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These goggles give the wearer dark-vision. Cost: 4,000Gp-8,000Gp.
Even though the lenses are opaque, when placed over the eyes of the wearer, they enable them to see normally and also
grant them 60-foot dark-vision.
Dark-vision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature.
Dark-vision is black-and-white only (colours cannot be discerned).
It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see, otherwise invisible objects are still invisible, and
illusions are still visible as what they seem to be.
Likewise, dark-vision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally.
The presence of light does not spoil dark-vision.
Crystal Dove of Messaging
This magic item looks like a dove made of gorgeous translucent crystal.
When someone tells a message to the dove and says the name of the receiver the statuette will animate and fly directly
to that person (the dove will magically know who the receiver is and where it can be located).

The Crystal Dove flies at a rate of 10' (fly 100') and once it reaches the receiver it will replicate the message, after the
message ends it will go back to its inanimate form.
Rod of Lifting: A magical crowbar.
GM's discretion whether it actually does anything since a normal crowbar is already technically a rod made for lifting
without being magical.
If it is decided that it has an effect, I suggest a +3 bonus to opening stuck doors, pry out objects, etc.

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