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Mark Bunsalao


Answer the following question according to your classmates' report about Spiritual self. Write
your answer in Microsoft Word or Google Docs only. TNR-12.

1. According to the reporter, what is the difference between Spirituality and Religion? (2pts)

- Religion is a specific set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or
group. Spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace
and purpose. It also relates to the process of developing beliefs around the meaning of life and
connection with others.

2. What are the beliefs of Buddhism? Explain your answer. (2pts)

- Buddhists believe that the human life is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and
physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment, or nirvana. The main
principles of this belief system are karma, rebirth, and impermanence.

3. Give one dimension of religions and explain it briefly. (2pts)

- Ritual Dimension. The ritual and practical dimension of religion covers all aspects of
performed religion, this includes formal ritual as well as more informal, everyday practices.

4. If you can choose a religion, what will it be and why? (2pts)

- I'll choose to be an atheist. Because I don't believe in anything that has relation with God or the
Bible. I respect their beliefs and religion but I don't include myself to serve and believe in them.

5. How can you express your spiritual self? (2pts)

- I'm not a religious person. I'm a Roman Catholic in my birth certificate but I'm not a pro of it. I
have some beliefs that is not supported by my religion and one them is being part of the

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