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Shea 1

Cassidy Shea

Emily Litle

ENG 1021001

15 December 2022


Over this semester I have learned so much about myself. This class has pushed me to be

better because I was honestly scared to fail in many ways. In high school English was not my

strong suite, looking at my work now I have improved. However, I could have done better at the

beginning of the year, my essays could have been longer, and I needed stronger points. As a

freshman in college, I got distracted and overwhelmed, now it’s not an excuse.

After reading my papers I wish I would have spent more time on my research. My main

point was strong but explaining it on paper was a little confusing. Looking back paper three was

my worst overall. I rushed through it to get it done, it was a new way of writing for me, and I

was a little lost. The skills I have learned this semester I will use all the way through college.

From reading to writing I got the most out of this class than any other class I have every been

enrolled in.

Overall, this was one of my favorite classes this semester. I feel like this class held me

accountable then the others because of the due dates and how fast they came. It feels like just

yesterday I was walking into this class for the first time. I was always taught that time flies when

you are having fun. I don’t know if I would use that saying here but I feel like I was more

engaged in this class.

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