CUNANAN - Take Home Task - Political Self

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First Semester, A.Y. 2O22-2023

Take Home Task no. 1: Political Self

Name: Mikaela Rain C. Cunanan Date: November 5

Course, Yr. & Section: BTLED 1A

Direction: Answer the following questions below and provide an example for

1. Are you proud of being a Filipino? Why and why not?

Not all the time.
I do not hate my roots since it’s part of my identity. I do not have a problem
with being born a Filipino. But the only thing that holds me back from proudly saying to the
world that “I am a Filipino!” is that we have this typical and cultural Filipino rigid toxic
mindset and system which is seemingly a part of us. It hinders us from fully developing and
paralyzes our growth as a truly competent united nation. I’m talking about those never-
ending contentious issues like physical beauty standards, smart shaming, crab mentality,
unenthusiastic approach to literacy skills improvement, closed-mindedness on
stereotyping, romanticizing passive resiliency, excessive reliance on the government, etc.

2. What makes you a genuine Filipino?

Filipino food will always be my home sweet home. And of course, keeping the
Filipino language alive as it is the factor that speaks proudly about our identity.

3. If you were to introduce yourself as a Filipino to a person of another

nationality and she or he asked you, "Who are Filipinos?" What will you say?
We are the most welcoming and adaptive people you will ever encounter, as well
as the most courageous in defending our nation’s pride.

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