List Memoir

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List Memoir

Grade 3

In the third grade I barely knew how to read and write. And everything looked like a mystery to

me. And as I first walked into class I felt the cool shivering breeze of fall. And the only thing I

could hear was the rustling of leaves as they glided through the floor. And I could hear the kids

screaming as they came out of the bus.

Grade 4

By grade 4 I already knew how to talk. And so I had a different year and this time around I

started school during summer. And I had a couple of friends. But not much changed I still heard

the piercing screams of kindergartners, as they ran through the playground. And this year I

learned how to play football. And I instantly fell in love with it. Just the thrill of running away

from your friends as their trying to bring you to the floor. Made me feel alive and free.

Grade 5

By grade 5 it was the first time I played a instrument. And the sound was beautiful. And the

vibrations in the strings made a magical sound. I remember always practicing. After school and

the sound would vibrate through my house. And I remembered reading the music like it was my

main language. And I always remembered being fascinated by the music my teacher played.

Grade 6

I remembered my first soccer tournament that I scored in. I remember that it was the first game

in the tournament and we were playing a team in a field in the middle of nowhere in Ohio. I

remembered how it was raining so hard that we would use ponchos while sitting on the bench.

And I And I remember how I had the ball in the outside right. I remembered how I faked a pass

down the middle. And took it to the net and as I was springing down the defense was locking in
on me. And to me the whole world blurred around me and all I had in front of me was a goalie

and a net behind him so I take a step. And I shoot the ball bottom right as hard as I could. And

when I look back I had done it I made the score 5-3 almost securing us a win for the game.

Grade 7

COVID-19 hit. It was a great year for me I had more friends than ever, I had good teachers, and I

was enjoying school. And little did I know it was the last time that I would play soccer. For

almost half a year. I remembered that when it hit it was so boring to stay at home. I couldn’t

hang out with friends, i couldn’t see my teachers. And worst of all, I missed the feeling of being

in a orchestra with my best buds. And soon after I would lose my love for orchestra because of

online classes. I also remembered hearing a loud plunk and a snap and as I look over the string in

my viola snapped. And I couldn’t play for weeks until I got it fixed. And I remembered being

isolated in my room. And all I could hear was the repetitive ticking of the clock in my room.

Grade 8

In 8th grade I was used too staying inside. And thankfully covid cases were decreasing and I

could finally hang out with my friends again. I remembered cheering when my mom let me see

them again. And I remembered playing outside in the cold atmosphere. And I remembered how

even with the cool gust of wind that would make me shiver. We played and played until we had

no energy left. And all I could hear was the gasping of air and my heart pumping. And the only

thing I saw when I looked up was the dead leafs falling from trees.

Grade 9

I remembered being nervous as I headed to my first hour class because it was my first day of

high school. I remember forgetting how to open my locker and almost being late to my first

class. I also joined the lacrosse team and I instantly fell in love with the sport. And I would stay
after practice until the lights would go out. And it would just be pitch black with a eerie sound

and just the gust of wind and my breathing was the only thing I could hear. And I remembered as

I was about to finish my final exam and all I had to do was pass this exam and I would run away

free with a 4.0 GPA. And I remembered sweating and shaking before my last exam.

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