]. A 60 kW,35-passanger bus was tested along a 213 m long track with two
powered sections. The bipolar primary track was supplied with 1200 A, 400 Hz ac
current. The distance of the pickup from the primary track was 7.6 cm. The attained
efficiency was around 60% due to limited semiconductor technology. During the last 15
years, researchers at Auckland University have focused on the inductive power supply
of movable objects. Their recent achievement in designing pads for the stationary
charging of EV is worth noting. A 766 mm × 578 mm pad that delivers 5 kW of power
with over 90% efficiency for distances about 200 mm was reported. The achieved

lateral and longitudinal misalignment tolerance is250 and 150 mm, respectively. The
knowledge gained from the on- line electric vehicle (OLEV) project conducted at the
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) also contributes to the
WPT design. Three generations of OLEV systems have been built: a light golf cart as the
first generation, a bus for the second, and an SUV for the third. The accomplishment of
the second and the third is noteworthy: 60 kW power transfer for the buses and 20 kW
for the SUVs with efficiency of 70% and 83%, respectively; allowable vertical distance
and lateral misalignment up to 160 mm and up to 200 mm, respectively. In the United
States, more and more public attention was drawn to the WPT since the publication of
the 2007 Science paper. The Wi Tricity Corporation with technology from MI released
their WiT-3300 development kit, which achieves 90% efficiency over a180 mm gap at
3.3 kW output. Recently, a wireless charging system prototype for EV was developed
at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the United States. The tested efficiency is
nearly 90% for 3 kW power deliveries. The research at the University of Michigan–
Dearborn achieved a 200 mm distance, 8 kW WPT system with dc-to-dc efficiency as
high as 95.7%. From the functional aspects, it could be seen that the WPT for EV is
ready in both stationary and dynamic applications. However, to make it available for
large-scale commercialization, there is still abundant work to be done on the
performance optimization, setup of the industrial standards, making it more cost
effective, and so on.


Electric vehicle is a promising solution for rising emission and fuel price. The only issue
with electric vehicles are with the large charging time required to charge the vehicle
typically 4 -6 hours to charge. Current system allows to charge vehicle when parked, there
is no existing system when charge the electric vehicle in real time while it is moving.




3.1.1 Steganography

The technology of wireless charging is based on the Qi standard (driven by Wireless Power
Consortium).This standard is used globally for wireless charging of smartphones. This can
also be implied on wireless charging of electric vehicles. The working of wireless charging
is based on Electromagnetic Induction. The coils of wire in the base unit act as primary
winding and create a magnetic field when current passes through it. This field induces a
current in the adjacent coil without actually touching it. If we consider this adjacent coil as a
secondary winding and connect it to a charging unit, wireless charging is obtained. The
electric vehicle charging systems are still in the development phase due to many aspects such
as safety, cost, infrastructure etc. However, in this paper we propose to demonstrate the
Dynamic Wireless Charging System as a prototype which can be implemented in the

AC main from the grid is converted into high frequency AC through AC/DC and DC/AC
converters to enable power transfer from transmission coil to the receiving coil. Series and
parallel combinations based compensation topology are used in both receiving and
transmitting sides to improve the overall system efficiency.

Receiving coils are fixed under the vehicle to convert the oscillating magnetic field to high
frequency AC. The high frequency AC is converted into a stable DC supply which can be
used by the on board batteries.

To avoid any kind of health and safety issues and stable operation the power control,
communications, and battery management system (BMS) are used. To reduce any harmful
leakage fluxes and to improve magnetic flux distribution, magnetic planar ferrite plates are
used at both transmitter and receiver sides.

Fig.1: Schematic WEVCS

The Fig.2 below shows the end-to-end system overview of the modules used in our

The main component of this system is the various ways of stepping down the incoming
voltage.A conventional 220Vrms/50 Hz means is stepped down using the
transformer to our required voltage and then converted to DC voltage. By using an inverter,
the DC is converted to AC of our desired high frequency.

Fig.2: Block diagram of end-to-end system

The power is then transmitted through the transmitter coil to the receiver coil through
inductive coupling. The receiver coil is placed at a particular distance and AC power is
delivered at the end. This power is then rectified and regulated using a bridge rectifier and
Zener diode circuit. Afterwards, the energy is harnessed to charge the battery. The
transmitter and the receiver coils were designed to achieve maximum quality factor to
maximize power transfer at the frequency of operation.

Solar power has increasingly become popular over the past year. With its uncountable
improvement and cost-effective ways, more and more people are opting to switch over to
solar energy rather than their regular form of energy. Solar charging is based on the use of
solar panels for converting light energy into electrical energy (DC). The DC voltage can be
stored battery bank. There is Reverse charging protection circuit is provided for the
backflow of energy from the battery to a solar panel. The transfer coil is located at charger
side and receiver coil is placed on vehicle side. A wireless power transfer module (WPT)
is used for transferring electric power which is generated from the solar panel to the
Electric vehicle by using the principle of Electromagnetic Induction. To measure battery
voltage, a voltage sensor is used. The battery voltage will be measured by microcontroller &
showed on a 16x2 LCD. It will also display battery low status, whenever battery voltage
falls below a certain level. L239D is the motor driver which is used for movement of
wheels of that vehicle.

Fig.3: Block diagram of s o l a r -based w ireles s EV charger


The Fig 5 shows the block diagram of the proposed circuit. The AC source voltage is stepped
down using a transformer and converted to DC using a rectifier circuit. This voltage is then
converted to AC voltage of the required frequency using an inverter. The voltage of desired
frequency is fed to the transmitter coil of the system which is mounted on the base unit. In
case of dynamic wireless charging this base unit will be mounted on the road. The receiver
unit will be mounted on the base of the car. Power is transmitted from transmitter coil to
receiver coil through inductive coupling. The power is then rectified and regulated to suit
the battery specifications. Thus, the charging of the battery will take place.

fig-4: Block Diagram of working of wireless charger


Wireless charging is useful in eliminating the need of conductive wires and thus conduction
losses which can take place through wire can be completely cut out. Also the human
handling of wires during the charging process for plug in and plug out can sometimes be
hazardous if not done correctly. Thus, the human intervention can be avoided for safety
purposes. Even though wireless charging seems to be time saving and effective, it comes
with certain limitations. The main aspect of implementation i s the d e v e l o p m e n t i n
i n f r a s t r u c t u r e which needs to be done to suit the purpose. This will require a huge
investment of capital during all stages of the work and hence it is a costly affair. The first
wireless charging technology to be developed was stationary, the system having been
designed to charge EVs in garages or public parking spaces, when the vehicle is not
operating for an extended period. Because a physical connection is not required, there has
been major interest in the possibility of charging EVs while they are in transit. Charging an
EV while in motion is called dynamic wireless charging.

Static WEVCS (Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging System) can easily replace the plug-in
charger with minimal driver participation, and it solves associated safety issues such as trip
hazards and electric shock. fig 6. Shows the basic arrangement of static WEVCS.

The receiving energy is converted from AC to DC using the power converter and is
transferred to the battery bank. In order to avoid any safety issues, power control and battery
management systems are fitted with a wireless communication network to receive any
feedback from the primary side. The charging time depends on the source power level,
charging pad sizes, and air-gap distance between the two windings. The average distance
between lightweight duty vehicles is approximately 150–300 mm. Static WEVCS can be
installed in parking areas, car parks, homes, commercial buildings, shopping centres, and
park ‘n’ ride facilities.





4.2.1 Proposed Payment Method

4.2.2 P roposed System

In a generic WPT system for EV, high-frequency ac power is supplied in the transmitter end
and transfer the power to the receiver end over a specified distance. As RIPT is the most
effective WPT for EV so, it is discussed here briefly and the whole structure is designed
based on RIPT.

IPT method can transfer power by the inductive coil. It is the most efficient process for WPT
in the static method where the receiver coil is in the centred position over the transmitter coil.
But if we think of dynamic charging then the receiver coil is movable as shown in Fig. 3 and
can barely collect the magnetic flux from the transmitter coil. Hence a capacitor is used on
the transmitter side and as well as on the receiver side known as a compensation network to
resonant the transmitter coil and the receiver coil [20]. This method is called the RIPT
method. RIPT method is the most efficient - among all technologies to transfer power
wirelessly in short-range. There are four compensation networks in the RIPT method, series-
series (s-s) compensation, series-parallel (s-p) com- sensation, parallel- parallel (p-p)
compensation, and parallel- series (p-s) compensation. In this work, s-s compensation is used
because, in the s-s compensation network, maximum power is transferred to the receiving
pad,. Also, RIPT has a higher switching frequency compared to IPT.


Merits & Demerits, Applications and Future scope


5.1.1 Merits

a) Environment-Friendly: – The b i g g e s t and the best reason to use an electric vehicle

is that it is environment- friendly. They do not release vicious gases that lead to air pollution
as against the fossil fuel powered cars.

b) No Fuel or Gas Cost:– Since electric vehicles need no fuel or gas to power them, a user
seascape the steep rise in prices of these commodities. All it needs is to be plugged in and
ready to go another 100 miles.

c) More convenient: – The electric vehicle is easy to recharge. You will no longer need to
run the fuel station to get your car recharged before hitting the road! Even a regular
household socket could be used for charging an electric car.

d) Quieter:– Electric cars cut noise pollution as they have fewer moving parts than a
conventional vehicle. They are much quieter when in operation. An electric car is very quiet
and very smooth compared to a petroleum-powered internal combustion engine vehicle.

5.1.2 Demerits

a) Lack of Charging Stations – One of the major advantages of using an EV is the fact that it
does not need any petrol or diesel to run. Instead, it just needs a charging station where the
vehicle can be plugged and ready to go. However, one of the major challenges that are
hindering its adoption is the lack of a sufficient number of charging stations. For example,
India has very few EV charging stations. Even if you buy an EV, it will make no sense
unless there is a charging station in your vicinity. For promoting an increased adoption of
these vehicles, it is first necessary to build an adequate number of charging stations.

b) Expensive – Buying an electric vehicle is still expensive. There are many fossil fuel cars
available in the market at different price points. However, electric vehicles offer lesser
options to choose from, and the better ones are highly priced. It is absolutely necessary for
governments to promote the usage of EVs through subsidies and incentives – both to buyers
and manufacturers. Even the batteries that are used are still costly, though their prices are
estimated to drop in near future.

c) Lack of Power and Reduced Range – Fossil fuel-based cars offer better acceleration when
compared to electric vehicles. Though Tesla and Volkswagen are making EVs with better
range, an average electric car can easily run at 100 miles to 200 miles per charge. Hence
people are still sceptical about using electric vehicles for long journeys/highway drives.

d) Minimal Amount of Pollution – Electric vehicles are not100% emission free. Even they
cause a little amount of pollution indirectly. The batteries and electricity used for charging
are not necessarily generated from renewable energy sources.


Based on the policy guidance and technologies that spring up. This section is supposed to
envision the future WEVC Nowadays, global EV inventories are expanding vigorously.
Under the trend of industrial prosperity, two potential orientations in WEVC consist of
how to guarantee a sustainable growth of EV ownership and how to allow full play of
scalable development of EVs. Moreover, arising new technologies, materials and
theories could make WEVC even more competitive. Power electronic devices can benefit
from advanced materials as well. For one thing, besides flux leakage, switching loss is
another major source of energy waste in a WEVC system. Dispensed with manual
operation, static WEVC can liberate the operators’ hands but fails to make charging sites
more flexible. In this context, dynamic WEVC shows its unique advantage. This technology
could be roughly divided into tram-based and on-road type.


Contribute to an Improvement in Air Quality. It will reduce the emissions that contribute to
climate change and smog, improving public health and reducing ecological damage. Wireless

vehicle charging while driving; hence, reduced waiting time. This are Non-renewable energies
are that they are abundant and affordable.

5.3.1 Application Of Wevcs

Wireless electric vehicle charging systems can be divided into two different incidents to channel
power from the source to the battery bank and into the car based on their applications. Static wireless electric vehicle charging system(S-WEVCS)

WEVCS creates an innovative way to provide a user- friendly environment for users and
prevents any safety related problems with the plug-in charging system. Static WEVCS is
able to replace easily the plug-in charging system with less driver participation and it is able
to solve related safety issues such as trip and electric shock hazards. The primary coil is
usually installed below the electric vehicle’s front, back or center. The energy received from
the electric vehicle is first converted from AC to DC by using a power converter and then it
is transferred and stored in the battery bank. Power control and battery management systems
are linked with a wireless communication network so as to receive any feedback from the
primary side, thus it is able to overcome any safety issues. The charging time of the electric
vehicle depends upon the power level of the source, size of the charging pad and air-gap
distance between the two windings. In light weight vehicles the average air gap distance
between the two coils is about 150–300mm. By a lever mechanism the distance between the
coils can be reduced to applicable level. Static WEVCS can be implemented in parking places,
car parking facilities, residential areas, commercial and industrial buildings, shopping malls
etc. Dynamic wireless electric vehicle charging system (D-WEVCS)

Two major obstacles suffered by the plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are cost and range. EVs
are needed to be charged quite frequently or need to install a larger battery pack which leads
to additional issues such cost and weight. Also frequent charging of an electric vehicle is not
economical. Thus by implementing dynamic wireless electric vehicle charging system (D-
WEVCS) the problems associated with range and cost of electric vehicles can be reduced.
Thus D-WEVCS becomes the only answer for future of electric vehicle automation. It is also
known as a ‘‘roadway powered”, “on-line” or “in-motion” WEVCS. With high voltage, high
frequency AC source and compensation circuits to the micro grid, the primary coils are
inserted inside the road surface at a present distance.

The secondary coil is placed below the vehicles similar to the static-WEVCS. Whenever the
electric vehicles passes over the transmitting coil, the vehicle receives a magnetic field
through the receiving coil and converts it into DC it is used to charge the battery bank by
using the power converter and

BMS. When comparing with the current electric vehicles, here by using frequent charging
facilities of electric vehicles reduces the overall battery requirement to about 20%.
Necessary transmitting coil pads and power supply components need to be installed on
specific locations and pre-defined routes. When comparing with the segmented scheme, the
centralized scheme has lower efficiency, higher losses, higher installation and maintenance
costs. However the initial infrastructure installation of this technology will be expensive. In
future with the help of a self-driving vehicles, it would be able to produce perfect alignment
between the transmitter and receiver coils, thus it could greatly increase the overall efficiency
of the power transfer. Dynamic-WEVCS can be implemented in many electric vehicle
transportation applications like light duty vehicles, bus, and rail and for fast transportation.

5.3.2 Significance Of The System

At the point when remote charging is actualized to its maximum capacity various advantages
will be offered, which incorporates: Full independence: The use of self-ruling vehicles is yet
to be completely acknowledged in light of the fact that they are as yet being created. In
any case, if there is no compelling reason to stop so as to charge independent vehicles,
they can move inconclusively – or if nothing else until fixes are required. This may build
the degree and effectiveness with which they can be used. Charging station not required:
There is no compelling reason to embed a link with remote charging, which implies it's a
more easy to understand approach. You can approach your day without pondering charging
the vehicle and it will consequently deal with itself. Littler battery u nits: The expansion in

charging focuses implies the size of the battery pack can be diminished.
This diminishes the expense and weight of the vehicle.

5.3.3 Advantages And Disadvantages Advantages
1. Vehicle to grid enefits
As the ongoing develop of EV, the vehicle to grid (V2G) concept, which studies the
interaction between mass EV charging and the power grid, is also a hot research topic in
smart grid and EV areas. It is recognized that if the EV charging procedure could be
optimized, it could have many benefits for the grid. The EV could balance the loads by
valley filling and peak shaving. The batteries in the EVs are like an energy bank, thus
some unstable new energy power supply, like wind power, could be connected to the grid
more easily. When the secondary rectifier diodes are replaced by active switches, a
bidirectional WPT function is realized. The bidirectional WPT could provide advanced
performance in V2G applications. Studies show that by introducing WPT technology, the
drivers are more willing to connect their EV into the grid, which could maximize the
V2G benefits.

2. No Gas Required
Electric cars are entirely charged by the electricity you provide, meaning you don’t
need to buy any gas ever again. Driving fuel-based cars can burn a hole in your pocket
as prices of fuel have gone all time high. With electric cars, this cost can be avoided as an
average American spends $2000 – $4000 on gas each year. Though electricity isn’t free,
an electric car is far cheaper to run.

3. No Emissions
Electric cars are 100 percent eco-friendly as they run on electrically powered engines. It
does not emit toxic gases or smoke in the environment as it runs on clean energy
source. They are even better than hybrid cars as hybrids running on gas produce
emissions. You’ll be contributing to a healthy and green climate.

4. Low Maintenance
Electric cars run on electrically powered engines and hence there is no need to
lubricate the engines. Other expensive engine work is a thing of past. Therefore, the
maintenance cost of these cars has come down. You don’t need to send it to service
station often as you do a normal gasoline powered car.

5. Reduced Noise Pollution:

Electric cars put curb on noise pollution as they are much quieter. Electric motors are
capable of providing smooth drive with higher acceleration over longer distances. Disadvantages:
 Safety Concerns
WPT avoids the electrocution danger from the traditional contact charging method.
But, when charging an EV battery wirelessly, there is a high-frequency magnetic field
existing between the transmitting and receiving coils. The magnetic flux coupled
between the two coils is the foundation for WPT, which cannot be shielded. The large
air-gap between the two coils causes a high leakage field. The frequency and amplitude
of the leakage magnetic field should be elaborately controlled to meet the safety
A safe region should always be defined for a wireless charging EV. We should
ensure that magnetic flux density should meet the safety guidelines when people are in
normal positions, such as standing outside a car or sitting inside a car. Fortunately,
a car is usually made of steel, which is a very good shielding material.
The guideline published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) is the most referenced standard to ensure the human safety.
There are two versions of ICNIRP standards. The first one was published at 1998. In
ICNIRP 1998, there are two reference levels for occupational and general public
exposures, respectively. At frequency 0.8–150 kHz, which covers most of the EV WPT
frequency, the limit for general public exposure is 6.25 μT. For occupational exposure,

it is a little different. At frequency0.82–65 kHz, the limit is 30.7 μT. While at 0.065–1
MHz, the limit is 2/ f .fis the frequency measured in MHz. Under the ICNIRP
1998 guideline, the safety evaluation for a 5-kW stationary EV WPT system was
conducted. The average magnetic field exposed to a 1500 mm height body was4.36 μT.
For a 35-kW dynamic EV WPT system, the magnetic flux density at 1 m from the center
of the road is 2.8 μT. Both the stationary and dynamic WPT system design could meet
the ICNIRP 1998 safety guidelines. A good thing for EV WPT is that, after another 10
years of experience on the health affection of time-varying electromagnetic, ICNIRP
revised the guideline at 2010 and increased the reference level significantly. For
occupational exposure, the reference level is relaxed to 100 μT. For general public, the
value changes from6.25 to 27 μT. The increase in the reference level is because the
former guideline is too conservative. There is another standard about the electromagnetic
field safety issues, IEEE Std.C95.1-2005, presented by the IEEE International Committee
on Electromagnetic Safety. In IEEE Std. C95.1-2005, the maximum permissible
exposure of head and torso is 205 μT for general public, and 615 μT for occupation. The
maximum permissible exposure for the limbs is even higher, which is 1130 μT for both
the general public and occupation. Compared with the IEEE Std. the ICNIRP 2010
standard is still conservative. According to ICNIRP 2010, the exposure safety
boundaries of our 8 kW EV WPT system for both occupation and general, public
people are shown in Fig. 11.Together w i t h the chassis, the safety zone is quite
satisfactory. On the premise of safety higher power WPT system could be developed
according to the ICNIRP 2010. Besides the safety issue, the emission limit for Industrial,
Scientific, and Medical
 Cost
An importance factor that affects the future of WPT is its cost. Actually, from Fig. 8
we see the WPT has only a little difference with a wired charger. The extra cost in a
WPT is mainly brought by the magnetic coupler. For our 8-kW stationary WPT design,
the material cost of the two magnetic couplers is about 40000. This will be the rough
cost increase of an 8-kW wireless charger compared with a wired charger, which is quite
acceptable if considering all the convenience brought by the WPT and long-term

operation cost savings and reduction of battery size. For the dynamic WPT design, the
infrastructure cost including converter and track for 1km one way road is controlled to
$0.4 million. The investment of electrification is much lower with the construction
cost of the road itself. With the road electrification, the EV on-board batteries could be
reduced to 20%. The savings on the batteries might be much more than the investment
on the infrastructure.
Studies also show that with only 1% electrification of the urban road, most of the
vehicles could meet a 300-mile range easily. The road electrification time is coming.




It is clear that the Electric Vehicles can benefit from Wireless Power Transfer
technology as it eases the charge/discharge process and it even extends the scenarios
in which these processes can happen. When considering the electromobility context,
four main technologies are applied for wireless chargers. They differ on the physical
principle on which they rely: induction, capacitance, radiofrequency and laser. In
this paper, we have analysed some application of these technologies specifically
intended for EVs. The review reveals that the convenience of these technologies
depends on several parameters such as the gap, the power level, the potential presence
of intermediate objects or how the power flow could be. The most mature technology
for EV wireless charger is the one based on the magnetic resonant technology, which
also allows V2G operations. However, there are still some open challenges in which
the industry and research community need to align efforts so that new approaches and
solutions are developed. Among the most important ones, for the resonant chargers,
we can highlight the following ones: (i) transmission and receiver pad misalignment
minimization strategies to achieve higher efficiencies, (ii) compact and reduced coil
designs for high-power transfer rates and (iii) optimized designs for EM fields shielding
and mitigation. The capacitive WPT technology shows some relevant limitations such
as limited efficiency, low-power density, intense electric fields and parasitic
capacitances. A deep effort must be addressed to mitigate these shortcomings. Similar
limitations are found to radiofrequency and optical WPT. The microwave is not
practical for high power levels as it requires bulky antennas while the optical-based
technology is restricted to low power levels due to the potential risks of reaching a
human being. The efficiencies for the latter two technologies are lower than the one
obtained by inductive or capacitive coupling. They are only of interest when there is a

certainty that no human being may be in the path between the transmitter and the
receiver and both components are separated a long distance.

Concerning charging operation modes, the static charge can be accomplished safely
with the four technologies presently but quasi-dynamic and dynamic charge still
requires some advances. Other adjacent technologies must be also developed in order to
guarantee a correct performance of the chargers.

Transportation is a major concern in the development of any country. Whereas electric

vehicle is the future of the transportation industry. While a lot of research has been done on
this topic in the previous decade, a large part of it is yet to be explored. From our project, we
conclude that a wireless charging system is implemented by our group. Along with
this, a battery management unit is designed, which shows the battery voltage. Battery
voltage is measured by the microcontroller & displayed on a 16x2 LCD. We have used
inductive coupling technology for wireless power transfer, but it is useful only for low
power applications and where the distance between receiving and transmitting coils is less.
But for real- world applications, the power requirement is high and the distance between
receiving and transmitting


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