To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter Summaries

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To Kill A Mockingbird chapter summaries

Chapter 1: Scout talks about brother Jem breaking his arm and the family history. They meet Dill and they spend the summer speculating about the Radley house, and Jem touches the house. Chapter 2: Miss Fisher bothered that Scout can read so well Scout tries to get Miss Fisher to understand about the Cunnighams Chapter 3: Scout gets into a fight with Walter and Jem breaks it up and invite Walter to dinner Scout criticizes the way he eats, Calpurnia scolds her At school Miss Fisher shouts at Burris Ewell and sends him home because of cooties, he shouts obscenities at her and she cries. Chapter 4: While walking home, Scout finds chewing gum in a hole in a tree near the Radley place, and then some pennies. Scout rolls into the Radley place in a tyre, the three play games pretending to be the Radleys. Atticus sees them and tells them to stop. Chapter 5: Scout asks Miss Maudie about the Radleys. Jem and Dill plan to slip a note to the Radleys. Atticus catches them and tells them to stop harassing the Radleys Chapter 6: Its Dills last night in Maycomb, they decide to see Boo Radley one more time Nathan Radley fires a gunshot. Jem loses his trousers, and Nathan Radley explains to the crowd that a black man was in his garden Chapter 7: School begins again, Scout begins second grade They find a grey ball of twine, two soap figures, some gum and a pocket watch. They leave a thank you note but the hole is filled with cement. Chapter 8: It is winter, Scout woken in the night because Miss Maudies house is burning. Boo Radley puts a blanket over Scout. Chapter 9:

Scout gets into a fight because the boy said her farther defends black people. Uncle Jack comes to stay for Christmas. Scout tries to get him to understand why she started a fight with Francis, because he called her dad a nigger lover Chapter 10: Mad dog Chapter 11: On a walk, Mrs Dubose shouts abuse at the children about their father. Jem destroys her camellias; Atticus forces him to read to her. Eventually she passes away Chapter 12: Jem grows moodier They go to Cals church Chapter 13; Aunt Alexandra comes to stay. Feels she is needed Chapter 14: Scout asks what rape is. Dill appears under the bed Chapter 15: Dills parents allow him to stay Scout overhears about Tom coming to Maycomb jail Chapter 16: Cunnighams see Atticus outside the jail. The group demands to go to Tom, Atticus doesnt give in. Children break up the group by speaking to them Chapter 17: Sherriff Tate testifies. Bob Ewell testifies Chapter 18: Mayella testifies Chapter 19: Tom testifies Dill cries, him and Scout leave the court room Chapter 20: Dolphous Raymond calls over Scout and Dill Cal enters the court room Chapter 21: Children go back with Cal Chapter 22: Children go to bed upset by the verdict Miss Maudie points out slight improvement. Chapter 23: Atticus unaffected by Ewell threats Chapter 24: Tom dies

Chapter 25: They go to tell Toms wife he has died. Chapter 26: Jem begins high school, Scout third grade. Talk about Hitler. Discrepancy about the teachers view Chapter 27: Helen threatened by Bob Judge Taylors house broken into Chapter 28: Scout and Jem scuffle in the dark. Bob Ewell attacks They get home Chapter 29: Boo Radley helped them Chapter 30: Atticus will not allow Tate to cover up the murder Chapter 31: Scout walks Boo home

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