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Name:…………………………………………………………………Date: ……….…………………………….
Grade: 1ro bachillerato Subject: Artistic Education


Gyotaku Japanese Fish Printing
Art and science meet in this Japanese tradition
By acquiring knowledge of historical and cultural qualities unique to this particular art
form, you can gain an understanding of how Gyotaku reflects a part of Japanese
history. You will select a fish, prepare it, ink it, apply the paper or fabric, and
complete the fish print for display. During this process you will also examine the fish
and learn the correct names and uses of the external anatomical parts of the fish.


1. Look at a real fish and fill out the following chart. Several lead questions could
 Do they breathe? And how?
 Why do they have such a variety of colors?
 How do they move?
 Why don't they flip or roll like we do in the water?
 Do they have a protective covering?
 How can you tell the age of a fish?
2. Fish are the largest group of vertebrates (animals with a skeleton) both in number
and diversity. Most fish have skeletons made of bone and are known as bony fish.
Bony fish, which the class will be printing, belong to the Osteichthyes class and share
the same general anatomy.

3.Discuss fish anatomy.

4. Read the definitions, then label the fish diagram below. (Note: not all fish have
all of the fins defined below.)

anal fin - the fin on the lower side lateral line - a series of sensory pores (small
of the body near the tail openings) that are located along the sides of fish
- they sense vibrations in the water
caudal fin - the tail fin
mouth - the part of the body which the fish uses
dorsal fin - the fin on the upper to catch food - it is located at the front of the
side of the body body

eye - sight organs located on the pectoral fin - each of the paired fins on either
head side of the body, near the head

gills - fleshy organs that are used pelvic fin - each of the paired fins on the lower
for breathing - they are located on side of the body, near the head
the side of the head

1. Check the image of a Japanese fish printing. Answer the following questions:

 Who do you think made these printings? (Japanese fishermen, people in cultures
that value fish)

 Why would someone make printings of fish? (to record information about the
fish, to remember it later)

2. Gyotaku (gyo = fish, taku = rubbing) was invented in the early 1800s in Japan by
fishermen who wanted to record their catch. This was their livelihood (not sport
fishing as we have today) and the print allowed them to document the size and types
of fish caught and still take them back to be sold or eaten. Also, because certain fish in
Japan are revered, the fisherman could release these fish back into the water after
taking their rubbings. Japanese fishermen took newsprint, ink and brush out to sea
with them. On occasion, old newspapers printed with water-soluble ink were also used
as the ink would bleed with the moisture from the fish and record its shape (a print) on
the newspaper. Prints were brought back and displayed in the homes of the fishermen
either on walls or in journals to be used as conversation pieces and to relate proud and
heroic stories of the catch. Japanese fishing magazines still hold contests where the
judging is done from the Gyotaku. It has also developed into an art form; many now
create prints for their beauty and artistic elements.

3. Check how Gyotaku works:

3.Today, we record information about animals in several ways:

 Taxidermy: stuffing a fish or an animal for use as a type of trophy.

 Data collection: fish are measured and weighed when caught during fishing

 Cameras: pictures are also used to document a catch.

1. You will be making your own fish printings. Before printing a fish, you should
write your names in the lower corner of the paper along with the type of fish and
the date. Wear latex gloves when handling the fish.

2. Use the following steps to create their own fish printing:

1. Clean and dry the fish. Clean slimy substance from scales with salt and vinegar,
alcohol, or lemon juice and gently wipe. Be very careful of the scales.

2. Lay the fish on a dry surface. Slowly and gently fan out any fins or tail.
Plasticene clay may be placed under these to raise them, allow for better
printing surface, and hold the mouth open. Push straight pins into the clay to
hold it down.

3. Apply water-based ink to the fish with soft brush, sponge, or a foam brush.
Apply one or more colors gently in all directions. Use a brush for some of the
harder-to-define areas, such as the lips.

4. Place the paper over the inked fish. Hold with one hand so it does not move and
gently press the paper down over the entire fish making sure you have pressed
all parts.

5. Peel back the paper. Start slowly at one end and continue across.

6. Review the print. If the print has smudges it means either the paper or fish
slipped. Blank spots means either there is not enough ink or you did not press
hard enough to transfer the ink.

7. Add background details. Add various details, including eyes, underwater

features or decorative designs. Prints may be mounted on colored construction
1. Post and critique the prints. After the prints are dry, remove them from the
clothesline and post them around the room. Critique three prints:
2. Complete the chart of the first exercise. You should fill in the last column
(What I Learned).

3. Discuss the chart and the print critiques. Do you think this is a good way to
record fish? Can you understand how it developed into an art form?

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