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This is the combined statement showing the

COMPREHENSIVE INCOME components of profit or loss and components of other

The change in equity during a period resulting from comprehensive income in a single statement.
transactions and other events, other than changes resulting from
transactions with owners in their capacity as owners. 3. Income statement

Includes: A formal statement showing the financial performance of an

A. components of profit or loss entity for a given period of time.

Profit or loss SOURCES OF INCOME

The total income less expenses, excluding the
components of other comprehensive income. A. Sales of merchandise to customers
B. Rendering of services
B. components of other comprehensive income C. Use of entity resources
D. Disposal of resources other than products


Comprises items of income and expenses including COMPONENTS OF EXPENSE
reclassification adjustments that are not recognized in profit or
loss as required or permitted by PFRS. A. Cogs or cos
B. Distribution costs or selling expenses
Components: C. Administrative expenses
D. Other expenses
A. OCI that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss when E. Income tax expense
specific conditions are met.
DISTRIBUTION COSTS constitute costs which are directly related
1. Unrealized gain or loss on equity investment to selling, advertising and delivery of goods to customers.
measured at fair value through other comprehensive
income. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES constitute cost of administering the
2. unrealized gain or loss on debt investment measured business. These ordinarily include all operating expenses not
at fair value through other comprehensive income. related to selling and cost of goods sold.
3. Gain or loss from translation of the financial
statements of a foreign operation. OTHER EXPENSES are those expenses which are not directly
related to the selling and administrative function.
B. OCI that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
PAS 1 paragraph 87
4. revaluation surplus during the year. An entity shall not present any items of income and
5. Unrealized gain or loss from derivative contracts expense as extraordinary items, either on the face of the income
designated as cash flow hedge. statement or the statement of comprehensive income or in the
6. “remeasurements” of defined benefit plan, including notes.
actuarial gain or loss. PAS 1 paragraph 82, Income statement and statement of
7. Change in fair value attributable to credit risk of a comprehensive income line items.
financial liability designated at fair value through profit
or loss. A. Revenue
B. Gain and loss from the derecognition of financial asset
Presentation of other comprehensive income measured at amortized cost as required by PFRS 9
C. Finance Cost
PAS 1 paragraph 82A, provides that the statement of D. Share in income or loss of associate and joint ventures
comprehensive income shall present line items for amounts of accounted for using equity method
other comprehensive income during the period classified by E. Income tax expense
nature. F. A single amount comprising discontinued operations
G. Profit or loss for the Period
The line items for amounts of OCI shall be grouped as follows. H. Total Other Comprehensive income
I. Comprehensive incoe for the period being the total of profit or
PRESENTATION OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME loss and other comprehensive income.

1. TWO STATEMENTS The following items shall be disclosed on the face of the income
statement and statement of comprehensive income:
A. An income statement showing the components of
profit or loss. A. profit or loss for the period attributable to
B. A statement of comprehensive income beginning noncontrolling interest and owners of the parent
with profit or loss as shown in the income
statement plus or minus the components of other B. total comprehensive income for the period
comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interest and owners of the parent.



PAS 1 paragraph 99. An entity shall present an analysis of

expenses recognized in profit or loss using in classification based
on either the function of expenses or their nature within the
entity, whichever provides information that is more reliable and
more relevant.

2 ways to present an income statement


This form classifies expenses according to their function
as part of cost of sales , distribution costs, administrative
activities and other activities.


Expenses are aggregated according to their nature and
not allocated among the various functions within the

PAS 1 paragraph 105

Because each presentation has merit for different types
of entities, management is required to select the presentation
that is reliable and more relevant.


Shows the changes affecting directly the retained

earnings of an entity and relates the income statement to the
statement of financial position.

Should be disclosed in the statement of retained earnings:

A. Profit or loss for the period

B. prior period errors
C. dividends declared and paid to shareholders
D. effect of change in accounting policy
E. appropriation of retained earnings

4. Statement of changes in equity

Shows the movements in the elements or components
of the shareholders equity

5. Statement of cash flows

Summarizes the operating, investing and financing
activities of an entity.

6. Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting

policies and other explanatory notes

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