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Nowadays, various telecommunication equipment is following the trend of

technological and scientific development while continuing to provide a steady

power stream for information and economic globalization. Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd. provides telecom operators with different network
solutions, and its mobile phones and other products have gradually achieved
the international level (Dmitrijevs 1138). The purpose of this paper is to
discuss Huawei’s pricing strategies in global marketing.

The fact that Huawei is a rather prosperous company that is known all over the
world proves that its leaders know and use various successful marketing
strategies. First of all, “Huawei often adopts a fast-penetrating new product
pricing strategy, uses low prices and strong promotional efforts” (Dmitrijevs
1138). Moreover, the company determines the characteristics of the
competitors’ goods and releases its own unique product that can be more
attractive and profitable for buyers. It helps Huawei quickly occupy the market
and its increasing share as well as allows foreign customers to get domestic
products with the shortest time and the fastest speed.

Though the company has a good pricing strategy, there are some
disadvantages in it that are not letting it increase its performance. People’s
financial ability is improving, and high-quality and high-priced products are
getting recognized. However, Huawei is trying to gain a share of the European
mobile phone market through the low-price penetration, and then increase the
prices (Dmitrijevs 1140). Since European consumers are more interested in
the products’ quality, it is better for the company to reconsider its development
plan. Though adopting a new pricing strategy is unnecessary, it is better to
review its steps and either introduce a number of completely unique products
or reduce the prices.

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