Q 3 Digital

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BA - Oloroso, Aleah Mae P.

Answer the following question according to your classmates' report about Digital self. Write
your answer in Microsoft Word or Google Docs only. TNR-12.

1-3. Define the terms online identity, partial identity, and persona. Your response should be
based on the explanation provided by the reporter.

- Online Identity is actually the sum of all our characteristics and our interactions. Partial identity
is a subset of characteristics that make up our identity. Persona is the Partial identity we create
that represents ourselves in a specific situation.

4-5. Why do you think people act out their gender more online?

- People has the courage to express what they truly are on the internet because they can hide their
identity while they're voicing out their rights and beliefs. Internet can also help to spread their
voice more and encourage them to fight for their selves.

6-8. How can we set boundaries to your online self? Explain your answer.

- Live a life outside of it. Spend your time with other things such as playing sports, bond with
your family or friends, go outside alone and make "me time".

9-10. If you have the power to reset everything back to a simple life without the internet, will
you do it? Why or why not?

- No, because internet helps us so much to become updated until now. People just need to learn
how to use it moderately and have discipline while using it so it can not harm us.

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