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4 Mini

5 Senses Date Night


Sound: Play music throughout your date. You can listen to this Spotify playlist or
you can create a new playlist with a mix of familiar songs that take you back to
wonderful times with your spouse.

Smell: Play the Game Of Senses


Both of you will collect a variety of substances to smell and place them in small jars
or ziplock bags. Do this separately and don’t let your spouse see you as you pick
the items that your spouse will have to guess. Some ideas are things you may have
in your home: cinnamon, pepper, playdough, opened deodorant, toothpaste,
hummus, glue, an open marker, coffee beans or grounds, dish soap, a cracked egg,
condiments like ketchup and mustard, chocolate, etc.
Put a number on each bag.
Number a sheet of paper with the amount of items you have.
Blindfold your spouse so they can't see what's in the bags.
As they sniff each bag, have them identify the substance.
After your spouse takes a guess, write their guess down on a piece of paper to be
compared later.
After playing once you can switch roles and play again.

Sight: Wear something nice for your date night. Maybe even buy each other
something as a gift to wear for this. (Make it a fun challenge by setting a $20 limit
for each outfit!)

Taste: Create this recipe together and eat the meal to tap into your sense of taste.

Touch: Dance together. Use this video to help you learn how to waltz with your
Conversation Guide

1. What is your favorite smell?

2. What is the most disgusting smell to you?
3. What is your favorite thing about me physically?
4. Would you rather have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?
5. What is your favorite song and why?
6. Would you rather have super sensitive taste or super sensitive hearing?
7. What is your favorite meal that I cook?
8. What was your favorite meal growing up?
9. Where do you love to go out to eat?
10. Would you rather give up breakfast, lunch or dinner? Why?


Thank you Jesus that you have created us fearfully and wonderfully. Thank you for
the gifts of our 5 senses. Thank you for the ability to use them daily. Thank you for
the wonderful spouse you have given me and all of their wonderful qualities. May
our marriage bring You glory. I pray we seek You above all things. In Jesus' precious
name, Amen!

Bible Verse

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
-Psalms 34:8
Bake Off


Tonight you and your spouse will be having a friendly competition. You will be
doing a BAKE OFF! For this bake off presentation is everything. The winner of the
night will get to pick 1 activity to do within the next week.

Ideas could be...

1. If you have kids, the winner gets a half day to themselves.

2. The winner picks how they want to be intimate that night.
3. Winner decides what to do on the next date night.


Print out this recipe.

Bake the recipe separately. (You will have two batches).
Come together after you are finished and place one item of each of your batches.
(Pick the prettiest one here!)
Place your choices next to each other and take a photo and put up on a social
media account for your friends/followers to be the judges. If you do not have
social media, text pictures to your closest couple friends. But DO NOT tell them
whose is whose!
While you are waiting for the votes to come in, move onto the next activity. Wait
at least 1 hour before you check to see who the winner is!
In order to know who the winner is you will tally up the votes if you put on social
media. **If you can leave your house, hop in the car and take your treats over to
your closest couple friends to give them some delicious treats!
Ingredients needed for the recipe:


⅔ cup butter or margarine, softened
1 ¼ cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 ½ all purpose flour
½ cup cocoa
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon powdered sugar for dusting

Conversation Guide

1. What is your favorite thing to bake?

2. Do you prefer white chocolate, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate?
3. Do you prefer cake or cupcakes?
4. Who makes your favorite dessert? What was it?
5. Would you rather eat sweet treats or salty things?
6. Would you rather lick whipped cream or chocolate syrup off of me?
7. What is the hardest thing you have ever baked before?
8. Would you rather eat donuts or cookies?
9. What is one sweet thing you love about me?
10. Name 5 common foods you’d actually be okay with never having again.


Lord, thank you for my spouse. We pray that you allow us to see our spouse the
way you see them. We pray we can cherish one another. Show us new ways to
cherish each other today. We pray we can have fun tonight and laugh together. In
Jesus' precious name we pray, Amen.

Bible Verse

A glad heart makes a happy face. Proverbs 15:13

Activity 1

Together fill out the TJMAXX Bingo. Work as a team to get 5 in a row. When you
are done getting 5 in a row try to mark off every square on the board!
If you don’t have a TJMAXX near you, a HomeGoods or Marshalls also works.

Give a A saying on The 1 thing you

A shirt random it that worst would never
with a cat person a doesn’t smelling purchase
on it compliment make any candle for your
sense home

Take an
The tackiest Something that
The most would make a
picture in an Find a
unusual item you great White aisle (think rainbow
snack can find Elephant Gift Instagram

1 organizational your grandma
An out
tool that would would wear (or Free of place A cactus
come in handy
have in her Space item

Find a Pick out the

The most
The largest The ugliest notebook worst
“bougie” that you
purse you shoe you Christmas gift
can find
item you know a you could find
can find can find friend would
for each other

Try on the Find a Find Read an

Something you weirdest coat Christmas gift someone
would buy for you can find you would who is entire
your pet (or sit in the buy for one of struggling to children’s
decide on a
weirdest chair your relatives purchase
you can find)
Activity 2

Separately each of you pick out something to buy for the other person with a
budget of $15 dollars. Check out and plan to meet back up at the car with your
gifts to each other!

Conversation Guide

1. What is your favorite store and why?

2. What is a luxury item you would like to own and why?
3. What is a luxury item you would never want and why?
4. What is something that people spend money on that you would never spend
money on?
5. If you had to design a store what would be important to you about its set up?
6. In what ways would you like to be more generous with our money? Where and
who would you give to? Why?
7. Who is someone less fortunate than us that we can help? How can we practically
help them?
8. What are 2 things about our marriage that you are thankful for?
9. What is one thing you learned this year that you are thankful for?
10. What are 4 things you are praying for right now?


Lord, we want to honor each other, honor You and keep our sexual desire within
the safe haven of marriage. We pray that you will help us guard our eyes and
hearts, and to keep our thoughts and actions pure sexually. We ask that you will
grow our attraction and satisfaction together. Amen.

Bible verse

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them
on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of
God and man. -Proverbs 3:3-4
Time To Say Goodbye
To The Year
Activity 1

Make a time capsule or a memory box together.

Decorate a shoe box together to store your memories from this year.
Scroll through your social media feed and cameras and each find 12 pictures you
want to print to put in the box to help you remember the year. Even if it’s been a
tough year we can remember what God has done and how we’ve grown through
trials. We may not be able to see it now, but it’s through the tough trials that we
grow the most. So take time to reflect on this year, even if it’s difficult.
What other items or things would be good symbols of this year? Chat about what
you should put in your time capsule.

Activity 2

Pick a couple of these New Years Eve games to play with each other.


Supplies: Cotton balls, pom poms, and New Year’s Eve party hats

How to Play:
Give one player a bag of cotton balls and give the other player a hat.
For the game, player 1 must stand behind player 2 and toss cotton balls over player
2’s head. Player 2 must try to catch the cotton balls without turning around and
looking back at their teammate, just by stretching and reaching to catch the cotton

Supplies: Ping pong balls, buckets (or small trash cans), chairs

How to Play:
Player must stand on a chair and attempt to drop ping pong balls into a bowl (or
cup) on the ground behind the chair. Player must successfully land three ping pong
balls into the cup (without it bouncing out). First player to successfully land 3 ping
pong balls wins!
Supplies: 20 chocolate kisses, 2 with the word “twelve” on them.

Write out 12 (or midnight) on the bottoms of 2 chocolate kisses. Lay out 20
chocolate kisses, including the 2 with the 12 on the bottom, on a table with the
bottoms facing down. Mix them up so neither of you knows where those with
“12” are.
Players must go through and select one kiss at a time, trying to find one with a 12
on the bottom. If it has a 12, they are done and win! If it doesn’t have a 12, player
must eat the chocolate kiss before choosing another.
First one to find a 12 wins!

Conversation Guide

1. What do you want to remember about this year?

2. How did you see God move this year?
3. What was the hardest you laughed this year? Why did you laugh?
4. What was the most embarrassing moment of the year for you?
5. What was your favorite meal you had this year?
6. What was the best piece of advice you got this year?
7. What was the best thing you did for someone else this year?
8. What was a tool, tip, or hack that made your life easier this year?
9. What are ways we’ve grown as a couple this year?
10. What do you want us to do better as a couple next year?


Lord thank you that your glory and wonder is unsearchable. You are too big for
us to fully search and too amazing for our human minds to fully know. Thank you
that though we can never know the full capacity of Your wonder, You do indeed
allow us to know parts of You even here on earth. Help us to never stop
searching for more of You and seeking after You. Help us to seek You in our
marriage and in our daily lives. Help us to honor you in our marriage. Amen.

Bible verse

Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone
who loves has been born of God and knows God. -1 John 4:7

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