Health LP 1 Chronic Disease 469

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ODU-DCOEPS Core Instructional Lesson Plan

By Old Dominion University College of Education and Professional Studies

Teacher Candidate:  Selinna Saba Date Taught:  11/15/2022,


Cooperating  Mr. Worrell School / District:  John Yeates Middle

Teacher: School

Grade:  6 Field Supervisor:  -

Unit / Subject:  Disease Prevention/Health Promotion

Lesson Title / Focus:  Chronic Diseases & Vaccines


Content Knowledge
This lesson was developed based on prior knowledge, current research, and personal experiences
about chronic diseases and vaccines. Since these are everyday things in people’s lives, it is
essential for students to gain the knowledge and insight as to what these things are.

Learner Differences
Students of all backgrounds and knowledge levels may come across/have personal connections
with chronic disease. They will all have the opportunity to think critically and get creative which
will help them gain a better understanding of this topic. Each activity is meant to provide a
meaningful experience for all students.

Psychomotor: SWBAT identify whether certain diseases are chronic or not by moving to the
corresponding spot in the gymnasium.
Cognitive: SWBAT recall the definition of a chronic disease along with ways to prevent it
through checks of understanding throughout the presentation.
Affective: SWBAT respect their classmates by fostering positive interactions every time.
SHAPE National Health Standards
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health.

6.1 The student will apply critical thinking skills and personal management strategies to address
issues and concerns related to personal health and wellness.
d) Describe causes of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
e) Identify a variety of immunizations and vaccines available to prevent communicable
disease and illness
6.2 The student will describe the influence of family, peers, and media on personal health
d) Identify strategies to prevent heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
e) Describe the impact of immunizations and vaccines on individuals and others.

Resources and Materials

Laptop/technological device, Wi-Fi

Laptop/technological device, Wi-Fi, NearPod


Learning Environment
Individual learning will be supported by letting each student get creative during the last activity.
It allows them to do their own research on their selected chronic disease and make a graphic out
of it. Positive interactions will be fostered throughout the lesson through teacher observation and
intervention if necessary.

Introduction/Activating Strategies
Matching Activity – On the NearPod lesson, there will be a matching activity that checks on
what they learned last class, as well as some of the new content that they will be learning for this
lesson. This activity will not be graded on accuracy; it is a measurement tool to see what they
can remember/know about the new topic. The students have to match the definition with the
correct vocabulary term. (Chronic Disease = A long-term disease with long-lasting effects)

Instructional Strategies
Lecture Material – What is a chronic disease, along with some examples of chronic disease.
(i.e. heart disease, diabetes, cancer)

Chronic/Not Chronic Disease  The gymnasium will be split into two different sections:
Chronic and Not Chronic. The teacher will start listing different diseases. The students will
determine whether or not it is a chronic disease by moving to the corresponding area. It is to help
them get familiar with the difference between chronic/not chronic (acute).

Open Ended Question – What is a chronic disease?

Lecture Material – Chronic Disease Stats and Ways of Prevention

(Avoid tobacco and alcohol, sleep, nutrition, etc.)

Open Ended Question – Name 2-3 ways to help prevent chronic disease.
Lecture Material – Vaccines
(Effectiveness, prevention, safety along with some examples)

Chronic Disease Poster  Students will get the opportunity to select a chronic disease that they
want to learn more about. They will go onto CANVA and create a poster on that chronic disease.
The poster must state its causes, the symptoms, and the treatment. It is to let the students get
creative and to allow them to do research about their selected topic.

The lesson will close off with some closing statements given by the teacher. The teacher will
emphasize how although it is not always preventable, we can still make some choices to help
lessen the risk of developing chronic diseases. We must live and lead healthy lives to obtain the
best results. 

If students seem to be struggling with the activity, they may ask the teacher for help/assistance
anytime. For the first activity, they may work with a partner and discuss if struggling deciding
whether or not the disease is chronic. For the poster activity, if they are struggling, students may
work within groups and create one poster about one disease. If students seem to be excelling,
they may provide any other further research about their topic.

Psychomotor  They will be assessed informally through teacher observation during the first
movement activity. The teacher will see whether or not they can accurately match the disease in
whether or not it is chronic.
Cognitive  They will be assessed informally on this topic using the different questions on the
NearPod. There are multiple open ended/short answer questions as well as multiple choice
Affective  They will be assessed informally through teacher observation.


What went well?
What didn’t go well?
How can I change this lesson?
Did my students seem to enjoy the lesson?

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