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Should students be paid to go to school

Yes, it should. In my opinion it will be help children who has problem with finances.
Based on fact, many children in Indonesian or another country do not have opportunity to
study in the school. It is related with human resources which is many people may not be able to
read, write, or calculate. That will be affect with the quality of the country.
One reason why it is important to paid the students that many children have been
forced to work at the unusual age between 8-16 years old. They should help their parents to get
a food for the day. The work i mean is like begging and singing on the streets. An extreme
action is stealing a valuables thing. It connected with the country has a high crime rate.
The children need knowledge to know what a good thing and what a bad thing, about
relationship between human and human, human and God, human and other organism. Not
only that, but they will also know how this world can change their fate. If they have not this
chance, then give them the chance. In this day, government provides a service to paid them.
Fellowship is so help children to make their dream to be come true.
I think this topic is important to discuss because the children need knowledge to survive
from this world. From globalization we know that progress of technology, economy, politic and
educations are continuing. If they can not control any changes, they will ‘die’ in this day. We
can not get job because they are not read or write, they do not earn money, they can not fill up
their necessity, they have not house to live in, and the end they going to die. If they got lucky,
someone might could help them, but it is will not last long - for a while.
In conclusion, the government trying to help them to get an education in the school by
the fellowship. In hope that the children can grow up to be good people and be able develop a
new technology for humanity and solve every problem in the world. They can be good people
to make a better place for other human and organism.

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