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What do you think is the responsibility of every citizen to improve the society?

As citizens of the country, one of our responsibilities is to protect and help

improve our society. The concept of social responsibility is the notion that we, as
individuals, must cooperate for the betterment of society. Being socially responsible, in
my opinion, is being concerned about everything that surrounds us, because everything
we do has the potential to affect other people, either directly or indirectly. For example,
if an old man smokes in public, it would not only harm the people around him, but it will
also destroy the environment. Even though the old man had no intention of causing
harm to others, his smoking had an indirect impact on them. As a result, social
responsibility emphasizes that we need to be mindful about everything that we do to
avoid causing harm to the society and the environment.
We can achieve social responsibility through a variety of methods. The first
method is the passive method, which suggests that we can be socially responsible by
reducing the potential harms we do in our daily lives. This method is an indirect way of
helping to protect our society. Another method is known as the active method; it is a
direct means of expressing our concern for society. It entails taking the initiative to be
responsible and have a positive impact on the environment. One example is
volunteering for activities that benefit our society.
However, we are not the only ones who must exercise social responsibility.
Companies and businesses also have their obligations to protect the society. This is
known as "corporate social responsibility," and it asserts that firms have a social
responsibility to do what is best not only for their businesses, but also for people, the
environment, and society. One example of this is giving value to the employees by
providing the right amount of salary that they deserve.
There are four categories of Corporate Social Responsibility such as
environmental, ethical, philanthropic, and economic responsibility. Environmental
responsibility refers to businesses engaging in environmentally friendly practices.
Avoiding the use of plastic is one of these practices. Nowadays, companies use
recyclable materials such as paper bags to protect the environment. Ethical
responsibility, on the other hand, focuses on ensuring that all stakeholders in a firm,
from employees to customers, are treated fairly. Some examples include paying better
salaries, maintaining fair labor practices for employees, and refusing to do business with
unethical companies. Furthermore, philanthropic social responsibility entails the
company's commitment to society, showcasing that they appreciate the community
beyond merely providing a workforce or a source of income. This is frequently
associated with donating money to charities, investing in the community or participating
in local projects. Finally, economic responsibility is the practice of a company
underpinning all of its financial decisions with a commitment to do good in the above-
mentioned categories. The ultimate objective is not merely to maximize profits, but to
have a beneficial influence on the environment, people, and society.
I've also learned a valuable lesson about good governance. Governance is the
process of making decisions, and good governance is simply making good decisions.
Companies should have good governance to give guidance to the owners and
managers, to manage risk and limit the possibility of corruption. Good governance is
achieved if the company have these variety of characteristics: Participation, Rule of
Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Consensus oriented, Equity and inclusiveness,
Effectiveness and efficiency, and Accountability.
In conclusion, there is no place for selfishness and greed in this world. In order to
achieve long-term sustainability and success, we need to be socially responsible and
look after each other’s needs to benefit our society.

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