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Cassidy Shea

Emily litle

ENG 1021001

9 October 2022

Gorilla Glue

Gorilla glue, the glue you use to fix your mistakes. As I watched this commercial, I

overlooked the little things. The little things in life are what really matter sometimes. From

dropping change and someone helping pick it up to a good luck text from a loved one. However

how do we fix the items we break. Glue is a quick fix and can be an easy one. In this commercial

we see how Ethos, Pathos, logos are used to get the attention of the audience.

In the 2020 Original gorilla glue commercial the video opens with a young teenage boy

backing out of the garage. He is wearing an orange shirt just like the one on the label for the

product. He seems to be worried, maybe like a new driver without a parent for the first time.

Through the wind shield of the car looking to the front of the garage, we see a well-organized

shelving system. To me it looks like the garages you drive pass in like a middle higher-class

neighborhood. As the new driver put his hand on the passenger seat looking through the back

seat to back out of the garage the car shoots forward like it was in drive not reverse. As the car

shoots forward, he hits the breaks, but it is to late. The car smashes into the nice, organized

shelves at the front of the garage. Once the shelves have crashed and the car has stopped, this

huge gorilla comes to the driver window looking a little confused but has a great fix. As this

happens the boy almost jumps out of his skin. This gorilla passes the boy a squeeze bottle of

gorilla glue through the driver widow. The boy then understands and gets out of the car to start
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gluing the broken pieces back together before the parents find out. The young teenage boy

uses the gorilla glue to glue absolutely everything together. Including the wood for the shelf, an

outdoor planting pot, and a handle to a toolbox. Once he gets done the gorilla grabs the freshly

glued items and starts tugging on them to show the toughness of this glue.

Gorilla Gule is one of the toughest glues you can get. Personally, I have only used it

once. Big glass pot are easy to break and once they have been in the family for a long time it is

frond upon to throw them away. Everyone has their crazy family thing they just don’t do

because great grandma said not to. Well, this is ours and I was the one that boke it. I chose

gorilla glue because of this commercial. The pot I broke is still held together today because of

the glue.

Pathos is used throughout this commercial in many different ways. For example, we

were all first-time drivers that hit something at one point in the learning process. As teenagers

we all hid one thing or another from our parents. As you watch this you remember of a time

when you broke something and were nervous or simply when you were learning how to do

something. Now the logos behind this is mind blowing once you get to thinking about it. Like

the orange shirt the teenage boy is wearing matches the bottle on the label of gorilla glue.

Every part of this commercial was planed out with every little meaning. I might not be able to

find them all, but it is worth looking for. Ethos is a little tricky, but it is all from the point of view.

If I were in this boy’s case, I would tell me parents after I fix it.

Gorilla glue is strong and a great way to fix a new drivers mistake. This commercial does

a great job in capturing the product of gorilla glue. As well as Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Throughout
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the commercial it really shows that there is a fix for every uncontrollable situation. Gorilla glue

is used for many purposes from fixing to making different things.

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