Official Quant Thread 09 (Part-2)

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**************** OFFICIAL QUANT THREAD 09 (PART-2) *********************

Q. Find the sum.. 1/(2^2-1) + 1/(4^2-1) + 1/(6^2-1)+.....+ 1/(20^2-1) ?? A. write it as 1/3*1 + 1/5*3 + 1/7*5 + ... 1/2(1 - 1/3 + 1/3 - 1/5 + ...-1/21) 10/21........... Q. The largest factor of 1001001001 that is less than 10000 is ??? A. 1001*1000001 writing it as (100^3 + 1) => 101*(10^4 - 10^2 + 1) => 101*9901 1001*101*9901 Q. Solve in base 7, the pair of equations 2x - 4y = 33 and 3x + y = 31, where x, y and the coefficients are in base 7.?? In base 10:2x-4y= 24 3x+y=22 x,y= 8,-2 So in base 7 x,y= 11 , -2 Q. N is the sum of the squares of three consecutive odd numbers such that all the digits of N are the same. If N is a four-digit number, then the value of N is...........??????? A. (2n-1)^2 +(2n+1)^2 + (2n+3)^2 = N 12n^2 + 12n + 11 = N only if N = 5555 , 5544 is divisible by 12. ALTERNATE SOLN.-- Number is of the form 12x + 11

12x + 11 = 1111*y x = (1111*y - 11) mod 12 => (7y-11) mod 12 => y = 5 Q. S is a set of 10 consecutive two-digit integers such that the product of these 10 integers has the highest power of 2 contained in it. How many such sets S are possible??? A. see the set must contain 64 in it as 64 has the largest no. of 2's in two digit no.s so one such set is from 64,65......73 this will have 13 2's. so other 3 sets are from (63,64...72 ),(56,57,...65) and 55....64 all other sets will have no. of 2's less than 13 so 4 ... Q. In how many ways can five different rings be arranged in 4 fingers if exactly one finger has no ring ???? A. exactly one finger has no ring that one finger can be selected in 4 C 1 ways now we r left with 5 different rings in 3 fingers two methods are there for findin number of ways method 1 divide in to parts 5 = 1 + 2 + 2 or 3 + 1 + 1 for first case we get 360 ways for second case we get 360 ways total 720 ways method 2{shortcut for these type of sums} find the natural number soln x+y+z=5 4 C 2 ways As the rings are distinct permute it in n! ways

so total ways = 4 C 2 * 5! = 720 ways now the total number of ways = 4 C 1 * 720 = 2880..... Q. A square of side 5 and centre C... It is rotated by 45 in clockwise direction about a corner... New centre is C*... find the value of CC* ?????? A. x^2 + 25/4 = 25/2 => x = 2.5 when rotated 45degree clock wise, the diagonal passes through the centre C Q. Given N= v * w * x * y * z - (v+w+x+y+z). If N is an even integer, then how many of v, w, x, y, z will need to be even numbers??? A. even * odd = first part is even odd+odd = even . so, v ve 3 even n all even in 2nd part. even -even = even. so, only 1. Q. In a game show the contestants are required to search and hit six buzzers which are placed inside a hexagonal hall having six gates. The below given figure gives an idea about the hall but the contestants are unaware about the structure of the hall. They just know that they can enter and exit from any of the six gates. The first three contestants are good friends and decide which doors they will use and latch those doors in order to trouble other contestants. The first contestant enters from a door, latches it from inside, hits the buzzers and leaves from another door latching it from outside. The same is done by the other 2 contestants. The 4th contestant is a nice person, he enters by opening a door latched from outside, leaves it unlatched, hits the buzzers and leaves by opening a door latched from inside without latching it from outside. The 5th contestant comes to know that some doors are latched, hence he even latches the doors which he uses i.e. if he comes across a latched door and he can open it he uses it and latches it from other side and if he moves through an unlatched door he latches it after using it. Now the 6 th contestant starts. If he picks a door at random to enter what is the probability that he will be able to enter through that door?

A. Q. sum of the smallest angle 'a' and 7 times the second smallest angle 'b' is 120. The largest angle in the triangle cannot be less than 158, 156, 154, 150, 152 A. a+7b = 120 a=1, b = 17 => c = 162 a=8,b=16 => c = 156 a=15,b=15 => c = 150(this is not possible) The largest angle cannot be less than 156. Q. Let q and r be the quotient and remainder when M, a five digit number, is divided by 100. For how many values of M is q + r divisible by 99??? A. 100q + r = M q+r = 99p 99p = M - 99q p = M/99 - q M is a multiple of 99 total such numbers = 909 Q. If x > 0, what is the minumum value of 96x^3 + 9/2x^2 ???????? A. Differentiate it and put it zero Get the value of x = 1/2 So put x=1/2 in the given expression, we will get the minmum value

96/8 + 9/2 * 4 = 12 + 18 = 30 Ans Q. a,b,c,d are distinct positive ints and x is a perfect square such that x = (a+b)^2 + (c-d)^ 2, wtih the condition that b,c,d are primes and a is neither prime nor compisite. Find the value of x^2 if b+c+d is minimum??? A. a = 1 x = (1 + b)^2 + (c-d)^2 = (1 + 2) ^2 + ( 7-3)^2 = 25 (which is a perfect sqr) hence x^2 =25^2 = 625 Q. Let S = p^2 + q^2 + r^2, where p and q are consecutive positive integers and r = p q. Then (S)^1/2 is....... a. sometimes irrational b. an odd integer c. always irrational d. an even integer ???????? A. S = (n^2 + (n+1)^2 + n(n+1))^2 =(3n^2 + 3n + 1)^2 = (3k+1)^2 an odd integer Q. If f(x) be a polinomial function satisfying f(x).f(1/x)=f(x)+f(1/x) & f(4)= 65 then find f(6) . ??? A. f(1) = 2 and f(4) = 65 note: f(x)=x^3+1 ans :217 Q. Let f(x)=9^x % 9^x+3. show that f(x)+f(1-x)=1 & evaluate f(1/1996) + f(2/1996) + .....................+ f(1995/1996).???

A. f(1/1996)+f(2/1996)+..........+f(1995/1996) f(1995/1996) can be written as f(1-1/1996) we can club 1st and last ,2nd and 2nd last and so on...... so we get the sum as 1995/2=997.5........... Q. f^1(x) =2x-1 & f^n(x) = f^1(f^n-1(x)) for n => 2 . find f^10(2). (option 33 , 66, 44, 34) A. f^1(2) = 3 f^2(2) = f^1(f^1(2)) = f^1(3) = 5 f^3(2) = f^1(f^2(2)) = f^1(5) = 9 f^4(2) = f^1(f^3(2)) = f^1(9) = 17 .... in this way we proceed to get the answer...but it is no where near the options given... is my way correct? PS:- f^5(2) = f^1(f^4(2)) = f^1(17) = 33 Q. Consider the sequence of numbers a , a1,a2,a3,......... infinity where a1 = 81.33 & a2 = -19 & aj = aj-1 - aj-2 for j=> 3 ? is the sum of the first 6002 terms of this sequence ??? A. -find the values of a3,a4,a5,a6,a7... now, a7=a1, a8=a2 and so on.... and a1+a2+a3+a4+a5+a6=0 so a1+a2+a3+a4.................a6001+a6002=0+0+0+(100 0 times) +a1+a2 =>81.33-19=62.33 Q. there are three blue marbles, three red marbles , and three yellow marbles in a bowl. What is the probability of selecting exactly one red marble from the bowl after three successive marbles are

withdrawn from the bowl??? A. .3c1*6c2/9c3=15/28 Q. Find the number of terms in the expansion of (1+2x+3x^2)^6 ????? A. (1+2x+3x^2)^6 Expand it binomially ((1+2x) + 3x^2)^6 6c0(1+2x)^6 + 6c1(1+2x)^5*3x^2 + ...+ 6c6*3x^12 7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 21 NOTE--> General formula for finding number of terms. (a1 + a2 + a3 + a4^m = (m+n-1)C(n-1) (1+x+x^2 + x^3....x^m )^n = mn+1 Q. find the max value of n such that 42*57*92*91*52*62*63*64*65*66*67 is perfectly divisible by 42^n ???? A. .42 can be broken down to 2*3*7 so look for power of the no which appears minimum no of times like 7 in this case.. Q.

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